a pretty good picture to explain the problem in this country


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.
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That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

Bull shit I care!

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

I care as well. there should be tens of people in jail for this based on how many people it would take to fuck up so monumentally.

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

Fuck caring-----what did you DO about it ?
( and don't spout some BS that posting ad nauseum educates people.)
I swear that "virtual" will be the death of America. Look what trouble virtual money has already caused.

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

I care as well. there should be tens of people in jail for this based on how many people it would take to fuck up so monumentally.

Yep the thing is though. Stuff like this happens all the time. Not just in Iraq, in all our spending, and government programs. Just one of the many reasons I tend to oppose government solutions to any problems.

Because it is just more money for them to Steal from us in one way or another.

Washington D.C. Public Schools.... not the least bit surprising. That school district is a black hole of waste and malfeasance. They spend close to $25k per student per year, which is an outrageously high figure. While it's obviously not good that our military lost track of $9 billion, you seem to suggest that we should be shifting some of that money to D.C. schools and we shouldn't be. They don't need it. They don't even need half of what they're getting. They just need to learn how to spend it right.

You bitch about the fact these students do not have soap and paper towels with a picture called ' fancy stuff like paper towels" and I comment that the federal government is SPENDING dollars on assuring others cleanliness of their genitals and you call that stupid and neg rep me?

You either want dollars spent on children here and call it 'smart spending' or we spent it on other countries when we DON'T have the dollars for our own children!

Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program | CNSnews.com

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

Wow, you must care a lot about "lost funds."

How much has been defrauded from Medicare since its inception?

What about "accounting for EVERY PENNY" of stimulous funding?

Hint: They make $9 Billion look like Chump Change.

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

Wow, you must care a lot about "lost funds."

How much has been defrauded from Medicare since its inception?

What about "accounting for EVERY PENNY" of stimulous funding?

Hint: They make $9 Billion look like Chump Change.

And let's not forget about the $59 Billion that "disappeared" from HUD in 1999. Sure, I hate seeinig 9 billion disappear into the craphole in the ME that we have decided we must save from themselves, but that is a drop in the bucket compared to all the money that gets "lost" over here.:evil:
Any country that cares more about maintaining a pointless worldwide network of military bases than educating its citizens properly is doomed to failure.

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

Whose presidency? Oh wait, Mullah Bush's.:eusa_whistle:
Any country that cares more about maintaining a pointless worldwide network of military bases than educating its citizens properly is doomed to failure.

If America doesn't maintain a strong Military the people who educate our children will be those who have invaded America.
CaféAuLait;2742498 said:

Those kids may not have soap to clean hands but African men have learned how to clean their genitals courtesy of US stimulis dollars.

I saw that.

America is off the fucking rails.

But please, don't do anything. Pay yet more attention to fantasy football and Facebook.

That's nothing. Look at this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

9 billion. Can you believe it? Too bad nobody cared.

I care as well. there should be tens of people in jail for this based on how many people it would take to fuck up so monumentally.

It's because this kind of "news" doesn't ever make it into the 24/7 news cycle, and that was especially true during the Iraq war. The missing funds and lax oversight of Pentagon allocations got hammered on message boards, but only scant coverage by MSM. It was seen as "unAmerican" to bring up such things "during wartime."

And nobody is YET talking about the fact that none of the Pentagon's accounts (money OR inventory) can be audited because their books are such a mess. The comptroller general gave up trying to audit DoD's books in 2004, which is when the tally at that time of unaccounted for funds was $1.4 trillion.

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