A proposition for democrats

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?
Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?

Ann Romney no doubt works her butt off with FIVE BOYS, no dice Murked.
and some stupid biootch on CNN is making out Ann Rommey to be some kind of lazy dunderhead who has never worked for a living despite her ailments that have her handicapped? so typical of liberals. then again, do far left liberals work hard for a living?
First, that kind of attack on any mother is uncalled for. Ann Romney has no reason to work outside the home, and every reason to devote her time to her family. She is very lucky to be able to do so. All too many women in this nation have not that choice. Even with a faithful husband working full time, all too many families need a second income to survive.
You want to take voting rights away form poor down on their luck citizens because you think Ann Romey is somehow forbidden to speak about the workforce?

Why do you hate poor people?
You want to take voting rights away form poor down on their luck citizens because you think Ann Romey is somehow forbidden to speak about the workforce?

Why do you hate poor people?

Sorry boo this was an offer for democrats not idiots. Move along now tool.
First, that kind of attack on any mother is uncalled for. Ann Romney has no reason to work outside the home, and every reason to devote her time to her family. She is very lucky to be able to do so. All too many women in this nation have not that choice. Even with a faithful husband working full time, all too many families need a second income to survive.

Even Old Rocks is defending Mrs Romney here. That's saying alot.
A better proposition would be that If she can't speak about that, Michelle Obama shouldnt be allowed to speak on eating healthy. Just saying.
Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?

So, now you are advocating taking peoples' Constitutional voting rights away from them? I thought you "conservatives" were all about the Constitution?
Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?

You really have no shame. Most people, normal people, would be embarrassed to post the crap you do.

People who receive TANF are required to follow the rules - those who don't go to jail or prison. We all know that prisons are made for social deviants and those are the ones who should be forbidden from voting or speaking or posting [of course I don't believe that, but exposing bigots with a bit of targeted sarcasm seems most appropriate].
Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?

So, now you are advocating taking peoples' Constitutional voting rights away from them? I thought you "conservatives" were all about the Constitution?

Can you not see the absurdity of the attack on Ann? It's no different than my attack on the poor.

I guess you're just too dense to get it
Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?

So, now you are advocating taking peoples' Constitutional voting rights away from them? I thought you "conservatives" were all about the Constitution?

Can you not see the absurdity of the attack on Ann? It's no different than my attack on the poor.

I guess you're just too dense to get it

And yet, in multiples threads, you have played into it all day long....be careful who you are calling dence there, Sparky...

Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?

You really have no shame. Most people, normal people, would be embarrassed to post the crap you do.

People who receive TANF are required to follow the rules - those who don't go to jail or prison. We all know that prisons are made for social deviants and those are the ones who should be forbidden from voting or speaking or posting [of course I don't believe that, but exposing bigots with a bit of targeted sarcasm seems most appropriate].

Spoken like a true elitist douche bag.
So, now you are advocating taking peoples' Constitutional voting rights away from them? I thought you "conservatives" were all about the Constitution?

Can you not see the absurdity of the attack on Ann? It's no different than my attack on the poor.

I guess you're just too dense to get it

And yet, in multiples threads, you have played into it all day long....be careful who you are calling dence there, Sparky...


Making fun of the handicapped?

A new low, even for you.
Can you not see the absurdity of the attack on Ann? It's no different than my attack on the poor.

I guess you're just too dense to get it

And yet, in multiples threads, you have played into it all day long....be careful who you are calling dence there, Sparky...


Making fun of the handicapped?

A new low, even for you.

I was making fun of YOU. If you are handicapped, then I am guilty as charged.

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