A proposition for democrats

I was making fun of YOU. If you are handicapped, then I am guilty as charged.

You are using a photo of a handicapped individual as a form of insult. Have you no shame?

No, dumbass. I am using the photograph of an actor playing a handicapped person in a movie. Have you no brains?

I don't know the person or place of your photo. I do however know you seem of low character and class. The intent is clear. You think very poorly of the mentally challenged. Low enough to use their image as a form of insult.
why libs fear ann romney: she attractive, shes smart, doesnt need a teleprompter, men and women alike are inspired by her life's story with her ailments and raising children, etc. etc. Of course libs hate her for this!!!
You are using a photo of a handicapped individual as a form of insult. Have you no shame?

No, dumbass. I am using the photograph of an actor playing a handicapped person in a movie. Have you no brains?

I don't know the person or place of your photo. I do however know you seem of low character and class. The intent is clear. You think very poorly of the mentally challenged. Low enough to use their image as a form of insult.

Run away! Run away!!!
why libs fear ann romney: she attractive, shes smart, doesnt need a teleprompter, men and women alike are inspired by her life's story with her ailments and raising children, etc. etc. Of course libs hate her for this!!!

What exactly is inspiring about a woman who has had a silver spoon in her mouth since the day she was born?
why libs fear ann romney: she attractive, shes smart, doesnt need a teleprompter, men and women alike are inspired by her life's story with her ailments and raising children, etc. etc. Of course libs hate her for this!!!

What exactly is inspiring about a woman who has had a silver spoon in her mouth since the day she was born?

Money or work has nothing to do with character. You're a shallow individual.
You want to take voting rights away form poor down on their luck citizens because you think Ann Romey is somehow forbidden to speak about the workforce?

Why do you hate poor people?

Sorry boo this was an offer for democrats not idiots. Move along now tool.

It's wasn't an offer. You were just trying to be sarcastic.

Why do you think Ann is forbidden to speak because someone criticized her for trying to relate to the working (for a pay check to make ends meet, to be clear so you don't accuse me of thinking that raising children is not work) poor.

Why are you at war with poor people?
You want to take voting rights away form poor down on their luck citizens because you think Ann Romey is somehow forbidden to speak about the workforce?

Why do you hate poor people?

Sorry boo this was an offer for democrats not idiots. Move along now tool.

It's wasn't an offer. You were just trying to be sarcastic.

Why do you think Ann is forbidden to speak because someone criticized her for trying to relate to the working (for a pay check to make ends meet, to be clear so you don't accuse me of thinking that raising children is not work) poor.

Why are you at war with poor people?

Not the poor, just the lazy and the leeches.
Sorry boo this was an offer for democrats not idiots. Move along now tool.

It's wasn't an offer. You were just trying to be sarcastic.

Why do you think Ann is forbidden to speak because someone criticized her for trying to relate to the working (for a pay check to make ends meet, to be clear so you don't accuse me of thinking that raising children is not work) poor.

Why are you at war with poor people?

Not the poor, just the lazy and the leeches.

"people that don't work and receive welfare"

Oh, you just think that everyone who is on welfare is a lazy leech, got it. Thanks for clarifying that.
A better proposition would be that If she can't speak about that, Michelle Obama shouldnt be allowed to speak on eating healthy. Just saying.

You're just saying a great point.
You want to take voting rights away form poor down on their luck citizens because you think Ann Romey is somehow forbidden to speak about the workforce?

Why do you hate poor people?

No taxation without representation was what this nation was founded on. How about no representation without taxation? Why should a no tax paying layabout be able to have a say about how MY taxes are spent?

Try honestly answering that. No ducks or dodges like you always do.
You want to take voting rights away form poor down on their luck citizens because you think Ann Romey is somehow forbidden to speak about the workforce?

Why do you hate poor people?

No taxation without representation was what this nation was founded on. How about no representation without taxation? Why should a no tax paying layabout be able to have a say about how MY taxes are spent?

Try honestly answering that. No ducks or dodges like you always do.

First there is a little thing called The US Constitution?

Second we vote in the country for representative who decide policy. Voters do not have a say in how the representatives spend our tax dollars.

Why limit it to just welfare layabouts hmm? Why not strip voting rights from those who have been on unemployment for too long? Maybe we could require a certain amount of income(you must be a productive drone) before a citizen can vote. Would you like that too?
if Ann Romney looked and acted like RoseAnne Barr or Joyce Blowhard, do you think the left would bash her?

Well you realize there is a Whoppi Goldberg and an Joy Baher don't you?? The left's view of the perfect women. Oh, that's right they work..........they shouldn't be bashed.
the offer was idiotic also.

Intentionally so but it seems most don't get it.

We see why your business is failing; you're spending all day posting nonsense. I'm sure you'll find a way to portray yourself as a helpless victim though. It's the only thing you guys can do nowadays.

I'm far from failing. Sold nearly 80k in the last month and a half. You?

I know, I know trolling is tough and underpaid work.
Since Ann Romney is forbidden from speaking about the workforce how about if people that don't work and receive welfare are forbidden from expressing their thoughts by voting.

Seems about equal.

Hell while were at it let's not let them have a say on taxes either. After all if they NEVER pay any why should the get to vote if they are increased on others?

Well given that Ann Romney has never worked and the vast majority of people on welfare work I dont see the similarity. Maybe you are just being a dumbass

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