A Puzzling Query From The Bible

Of course Dear. Your religion of hate is repugnant.

what religion of "hate" ??? Your response is not responsive to mine----it is something like a fart

apparently jews now have a religion of hate to white Christian supremacist trash.

well-----jews did have a clear hatred of ROMAN enslavement--------the feeings of
CRRISTIANS are--------a RESPONSE to that unfortunate situation inherited by the
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (aka ---the first reich)

Well, the Israelites also rebelled against God's rule and begged for a king. That king was Saul. Now, Christ will set his kingdom up in Jerusalem. The nations will come to you. Will you also rebel against Christ's reign over you and follow Satan once he is again released?

your comment reminds me of sunday school-----it makes no sense. The idea of
A KING was not a "rebellion against God's rule". Even Samuel did not see it
as such------He just advised against it as a condition emulating "other nations"
and fraught with problems. You consider rule by QUEEN ISABELLA a "rebellion against "god's rule".. Poor queen Elizabeth------how about SAINT CONSTANTINE?. No one named "CHRIST" gets to "rule" Israel even in
the MESSIANIC prophesies---------did you ever read the bible?. Once Satan
is released? From where-----Siberia or Sing Sing?

The ravings of a lunatic.
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.
Of course Dear. Your religion of hate is repugnant.

what religion of "hate" ??? Your response is not responsive to mine----it is something like a fart

Yes. Your obvious attack on everything concerning the NT. No wonder you people are a thorn in the sides of the nations. You're all full of hate.

where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

you know, winger Christian supremaqcist, the bible says not to listen to false prophets. it is one of the first rules of our religion. and I never bother disrespecting anyone's faith because I figure people believe what they believe. but to us, what you believe is false prophesy and lies and things made up by men and edited by Constantine.

see how that works, loser?

No I don't since I actually READ the Bible. If you believe Christ was not the very messenger of Love, then prove it by posting Scripture that indicates He was a hateful person. Put your post up here. I have posted no prophecy whether false or otherwise.
Of course Dear. Your religion of hate is repugnant.

what religion of "hate" ??? Your response is not responsive to mine----it is something like a fart

Yes. Your obvious attack on everything concerning the NT. No wonder you people are a thorn in the sides of the nations. You're all full of hate.

where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

You have no idea------Everything Jesus said of value is a paraphrase of HILLEL---
and typical of Pharisee ideology. I got really bad news for you----Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Your sunday school teacher lied

Which Sunday School teacher ever told me that? Please provide his/her name.
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.
Yes the character you blanket term as Jesus was indeed pathetic, & given the fact his church knew none of these things means those who come in his name are as bad or worse according to you in your words. Don't be so harsh on yourself and your brethren, evetually they will take a hold of the hem of the garment of a Jew and start asking us questions. :)
If you believe Christ was not the very messenger of Love, then prove it by posting Scripture that indicates He was a hateful person.

Ok but carefull what you ask for.
Let's review the falsely claim love of Jesus (which love is plagiarized from Abraham's love thy neighbor).
Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37), hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14) hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23), thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8

You yourself claim to be influenced and reflective of Jesus and your example on this forum is always bitterness and hate, personal attacks and such showing the falling star Jesus(Acts 2:27, 1 Peter 3:19) surely did make you like wormwood (bitter poisonous herb).
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.
Yes the character you blanket term as Jesus was indeed pathetic, & given the fact his church knew none of these things means those who come in his name are as bad or worse according to you in your words. Don't be so harsh on yourself and your brethren, evetually they will take a hold of the hem of the garment of a Jew and start asking us questions. :)

You would want me to hand you my wallet first.
what religion of "hate" ??? Your response is not responsive to mine----it is something like a fart

Yes. Your obvious attack on everything concerning the NT. No wonder you people are a thorn in the sides of the nations. You're all full of hate.

where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

You have no idea------Everything Jesus said of value is a paraphrase of HILLEL---
and typical of Pharisee ideology. I got really bad news for you----Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Your sunday school teacher lied

Which Sunday School teacher ever told me that? Please provide his/her name.

Easy Agnes the stinking whore
what religion of "hate" ??? Your response is not responsive to mine----it is something like a fart

Yes. Your obvious attack on everything concerning the NT. No wonder you people are a thorn in the sides of the nations. You're all full of hate.

where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

you know, winger Christian supremaqcist, the bible says not to listen to false prophets. it is one of the first rules of our religion. and I never bother disrespecting anyone's faith because I figure people believe what they believe. but to us, what you believe is false prophesy and lies and things made up by men and edited by Constantine.

see how that works, loser?

No I don't since I actually READ the Bible. If you believe Christ was not the very messenger of Love, then prove it by posting Scripture that indicates He was a hateful person. Put your post up here. I have posted no prophecy whether false or otherwise.

Jesus himself was a messenger of love---he was a Pharisee-----it was the shit that came later that wrote filth in HIS NAME
Yes. Your obvious attack on everything concerning the NT. No wonder you people are a thorn in the sides of the nations. You're all full of hate.

where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

You have no idea------Everything Jesus said of value is a paraphrase of HILLEL---
and typical of Pharisee ideology. I got really bad news for you----Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Your sunday school teacher lied

Which Sunday School teacher ever told me that? Please provide his/her name.

Easy Agnes the stinking whore

You really need to do something about your hate and bigotry.
Yes. Your obvious attack on everything concerning the NT. No wonder you people are a thorn in the sides of the nations. You're all full of hate.

where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

you know, winger Christian supremaqcist, the bible says not to listen to false prophets. it is one of the first rules of our religion. and I never bother disrespecting anyone's faith because I figure people believe what they believe. but to us, what you believe is false prophesy and lies and things made up by men and edited by Constantine.

see how that works, loser?

No I don't since I actually READ the Bible. If you believe Christ was not the very messenger of Love, then prove it by posting Scripture that indicates He was a hateful person. Put your post up here. I have posted no prophecy whether false or otherwise.

Jesus himself was a messenger of love---he was a Pharisee-----it was the shit that came later that wrote filth in HIS NAME

Filth? After your potty mouth? Really?
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.

I did not notice that hashev CLAIMED to hold the keys to ALL KNOWLEDGE----
anyone familiar with at least some of the symbolism and usages of Hebrew and
Aramaic terms has a VERY SIGNIFICANT advantage in understanding both the OT and the NT. (btw----Solomon did not claim to have THE KEY TO ALL KNOWLEGE either)
where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

You have no idea------Everything Jesus said of value is a paraphrase of HILLEL---
and typical of Pharisee ideology. I got really bad news for you----Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Your sunday school teacher lied

Which Sunday School teacher ever told me that? Please provide his/her name.

Easy Agnes the stinking whore

You really need to do something about your hate and bigotry.
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.

I did not notice that hashev CLAIMED to hold the keys to ALL KNOWLEDGE----
anyone familiar with at least some of the symbolism and usages of Hebrew and
Aramaic terms has a VERY SIGNIFICANT advantage in understanding both the OT and the NT. (btw----Solomon did not claim to have THE KEY TO ALL KNOWLEGE either)

No, but you certainly do.
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.

I did not notice that hashev CLAIMED to hold the keys to ALL KNOWLEDGE----
anyone familiar with at least some of the symbolism and usages of Hebrew and
Aramaic terms has a VERY SIGNIFICANT advantage in understanding both the OT and the NT. (btw----Solomon did not claim to have THE KEY TO ALL KNOWLEGE either)

No, but you certainly do.

no I do not----it seems that way because of the filthy direction to which your mind
was diverted in your youth
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.

I did not notice that hashev CLAIMED to hold the keys to ALL KNOWLEDGE----
anyone familiar with at least some of the symbolism and usages of Hebrew and
Aramaic terms has a VERY SIGNIFICANT advantage in understanding both the OT and the NT. (btw----Solomon did not claim to have THE KEY TO ALL KNOWLEGE either)

No, but you certainly do.

no I do not----it seems that way because of the filthy direction to which your mind
was diverted in your youth

Yes, my parents did bring me up to not use profanities.
See nobody's observant, otherwise you'd notice I mixed up Abbott with Costello in my analogy.
*slaps forehead*

To answer HumanBeing:
each age has it's slang, each writers his or her own use of poetic description, but also take into account words were purposely masked in slang to hide the language from the authority they were revolting against. This was done so they didn't know they were being discussed just as our kids today use slang to hide language from their parents. Terms like Kittim and Sea=Rome,
Ships=Rome's army were used to talk about Rome without their understanding.
Terms like Clouds=gathering of priests was used for poetic reasons describing the crowd gathering in puffy white robes looking like puffy clouds in appearances.
To ignore the usage and meaning of words makes for unbelievable errors that cause ignorance, assumptions, and fantasy concepts that cause people to mock and leave such fantasy ideas (based on errors).
The fact one would purposely disregard the significance of accurate lexicons and study of words in their ages is not just ignorant, it's fear and avoidance of what you are affraid you might find in those errors, just as you fear and avoid my posts by wanting to not understand them. Or by using that same excuse you use with reading the Bible.

Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.

I did not notice that hashev CLAIMED to hold the keys to ALL KNOWLEDGE----
anyone familiar with at least some of the symbolism and usages of Hebrew and
Aramaic terms has a VERY SIGNIFICANT advantage in understanding both the OT and the NT. (btw----Solomon did not claim to have THE KEY TO ALL KNOWLEGE either)

No, but you certainly do.

no I do not----it seems that way because of the filthy direction to which your mind
was diverted in your youth

Yes, my parents did bring me up to not use profanities.

your parents brought you UP? well---do they know that you are a Nazi dog?
where do you see an ATTACK on the NT? Is it because I do not accept that it is
a DIVINE REVELATION? I do not accept that the OT is a DIVINE REVELATION either. ------but I do not DEBASE IT-------it is a sublime work ----as
is the Odyssey. Parts of the NT were DESIGNED to support such fascinating
enterprises as the INQUISITION-------not all parts----just the parts under the control of the genocidal pig----CONSTANTINE. Constantine authored the basic
laws that your hero ADOLF adopted as the NUREMBURG CODE

Actually, the NT speaks of a loving Christ unlike your religion of hate and harsh adherence to the Law which no man can possibly keep.
Your hatred will ultimately destroy you.

you know, winger Christian supremaqcist, the bible says not to listen to false prophets. it is one of the first rules of our religion. and I never bother disrespecting anyone's faith because I figure people believe what they believe. but to us, what you believe is false prophesy and lies and things made up by men and edited by Constantine.

see how that works, loser?

No I don't since I actually READ the Bible. If you believe Christ was not the very messenger of Love, then prove it by posting Scripture that indicates He was a hateful person. Put your post up here. I have posted no prophecy whether false or otherwise.

Jesus himself was a messenger of love---he was a Pharisee-----it was the shit that came later that wrote filth in HIS NAME

Filth? After your potty mouth? Really?

nope-----inspired by the same roman shit that fed people to lions in order to excite their sluts
Another Solomon. Another who proclaims to personally hold the keys to all knowledge. Pathetic.

I did not notice that hashev CLAIMED to hold the keys to ALL KNOWLEDGE----
anyone familiar with at least some of the symbolism and usages of Hebrew and
Aramaic terms has a VERY SIGNIFICANT advantage in understanding both the OT and the NT. (btw----Solomon did not claim to have THE KEY TO ALL KNOWLEGE either)

No, but you certainly do.

no I do not----it seems that way because of the filthy direction to which your mind
was diverted in your youth

Yes, my parents did bring me up to not use profanities.

your parents brought you UP? well---do they know that you are a Nazi dog?

You are a barbaric heathen. Totally uncouth and without an ounce of class.
I did not notice that hashev CLAIMED to hold the keys to ALL KNOWLEDGE----
anyone familiar with at least some of the symbolism and usages of Hebrew and
Aramaic terms has a VERY SIGNIFICANT advantage in understanding both the OT and the NT. (btw----Solomon did not claim to have THE KEY TO ALL KNOWLEGE either)

No, but you certainly do.

no I do not----it seems that way because of the filthy direction to which your mind
was diverted in your youth

Yes, my parents did bring me up to not use profanities.

your parents brought you UP? well---do they know that you are a Nazi dog?

You are a barbaric heathen. Totally uncouth and without an ounce of class.

yes----of course-----the sunday school whore told you-----along with her stories about the easter bunny------your "religion"

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