A Puzzling Query From The Bible

Have you ever considered this oddity: in Genesis, God referring to Himself in the third person?

Genesis 1:26says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’”

Genesis 3:22states, “And the LORD God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us.’”

Genesis 11:7 "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

Is one to conclude that there may be more than one Eternal Being???

Well, no.... the Bible makes clear that there is only one.

1. "Deuteronomy 4:35,39 — Unto thee it was shown, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him. (39) Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.

2. Deuteronomy 6:4 — Hear, O Israel: The LORD thy God is one LORD. [Note in Mark 12:28-34 how Jesus and a Jewish scribe he encountered understood this text.]

3. Deuteronomy32:39 — See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.

4. 2 Samuel 7:22 — Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God; for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

5. 1 Kings 8:60 — That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else.

7. 2 Kings 19:15 — And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD, and said, O LORD God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth.

8. 1 Chronicles 17:20 — O LORD, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

9. Nehemiah 9:6 — Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou has made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.

11. Psalm 86:10 — For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone."
28 Biblical Passages Which Explicitly Teach There is Only One God
It's not puzzling at all when you consider the triune nature of God.
Never mind part 2 of my reply, except when you have sources-bible verses these confusions don't occur.
You typed Daniel in your last reply when you meant to type Gabriel. I was referring to the Night Vision of the son of man coming with or out of the "gathering of hosts" called "CLOUDS". Your NT revisits this in Theslonians whereby it's by the call Michael to come up to MT Zion and that gathering of hosts (Clouds) for the Temple (Mikdash)
procession in his name.

In the verse you posted Daniel is talking to another Messenger not Gabriel who tells Gabriel to explain the vision. The begining and end subject is interweaved in little implications through those verses. Nobody ever notices these things=people are not very observent.
*Zooooom over the head*
Especially where Daniel 10 mentions
"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee "
Literally asked to note where the message and messenger comes from =world to come aka future.
Any scoffers or stasists on this subject can research sending sound faster then light or the former Pres. Clinton Science symposium with Hawkins where he admited this technology now existed and was achieved.
This admission was followed by the professor admitting he was wrong on former assumptions of no proof of time travel in history as he was pointed to proof in the Bible. A D'oh moment indeed.
That being noted, holographic images using Laser light produced through organized emission of photons thrusted faster then normal speed of light is not out of the question.

To be perfectly honest with you, most of the time I haven't the foggiest inkling as to what you are saying.

ha shev----cites as explanations of that which is written in the bible----the POETIC AND SYMBOLIC USAGES OF THE TIME. ------there is, actually, no other
way to understand the stuff-------it would be like reading Shakespeare without knowing what "ANON" means. ----some of the chit chat here is all about what "SON OF..." meant at the time of Jesus -----for the people of Judea

Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

You know Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek? -------as it was used about two millennia
ago? I am damned impressed. I know almost no Aramaic----NO greek,, and
Hebrew---not so good........Long ago before I knew any Hebrew at all------I was damned surprised at what the bible----(the stuff written in Hebrew) really says.
When I was a kid ----in order to know what was going on in reading Shakespeare-----I needed something like "CLIFF's NOTES" -------afterawhile-------it gets easier

No I certainly do not but I am fortunate in that my Bible has already been translated into English for me and the OT portion of my Bible has pretty much been verified by the discovery and translation into English of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

ya gotta be kiddin' What does the "DEAD SEA SCROLLS got to do with
anything? -------much of that collection consists of recopies of the OT and some
other writings in the jewish collection----already known-----SOME of it is ---like
"other stuff"--------Opinion of the time-----very basic. There is a bit of esoteric
stuff about "children of darkness" (sons of darkness) Children of light (sons of light) etc I was surprised when I encountered the collection in Manhattan, NY---in a special "event"------reading the stuff was like reading stuff that shows up
in current Israeli newspapers. I struggled---but I managed to get the idea from
the Hebrew-----very clear Hebrew. ----basic-----were it not basic----I would have had
To be perfectly honest with you, most of the time I haven't the foggiest inkling as to what you are saying.

ha shev----cites as explanations of that which is written in the bible----the POETIC AND SYMBOLIC USAGES OF THE TIME. ------there is, actually, no other
way to understand the stuff-------it would be like reading Shakespeare without knowing what "ANON" means. ----some of the chit chat here is all about what "SON OF..." meant at the time of Jesus -----for the people of Judea

Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

You know Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek? -------as it was used about two millennia
ago? I am damned impressed. I know almost no Aramaic----NO greek,, and
Hebrew---not so good........Long ago before I knew any Hebrew at all------I was damned surprised at what the bible----(the stuff written in Hebrew) really says.
When I was a kid ----in order to know what was going on in reading Shakespeare-----I needed something like "CLIFF's NOTES" -------afterawhile-------it gets easier

No I certainly do not but I am fortunate in that my Bible has already been translated into English for me and the OT portion of my Bible has pretty much been verified by the discovery and translation into English of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

ya gotta be kiddin' What does the "DEAD SEA SCROLLS got to do with
anything? -------much of that collection consists of recopies of the OT and some
other writings in the jewish collection----already known-----SOME of it is ---like
"other stuff"--------Opinion of the time-----very basic. There is a bit of esoteric
stuff about "children of darkness" (sons of darkness) Children of light (sons of light) etc I was surprised when I encountered the collection in Manhattan, NY---in a special "event"------reading the stuff was like reading stuff that shows up
in current Israeli newspapers. I struggled---but I managed to get the idea from
the Hebrew-----very clear Hebrew. ----basic-----were it not basic----I would have had

Yes, I am certain you are the sum of all knowledge.
ha shev----cites as explanations of that which is written in the bible----the POETIC AND SYMBOLIC USAGES OF THE TIME. ------there is, actually, no other
way to understand the stuff-------it would be like reading Shakespeare without knowing what "ANON" means. ----some of the chit chat here is all about what "SON OF..." meant at the time of Jesus -----for the people of Judea

Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

You know Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek? -------as it was used about two millennia
ago? I am damned impressed. I know almost no Aramaic----NO greek,, and
Hebrew---not so good........Long ago before I knew any Hebrew at all------I was damned surprised at what the bible----(the stuff written in Hebrew) really says.
When I was a kid ----in order to know what was going on in reading Shakespeare-----I needed something like "CLIFF's NOTES" -------afterawhile-------it gets easier

No I certainly do not but I am fortunate in that my Bible has already been translated into English for me and the OT portion of my Bible has pretty much been verified by the discovery and translation into English of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

ya gotta be kiddin' What does the "DEAD SEA SCROLLS got to do with
anything? -------much of that collection consists of recopies of the OT and some
other writings in the jewish collection----already known-----SOME of it is ---like
"other stuff"--------Opinion of the time-----very basic. There is a bit of esoteric
stuff about "children of darkness" (sons of darkness) Children of light (sons of light) etc I was surprised when I encountered the collection in Manhattan, NY---in a special "event"------reading the stuff was like reading stuff that shows up
in current Israeli newspapers. I struggled---but I managed to get the idea from
the Hebrew-----very clear Hebrew. ----basic-----were it not basic----I would have had

Yes, I am certain you are the sum of all knowledge.

not even close------ you are so easy to impress------which is why you imagine that
your "translation" says it ALL-----sheeesh does it come with COMMENTARY too?
Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

You know Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek? -------as it was used about two millennia
ago? I am damned impressed. I know almost no Aramaic----NO greek,, and
Hebrew---not so good........Long ago before I knew any Hebrew at all------I was damned surprised at what the bible----(the stuff written in Hebrew) really says.
When I was a kid ----in order to know what was going on in reading Shakespeare-----I needed something like "CLIFF's NOTES" -------afterawhile-------it gets easier

No I certainly do not but I am fortunate in that my Bible has already been translated into English for me and the OT portion of my Bible has pretty much been verified by the discovery and translation into English of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

ya gotta be kiddin' What does the "DEAD SEA SCROLLS got to do with
anything? -------much of that collection consists of recopies of the OT and some
other writings in the jewish collection----already known-----SOME of it is ---like
"other stuff"--------Opinion of the time-----very basic. There is a bit of esoteric
stuff about "children of darkness" (sons of darkness) Children of light (sons of light) etc I was surprised when I encountered the collection in Manhattan, NY---in a special "event"------reading the stuff was like reading stuff that shows up
in current Israeli newspapers. I struggled---but I managed to get the idea from
the Hebrew-----very clear Hebrew. ----basic-----were it not basic----I would have had

Yes, I am certain you are the sum of all knowledge.

not even close------ you are so easy to impress------which is why you imagine that
your "translation" says it ALL-----sheeesh does it come with COMMENTARY too?

I can certainly get all the commentaries I want. There are many. I don't use them however. Actually, it even comes with a concordance. But no, I am not impressed by all the translators out there, they are a dime a dozen.
Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

Whoever wrote the story made it a fairy tale as soon as a talking serpent was introduced.

not exactly a fairy tale-----anymore than the ODYSSEY is a fairy tale------sheeeesh---are you TRYING TO BE DIM?

The Odyssey was a poem.

Scripture is both a fairy tale and a fable combined and deliberately written in figurative language to educate children about life in a world filled with degenerate human animals during times when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were killed and maimed on a daily basis for trivial reasons..

One could not without violent opposition and unspeakable suffering openly despise the teachings of violent and superstitious oppressors who said and did things without thinking rationally but, because they did not think rationally, you could openly teach your children to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without compunction..

It went right over their heads. Still works like a charm.
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Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

Whoever wrote the story made it a fairy tale as soon as a talking serpent was introduced.

not exactly a fairy tale-----anymore than the ODYSSEY is a fairy tale------sheeeesh---are you TRYING TO BE DIM?

The Odyssey was a poem.

Scripture is both a fairy tale and a fable combined and deliberately written in figurative language to educate children about life in a world filled with degenerate human animals during times when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were killed and maimed on a daily basis for trivial reasons..

One could not without violent opposition openly despise the teachings of violent and superstitious oppressors who said and did things without thinking rationally but, because they did not think rationally, you could openly teach your children to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

It went right over their heads. Still works like a charm.

much of the bible is also a poem--------and the rest poetic prose. ----your
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on

I suppose the odds are that if someone keeps yapping without thinking for long enough they will eventually say something intelligent.

Today is not your day.
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on

I suppose the odds are that if someone keeps yapping without thinking for long enough they will eventually say something intelligent.

Today is not your day.

for "not intelligent"-----your analysis of the PURPOSE of SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS-----is just about the most IDIOTIC I have ever read. ------do you have a similar comment for the Bhagavad Gita?
Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

Whoever wrote the story made it a fairy tale as soon as a talking serpent was introduced.

not exactly a fairy tale-----anymore than the ODYSSEY is a fairy tale------sheeeesh---are you TRYING TO BE DIM?

The Odyssey was a poem.

Scripture is both a fairy tale and a fable combined and deliberately written in figurative language to educate children about life in a world filled with degenerate human animals during times when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were killed and maimed on a daily basis for trivial reasons..

One could not without violent opposition openly despise the teachings of violent and superstitious oppressors who said and did things without thinking rationally but, because they did not think rationally, you could openly teach your children to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

It went right over their heads. Still works like a charm.

much of the bible is also a poem--------and the rest poetic prose. ----your
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on

Well, if you deem the Bible to be simply a poem and poetic prose, why then allow it to bother you in the least as to how different people interpret your poem and poetic prose?
Perhaps that is my problem. I read the Bible for what it actually does say. Why make it a mystical or fairy tale?

Whoever wrote the story made it a fairy tale as soon as a talking serpent was introduced.

not exactly a fairy tale-----anymore than the ODYSSEY is a fairy tale------sheeeesh---are you TRYING TO BE DIM?

The Odyssey was a poem.

Scripture is both a fairy tale and a fable combined and deliberately written in figurative language to educate children about life in a world filled with degenerate human animals during times when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were killed and maimed on a daily basis for trivial reasons..

One could not without violent opposition openly despise the teachings of violent and superstitious oppressors who said and did things without thinking rationally but, because they did not think rationally, you could openly teach your children to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

It went right over their heads. Still works like a charm.

much of the bible is also a poem--------and the rest poetic prose. ----your
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on

Well, if you deem the Bible to be simply a poem and poetic prose, why then allow it to bother you in the least as to how different people interpret your poem and poetic prose?

your response is a bit silly------correctly stating that the bible is written in the form of
poetry or poetic prose does not DEBASE IT. The OT----is ----the scriptural writing
of the jewish religion------very much misinterpreted by sunday school teachers----AND the NT----is very much a recap of the same stuff that is in the OT------very much misinterpreted by Sunday school teachers. --------In the distant past there were Christian SERMONS broadcast all day on radio------some of the interpretations of popular BROADCAST 'clergy' ----that used to infect sunday between radio BASEBALL GAMES -------were really idiotic. Getting back to
POETRY-------the odyssey is poetry too------far from "simply a poem"
Whoever wrote the story made it a fairy tale as soon as a talking serpent was introduced.

not exactly a fairy tale-----anymore than the ODYSSEY is a fairy tale------sheeeesh---are you TRYING TO BE DIM?

The Odyssey was a poem.

Scripture is both a fairy tale and a fable combined and deliberately written in figurative language to educate children about life in a world filled with degenerate human animals during times when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were killed and maimed on a daily basis for trivial reasons..

One could not without violent opposition openly despise the teachings of violent and superstitious oppressors who said and did things without thinking rationally but, because they did not think rationally, you could openly teach your children to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

It went right over their heads. Still works like a charm.

much of the bible is also a poem--------and the rest poetic prose. ----your
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on

Well, if you deem the Bible to be simply a poem and poetic prose, why then allow it to bother you in the least as to how different people interpret your poem and poetic prose?

your response is a bit silly------correctly stating that the bible is written in the form of
poetry or poetic prose does not DEBASE IT. The OT----is ----the scriptural writing
of the jewish religion------very much misinterpreted by sunday school teachers----AND the NT----is very much a recap of the same stuff that is in the OT------very much misinterpreted by Sunday school teachers. --------In the distant past there were Christian SERMONS broadcast all day on radio------some of the interpretations of popular BROADCAST 'clergy' ----that used to infect sunday between radio BASEBALL GAMES -------were really idiotic. Getting back to
POETRY-------the odyssey is poetry too------far from "simply a poem"

The first five books are but we accept the rest of the OT and the NT. Much of the NT has absolutely nothing to do with your first five books as you should well know.
not exactly a fairy tale-----anymore than the ODYSSEY is a fairy tale------sheeeesh---are you TRYING TO BE DIM?

The Odyssey was a poem.

Scripture is both a fairy tale and a fable combined and deliberately written in figurative language to educate children about life in a world filled with degenerate human animals during times when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were killed and maimed on a daily basis for trivial reasons..

One could not without violent opposition openly despise the teachings of violent and superstitious oppressors who said and did things without thinking rationally but, because they did not think rationally, you could openly teach your children to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

It went right over their heads. Still works like a charm.

much of the bible is also a poem--------and the rest poetic prose. ----your
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on

Well, if you deem the Bible to be simply a poem and poetic prose, why then allow it to bother you in the least as to how different people interpret your poem and poetic prose?

your response is a bit silly------correctly stating that the bible is written in the form of
poetry or poetic prose does not DEBASE IT. The OT----is ----the scriptural writing
of the jewish religion------very much misinterpreted by sunday school teachers----AND the NT----is very much a recap of the same stuff that is in the OT------very much misinterpreted by Sunday school teachers. --------In the distant past there were Christian SERMONS broadcast all day on radio------some of the interpretations of popular BROADCAST 'clergy' ----that used to infect sunday between radio BASEBALL GAMES -------were really idiotic. Getting back to
POETRY-------the odyssey is poetry too------far from "simply a poem"

The first five books are but we accept the rest of the OT and the NT. Much of the NT has absolutely nothing to do with your first five books as you should well know.

I do not understand your post. The first five books are WHAT?-------Much of the NT------is a roman repudiation of Judaism------the authentic reports of "jesus said
thusly....." are not. John picks up some mysticism kinda lifted a bit from
------but really weirded out.
Luke is a greek who never met Jesus and would not have understood a word he said if he had.
The Odyssey was a poem.

Scripture is both a fairy tale and a fable combined and deliberately written in figurative language to educate children about life in a world filled with degenerate human animals during times when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were killed and maimed on a daily basis for trivial reasons..

One could not without violent opposition openly despise the teachings of violent and superstitious oppressors who said and did things without thinking rationally but, because they did not think rationally, you could openly teach your children to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

It went right over their heads. Still works like a charm.

much of the bible is also a poem--------and the rest poetic prose. ----your
inside out explanation for the "MOTIVE" of scriptural writings borders on

Well, if you deem the Bible to be simply a poem and poetic prose, why then allow it to bother you in the least as to how different people interpret your poem and poetic prose?

your response is a bit silly------correctly stating that the bible is written in the form of
poetry or poetic prose does not DEBASE IT. The OT----is ----the scriptural writing
of the jewish religion------very much misinterpreted by sunday school teachers----AND the NT----is very much a recap of the same stuff that is in the OT------very much misinterpreted by Sunday school teachers. --------In the distant past there were Christian SERMONS broadcast all day on radio------some of the interpretations of popular BROADCAST 'clergy' ----that used to infect sunday between radio BASEBALL GAMES -------were really idiotic. Getting back to
POETRY-------the odyssey is poetry too------far from "simply a poem"

The first five books are but we accept the rest of the OT and the NT. Much of the NT has absolutely nothing to do with your first five books as you should well know.

I do not understand your post. The first five books are WHAT?-------Much of the NT------is a roman repudiation of Judaism------the authentic reports of "jesus said
thusly....." are not. John picks up some mysticism kinda lifted a bit from
------but really weirded out.
Luke is a greek who never met Jesus and would not have understood a word he said if he had.

Of course Dear. Your religion of hate is repugnant.

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