A quarter trillion dollars in the West in losses from climate change since 2000.

Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

based on the title of the video its happened before,, so how is this a climate change issue this time??

Yes, the climate changed, in a minor way, and ended the Anasazi culture in the Southwest. But the underlying conditions of the atmosphere did not change. Right now, we have changed those conditions. From 280 ppm of CO2 and about 700 ppb of CH4 to 410 ppm of CO2 and 1850 ppb of CH4. So this is very likely to be a more permanent change than the mega drought that ended the Anasazi culture.

CO2 is so tiny in the atmosphere that it really doesn't matter at all as a greenhouse gas. WATER VAPOR is far far more prevalent....

How wonderfully ignorant you are. Yes, water vapor is a very strong GHG. We have known that since 1859. However, it's residence time in the atmosphere is less than 10 days, whereas CO2 has a residence time of centuries. And if you really think that such a small amount of CO2 cannot be effective, compare on one gram of potassium cyanide to you body weight, so it has to be perfectly safe to ingest that one gram, right?
Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

based on the title of the video its happened before,, so how is this a climate change issue this time??

Yes, the climate changed, in a minor way, and ended the Anasazi culture in the Southwest. But the underlying conditions of the atmosphere did not change. Right now, we have changed those conditions. From 280 ppm of CO2 and about 700 ppb of CH4 to 410 ppm of CO2 and 1850 ppb of CH4. So this is very likely to be a more permanent change than the mega drought that ended the Anasazi culture.

CO2 is so tiny in the atmosphere that it really doesn't matter at all as a greenhouse gas. WATER VAPOR is far far more prevalent....

How wonderfully ignorant you are. Yes, water vapor is a very strong GHG. We have known that since 1859. However, it's residence time in the atmosphere is less than 10 days, whereas CO2 has a residence time of centuries. And if you really think that such a small amount of CO2 cannot be effective, compare on one gram of potassium cyanide to you body weight, so it has to be perfectly safe to ingest that one gram, right?

Stupid analogies are still stupid
A quarter trillion dollars in losses in the west from the Flying Spaghetti Monster since 2000.
Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

based on the title of the video its happened before,, so how is this a climate change issue this time??

Yes, the climate changed, in a minor way, and ended the Anasazi culture in the Southwest. But the underlying conditions of the atmosphere did not change. Right now, we have changed those conditions. From 280 ppm of CO2 and about 700 ppb of CH4 to 410 ppm of CO2 and 1850 ppb of CH4. So this is very likely to be a more permanent change than the mega drought that ended the Anasazi culture.

CO2 is so tiny in the atmosphere that it really doesn't matter at all as a greenhouse gas. WATER VAPOR is far far more prevalent....

How wonderfully ignorant you are. Yes, water vapor is a very strong GHG. We have known that since 1859. However, it's residence time in the atmosphere is less than 10 days, whereas CO2 has a residence time of centuries. And if you really think that such a small amount of CO2 cannot be effective, compare on one gram of potassium cyanide to you body weight, so it has to be perfectly safe to ingest that one gram, right?

Wow CO2 so so powerful, but has performance anxiety in the lab

Can't show it raising temperature in a lab, 450,000 year data set shows it lagging not controlling

But you Buhleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveveveeeeeeee
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The only thing that matters is if the voters worry about stuff like this. They dont.


For years, the k00ks in here have been posting maps in vivid color, the same ghey graphs for 12 years. Ice cap videos. Polar bear videos. Drought articles. Flood photos. But nobody is caring.

We hear this sh*t all the time about the perils of climate change. Nobody is buying it except this fringe contingent on the left with climate change OCD. :spinner:
Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

When you posted this video, it had been COOLING for 5 years a fact you will ignore because you live in a brainwashed bubble:



Now 6 months later it has cooled down a lot more down .67C since 2016.

90% of America has been getting wetter since 1970 except the Southwest which is barely drying, and the rest of the world has been wetter since the 1960's.

You are living in a delusion bubble.
Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

It's called weather, dummy.
Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

Here is the problem we have. There is no amount of money on earth that can be thrown at the UN to fight our climate that will change the fact that, IT IS, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, THE SUN THAT DETERMINES THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH.
Solar Maximum and we warm. Solar minimum and we cool.
You are being played for your money. It isn't me that's telling you to free yourself from this ridiculous idea that climate change has anything to do with the environment. It is the UN man that collects all of our money that is telling you that.
Here is the problem you have. You are brainwashed beyond common science...
Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

Biggest load of crap ever.

How many times must I post up the 100 year map of US drought that pwns your shit?!! :up:

Drought comes........drought goes...........always has...........always will.

And nobody is caring btw..........:cul2:
Well, Mr. Westwall and the rest of you deniers, when is that cooling you have been predicting going to start? We need it rather soon, or a lot of our farmers are going out of business in the West.

Already posted in another thread showing that these claims are misleading and lies since the WEST region over all is getting wetter since 1970 notice the man is using a 22-year period to promote another misleading claim for droughts when most of it is in the DESERT Southwest region.

Will come back later to post hard evidence from the NOAA and other sources how dishonest this video really is so tired of the media BULLSHIT!!!
The American people are getting raped at the present time by the party in charge and the OP is obsessed with some crackpot theory that nobody on the face of the earth can confirm.

Here is the problem we have. There is no amount of money on earth that can be thrown at the UN to fight our climate that will change the fact that, IT IS, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, THE SUN THAT DETERMINES THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH.
Solar Maximum and we warm. Solar minimum and we cool.
You are being played for your money. It isn't me that's telling you to free yourself from this ridiculous idea that climate change has anything to do with the environment. It is the UN man that collects all of our money that is telling you that.
Here is the problem you have. You are brainwashed beyond common science...

Dude.......Ive watched the OP for 12 years in here. He thinks the sun has no impact on the climate. He thinks China and India have stopped burning coal. He told us 8 years ago that by 2022, EV's would be dominating car sales. Made predictions a billion times over the years on car historic battery range......all duds. Rejects the EIA data on projections to 2040 on solar and wind power. Thinks the fires in California due to climate change. He predicted, like Gore, that the Arctic sea ice would be gone by 2012. Throws up videos of scientists that about 2,000 people know about stating end of the world crap. Thinks all glaciers are receding. Said years ago that Miami would be under water by now. Gets publically pwn'd on the science routinely in here by skeptics but remains stoic.

Most notably.......100% dismisses the fact that energy policy makers in the western world have routinely rejected "climate science". Wind and solar are still a joke.

Cognitive dissonace is very real.......and I would bet all the tea in China the guy has already laced up his Sketchers to sprint down to the local Walgreens to get his 5th booster shot.:backpedal:Heading to #37.
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