A question about the US military

Let's ask a famous "well respected" little fatass who these idiot socialists in uniform consider a Gawd(because faux nooz says so).

Look another far left drone run in on their religious narrative..
When one cockroach skitters out from under the garbage heap, others are sure to follow...
As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)

You havent done shit to protect anyone from terrorist and you never will.
You're either a troll or a complete moron.
Is this your acknowledgment that you cannot justify it?

How does one justify known history by all, taught in every school in the US..

So you are a far left drone that runs narratives, another far left drone exposed!

Do you claim that someone other than FDR created the military industrial complex?
The cold war fed the MIC and made it what it is today.

Proof that you are far left drone and do not understand history..


A History Of US Defense Spending Since FDR; And Where Obama And Romney Differ | Zero Hedge

Another far left drone narrative defeated by real facts..
That doesn't show how FDR created a MIC, it only shows that military spending goes up in a time of war. Well DUH! Go back further and see how spending rose during WWI. You haven't justified anything relating FDR and the MIC.

See how the far left drones will deny the facts when presented..

The entire country was building for the war effort and the far left wants proof of known US history of WWII..

They have to deny that their GOD FDR is the one so they can justify their religious rants..

The military Industrial complex was built by FDR and WWII, but the only constitutional spending the Congress does is for the military..
I am well aware that FDR had a history of representing business interests. But the military industrial complex has always existed, it was not created by FDR. It always gets a boost in times of conflict, that is not unique to FDR either. Your graph illustrates clearly that military spending dropped off after the WWII, and began to rise again with the following conflict which transpired after FDR's death, thanks for making my case.
The rank and file soldier is not a problem, as the OP stated most are young and join for pretty good reasons. Many are poor and this is a way to life yourself out of poverty by getting training or a degree, as well as disciplining the mind.

That said the main problem is the Military Industrial Complex, made up of big business defense contractors, lobbyists, paid off Congressmen, and higher ranked people in the military who are paid well and who bend over backwards to agree with ridiculous spending which creates the welfare make-work program much of the military spending is.

Focus efforts against the MIC, that is the problem. Not the grunts. I know a number of grunts in various services and they really aren't educated enough to understand the big picture.
I wonder what those "grunts" think about you? Probably pretentious asshole or something like that. Can you support ANY of your claims? I'll give you the higher ups getting paid well, that's the way it works in any military.
How does one justify known history by all, taught in every school in the US..

So you are a far left drone that runs narratives, another far left drone exposed!

Do you claim that someone other than FDR created the military industrial complex?
The cold war fed the MIC and made it what it is today.

Proof that you are far left drone and do not understand history..


A History Of US Defense Spending Since FDR; And Where Obama And Romney Differ | Zero Hedge

Another far left drone narrative defeated by real facts..
That doesn't show how FDR created a MIC, it only shows that military spending goes up in a time of war. Well DUH! Go back further and see how spending rose during WWI. You haven't justified anything relating FDR and the MIC.

See how the far left drones will deny the facts when presented..

The entire country was building for the war effort and the far left wants proof of known US history of WWII..

They have to deny that their GOD FDR is the one so they can justify their religious rants..

The military Industrial complex was built by FDR and WWII, but the only constitutional spending the Congress does is for the military..
I am well aware that FDR had a history of representing business interests. But the military industrial complex has always existed, it was not created by FDR. It always gets a boost in times of conflict, that is not unique to FDR either. Your graph illustrates clearly that military spending dropped off after the WWII, and began to rise again with the following conflict which transpired after FDR's death, thanks for making my case.

See how the far left drones will back pedal after claiming it was during the cold war after they have been shown the facts of who created it..

FDR created the military industrial complex in WWII..

The facts are there!
The cold war fed the MIC and made it what it is today.

Proof that you are far left drone and do not understand history..


A History Of US Defense Spending Since FDR; And Where Obama And Romney Differ | Zero Hedge

Another far left drone narrative defeated by real facts..
That doesn't show how FDR created a MIC, it only shows that military spending goes up in a time of war. Well DUH! Go back further and see how spending rose during WWI. You haven't justified anything relating FDR and the MIC.

See how the far left drones will deny the facts when presented..

The entire country was building for the war effort and the far left wants proof of known US history of WWII..

They have to deny that their GOD FDR is the one so they can justify their religious rants..

The military Industrial complex was built by FDR and WWII, but the only constitutional spending the Congress does is for the military..
I am well aware that FDR had a history of representing business interests. But the military industrial complex has always existed, it was not created by FDR. It always gets a boost in times of conflict, that is not unique to FDR either. Your graph illustrates clearly that military spending dropped off after the WWII, and began to rise again with the following conflict which transpired after FDR's death, thanks for making my case.

See how the far left drones will back pedal after claiming it was during the cold war after they have been shown the facts of who created it..

FDR created the military industrial complex in WWII..

The facts are there!
Backpedal? Are you stupid? I said the MIC has always existed, FDR did not create it. The cold war fed it and nurtured it to what it is today. You cannot justify your statement that FDR created the MIC nor can you show where I have backpedaled on my statements. You are the ideologue here, not me.
I often hear Americans say that US soldiers are defending my freedoms. That they are protecting my rights. I honestly do not see it.

In my opinion, the US military and its servicemen have historically served to protect the status quo of controlling government in America, and the interests of the corrupt politicians which benefit from its existence. Save for the few times when we actually needed heroes with guns to join an institutionalized force of gunslingers, WW2 being a prime example.

With that in mind, it is hard for me to understand why so many Americans that cry against the police state and growing role of authoritarianism, will openly suck the cock of every military servicemen or police officer in existence.

Keep in mind, I do not have a problem with servicemen or military personnel in general.

Many servicemen had good reasons for joining, like wanting to see the world and prove themselves, or because their was an important war going on that they wanted to take a side on, and had a strong moral justification for wanting to choose the side that they did. These servicemen I can respect.

Those are not most servicemen though. Since recruiters primarily advertise towards youth, most servicemen are dumb kids who thought war would be fun, or jocks that got afraid of responsibility so signed up upon a little pressure from a US army recruiter . I don't even have a problem with them though, since they were just young and naive, and a lot of good things probably came out with their choice to join the military.

My problem lies with those that fanatically believe that they are protecting our collective freedoms through military service. That somehow by signing up to serve the ruling political elite in America and following the whim of those people above them making the decisions, that they are doing us other Americans a service.

Yeah, I don't think so. I think that's bullshit. Maybe it isn't though, and I just need some clarification on what some fat quartermaster in a cozy base house in Munich is doing to protect my freedoms.

Until this is explained to me, I am forced to believe that those who religiously serve the government and its authoritarian tendencies through military service, are traitors to the American people. We have a strong heritage rooted in freedom and independence, and in times of peace and even in war, the armed forces serve the very powers that are attempting to rewrite America into becoming a socialist nanny state.

Just because we all know someone serving in the military doesn't change the reality that its existence serves to oppress us. Time to start seeing the enemy for what it really is.

Your understanding of why people join the Military is so flawed that you should start from the beginning.

Read this and then rethink everything you think.

Belongingness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YOur understanding of the historical role of the Military?

I note that you did not mention the Cold War, where a very dangerous enemy was deterred from overt aggression by the US military.
Proof that you are far left drone and do not understand history..


A History Of US Defense Spending Since FDR; And Where Obama And Romney Differ | Zero Hedge

Another far left drone narrative defeated by real facts..
That doesn't show how FDR created a MIC, it only shows that military spending goes up in a time of war. Well DUH! Go back further and see how spending rose during WWI. You haven't justified anything relating FDR and the MIC.

See how the far left drones will deny the facts when presented..

The entire country was building for the war effort and the far left wants proof of known US history of WWII..

They have to deny that their GOD FDR is the one so they can justify their religious rants..

The military Industrial complex was built by FDR and WWII, but the only constitutional spending the Congress does is for the military..
I am well aware that FDR had a history of representing business interests. But the military industrial complex has always existed, it was not created by FDR. It always gets a boost in times of conflict, that is not unique to FDR either. Your graph illustrates clearly that military spending dropped off after the WWII, and began to rise again with the following conflict which transpired after FDR's death, thanks for making my case.

See how the far left drones will back pedal after claiming it was during the cold war after they have been shown the facts of who created it..

FDR created the military industrial complex in WWII..

The facts are there!
Backpedal? Are you stupid? I said the MIC has always existed, FDR did not create it. The cold war fed it and nurtured it to what it is today. You cannot justify your statement that FDR created the MIC nor can you show where I have backpedaled on my statements. You are the ideologue here, not me.

So far you have not offered any proof to show otherwise, the proof is there it is all the history books taught in schools..

You can deny it all you want, but it goes to show that you are a far left drone and you deny reality..

FDR created the military industrial complex in WWII..

The facts are there
As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)

You havent done shit to protect anyone from terrorist and you never will.
You're either a troll or a complete moron.
Would you prefer he shoved a gloved hand up grannys ass to "check for weapons"? Would he be your hero then ?
The rank and file soldier is not a problem, as the OP stated most are young and join for pretty good reasons. Many are poor and this is a way to life yourself out of poverty by getting training or a degree, as well as disciplining the mind.

That said the main problem is the Military Industrial Complex, made up of big business defense contractors, lobbyists, paid off Congressmen, and higher ranked people in the military who are paid well and who bend over backwards to agree with ridiculous spending which creates the welfare make-work program much of the military spending is.

Focus efforts against the MIC, that is the problem. Not the grunts. I know a number of grunts in various services and they really aren't educated enough to understand the big picture.

If only the rest of welfare was a make work program.
As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)

You havent done shit to protect anyone from terrorist and you never will.
You're either a troll or a complete moron.
Would you prefer he shoved a gloved hand up grannys ass to "check for weapons"? Would he be your hero then ?
That's a bizarre question. I think you are both, a troll and a moron.
The rank and file soldier is not a problem, as the OP stated most are young and join for pretty good reasons. Many are poor and this is a way to life yourself out of poverty by getting training or a degree, as well as disciplining the mind.

That said the main problem is the Military Industrial Complex, made up of big business defense contractors, lobbyists, paid off Congressmen, and higher ranked people in the military who are paid well and who bend over backwards to agree with ridiculous spending which creates the welfare make-work program much of the military spending is.

Focus efforts against the MIC, that is the problem. Not the grunts. I know a number of grunts in various services and they really aren't educated enough to understand the big picture.

If only the rest of welfare was a make work program.

Seems this far left drone is having some difficulty spinning up their hard drive today!
The rank and file soldier is not a problem, as the OP stated most are young and join for pretty good reasons. Many are poor and this is a way to life yourself out of poverty by getting training or a degree, as well as disciplining the mind.

That said the main problem is the Military Industrial Complex, made up of big business defense contractors, lobbyists, paid off Congressmen, and higher ranked people in the military who are paid well and who bend over backwards to agree with ridiculous spending which creates the welfare make-work program much of the military spending is.

Focus efforts against the MIC, that is the problem. Not the grunts. I know a number of grunts in various services and they really aren't educated enough to understand the big picture.

If only the rest of welfare was a make work program.

Seems this far left drone is having some difficulty spinning up their hard drive today!

Too much apple cider last night.

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