A question about the US military

It's why international corporations like Pepsi should be paying more in taxes. They benefit from the protection we give them all over the world. I don't care if its safe to sell Pepsi in Iraq but Pepsi does.
You sound like don Corleone. "We gives ya protection, you gotta pay up."

They pay quite a lot in taxes and employ quite a lot of people. I'm nor sure what kind of extra protection they get overseas but I'm equally sure you don't either.
Look at the debt. Clearly they don't pay enough and look how much defense spending costs us.

I'm glad you educated me by letting me know they pay "quite a lot" in taxes.

Too bad it's not quite enough
Let's ask a famous "well respected" little fatass who these idiot socialists in uniform consider a Gawd(because faux nooz says so).

Look another far left drone run in on their religious narrative..
Far left drone
We should spend all our money in defense ! We can be just like North Korea !

The complex literally / figuratively use the troops as human shields to any talk of defense cuts .

We've become a war loving nation . We are Klingons !!
It's why international corporations like Pepsi should be paying more in taxes. They benefit from the protection we give them all over the world. I don't care if its safe to sell Pepsi in Iraq but Pepsi does.
You sound like don Corleone. "We gives ya protection, you gotta pay up."

They pay quite a lot in taxes and employ quite a lot of people. I'm nor sure what kind of extra protection they get overseas but I'm equally sure you don't either.
Look at the debt. Clearly they don't pay enough and look how much defense spending costs us.

I'm glad you educated me by letting me know they pay "quite a lot" in taxes.

Too bad it's not quite enough
Huh? The debt comes from companies not paying enough taxes? So the recent doubling of the debt is because they payed half? Who balances your checkbook?
Have yall watched the debates ?

Even the so called "fiscally responsible " GOP candidates are calling for an expansion in defense spending ! No talk of how to pay for it though.
Onyx is right when he says "often hear Americans say that US soldiers are defending my freedoms. That they are protecting my rights. I honestly do not see it."
Let go back to Korea How was the US Military protecting my rights and freedoms by fighting over there?
Same thing with Vietnam, was the US in any danger of being invaded by the Viet Cong?
Now pick any war in the Middle East, how is the US Military protecting my rights and freedoms.
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan were no threat to the United States and we have wasted too many lives and way too much
money in these third world shit holes. Who does it benefit other than the military industrial complex, It does not benefit the average citizen in any way,
The biggest threat to our freedoms is the government itself . The military isn't fighting the government.

China has a strong military. Are they fighting for the Chinese people's freedom?
We should spend all our money in defense ! We can be just like North Korea !

The complex literally / figuratively use the troops as human shields to any talk of defense cuts .

We've become a war loving nation . We are Klingons !!
This nation was founded on war...and it became an empire by war...War is just as natural for the USA as it is any other nation...
We should spend all our money in defense ! We can be just like North Korea !

The complex literally / figuratively use the troops as human shields to any talk of defense cuts .

We've become a war loving nation . We are Klingons !!
This nation was founded on war...and it became an empire by war...War is just as natural for the USA as it is any other nation...
But we are no longer good at it. We no longer fight for truth, justice and the American way. Now the US uses war only to consume weapons and munitions that have to be replaced and make defense contractors rich.
How old are you, the reason I ask it will determine how I go about answering your question.
It shouldn't matter, bud.

I say I am in my 20's I'll get a difference response than if I say I am in my 30's. I want a universal answer, not an age based answer.

I'm sorry you don't know that educational background and life experience would tell me if you're naive or just plain stupid, that determination will guide me on how I might respond. So far you've demonstrated more stupid than anything.
I believe he DID plan to be an OFFICER...

Until the military tested him and discovered he didn't have the intellect to peel spuds!!!

Just read his nonsensical ramblings...

So maybe he's just mad about being laughed out of the recruiter's office!!!

Always a possibility.
How old are you, the reason I ask it will determine how I go about answering your question.
It shouldn't matter, bud.

I say I am in my 20's I'll get a difference response than if I say I am in my 30's. I want a universal answer, not an age based answer.

I'm sorry you don't know that educational background and life experience would tell me if you're naive or just plain stupid, that determination will guide me on how I might respond. So far you've demonstrated more stupid than anything.
I believe he DID plan to be an OFFICER...

Until the military tested him and discovered he didn't have the intellect to peel spuds!!!

Just read his nonsensical ramblings...

So maybe he's just mad about being laughed out of the recruiter's office!!!

Always a possibility.
I agree...

He said his Dad was in the military...

Could this be Little Joey's son???
How old are you, the reason I ask it will determine how I go about answering your question.
It shouldn't matter, bud.

I say I am in my 20's I'll get a difference response than if I say I am in my 30's. I want a universal answer, not an age based answer.

I'm sorry you don't know that educational background and life experience would tell me if you're naive or just plain stupid, that determination will guide me on how I might respond. So far you've demonstrated more stupid than anything.
I believe he DID plan to be an OFFICER...

Until the military tested him and discovered he didn't have the intellect to peel spuds!!!

Just read his nonsensical ramblings...

So maybe he's just mad about being laughed out of the recruiter's office!!!

Always a possibility.
I agree...

He said his Dad was in the military...

Could this be Little Joey's son???

Not familiar with that one.
It shouldn't matter, bud.

I say I am in my 20's I'll get a difference response than if I say I am in my 30's. I want a universal answer, not an age based answer.

I'm sorry you don't know that educational background and life experience would tell me if you're naive or just plain stupid, that determination will guide me on how I might respond. So far you've demonstrated more stupid than anything.
I believe he DID plan to be an OFFICER...

Until the military tested him and discovered he didn't have the intellect to peel spuds!!!

Just read his nonsensical ramblings...

So maybe he's just mad about being laughed out of the recruiter's office!!!

Always a possibility.
I agree...

He said his Dad was in the military...

Could this be Little Joey's son???

Not familiar with that one.

You know, the guy that thinks Bergdahl is a hero for defecting to the Taliban (and claims to have had a security clearance, but says NO information, no matter how sensitive, is "classified")...
I'm sorry you don't know that educational background and life experience would tell me if you're naive or just plain stupid, that determination will guide me on how I might respond. So far you've demonstrated more stupid than anything.
I believe he DID plan to be an OFFICER...

Until the military tested him and discovered he didn't have the intellect to peel spuds!!!

Just read his nonsensical ramblings...

So maybe he's just mad about being laughed out of the recruiter's office!!!

Always a possibility.
I agree...

He said his Dad was in the military...

Could this be Little Joey's son???

Not familiar with that one.

You know, the guy that thinks Bergdahl is a hero for defecting to the Taliban (and claims to have had a security clearance, but says NO information, no matter how sensitive, is "classified")...

Ok, I know who your talking about now.
It's why international corporations like Pepsi should be paying more in taxes. They benefit from the protection we give them all over the world. I don't care if its safe to sell Pepsi in Iraq but Pepsi does.
You sound like don Corleone. "We gives ya protection, you gotta pay up."

They pay quite a lot in taxes and employ quite a lot of people. I'm nor sure what kind of extra protection they get overseas but I'm equally sure you don't either.
Look at the debt. Clearly they don't pay enough and look how much defense spending costs us.

I'm glad you educated me by letting me know they pay "quite a lot" in taxes.

Too bad it's not quite enough
Huh? The debt comes from companies not paying enough taxes? So the recent doubling of the debt is because they payed half? Who balances your checkbook?
We aren't even paying off the interest on the debt. Do you know a politician besides the paul's that are honest about the debt? Maybe Bernie Sanders and trump?

Who you like again?
Just because we all know someone serving in the military doesn't change the reality that its existence serves to oppress us.

Stop. My father served in Desert Storm. And I never once found his service to be "oppressive" to me or anyone else. Just because our military exists doesn't always constitute an oppressive agenda, nor does it make members of our military inherently oppressive.

What? Would you rather we not have a military?
My problem lies with those that fanatically believe that they are protecting our collective freedoms through military service.

Simple military strategy. Keep the threats to your freedom as far away from you as possible, even if that means intervening in foreign conflicts to ensure that happens.
Until this is explained to me, I am forced to believe that those who religiously serve the government and its authoritarian tendencies through military service, are traitors to the American people.

And that's where you cross a line. Never ever, ever, label other as traitors to their own people until they do something to actually warrant such a descriptor. Both parties... or all three, are guilty of labeling each other as traitors. Never have I seen a word bandied about and abused so mightily.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

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