A question about the US military

I often hear Americans say that US soldiers are defending my freedoms. That they are protecting my rights. I honestly do not see it.

In my opinion, the US military and its servicemen have historically served to protect the status quo of controlling government in America, and the interests of the corrupt politicians which benefit from its existence. Save for the few times when we actually needed heroes with guns to join an institutionalized force of gunslingers, WW2 being a prime example.

With that in mind, it is hard for me to understand why so many Americans that cry against the police state and growing role of authoritarianism, will openly suck the cock of every military servicemen or police officer in existence.

Keep in mind, I do not have a problem with servicemen or military personnel in general.

Many servicemen had good reasons for joining, like wanting to see the world and prove themselves, or because their was an important war going on that they wanted to take a side on, and had a strong moral justification for wanting to choose the side that they did. These servicemen I can respect.

Those are not most servicemen though. Since recruiters primarily advertise towards youth, most servicemen are dumb kids who thought war would be fun, or jocks that got afraid of responsibility so signed up upon a little pressure from a US army recruiter . I don't even have a problem with them though, since they were just young and naive, and a lot of good things probably came out with their choice to join the military.

My problem lies with those that fanatically believe that they are protecting our collective freedoms through military service. That somehow by signing up to serve the ruling political elite in America and following the whim of those people above them making the decisions, that they are doing us other Americans a service.

Yeah, I don't think so. I think that's bullshit. Maybe it isn't though, and I just need some clarification on what some fat quartermaster in a cozy base house in Munich is doing to protect my freedoms.

Until this is explained to me, I am forced to believe that those who religiously serve the government and its authoritarian tendencies through military service, are traitors to the American people. We have a strong heritage rooted in freedom and independence, and in times of peace and even in war, the armed forces serve the very powers that are attempting to rewrite America into becoming a socialist nanny state.

Just because we all know someone serving in the military doesn't change the reality that its existence serves to oppress us. Time to start seeing the enemy for what it really is.

We had WWII because of WWI. Had the US stayed out the 1st world war would have been fought to a draw ( Winston Churchill for one said so in Parliament in March 1936) so Hitler would have been most likely a frustrated artist and not much more. The big question is what would have happened in Russia. After Czar Nicholas left the Kerensky government kept Russia in the war on the promise of help from Britain, France AND the US. Germany who had Lenin in prison then released him (along with 5 million in gold) on the promise that Lenin would get Russia out of the war which Lenin did. Now if the US stayed out Kerensky apparently was NOT going to keep Russia in the war. I believe it is fair to assume Germany made a similar offer to Kerensky as they did to Lenin. If that is the case then Lenin remains in German hands, Kerensky has 5 million in gold and the good will (at least for the moment) of the Russian people. No war, no Lenin and the gold the chances of Kerensky's government's survival would have went from zero to at least 50/50.
What if, prior to the onslaught to WW2 the united world wanted to do something about Adolf Hitler other then capitulate to his promises which turned out to be lies? How would we do that with a totally coastal defense?

So, we send in our men to defend freedom in other countries. Such as trying to do something about a man who has the nickname, well earned, the Butcher of Baghdad. Can't do that with a coastal defense. Or take Serbia, we sent in our men to stop an humanitarian crisis. Can't do that with a coastal defense.

You might say, so f..ing what. Who cares about what happens to those in Serbia they were nothing more then Muslims. Well a rational humane man would say, any person deprived of the freedom of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness denies my right to life and liberty. We could become isolationists as we were before WW1 and 2, but that lead to bad results. If only we were able to snip Hitler in the bud early think of the damage that would have been avoided.

So yeah, folks like you who I am guessing never served or would never serve can look down on our military it isn't surprising. But consider, America has made great mistakes. But who else has stepped in to the world scene and did something about the Butchers of Baghdad and the atrocities at Kosovo? America is not imperialistic, we have not taken countries over and we have not stolen their natural resources as alleged by those who will and and did not serve. Mistakes yes, but mistakes made in the pursuit of freedom.

Hell women vote in Iraq now and I believe in Afghanistan. Small maybe to you, but that is freedom.
The men and women in Uniform protect our freedoms, the Constitution.....and my right to travel from state to state without having to go through a border check, or obtaining permission first.

**** HOW CAN ANYONE such as you be so ignorant **** ; asking how the US Military protects us.

If you do not want to live under the rules of communism, terrorism, or facists........I suggest you give the Military a salute and a thank you.
No thanks, I am more than capable of dealing with Mr. Achkmed, and wont be intimidated into accepting rule of a socialist police state due to your fear mongering.
The rank and file soldier is not a problem, as the OP stated most are young and join for pretty good reasons. Many are poor and this is a way to life yourself out of poverty by getting training or a degree, as well as disciplining the mind.

That said the main problem is the Military Industrial Complex, made up of big business defense contractors, lobbyists, paid off Congressmen, and higher ranked people in the military who are paid well and who bend over backwards to agree with ridiculous spending which creates the welfare make-work program much of the military spending is.

Focus efforts against the MIC, that is the problem. Not the grunts. I know a number of grunts in various services and they really aren't educated enough to understand the big picture.
The question is whether we should hold individual soldiers responsible for their role in influencing the big picture. In many cases I believe we should, if the reasons for joining were ones motivated by misguided intentions. Otherwise I am more forgiving than anything, since I cannot really knack anyone for serving for some of the reasons I did state.
Keep flinging insults guys. That's how the establishment has taught you to debate, since any other way would require actual intellect.
Stop. My father served in Desert Storm.
No, I don't think I will stop. My "blasphemous" material is making all the authoritarian cocksuckers very moody from behind their computer screen. I gain much joy thinking about how many of you are flailing around like cavemen as I speak. I kind of want to expose how pathetic some of you are a bit more, until things come full circle.
Really ? If not the ACLU , then who ? Who defends our freedoms ?
What I don't hear people saying is that they protect their own freedom. I say that I am willing to protect my own freedom, and the rest of you are so far gone that you all respond like a bunch of pathetic pussy boys.
Stop. My father served in Desert Storm.
No, I don't think I will stop. My "blasphemous" material is making all the authoritarian cocksuckers very moody from behind their computer screen. I gain much joy thinking about how many of you are flailing around like cavemen as I speak. I kind of want to expose how pathetic some of you are a bit more, until things come full circle.

Such impudence. I know a few kids in my town with that kind of attitude who would be knocked on their backsides. I'll presume you've never had to put your life on the line for anything or anyone, much less these "authoritarian cocksuckers." So I doubt you can appreciate the actual sacrifices people make for our sakes. I mean seriously, who do you think you are to impugn on the character of everyone else?
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Keep flinging insults guys. That's how the establishment has taught you to debate, since any other way would require actual intellect.
You aren't intelligent by any stretch. You get insulted because you're full of shit and enjoy all the freedoms others have provided for you and you think it's a given that comes from no cost. You're like the Constitutionalists, too deranged to put a logical thought together, it's all about you and what you think you have a right to by way of birth.
Stop. My father served in Desert Storm.
No, I don't think I will stop. My "blasphemous" material is making all the authoritarian cocksuckers very moody from behind their computer screen. I gain much joy thinking about how many of you are flailing around like cavemen as I speak. I kind of want to expose how pathetic some of you are a bit more, until things come full circle.
You revealed what a deranged lunatic comes up with. You're the type that eventually goes on a shooting spree to prove just how wrong everyone is and just how right you are. If anything, your posts may get you on a watch list.

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