A question about the US military

You have a mistaken thought process.... it's NOT the military you should hate, but the POLITICIANS on both sides of the aisle that are able to ORDER our fine DEFENSIVE FORCE to do things they were not designed to do!

You are giving undue absolution to soldiers. Like it or not, our "defense forces" more or less volunteered to make military service their career. If you want to serve in a true defense force, come to me and I'll sign you up with a militia.

You are responsible for who you fight for. I don't care about all of the heroic acts of defiance Rommel committed, at the end of the day, he was still a nazi backed general to the day he died. Just following orders doesn't fly with me anymore.

Absolution to soldiers for what?
How old are you, the reason I ask it will determine how I go about answering your question.
It shouldn't matter, bud.

I say I am in my 20's I'll get a difference response than if I say I am in my 30's. I want a universal answer, not an age based answer.

I'm sorry you don't know that educational background and life experience would tell me if you're naive or just plain stupid, that determination will guide me on how I might respond. So far you've demonstrated more stupid than anything.
I believe he DID plan to be an OFFICER...

Until the military tested him and discovered he didn't have the intellect to peel spuds!!!

Just read his nonsensical ramblings...

So maybe he's just mad about being laughed out of the recruiter's office!!!
You have a mistaken thought process.... it's NOT the military you should hate, but the POLITICIANS on both sides of the aisle that are able to ORDER our fine DEFENSIVE FORCE to do things they were not designed to do!

You are giving undue absolution to soldiers. Like it or not, our "defense forces" more or less volunteered to make military service their career. If you want to serve in a true defense force, come to me and I'll sign you up with a militia.

You are responsible for who you fight for. I don't care about all of the heroic acts of defiance Rommel committed, at the end of the day, he was still a nazi backed general to the day he died. Just following orders doesn't fly with me anymore.

Absolution to soldiers for what?
Oink thinks his militia will be pure. He is not " one of those men ".
You have a mistaken thought process.... it's NOT the military you should hate, but the POLITICIANS on both sides of the aisle that are able to ORDER our fine DEFENSIVE FORCE to do things they were not designed to do!

You are giving undue absolution to soldiers. Like it or not, our "defense forces" more or less volunteered to make military service their career. If you want to serve in a true defense force, come to me and I'll sign you up with a militia.

You are responsible for who you fight for. I don't care about all of the heroic acts of defiance Rommel committed, at the end of the day, he was still a nazi backed general to the day he died. Just following orders doesn't fly with me anymore.

Absolution to soldiers for what?
Oink thinks his militia will be pure. He is not " one of those men ".

He/she sounds a bit confused.
Of course this was all well known even during the infancy of our nation.

James Madison:
In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.

Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied: and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

The only Constitutional spending the Congress does is on the military, which the far left wants to defund..

FDR built the military industrial complex and the far left wants to dismantle it, yet the see FDR as a God!

FDR built the military industrial complex

How do you justify that?

Do you know history? or are you a far left drone that just runs on religious narratives?
Is this your acknowledgment that you cannot justify it?

How does one justify known history by all, taught in every school in the US..

So you are a far left drone that runs narratives, another far left drone exposed!

Do you claim that someone other than FDR created the military industrial complex?
The cold war fed the MIC and made it what it is today.
How old are you, the reason I ask it will determine how I go about answering your question.
Just saw this. Great minds think alike.
Needing to know someones age to ask a universal question is not a sign of greatness. Try not to compliment yourself like that, you might be fooled into defining yourself by your ignorance.
The problem is that you are incredibly naive so it's hard to know where to start. One doesn't explain things to a mature adult in the same way they would explain it to a young teenager. If you are mature and this lost it's probably a waste of time anyway. Your avatar is designed to offend so I'm going with punk teenager that enjoys the freedoms others died for.
The rank and file soldier is not a problem, as the OP stated most are young and join for pretty good reasons. Many are poor and this is a way to life yourself out of poverty by getting training or a degree, as well as disciplining the mind.

That said the main problem is the Military Industrial Complex, made up of big business defense contractors, lobbyists, paid off Congressmen, and higher ranked people in the military who are paid well and who bend over backwards to agree with ridiculous spending which creates the welfare make-work program much of the military spending is.

Focus efforts against the MIC, that is the problem. Not the grunts. I know a number of grunts in various services and they really aren't educated enough to understand the big picture.
The only Constitutional spending the Congress does is on the military, which the far left wants to defund..

FDR built the military industrial complex and the far left wants to dismantle it, yet the see FDR as a God!

FDR built the military industrial complex

How do you justify that?

Do you know history? or are you a far left drone that just runs on religious narratives?
Is this your acknowledgment that you cannot justify it?

How does one justify known history by all, taught in every school in the US..

So you are a far left drone that runs narratives, another far left drone exposed!

Do you claim that someone other than FDR created the military industrial complex?
The cold war fed the MIC and made it what it is today.

Proof that you are far left drone and do not understand history..


A History Of US Defense Spending Since FDR; And Where Obama And Romney Differ | Zero Hedge

Another far left drone narrative defeated by real facts..
As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)
Several possibilities here...

My first guess is a man-child of unspecified age who never got over his rejection by the US Armed Forces and who likes to play militiaman dress-up.
No, I don't care much for the constitution.

your first posts i thought you were just an ignorant teen, later posts i thought you were just stupid..., now i believe you are a fucking traitor that should be deported to China.., BTW what nationality are you? certainly not a native born American. i am betting you will refuse to answer that question also..., will you????

you really are,
It's why international corporations like Pepsi should be paying more in taxes. They benefit from the protection we give them all over the world. I don't care if its safe to sell Pepsi in Iraq but Pepsi does.
You sound like don Corleone. "We gives ya protection, you gotta pay up."

They pay quite a lot in taxes and employ quite a lot of people. I'm nor sure what kind of extra protection they get overseas but I'm equally sure you don't either.
Let's ask a famous "well respected" little fatass who these idiot socialists in uniform consider a Gawd(because faux nooz says so).
How do you justify that?

Do you know history? or are you a far left drone that just runs on religious narratives?
Is this your acknowledgment that you cannot justify it?

How does one justify known history by all, taught in every school in the US..

So you are a far left drone that runs narratives, another far left drone exposed!

Do you claim that someone other than FDR created the military industrial complex?
The cold war fed the MIC and made it what it is today.

Proof that you are far left drone and do not understand history..


A History Of US Defense Spending Since FDR; And Where Obama And Romney Differ | Zero Hedge

Another far left drone narrative defeated by real facts..
That doesn't show how FDR created a MIC, it only shows that military spending goes up in a time of war. Well DUH! Go back further and see how spending rose during WWI. You haven't justified anything relating FDR and the MIC.
So if you don't care for the Constitution, why don't you move someplace you would prefer (as in a third-world shit hole)???
Because I still believe in America. My edge is still sharp, I don't know why the rest of you went dull. If you are going to disgrace the American spirit by sucking military cock, it is you who should leave. America was made for the strong and self sufficient.

I can't be sure whether you guys are pussies, or just conforming to the popular view that the military is a force of good, because you can't stand being a social reject.

I'll tell you what. If being popular involves conforming to mindless idiocy, I'll take being a reject any day of the week.
And this, folks, is what happens when junior gets a new war game for Christmas.
Do you know history? or are you a far left drone that just runs on religious narratives?
Is this your acknowledgment that you cannot justify it?

How does one justify known history by all, taught in every school in the US..

So you are a far left drone that runs narratives, another far left drone exposed!

Do you claim that someone other than FDR created the military industrial complex?
The cold war fed the MIC and made it what it is today.

Proof that you are far left drone and do not understand history..


A History Of US Defense Spending Since FDR; And Where Obama And Romney Differ | Zero Hedge

Another far left drone narrative defeated by real facts..
That doesn't show how FDR created a MIC, it only shows that military spending goes up in a time of war. Well DUH! Go back further and see how spending rose during WWI. You haven't justified anything relating FDR and the MIC.

See how the far left drones will deny the facts when presented..

The entire country was building for the war effort and the far left wants proof of known US history of WWII..

They have to deny that their GOD FDR is the one so they can justify their religious rants..

The military Industrial complex was built by FDR and WWII, but the only constitutional spending the Congress does is for the military..

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