A question about the US military

Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights.
I don't need any corrupt establishment to give me handouts. Go give your rights, or as I like to call them, "entitlements," to someone who actually needs them.

Live and learn; it's your funeral.
My casket will be a lot more beautiful than the piece of shit country you have become complacent with having.

Here is a fact. If you support the military, you support the establishment. You can't be against one and not the other, without being exposed as a hypocrite.
Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights.
I don't need any corrupt establishment to give me handouts. Go give your rights, or as I like to call them, "entitlements," to someone who actually needs them.

Live and learn; it's your funeral.
My casket will be a lot more beautiful than the piece of shit country you have become complacent with having.

Here is a fact. If you support the military, you support the establishment. You can't be against one and not the other, without being exposed as a hypocrite.

Are you under the illusion that there is only one establishment ?
So you didn't have a question. You just wanted to lecture us.
It was a question I already had an answer for. It is technically defined as an opinion, but I framed it as a question to provoke discussion. Too bad I don't see anyone here actually answering the question.
Are you under the illusion that there is only one establishment ?
Yes, the military and government are connected inseparably. In times of civil war, a military can defect and serve as a separate establishment, but they would just end supporting another group of corrupt and deficient politicians.
Actually, I take that back.

I believe militaries can exist independently of establishment. Not just the US military. That is the fundamental problem I see, not with the existence of armed forces in general.
So you didn't have a question. You just wanted to lecture us.
It was a question I already had an answer for. It is technically defined as an opinion, but I framed it as a question to provoke discussion. Too bad I don't see anyone here actually answering the question.
Are you under the illusion that there is only one establishment ?
Yes, the military and government are connected inseparably. In times of civil war, a military can defect and serve as a separate establishment, but they would just end supporting another group of corrupt and deficient politicians.

I tried to tell ya----Private armies is where it's happening. They can serve whichever establishment is willing to pay them.
With your seemingly vast knowledge on the intelligence of those who served I have to ask when did you take the oath ?
Several years ago, when I took the oath to be self sufficient and a force for change. I was once heavily entertaining the idea of going to school to become a logistics officer in the US military. Thank god I didn't.
So you have zero personal experience, that explains a lot and ends this conversation. If you had actually served I may have continued.
As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)


Yeah right!!!!! Obama's the one that's been firing any senior military member out there who disagrees with him. Then he turns around and instead of bringing the troops home like he said he would he decides to expand his 'war that isn't a war' to include seven or eight countries.

Then you tell us how you hate the military for 'following orders' while insinuating that the man to appreciate and admire is the one who is creating the very thing you hate about the military?

I suppose you'll be telling us how great Hillary will be if she gets into the White House so she can bomb the crap out of the rest of the countries we disagree with in this 'war that's not a war' the progressives support as she fires any senior military member who disagrees with her decisions.


Are you under the illusion that there is only one establishment ?
Yes, the military and government are connected inseparably. In times of civil war, a military can defect and serve as a separate establishment, but they would just end supporting another group of corrupt and deficient politicians.
You are obviously one confused individual and don't know whether to shit or go blind.
The military keeps us safe but they do not protect our freedoms .

Groups like the ACLU NRA and naacp protect our freedoms .
Are you under the illusion that there is only one establishment ?
Yes, the military and government are connected inseparably. In times of civil war, a military can defect and serve as a separate establishment, but they would just end supporting another group of corrupt and deficient politicians.


Thinking the military does not have to answer to the government it is supposed to answer too is the height of foolishness. If the military does not answer to the government then the military will be the government in the end when the two disagree. If one is lucky the military will have enough conscience to back the least oppressive and corrupt politicians if they have to choose a side in times of civil war. As for mercenaries...

Fall of the Western Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...Rome found out what happens when the armies you have are all mercenaries. They turn on you.


I often hear Americans say that US soldiers are defending my freedoms. That they are protecting my rights. I honestly do not see it.

In my opinion, the US military and its servicemen have historically served to protect the status quo of controlling government in America, and the interests of the corrupt politicians which benefit from its existence. Save for the few times when we actually needed heroes with guns to join an institutionalized force of gunslingers, WW2 being a prime example.

With that in mind, it is hard for me to understand why so many Americans that cry against the police state and growing role of authoritarianism, will openly suck the cock of every military servicemen or police officer in existence.

Keep in mind, I do not have a problem with servicemen or military personnel in general.

Many servicemen had good reasons for joining, like wanting to see the world and prove themselves, or because their was an important war going on that they wanted to take a side on, and had a strong moral justification for wanting to choose the side that they did. These servicemen I can respect.

Those are not most servicemen though. Since recruiters primarily advertise towards youth, most servicemen are dumb kids who thought war would be fun, or jocks that got afraid of responsibility so signed up upon a little pressure from a US army recruiter . I don't even have a problem with them though, since they were just young and naive, and a lot of good things probably came out with their choice to join the military.

My problem lies with those that fanatically believe that they are protecting our collective freedoms through military service. That somehow by signing up to serve the ruling political elite in America and following the whim of those people above them making the decisions, that they are doing us other Americans a service.

Yeah, I don't think so. I think that's bullshit. Maybe it isn't though, and I just need some clarification on what some fat quartermaster in a cozy base house in Munich is doing to protect my freedoms.

Until this is explained to me, I am forced to believe that those who religiously serve the government and its authoritarian tendencies through military service, are traitors to the American people. We have a strong heritage rooted in freedom and independence, and in times of peace and even in war, the armed forces serve the very powers that are attempting to rewrite America into becoming a socialist nanny state.

Just because we all know someone serving in the military doesn't change the reality that its existence serves to oppress us. Time to start seeing the enemy for what it really is.
It's like when the Iraq was a war for freedom. Bullshit! It was for oil and Saddam was making coca cola uncomfortable.

We police outside the US so McDonald and taco bell can sell shit abroad.
I often hear Americans say that US soldiers are defending my freedoms. That they are protecting my rights. I honestly do not see it.

In my opinion, the US military and its servicemen have historically served to protect the status quo of controlling government in America, and the interests of the corrupt politicians which benefit from its existence. Save for the few times when we actually needed heroes with guns to join an institutionalized force of gunslingers, WW2 being a prime example.

With that in mind, it is hard for me to understand why so many Americans that cry against the police state and growing role of authoritarianism, will openly suck the cock of every military servicemen or police officer in existence.

Keep in mind, I do not have a problem with servicemen or military personnel in general.

Many servicemen had good reasons for joining, like wanting to see the world and prove themselves, or because their was an important war going on that they wanted to take a side on, and had a strong moral justification for wanting to choose the side that they did. These servicemen I can respect.

Those are not most servicemen though. Since recruiters primarily advertise towards youth, most servicemen are dumb kids who thought war would be fun, or jocks that got afraid of responsibility so signed up upon a little pressure from a US army recruiter . I don't even have a problem with them though, since they were just young and naive, and a lot of good things probably came out with their choice to join the military.

My problem lies with those that fanatically believe that they are protecting our collective freedoms through military service. That somehow by signing up to serve the ruling political elite in America and following the whim of those people above them making the decisions, that they are doing us other Americans a service.

Yeah, I don't think so. I think that's bullshit. Maybe it isn't though, and I just need some clarification on what some fat quartermaster in a cozy base house in Munich is doing to protect my freedoms.

Until this is explained to me, I am forced to believe that those who religiously serve the government and its authoritarian tendencies through military service, are traitors to the American people. We have a strong heritage rooted in freedom and independence, and in times of peace and even in war, the armed forces serve the very powers that are attempting to rewrite America into becoming a socialist nanny state.

Just because we all know someone serving in the military doesn't change the reality that its existence serves to oppress us. Time to start seeing the enemy for what it really is.

Sounds like you have been indoctrinated into the far left religion..

Because the far left wants the government to control every aspect of your life and to dismantle FDR's military industrial Complex..
I often hear Americans say that US soldiers are defending my freedoms. That they are protecting my rights. I honestly do not see it.

In my opinion, the US military and its servicemen have historically served to protect the status quo of controlling government in America, and the interests of the corrupt politicians which benefit from its existence. Save for the few times when we actually needed heroes with guns to join an institutionalized force of gunslingers, WW2 being a prime example.

With that in mind, it is hard for me to understand why so many Americans that cry against the police state and growing role of authoritarianism, will openly suck the cock of every military servicemen or police officer in existence.

Keep in mind, I do not have a problem with servicemen or military personnel in general.

Many servicemen had good reasons for joining, like wanting to see the world and prove themselves, or because their was an important war going on that they wanted to take a side on, and had a strong moral justification for wanting to choose the side that they did. These servicemen I can respect.

Those are not most servicemen though. Since recruiters primarily advertise towards youth, most servicemen are dumb kids who thought war would be fun, or jocks that got afraid of responsibility so signed up upon a little pressure from a US army recruiter . I don't even have a problem with them though, since they were just young and naive, and a lot of good things probably came out with their choice to join the military.

My problem lies with those that fanatically believe that they are protecting our collective freedoms through military service. That somehow by signing up to serve the ruling political elite in America and following the whim of those people above them making the decisions, that they are doing us other Americans a service.

Yeah, I don't think so. I think that's bullshit. Maybe it isn't though, and I just need some clarification on what some fat quartermaster in a cozy base house in Munich is doing to protect my freedoms.

Until this is explained to me, I am forced to believe that those who religiously serve the government and its authoritarian tendencies through military service, are traitors to the American people. We have a strong heritage rooted in freedom and independence, and in times of peace and even in war, the armed forces serve the very powers that are attempting to rewrite America into becoming a socialist nanny state.

Just because we all know someone serving in the military doesn't change the reality that its existence serves to oppress us. Time to start seeing the enemy for what it really is.
It's like when the Iraq was a war for freedom. Bullshit! It was for oil and Saddam was making coca cola uncomfortable.

We police outside the US so McDonald and taco bell can sell shit abroad.

And you see the far left drones and their debunked narratives with zero proof but their religious teachings!
The police burst into your home and start searching your shit without a warrant . Are you going to call..,

A) marines
B ) coast guard
C) navy
D) a lawyer

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