A question about the US military

And you know that how?
I'm sorry, but any fucking 20 odd year old, with an avatar of an upside down flag, is NOT what America needs right now!....and honestly NOBODY cares what flies with you, you, like the rest of us have NO SAY or POWER to do anything about it!

That's where you are wrong. If you want to know what America really doesn't need, it is individuals which believe they are helpless to enact change. Take that kind of pathetic attitude to the liberal factions in Russia, they will welcome you with open arms.
Since our forces went into Afghanistan to take out the terrorists who were behind the attacks on 9/11, and fought against Al Qaeda factions in Iraq (and are currently bombing ISIS targets), could you please enlighten us on how much those troops are "oppressing" YOU???

As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
I often hear Americans say that US soldiers are defending my freedoms. That they are protecting my rights. I honestly do not see it.

In my opinion, the US military and its servicemen have historically served to protect the status quo of controlling government in America, and the interests of the corrupt politicians which benefit from its existence. Save for the few times when we actually needed heroes with guns to join an institutionalized force of gunslingers, WW2 being a prime example.

With that in mind, it is hard for me to understand why so many Americans that cry against the police state and growing role of authoritarianism, will openly suck the cock of every military servicemen or police officer in existence.

Keep in mind, I do not have a problem with servicemen or military personnel in general.

Many servicemen had good reasons for joining, like wanting to see the world and prove themselves, or because their was an important war going on that they wanted to take a side on, and had a strong moral justification for wanting to choose the side that they did. These servicemen I can respect.

Those are not most servicemen though. Since recruiters primarily advertise towards youth, most servicemen are dumb kids who thought war would be fun, or jocks that got afraid of responsibility so signed up upon a little pressure from a US army recruiter . I don't even have a problem with them though, since they were just young and naive, and a lot of good things probably came out with their choice to join the military.

My problem lies with those that fanatically believe that they are protecting our collective freedoms through military service. That somehow by signing up to serve the ruling political elite in America and following the whim of those people above them making the decisions, that they are doing us other Americans a service.

Yeah, I don't think so. I think that's bullshit. Maybe it isn't though, and I just need some clarification on what some fat quartermaster in a cozy base house in Munich is doing to protect my freedoms.

Until this is explained to me, I am forced to believe that those who religiously serve the government and its authoritarian tendencies through military service, are traitors to the American people. We have a strong heritage rooted in freedom and independence, and in times of peace and even in war, the armed forces serve the very powers that are attempting to rewrite America into becoming a socialist nanny state.

Just because we all know someone serving in the military doesn't change the reality that its existence serves to oppress us. Time to start seeing the enemy for what it really is.
You say you don't have a problem with people in the military, but you consider them traitors. You believe that the military is a tool for oppression. I ask when has anyone in uniform oppressed you ?

The US military is the most educated force in history during my time the majority of those I met had a degree or were working towards one. Calling them dumb kids is insulting to say the least

The thing that is protecting your freedoms is the US Military do you think that that countries like Russia or China wouldn't act differently towards the US if we didn't have the most powerful force in history ?

Last I have to add that my family have served this country for over 200 years the latest in that long line is my youngest daughter. You should be glad that some have served taken the oath so that you can freely insult them without consequences
As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)
As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)
So if you don't care for the Constitution, why don't you move someplace you would prefer (as in a third-world shit hole)???
If you feel this way then why do you think we needed to be involved in either one of those World Wars as you stated early on in your post?
I do not think participation in WWI was a good thing, but WW2 I do believe so. The US government at the time was nothing to be proud of, but all one had to do was take a look overseas to see just how bad outright fascism was.

That is part of the problem though. We look overseas and see other countries, and heroicize ourselves because we are not as shitty and oppressive. That makes us too settled and complacent. There is no reason we need to settle for being a somewhat shitty country. We can always fight to return to the days of absolute liberty and the original spirit of the American motherland.

The military is the very institution of complacency I despise. They are fighting for this country; This country is a piece of shit that is just a little less shitty than other places in the world. Being American should mean something, but it no longer does.


Fascism for the most part didn't exist in the United States at that time so again... Why should World War II be the exception for your desire to go to war?

As for your views about the United States and the rest of the world... It would appear you're one of those who look at a offered glass of water and bitch about it being only half full. I suspect you need to sit back and evaluate exactly what it is you expect from life. Myself... I'll take the United States over any other nation at this time.


As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
So you don't take the US Constitution seriously when it says we have "the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", do you???
No, I don't care much for the constitution. I bet that will get your panties all bunched up, wont it?

It's kind of hard to enjoy those RIGHTS (especially the first one), if the terrorists kill you...
Sorry, I don't need the US military to protect me from terrorism. So far I have managed fine protecting myself. Maybe you and others need that kind of parental babying, in which case I understand why you all suck the militaries cock, the very military that is controlled by a man I believe you hate (Barack Obama)

The military is protecting you from far more than terrorism and private armies help them.
Since our forces went into Afghanistan to take out the terrorists who were behind the attacks on 9/11, and fought against Al Qaeda factions in Iraq (and are currently bombing ISIS targets), could you please enlighten us on how much those troops are "oppressing" YOU???

As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights. Then go to a mosque and buy yourself a prayer rug. Be sure to mark the direction to Mecca.
Since our forces went into Afghanistan to take out the terrorists who were behind the attacks on 9/11, and fought against Al Qaeda factions in Iraq (and are currently bombing ISIS targets), could you please enlighten us on how much those troops are "oppressing" YOU???

As I said, there is a difference between a soldier whose claim to service is to prevent terrorism, than a soldier whose claim to service is "protecting my rights."
Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights. Then go to a mosque and buy yourself a prayer rug. Be sure to mark the direction to Mecca.
If he lasts that long....

They might take one look at him and decide he's a "sissy boy"!!!
You say you don't have a problem with people in the military, but you consider them traitors.
I did fail to make this clear, so I apologize.
Not everyone in the military is there for the wrong reasons. A lot are though, and that is a problem.

My father served in the military, but he primarily was there to serve himself. He was not brainwashed with any false sense of heroism or patriotic valor. I can admire that.

I ask when has anyone in uniform oppressed you ?
Everyday. They serve the politicians which have made America into a socialist nanny state. Their existence is why Americans are restricted in liberties.

Calling them dumb kids is insulting to say the least
A lot of them are pretty damn smart.

They are so smart that they target dumb youth to serve as the meat shields, while the intelligent ones do all the administrative work from the safety of their cubicle.

The thing that is protecting your freedoms is the US Military do you think that that countries like Russia or China wouldn't act differently towards the US if we didn't have the most powerful force in history ?

Like I said, I am not settling for a slightly less shitty country. I'll fight for something better than this. Complacency suits you better than it does me.

You should be glad that some have served taken the oath so that you can freely insult them without consequences

My friend, it is you who should be glad. The ditches are where people go who try to exercise authority over the common man just because they have a uniform and title. The local ditches have room for another dead "hero."
Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights.
I don't need any corrupt establishment to give me handouts. Go give your rights, or as I like to call them, "entitlements," to someone who actually needs them.
So if you don't care for the Constitution, why don't you move someplace you would prefer (as in a third-world shit hole)???
Because I still believe in America. My edge is still sharp, I don't know why the rest of you went dull. If you are going to disgrace the American spirit by sucking military cock, it is you who should leave. America was made for the strong and self sufficient.

I can't be sure whether you guys are pussies, or just conforming to the popular view that the military is a force of good, because you can't stand being a social reject.

I'll tell you what. If being popular involves conforming to mindless idiocy, I'll take being a reject any day of the week.
You say you don't have a problem with people in the military, but you consider them traitors.
I did fail to make this clear, so I apologize.
Not everyone in the military is there for the wrong reasons. A lot are though, and that is a problem.

My father served in the military, but he primarily was there to serve himself. He was not brainwashed with any false sense of heroism or patriotic valor. I can admire that.

I ask when has anyone in uniform oppressed you ?
Everyday. They serve the politicians which have made America into a socialist nanny state. Their existence is why Americans are restricted in liberties.

Calling them dumb kids is insulting to say the least
A lot of them are pretty damn smart.

They are so smart that they target dumb youth to serve as the meat shields, while the intelligent ones do all the administrative work from the safety of their cubicle.

The thing that is protecting your freedoms is the US Military do you think that that countries like Russia or China wouldn't act differently towards the US if we didn't have the most powerful force in history ?

Like I said, I am not settling for a slightly less shitty country. I'll fight for something better than this. Complacency suits you better than it does me.

You should be glad that some have served taken the oath so that you can freely insult them without consequences

My friend, it is you who should be glad. The ditches are where people go who try to exercise authority over the common man just because they have a uniform and title. The local ditches have room for another dead "hero."
With your seemingly vast knowledge on the intelligence of those who served I have to ask when did you take the oath ?
Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights.
I don't need any corrupt establishment to give me handouts. Go give your rights, or as I like to call them, "entitlements," to someone who actually needs them.
Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights.
I don't need any corrupt establishment to give me handouts. Go give your rights, or as I like to call them, "entitlements," to someone who actually needs them.

Live and learn; it's your funeral.
Let's do away with the military and see how long you have any rights.
I don't need any corrupt establishment to give me handouts. Go give your rights, or as I like to call them, "entitlements," to someone who actually needs them.

So if you don't care for the Constitution, why don't you move someplace you would prefer (as in a third-world shit hole)???
Because I still believe in America. My edge is still sharp, I don't know why the rest of you went dull. If you are going to disgrace the American spirit by sucking military cock, it is you who should leave. America was made for the strong and self sufficient.

I can't be sure whether you guys are pussies, or just conforming to the popular view that the military is a force of good, because you can't stand the truth.

So you didn't have a question. You just wanted to lecture us.
With your seemingly vast knowledge on the intelligence of those who served I have to ask when did you take the oath ?
Several years ago, when I took the oath to be self sufficient and a force for change. I was once heavily entertaining the idea of going to school to become a logistics officer in the US military. Thank god I didn't.

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