A question for Christians

And once again, there is no point in even trying to have this argument with you. You have willfully, knowingly, chosen to uphold evil and madness over good and reason, and nothing that I or anyone else can say will dissuade you from what is ultimately a self-destructive position.

To whatever degree I continue to allow you to drag me into this pointless game with you, is folly on my part.

Well, yeah, if you keep coming up with a circular argument like, "It's bad because the book with the talking snakes says it is, but you are evil if you point out it has talking snakes in it" reasoning.

You see, I can (and did) make an argument as to why murder is evil without mentioning the bible. I could even make an argument why abortion is wrong without citing the bible.

But frankly, all your arguments about the gays comes down to 'God says it's bad and I think it's icky"... which isn't a good enough argument to deny 10% of the population basic human rights.
But frankly, all your arguments about the gays comes down to 'God says it's bad and I think it's icky"...

Once again, you openly deny the distinction between good and evil,. and you mock God as the source of moral standards. There's no point in trying to discuss this distinction with you. You have openly, willfully chosen to uphold evil, and to eschew good. There is no reasoning with your degenerate kind, and no point in even trying.

…which isn't a good enough argument to deny 10% of the population basic human rights.

Only a Godless, degenerate sociopath such as yourself thinks that immoral sexual perversion is a “basic human right”, much less forcing this perversion on those who want no part in it.
Good grief. Her stupid ignorance again. Your will is I shall not write any longer anything in this forum here, isn't it, Nazi?

So is that a yes to being a homo?

Bob Blaylock: You are as stupid as the structural Nazi-idiot TAZ, who is not able to speak about any theme on lack of everything what someone needs who likes to speak about a theme.

But let me give you an answer: Mr. Charles Chaplin - a man who was not worth to be seen as an US-American for the good US-McCarthyists - was attacked to be a Jew from racists of the USA. He never gave an answer - either because he was a Jew or because the answer "No, I am not a Jew" would had been a kind of excuse for something what needs absolutelly no excuse.

There's still no excuse for you, douchebagger.

Aha: You are really a prototype of a structural Nazi. You play here with the feeling of guilt of survivers of the Holocaust (and all other catastrophes) who ask themselves why they survived while others had to die. I tell you why I am a descendent of survivors: It was the will of god. And when I on my own was ready to die long tiem ago god asked me to do him the favor to go back, although I had the chance to go to heaven. And now your hell is to have to attack me. Why?



you actually

"If you actually?" ... You fear you are still on a totally wrong way. I'm nothing else than a rectangle full of light in front of your eyes. That's what you are able to prove. Everything else about me is your belief.

were a survivor of the Holocaust,

I never said I am a survivor of the Holocaust, I said a big part of my family died in the Holocaust. I'm a result of the Holocaust. The paradox is: Without Hitler and the Holocaust I would not exist. I am "the answer" on everything what had happened before me. But I am not this what had happened.

you wouldn't be calling me a Nazi in every fucking post.

I'm convinced you are a structural Nazi on a very good reason: Your verbal behavior. You use propagandistic tricks of Nazis. Joachim Fests father called Hitler under Hitler the best liar the world ever had seen. He said Hitler was such an excellent liar so even the opposite of his lies were lies again.

It would hurt to much to even type the word. Now go fuck yourself, you faker. And remember, when you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt. He has high blood pressure.

To say so is your only chance to stay on your wrong way. No one forces you to attack me and/or my country continuosly with hateful nonsense.I remember in this context an old German exclamation: "Oh was waren das für Zeiten - bittere Zeiten waren das - als man die Gedanken jagte - und dabei die Köpfe traf". "Oh what were this times - bitter times it were - when they hunted thoughts - and stroke the heads."

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Once again, you openly deny the distinction between good and evil,. and you mock God as the source of moral standards. There's no point in trying to discuss this distinction with you. You have openly, willfully chosen to uphold evil, and to eschew good. There is no reasoning with your degenerate kind, and no point in even trying.

Guy, I don't deny the distinction between good and evil, I just don't define it the way you do.

I have a humanist view of good and evil. Evil is something that harms other people. Good is something that helps other people. Two people in a loving, nurturing relationship is good. Even if they both are the same gender.

You, on the other hand, see as a source of good a supposed supreme being who drowned every person in the world because he didn't like the choices he made, killed 70,000 Israelites because David conducted a census, Killed King David's baby to teach him a lesson. Frankly, buddy, reading the bible, I have a hard time seeing the God of the Old Testament as a good being. He does some really evil stuff to people, often on flimsy pretexts.

Only a degenerate sociopath such as yourself thinks that immoral sexual perversion is a basic human right”, much less forcing this perversion on those who want no part in it.

Guy, nobody is going to make you gay...

You just can't discriminate against them.
So is that a yes to being a homo?

Bob Blaylock: You are as stupid as the structural Nazi-idiot TAZ, who is not able to speak about any theme on lack of everything what someone needs who likes to speak about a theme.

But let me give you an answer: Mr. Charles Chaplin - a man who was not worth to be seen as an US-American for the good US-McCarthyists - was attacked to be a Jew from racists of the USA. He never gave an answer - either because he was a Jew or because the answer "No, I am not a Jew" would had been a kind of excuse for something what needs absolutelly no excuse.

There's still no excuse for you, douchebagger.

Aha: You are really a prototype of a structural Nazi. You play here with the feeling of guilt of survivers of the Holocaust (and all other catastrophes) who ask themselves why they survived while others had to die. I tell you why I am a descendent of survivors: It was the will of god. And when I on my own was ready to die long tiem ago god asked me to do him the favor to go back, although I had the chance to go to heaven. And now your hell is to have to attack me. Why?



you actually

"If you actually?" ... You fear you are still on a totally wrong way. I'm nothing else than a rectangle full of light in front of your eyes. That's what you are able to prove. Everything else about me is your belief.

were a survivor of the Holocaust,

I never said I am a survivor of the Holocaust, I said a big part of my family died in the Holocaust. I'm a result of the Holocaust. The paradox is: Without Hitler and the Holocaust I would not exist. I am "the answer" on everything what had happened before me. But I am not this what had happened.

you wouldn't be calling me a Nazi in every fucking post.

I'm convinced you are a structural Nazi on a very good reason: Your verbal behavior. You use propagandistic tricks of Nazis. Joachim Fests father called Hitler under Hitler the best liar the world ever had seen. He said Hitler was such an excellent liar so even the opposite of his lies were lies again.

It would hurt to much to even type the word. Now go fuck yourself, you faker. And remember, when you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt. He has high blood pressure.

To say so is your only chance to stay on your wrong way. No one forces you to attack me and/or my country continuosly with hateful nonsense.I remember in this context an old German exclamation: "Oh was waren das für Zeiten - bittere Zeiten waren das - als man die Gedanken jagte - und dabei die Köpfe traf". "Oh what were this times - bitter times it were - when they hunted thoughts - and stroke the heads."

You’re obsessed with nazis, because you likely are one.
Once again, you openly deny the distinction between good and evil,. and you mock God as the source of moral standards. There's no point in trying to discuss this distinction with you. You have openly, willfully chosen to uphold evil, and to eschew good. There is no reasoning with your degenerate kind, and no point in even trying.

Guy, I don't deny the distinction between good and evil, I just don't define it the way you do.

I have a humanist view of good and evil. Evil is something that harms other people. Good is something that helps other people. Two people in a loving, nurturing relationship is good. Even if they both are the same gender.

You, on the other hand, see as a source of good a supposed supreme being who drowned every person in the world because he didn't like the choices he made, killed 70,000 Israelites because David conducted a census, Killed King David's baby to teach him a lesson. Frankly, buddy, reading the bible, I have a hard time seeing the God of the Old Testament as a good being. He does some really evil stuff to people, often on flimsy pretexts.

Only a degenerate sociopath such as yourself thinks that immoral sexual perversion is a basic human right”, much less forcing this perversion on those who want no part in it.

Guy, nobody is going to make you gay...

You just can't discriminate against them.
I believe that, as easy as it was to turn a nation into a bunch of murdering thugs (NAZI GERMANY) through propaganda and retraining the youth --- it would be just as easy to cause a nation to become sexually accepting, curious, and deviant.

Of course not everyone in Germany was a murdering thug; however, it would be pretty hard to hide the fact and many participated simply by looking the other way... And there are now lawsuits, and "educational" propaganda, and every encouragement to accept what was once regarded as highly sexual abuse.
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Bob Blaylock: You are as stupid as the structural Nazi-idiot TAZ, who is not able to speak about any theme on lack of everything what someone needs who likes to speak about a theme.

But let me give you an answer: Mr. Charles Chaplin - a man who was not worth to be seen as an US-American for the good US-McCarthyists - was attacked to be a Jew from racists of the USA. He never gave an answer - either because he was a Jew or because the answer "No, I am not a Jew" would had been a kind of excuse for something what needs absolutelly no excuse.

There's still no excuse for you, douchebagger.

Aha: You are really a prototype of a structural Nazi. You play here with the feeling of guilt of survivers of the Holocaust (and all other catastrophes) who ask themselves why they survived while others had to die. I tell you why I am a descendent of survivors: It was the will of god. And when I on my own was ready to die long tiem ago god asked me to do him the favor to go back, although I had the chance to go to heaven. And now your hell is to have to attack me. Why?



you actually

"If you actually?" ... You fear you are still on a totally wrong way. I'm nothing else than a rectangle full of light in front of your eyes. That's what you are able to prove. Everything else about me is your belief.

were a survivor of the Holocaust,

I never said I am a survivor of the Holocaust, I said a big part of my family died in the Holocaust. I'm a result of the Holocaust. The paradox is: Without Hitler and the Holocaust I would not exist. I am "the answer" on everything what had happened before me. But I am not this what had happened.

you wouldn't be calling me a Nazi in every fucking post.

I'm convinced you are a structural Nazi on a very good reason: Your verbal behavior. You use propagandistic tricks of Nazis. Joachim Fests father called Hitler under Hitler the best liar the world ever had seen. He said Hitler was such an excellent liar so even the opposite of his lies were lies again.

It would hurt to much to even type the word. Now go fuck yourself, you faker. And remember, when you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt. He has high blood pressure.

To say so is your only chance to stay on your wrong way. No one forces you to attack me and/or my country continuosly with hateful nonsense.I remember in this context an old German exclamation: "Oh was waren das für Zeiten - bittere Zeiten waren das - als man die Gedanken jagte - und dabei die Köpfe traf". "Oh what were this times - bitter times it were - when they hunted thoughts - and stroke the heads."

You’re obsessed with nazis, because you likely are one.

That would be like saying, "You are obsessed with Trump, so you must be his supporter!"

The four groups/behaviours above are all pretty much frowned upon by certain strands of Christianity. But I am curious as to why Gays seemingly come in for censure, a lot more so than ,for example, adulterers .

Nobody ever refused a liar a cake. They probably wouldnt have much business at all if they did.

I would argue that a devout,honest,faithful,non violent gay person would be a better individual than the others. Certainly of a higher moral standard. And yet nobody campaigns against the pension rights of murderers. Or the rights of adulterers.

I have never seen one thread on this board giving grief to liars and cheats but hundreds condemning gays.

How do you work out who gets the cake baked ?
People don’t usually order bespoke cakes emblazoned with LIAR???
Nobody ever refused a liar a cake.

Is there a documented case of anyone ordering a cake celebrating liars?
I am sure that Trump has had a few cakes in his time.

Of course, UK politicians are paragons of veracity.

Aitken was able to resurrect hmself without any problems.But this isnt a thread about the honesty of politicians so try and get on topic old fella.
You are the one who brought a politician into it -Trump.
Derailing your own thread, old fella??!
We are all sinners, including the Christian bakers. Certainly, they could not refuse decorating cakes for sinners, or they would not be decorating any cakes.

Nor would they refuse to decorate, say, a birthday cake for a gay person - assuming they knew that the person was gay.

Gay marriage is another proposition altogether.

Gay marriage is an affirmation, not only of sinful behavior, but at the same time it is a declaration that it is NOT sinful, and that the participants intend to continue the sinful behavior for the indefinite future...and they want to CELEBRATE that fact.

This is not a difficult matter to understand. No rational Christian would have any trouble explaining why this request was singularly unacceptable to the Christian bakers.
Gay marriage is legal and you live in a country that was formed on the division of church and state. Christians persecute gays and give real sinners a pass.
Just because somethings ‘legal’ doesn’t mean you must approve or don’t have a right to fight it. There are many bad laws that trample over some peoples rights in order to pander to others.
‘The law is an ass’.
As are you.

The four groups/behaviours above are all pretty much frowned upon by certain strands of Christianity. But I am curious as to why Gays seemingly come in for censure, a lot more so than ,for example, adulterers .

Nobody ever refused a liar a cake. They probably wouldnt have much business at all if they did.

I would argue that a devout,honest,faithful,non violent gay person would be a better individual than the others. Certainly of a higher moral standard. And yet nobody campaigns against the pension rights of murderers. Or the rights of adulterers.

I have never seen one thread on this board giving grief to liars and cheats but hundreds condemning gays.

How do you work out who gets the cake baked ?

I see absolutely no evidence that adulterers, or any of the others, are treated less harshly than gays.

In my church over 10 years ago, we found out that one of the assistant pastors was sleeping with a woman in the choir. We immediately kicked BOTH out of the church. And that was just fornication. They were not married to anyone else, they simply were not married.

It happened FAST too. We found out about it mid-week, and had him replaced by 9 AM Sunday morning.

Same is true of adultery, obviously. I used to be part of a small group of Christians that met every Thursday. One of the guys was in the military, and had a secretary, who was married. He showed up with this woman, and the entire group fell apart. Everyone quit going. Why would we go and watch a man steal another man's wife?

So where is this idea that Christians are fine with some kinds of sin, but not others? I'm not seeing it.

Now I do know of Christian groups that are fine with those kinds of sins..... but they are also fine with the sin of Homosexuality.

I don't see a double standard like you are talking about. Not on a broad Christian scale. I have no doubt there are some small groups somewhere with wacked beliefs, because there are small groups everywhere with wack beliefs. There was a Animal rights activists that try and burn down McDonald's.

But as a whole, Christians are perfectly fine with adultery, but have a problem with homosexuality? That's crazy talk. No. Of course not.

I had a guy tell me that I hated gays, and then asked me why, and would I bake a cake for a homosexual. I'm going to tell you the same answer I told him.

1. When I was working as a freelance IT support, I had a lesbian woman ask me to fix her computer at her home. I had no problem going to her home, and fixing her computer. I have had other homosexual friends other than this. I do not "hate gays".

2. Entire reason this country exists, is because we got away from British snobs, trying to dictate how we live our lives, and how we practice our faith. Ironically, the other guy who originally asked me was British as well.

We have religious freedom in this country. We do not have to answer you as to why we practice our religion, or how we practice, or what we believe about our faith. We have the freedom to practice and believe what we want, and we don't need to justify ourselves to you, or anyone else. We might choose to answer your questions, but we don't have to, and you are not 'owed' an answer.

3. I'm fairly libertarian on business stuff. If it's my business, and I own it, and it is my property, then I can do with it whatever I want. You are not 'owed' my service. You do not have a "right" to my productivity and labor.

There were slaves that were paid for their work, even in this country. That is how some slaves were able to purchase their own freedom. Being paid to do something, doesn't mean you are now a slave to the customer. Paid or otherwise, no one has a "right" to someone else's work. You have no right to tell me that "I must" provide you a service, just because you think no one should be allowed to deny service to someone.

We are a free society, and you can't 'force me' to work for you.

4. It's not about selling a cake to a gay person. It's about being involved in a gay wedding. There are differing views on this in Christian circles. For the sake of argument, I'm excluding the fake Christians that say homosexuality isn't even a sin, or wrong.... which is contradicted in the Bible dozens of times.

Some Christians say bake the cake, and who cares. Just sell people the stuff and move on.

Other Christians groups say, we shouldn't be part of something that is considered evil.

Again, no one cares about baking a Pizza, or fixing a gay person's car. It's being involved in a gay wedding, that is the problem.

I personally am a bit ambivalent on the matter. I think I would fall on the side of not being involved. I do not believe in the existence of gay marriage. There is no gay marriage. You can make a bit of paper, and write a bunch of laws. But laws do not create things, and papers do not create things. G-d himself created marriage, and it is only between a man and a woman. That paper, only states in write, what actually exists. Those laws only make clear, what already exists.

Homosexual weddings do not exist. You can have your paper, and your laws, but they simply don't exist. Why would I participate in something that is a fraud? I wouldn't. So I think I would likely fall on the side of not being involved.

But it is not because I "hate gays". It's because I love truth, and I have my religious faith. If a gay wants me to fix his car, I wouldn't hesitate to do it. If a gay wants to buy a pizza from my store, I wouldn't think twice. But I'm not going to participate in a fraud called gay marriage.

I hope that clears up the problem. We don't have a problem providing goods and services to people, that happen to be gay. It's participating in a fraud called gay-marriage, that is sin to Christians. I would participate in a seance to talk to the dead either. That's a fraud. You can't talk to dead people. Nor can two men, or two women, get married in the eyes of G-d. Not going to participate in either one.

I think the only reason people think Christians have a problem with homosexuality more than other sins, is only because you can't hide it.

If you lie to me, how do I know? Now once I find out you lied to me, I have just as much of a problem with lying, as anything else. But if I don't know.... then how would I have problem with it?

Same thing with adultery. If you ask me do a wedding, and you are stealing another man's wife... how do I know that? Now if I found out, or you were arrogant enough to tell me you were stealing another man's wife... I would refuse to take part in your marriage, just like if you were gay.

The difference is, if you ask me to put "Tim and John" on the wedding cake.... then I know. So it's easier to see this particular evil, than other evils. Doesn't mean we don't have a problem with other evils. We still do. Evil is evil. Doesn't matter which evil you are doing, it is still evil.

By the way.... if a gay person asks me to bake them a cake for their gay wedding, but never admits it's a gay wedding, and doesn't have something like "Tim and John" on the wedding cake... I would bake them the cake. Just like if I didn't know someone was stealing another man's wife, I would bake the cake.
But Gay folks havent done anything wrong and yet you compare them to liars and adulterers.
Actually, YOU did that in your OP.
Bob Blaylock: You are as stupid as the structural Nazi-idiot TAZ, who is not able to speak about any theme on lack of everything what someone needs who likes to speak about a theme.

But let me give you an answer: Mr. Charles Chaplin - a man who was not worth to be seen as an US-American for the good US-McCarthyists - was attacked to be a Jew from racists of the USA. He never gave an answer - either because he was a Jew or because the answer "No, I am not a Jew" would had been a kind of excuse for something what needs absolutelly no excuse.

There's still no excuse for you, douchebagger.

Aha: You are really a prototype of a structural Nazi. You play here with the feeling of guilt of survivers of the Holocaust (and all other catastrophes) who ask themselves why they survived while others had to die. I tell you why I am a descendent of survivors: It was the will of god. And when I on my own was ready to die long tiem ago god asked me to do him the favor to go back, although I had the chance to go to heaven. And now your hell is to have to attack me. Why?



you actually

"If you actually?" ... You fear you are still on a totally wrong way. I'm nothing else than a rectangle full of light in front of your eyes. That's what you are able to prove. Everything else about me is your belief.

were a survivor of the Holocaust,

I never said I am a survivor of the Holocaust, I said a big part of my family died in the Holocaust. I'm a result of the Holocaust. The paradox is: Without Hitler and the Holocaust I would not exist. I am "the answer" on everything what had happened before me. But I am not this what had happened.

you wouldn't be calling me a Nazi in every fucking post.

I'm convinced you are a structural Nazi on a very good reason: Your verbal behavior. You use propagandistic tricks of Nazis. Joachim Fests father called Hitler under Hitler the best liar the world ever had seen. He said Hitler was such an excellent liar so even the opposite of his lies were lies again.

It would hurt to much to even type the word. Now go fuck yourself, you faker. And remember, when you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt. He has high blood pressure.

To say so is your only chance to stay on your wrong way. No one forces you to attack me and/or my country continuosly with hateful nonsense.I remember in this context an old German exclamation: "Oh was waren das für Zeiten - bittere Zeiten waren das - als man die Gedanken jagte - und dabei die Köpfe traf". "Oh what were this times - bitter times it were - when they hunted thoughts - and stroke the heads."

You’re obsessed with nazis, because you likely are one.

Your problem is your criminal energy, Nazi. Perhaps we should install in Germany an international police departement and use the law systems of different countries to hunt and to eliminate the most stupid and/or most criminal Nazis of other nations worldwide.

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There's still no excuse for you, douchebagger.

Aha: You are really a prototype of a structural Nazi. You play here with the feeling of guilt of survivers of the Holocaust (and all other catastrophes) who ask themselves why they survived while others had to die. I tell you why I am a descendent of survivors: It was the will of god. And when I on my own was ready to die long tiem ago god asked me to do him the favor to go back, although I had the chance to go to heaven. And now your hell is to have to attack me. Why?


you actually

"If you actually?" ... You fear you are still on a totally wrong way. I'm nothing else than a rectangle full of light in front of your eyes. That's what you are able to prove. Everything else about me is your belief.

were a survivor of the Holocaust,

I never said I am a survivor of the Holocaust, I said a big part of my family died in the Holocaust. I'm a result of the Holocaust. The paradox is: Without Hitler and the Holocaust I would not exist. I am "the answer" on everything what had happened before me. But I am not this what had happened.

you wouldn't be calling me a Nazi in every fucking post.

I'm convinced you are a structural Nazi on a very good reason: Your verbal behavior. You use propagandistic tricks of Nazis. Joachim Fests father called Hitler under Hitler the best liar the world ever had seen. He said Hitler was such an excellent liar so even the opposite of his lies were lies again.

It would hurt to much to even type the word. Now go fuck yourself, you faker. And remember, when you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt. He has high blood pressure.

To say so is your only chance to stay on your wrong way. No one forces you to attack me and/or my country continuosly with hateful nonsense.I remember in this context an old German exclamation: "Oh was waren das für Zeiten - bittere Zeiten waren das - als man die Gedanken jagte - und dabei die Köpfe traf". "Oh what were this times - bitter times it were - when they hunted thoughts - and stroke the heads."

You’re obsessed with nazis, because you likely are one.

Your problem is your criminal energy, Nazi. Perhaps we should install in Germany an international police departement and use the law systems of different countries to hunt and to eliminate the most stupid and/or most criminal Nazis of other nations worldwide.

They can start with the rest of your family. A gift to humanity, let's say.

The four groups/behaviours above are all pretty much frowned upon by certain strands of Christianity. But I am curious as to why Gays seemingly come in for censure, a lot more so than ,for example, adulterers .

Nobody ever refused a liar a cake. They probably wouldnt have much business at all if they did.

I would argue that a devout,honest,faithful,non violent gay person would be a better individual than the others. Certainly of a higher moral standard. And yet nobody campaigns against the pension rights of murderers. Or the rights of adulterers.

I have never seen one thread on this board giving grief to liars and cheats but hundreds condemning gays.

How do you work out who gets the cake baked ?

On a battlefield, conventional or not, in a declared war or otherwise, men and women steal, sleep sometimes with their fellow soldiers—in spite of having a spouse back in the world, and often kill enemy combatants. I speak of a majority Christian military, our own American one. This is but one example of both an organization and culture, largely Christian, which must act outside of the strictest interpretations and/or tenets of the faith in order to fulfill a role hundreds of millions of its fellow human beings rely on for their survival.

I've got an uncle and a male cousin who are different generations and both are gay. Love them both, would do anything for either of them. That said, neither one of them are completely flaming. One is rugged and conservative in his sexuality, the other is younger, a very serious professional but on the weekends a bit of a flamer. Neither proselytizes their "situation" and both are completely accepted by the family. That said, neither one has any more right than I do as a heterosexual individual to spread my sexual preference into the political or public spotlight.

Both are Christians, just like their fathers and forefathers.

The four groups/behaviours above are all pretty much frowned upon by certain strands of Christianity. But I am curious as to why Gays seemingly come in for censure, a lot more so than ,for example, adulterers .

Nobody ever refused a liar a cake. They probably wouldnt have much business at all if they did.

I would argue that a devout,honest,faithful,non violent gay person would be a better individual than the others. Certainly of a higher moral standard. And yet nobody campaigns against the pension rights of murderers. Or the rights of adulterers.

I have never seen one thread on this board giving grief to liars and cheats but hundreds condemning gays.

How do you work out who gets the cake baked ?

On a battlefield, conventional or not, in a declared war or otherwise, men and women steal, sleep sometimes with their fellow soldiers—in spite of having a spouse back in the world, and often kill enemy combatants. I speak of a majority Christian military, our own American one. This is but one example of both an organization and culture, largely Christian, which must act outside of the strictest interpretations and/or tenets of the faith in order to fulfill a role hundreds of millions of its fellow human beings rely on for their survival.

I've got an uncle and a male cousin who are different generations and both are gay. Love them both, would do anything for either of them. That said, neither one of them are completely flaming. One is rugged and conservative in his sexuality, the other is younger, a very serious professional but on the weekends a bit of a flamer. Neither proselytizes their "situation" and both are completely accepted by the family. That said, neither one has any more right than I do as a heterosexual individual to spread my sexual preference into the political or public spotlight.

Both are Christians, just like their fathers and forefathers.
But doesn't the bible say that homosexuality is a sin?

The four groups/behaviours above are all pretty much frowned upon by certain strands of Christianity. But I am curious as to why Gays seemingly come in for censure, a lot more so than ,for example, adulterers .

It is simple. It's never about what a sin is. It's all about how to legalize a sin not only in a society but also inside God's churches.
Once again, you openly deny the distinction between good and evil,. and you mock God as the source of moral standards. There's no point in trying to discuss this distinction with you. You have openly, willfully chosen to uphold evil, and to eschew good. There is no reasoning with your degenerate kind, and no point in even trying.

Guy, I don't deny the distinction between good and evil, I just don't define it the way you do.

I have a humanist view of good and evil. Evil is something that harms other people. Good is something that helps other people. Two people in a loving, nurturing relationship is good. Even if they both are the same gender.

You, on the other hand, see as a source of good a supposed supreme being who drowned every person in the world because he didn't like the choices he made, killed 70,000 Israelites because David conducted a census, Killed King David's baby to teach him a lesson. Frankly, buddy, reading the bible, I have a hard time seeing the God of the Old Testament as a good being. He does some really evil stuff to people, often on flimsy pretexts.

Only a degenerate sociopath such as yourself thinks that immoral sexual perversion is a basic human right”, much less forcing this perversion on those who want no part in it.

Guy, nobody is going to make you gay...

You just can't discriminate against them.

When you say that I am not allowed to conduct my business as I see fit, because you demand I accept and service something I disagree with..... then you are in fact making us take part in something we don't want.

You can rationalize that all you want, but the fact remains you demand that others take part in something they do not wish to have any dealings with.

It's ironic to some extent.....

You won't even allow people to pray to G-d in schools...... because that would be "forcing religion".

Yet here you have religious people who don't want to be involved, and you are saying they MUST be involved.

You don't see the massive hypocrisy there? You claim Christians are forcing their religion on others.... yet you won't allow us to even just..... pray, without involving anyone else, at a school.... yet demand we be involved in a gay marriage.

Who is trying to force their views on others again? It sure seems like others are forcing their views on us, not the other way around.
But frankly, all your arguments about the gays comes down to 'God says it's bad and I think it's icky"...

Once again, you openly deny the distinction between good and evil,. and you mock God as the source of moral standards. There's no point in trying to discuss this distinction with you. You have openly, willfully chosen to uphold evil, and to eschew good. There is no reasoning with your degenerate kind, and no point in even trying.

…which isn't a good enough argument to deny 10% of the population basic human rights.

Only a Godless, degenerate sociopath such as yourself thinks that immoral sexual perversion is a “basic human right”, much less forcing this perversion on those who want no part in it.
If God is the source of moral standards then it must follow that non christians do not have moral standards. How does that work ?
Once again, you openly deny the distinction between good and evil,. and you mock God as the source of moral standards. There's no point in trying to discuss this distinction with you. You have openly, willfully chosen to uphold evil, and to eschew good. There is no reasoning with your degenerate kind, and no point in even trying.

Guy, I don't deny the distinction between good and evil, I just don't define it the way you do.

I have a humanist view of good and evil. Evil is something that harms other people. Good is something that helps other people. Two people in a loving, nurturing relationship is good. Even if they both are the same gender.

You, on the other hand, see as a source of good a supposed supreme being who drowned every person in the world because he didn't like the choices he made, killed 70,000 Israelites because David conducted a census, Killed King David's baby to teach him a lesson. Frankly, buddy, reading the bible, I have a hard time seeing the God of the Old Testament as a good being. He does some really evil stuff to people, often on flimsy pretexts.

Only a degenerate sociopath such as yourself thinks that immoral sexual perversion is a basic human right”, much less forcing this perversion on those who want no part in it.

Guy, nobody is going to make you gay...

You just can't discriminate against them.

When you say that I am not allowed to conduct my business as I see fit, because you demand I accept and service something I disagree with..... then you are in fact making us take part in something we don't want.

You can rationalize that all you want, but the fact remains you demand that others take part in something they do not wish to have any dealings with.

It's ironic to some extent.....

You won't even allow people to pray to G-d in schools...... because that would be "forcing religion".

Yet here you have religious people who don't want to be involved, and you are saying they MUST be involved.

You don't see the massive hypocrisy there? You claim Christians are forcing their religion on others.... yet you won't allow us to even just..... pray, without involving anyone else, at a school.... yet demand we be involved in a gay marriage.

Who is trying to force their views on others again? It sure seems like others are forcing their views on us, not the other way around.
Andy,if you relate your answer to the points raised in the OP I think that would be interesting. I am trying to ascertain why Gays bear the brunt of Christian wrath and not groups of sinners such as those listed. If it is easier try and park the cake and consider issues such as adoption and civil rights.

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