A Question For Conservatives, Liberals, And Folks Of Any Other Political Persuation..

Fun fact: If it weren't for Bill, Ann wouldn't be famous; his old show on NBC helped launch her career. She used to be a guest on his HBO show quite a bit, but I haven't watched it in a while.

Fun rumor: They used to boink each other.

I'd say that's a LOT more than a rumor. I don't think either of them deny it.
in other words Conservatives who can co-exist with people who dont think like a right winger....

No, what I said was:

Liberals I'd like to punch in the face.

All of them.

Conservatives I'd like to punch in the face.

All of them that kiss leftist ass and act like liberals.

ok.....are you saying if a "Conservative" and a "Liberal" agree on something

Why would a conservative and a liberal agree on something? They're polar opposites. If a conservative is agreeing with a liberal, he/she isn't a conservative and, vice versa.

.....is the Conservative then kissing the Liberals ass?....

If the conservative is agreeing with the liberal? Yup.

because what i get out of the farther right people here talking about this....the answer is mostly YES.....NO compromising...

Fuck compromising. Why should I compromise?
and whether you like it or not....HALF this Country leans left......if you cant work with them.....get the fuck out of the way.....so things can get done.....

Nah, you get the fuck out of the way so things can get done. And, I have no intention in "working with" the left. If I wanted to "work with" the left, I would have voted for them. I didn't vote for them. You know why? Take a wild guess.
i dont stand in the way.....i can work with anyone......

If you can work with anyone, you are standing in the way. You're preventing issues I agree with from coming to pass because you agree with the leftists, who don't want them to come to pass.

but now you and your type who can only work with those who think like you do......since around 80% of the Country DOES NOT think like you.....WHO is standing in the way?....

How do you know eighty percent of the country does not think like I do? Eighty percent of the country doesn't think like I do simply because you say so...right? And, make no mistake about it, those voting for Obama does not equal 80% of the "people", nor even 60% of the "people". They represent only a portion of the voting public, which is not ALL the "people" and is only about 57.5% of the "people".

It's more like the left is too far to the left and, has been for decades.

i agree here.....the reason i left.....

Has nothing to do with the Republican Party allegedly going too far to the right

your wrong here but maybe you cant see that because you are one of them......leave the Party and then look at them with your eyes open.....

Already got my eyes open and I don't need to leave the party. The weak-kneed RINO's need to leave the party. If they're going to act like leftists, they can join them. I'm tired of the wobblers. They can either stand up for theirs and their constituents' principles or...get the hell out. And I know I, as one of their constituents, didn't vote for them to support leftist principles. I voted for them to support my principles. Which, ARE NOT, leftist principles.
whether you like it or not......there are people out there who dont think like you do.....the only principles that are fucked are those coming from the FAR Left and Right......the ones who feel everyone else is wrong but us....like i said....open your eyes......or maybe your just too fucking Far Right to do so ......if so enjoy your confinement to that corner....

Yeah, yeah, yeah, if someone doesn't agree with you, they're "FAR Left" or "FAR Right". Give it a rest. And, who's "us" in "who feel everyone else is wrong but us"? And, apparently, the only one in the corner is you. You're the one crying because apparently the "FAR Right" or "FAR Left" won't let you do what you want to do.
Nah, you get the fuck out of the way so things can get done. And, I have no intention in "working with" the left. If I wanted to "work with" the left, I would have voted for them. I didn't vote for them. You know why? Take a wild guess.

Can you explain precisely how you and the legislators with whom you agree are going to get your way when you only influence one part of one party in one third of the government?

By not letting you get your way.
I actually don't particularly care for this guy. Some of the looks he gets on his face drive me completely up the wall.


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