A question for Conservatives

Obama's and Trump's positions on healthcare in the elections of 2008 and 2016 respectively weren't difficult to discern. While the resulting legislation from the Democrats in 2009 and Republicans today are both far from what was promised in the campaigns, it would be foolish to think of that as any surprise. Thus I look at it from the angle that elections have consequences. From how the media described many of the Trump voters as being unemployed and under-employed workers in the rust belt, I'll take it as they're getting what they asked for if this medical insurance legislation eventually becomes law. And if these people regain full employment, it should work out well for them either way.

The jobs promised to the unemployed workers in the rust belt is just about as realistic as the free candy promised to the little kids in the back of the pedophile's van.

Both will not get what's promised. Both will be fucked.
Everything comes down to the rich vs the middle class. Today the rich won and they shall laugh all the way to the bank. Its sooooo easy to see.
Poor Democrats. . They passed a shit law that wreaked 7 years of havoc on our economy and nearly destroyed our healthcare system.

They lost election after election as a result.

Finally the horrible law is being dismantled (before it collapses on its own) , and the LWNJ's can do nothing but whine like babies. :rofl:

Well you know what? Fuck you. The people have spoken. You lost. Your ideas suck and when implemented, your results suck.

You reap what you sow. You have sown failure. Deal with it.

Don't like it? Tough shit. Elections have consequences. Go out and win some elections.

Until then, get in the back of the bus.

Poor Democrats. . They passed a shit law that wreaked 7 years of havoc on our economy and nearly destroyed our healthcare system.

They lost election after election as a result.

Finally the horrible law is being dismantled (before it collapses on its own) , and the LWNJ's can do nothing but whine like babies. :rofl:

Well you know what? Fuck you. The people have spoken. You lost. Your ideas suck and when implemented, your results suck.

You reap what you sow. You have sown failure. Deal with it.

Don't like it? Tough shit. Elections have consequences. Go out and win some elections.

Until then, get in the back of the bus.


Is that how you think it works?
America....the land of the rich for the rich by the rich. The rest of ya....back of the bus.
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.


None of your guesses are accurate because you have no idea what the final bill coming out of the conference committee will look like. So how about a moratorium on regressive fear mongering, the damn thing hasn't even passed the senate much less the conference.

I love how Democrats/liberals only look at one side of the balance sheet: the people getting something.

They never look at the people paying for Obamacare. Ever since my Obamacare went into affect my premiums skyrocketed. Not exaggerating by much health insurance takes half my pay check. Before Obamacare it too a good chunk, but never half.

We as a society can take care of the truly sick, but if we allow people with preexisting conditions get health insurance (I understand it is still in this current bill. Hoping they can figure out something else) then it is no longer insurance.

Making health insurance companies cover people with preexisting conditions was half the reason it was failed. The other 2 reasons make up the other half: making insurance cover everything and depending on the young to help cover the sick.
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.


Nope. I support the bill because I believe it is an honest effort to fix a totally failed Obamacare, and they need to implement this first so that they can redo the tax code to stimulate the economy. I support it because whatever it ends as, I believe Trump won't sign it unless he is convinced it mirrors his ideals to help those suffering under the current plan with something as good as can be made to work, yet still offer universal coverage.
Per existing conditions will continue to be coveted....rightly so. That's why you pay for insurance....so the slimeball insurance companies will cover the costs.
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.

HC is not a right and the tax payer shouldn't not be paying for everything under the sun.

$20 Trillion + in debt should have clued you morons in, long long ago.
No stopping anyone who wants from immigrating to American and immediately start collecting welfare, free education, and free healthcare, will bankrupt us.

The only thing that keeps people from immigrating to America for welfare, free education, and free healthcare is that we don't have that.
Yes we do, for their anchor babies. The babies get the benefits, the parents spend it.
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.

I don't know the details of the bill and there's a 100% chance you don't either. The 20 million losing coverage sounds like bullshit, which is the life blood of liberals. Without it they would starve and wither away.

That said I doubt it will pass muster on the senate floor. Liberals know full well that once you provide a charity service with other people's money people will scream bloody murder if you try to trim it back.
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.


3. Taxing the shit out of people already paying for their healthcare so others don't have to (or pay as much) is something the federal government should not get involved in.
More questions......

How many millions lost healthcare because of commiecare ?
How many more millions were forced to drop their plans for worse coverage ?
How many millions of peoples premiums and deductibles skyrocketed ?
How many state exchanges failed ?

How many parasites believed you were going to add millions to a welfare system, cover everything, and it cost less ???

Tip..... Ponzi schemes always unravel, this one predictable right from the beginning.....

Butttttttttttttt HEALTHCARE !!!!!!!!!! Lmfao
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.


3. Taxing the shit out of people already paying for their healthcare so others don't have to (or pay as much) is something the federal government should not get involved in.

So healthcare should be like buying a car? If you can't afford it you go without?
I love how Democrats/liberals only look at one side of the balance sheet: the people getting something.

They never look at the people paying for Obamacare. Ever since my Obamacare went into affect my premiums skyrocketed. Not exaggerating by much health insurance takes half my pay check. Before Obamacare it too a good chunk, but never half.

We as a society can take care of the truly sick, but if we allow people with preexisting conditions get health insurance (I understand it is still in this current bill. Hoping they can figure out something else) then it is no longer insurance.

Making health insurance companies cover people with preexisting conditions was half the reason it was failed. The other 2 reasons make up the other half: making insurance cover everything and depending on the young to help cover the sick.

There's a 600 billion dollar tax cut in the bill for the wealthiest Americans. Those people were paying for most of it.
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.


3. Taxing the shit out of people already paying for their healthcare so others don't have to (or pay as much) is something the federal government should not get involved in.

So healthcare should be like buying a car? If you can't afford it you go without?
No of course not. You make your neighbor buy your car. It's your right to have a car and he has one so why shouldn't you?
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.


3. Taxing the shit out of people already paying for their healthcare so others don't have to (or pay as much) is something the federal government should not get involved in.

So healthcare should be like buying a car? If you can't afford it you go without?

Let the States figure it out.
I love how Democrats/liberals only look at one side of the balance sheet: the people getting something.

They never look at the people paying for Obamacare. Ever since my Obamacare went into affect my premiums skyrocketed. Not exaggerating by much health insurance takes half my pay check. Before Obamacare it too a good chunk, but never half.

We as a society can take care of the truly sick, but if we allow people with preexisting conditions get health insurance (I understand it is still in this current bill. Hoping they can figure out something else) then it is no longer insurance.

Making health insurance companies cover people with preexisting conditions was half the reason it was failed. The other 2 reasons make up the other half: making insurance cover everything and depending on the young to help cover the sick.

There's a 600 billion dollar tax cut in the bill for the wealthiest Americans. Those people were paying for most of it.

I'm going to save money, and maybe my premiums will go down.

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