A question for Conservatives

There's a 600 billion dollar tax cut in the bill for the wealthiest Americans. Those people were paying for most of it.

You might want to tell Blue Cross that because right after Obamacare took affect my premiums skyrocketed far more than before.

You also might want to tell my in-laws who have a Cadillac plan where before the insurance company covered everything no questions asked, but now question everything.

There is a reason why Trump ran and won on repealing Obamacare. Everyone who wasn't getting something from it were paying for it.
The latest Trumpcare bill may result in 20 million losing their health coverage. My question is...

If you support the bill do you support it because

1. you believe that number is way too large and not nearly that many will lose coverage, or,

2. you believe that number is fairly accurate, and you like the idea that 20 million will lose coverage.


They're only "losing" coverage if they choose to lose coverage. Unlike Obamacare, which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, people will have a choice.

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