A Question For JFK Lovers


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
It goes without saying that any person who actively seeks the office of President or power, is a deeply flawed individual in way. Sometimes it just a single flaw, in others there are fissures of flaws, like a broken windshield.

In the case of the latter, I can see holding a judgment that there is no real redeeming quality to that person. However, for others who have fewer mental illnesses, a person can't really just say, "Because they didn't wash behind their ears, I'm against them on the whole Eastern European thing"....

I try to not be a single issue supporter. By the same token, I don't let a few or even one flaw override the rest...
It is nature that drives men to take advantage of women...and the things they offer. We are all driven to satisfy our needs, especially in regard to sex.

Ben Franklin knew many a lady in his day. That does not detract from his accomplishments.

JFK was a great man...with flaws. Name a human, notable or not, without flaws...I'll find one for you.

JFK was a bona fide war hero. The real POS from the Kennedy Clan was Ted...a red-nosed, drunken sot who murdered his mistress and got away with it.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.

idolize is a word you're assigning. not that anyone else is expressing.

I don't care who my presidents screw as long as it isn't us.

baby bush didn't cheat on his wife. he also doesn't have two synapses to rub together.

now ask me who i'd prefer as my president.

wingers concern themselves with the stupidest things
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Was Monroe forced into it? Did he rape her, many times? Is JFK the only person in this world that has had an affair? Didn't Clinton play with women also? How many others are guilty of the same thing that we don't know about? I'm not a JFK lover, but I can't see singling him out when so many are guilty of having a lover. In my opinion, it's really petty to even bring it up. Aren't there bigger fish to fry than to discuss what may have happened 55 years ago between a man and a woman? This is just petty shit, nothing more.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.
JFK was a better class of philanderer. He banged babes, a Hollywood starlet.

Clinton banged dogs. Ugly interns. Hey, Bill. You're doing it wrong!
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a luosy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.
besideshe was not the first or last republican or democrat to have a little something on the side.
faux moralists make me puke!
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.
So you're theory is that it's all relative...

BWA-HA-HA! It's all relative! Get it?

I'll be here all week.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.
So you're theory is that it's all relative...

BWA-HA-HA! It's all relative! Get it?

I'll be here all week.
The lives of men have to put in context. Just because the author of the great American novel was a drunken, wife-beating, tax cheat doesn't mean that he didn't write one hell of a book. You can also be the best guy in the world, and not accomplish a fucking thing that matters so no one remembers a damn thing. At least the other guy has the book, and so do we. That, in the end, is what matters.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.
JFK gave us Vietnam and emboldened the Soviets with his Cuban missile crisis fiasco. His early death is what propelled him to mythical legend status.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.
JFK gave us Vietnam and emboldened the Soviets with his Cuban missile crisis fiasco. His early death is what propelled him to mythical legend status.
were you even alive then....?
In my opinion, it's really petty to even bring it up. Aren't there bigger fish to fry than to discuss what may have happened 55 years ago between a man and a woman? This is just petty shit, nothing more.

Still living in Camelot?

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