A Question For Mormons

Why did Mormons stop practicing polygamy? I've always been curious about that, but never bothered to ask.
Our leader of the Church is a Prophet of God, that means God can talk to or inspire him through direct action, In 1890 God commanded that the Church obey the laws of the land in which it was a part. Polygamy was forbidden in the US. The Bible states that Jesus said Give unto Ceasar that which is his and give unto God that which is his. This command directly relates to that.

So Mormons only stopped the practice of polygamy because it's against the law? How many profits of God does the Mormon Church have? Joseph Smith died in 1844.
No they stopped it because God commanded it be stopped. Every President of the Church is a Prophet of God.

Is the president of the church elected?

no he is called by prophesy as Aaron was
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.

I don't recall that being in the King James version. If you don't go by the Christian Bible, why, and when did the Mormons start calling themselves Christian?

since the church of Jesus Christ was organized in 1830

as for your other point, Jesus taught us that those who receive the word are gods. paul testified that we are the offspring of God. Peter taught us that we are partakers of the Divine nature through the atonement. John taught us when we see Him we will be like Him. This is all in the king James version.
And for some reason it seems like Mormons have lots of hot girls to count among them.

I grew up in Idaho and dated three Mormon girls in high school and they were hot!!! And I had a more casual relationship with a Mormon girl while serving in the Marine Corps and she was also hot.

But they always seem to feel guilty about being in any kind of relationship with someone who doesn't think that an early 19th century con artist is the prophet Of immortal man that came from the planet Kolob.
Try Muslims next time

Sure will, if I ever get the chance.

Islamic State s taunting speech calls for killing civilians - LA Times

"Western civilians, in our Homeland."
Many of the LDS millennials here in SLC I know who go to church regularly are not thrilled with Joseph and polygamy. They do seem to love the Book of Mormon and the General Conferences of the authorities from headquarters. Many seen not so sure of the necessity of temple sealings for eternity but love pageantry and sense of inclusion being married in the temple engenders in their peer groups.

I heard of family named ********* in east Texas that everybody thought was peculiar yet everyone admired for the family bonds, cleanliness, and generally all around honesty and friendliness.
Imagine you're 18 years old putting your life on hold for two years to serve God. Sent to a foreign country or another part of the country having to wear a white shirt and black tie and ride a bike. How many churches do that?

They aren't *sent*. They choose to go.

And it's the making of most of them. Think of it like Peace Corps, only they don't have to be communists to participate.

They often work part time jobs to save money to prepare for complete financial self reliance for those two year missions.

These young men and women are remarkable.

Few young people without this kind of experience have the same emotional maturity as those who have served missions.
Why did Mormons stop practicing polygamy? I've always been curious about that, but never bothered to ask.
Our leader of the Church is a Prophet of God, that means God can talk to or inspire him through direct action, In 1890 God commanded that the Church obey the laws of the land in which it was a part. Polygamy was forbidden in the US. The Bible states that Jesus said Give unto Ceasar that which is his and give unto God that which is his. This command directly relates to that.

So Mormons only stopped the practice of polygamy because it's against the law? How many profits of God does the Mormon Church have? Joseph Smith died in 1844.
No they stopped it because God commanded it be stopped. Every President of the Church is a Prophet of God.

Wow, you learn something new every day.
The public school version of that history is that the federal govt. would not permit Utah's entry as a state in these UNITED STATES until they abandoned the institution of polygamy.

Once it was dropped by the Church statehood was granted.

Woodruff issued a manifesto in 1890 that ended the official practice (not doctrine) of plural marriage.

All of the senior apostles and members of the First Presidency (excepting Lorenzo Snow) continued to support it in one fashion or another, privately, particularly in Canada, Mexico, and on the high seas.

When the president of the church was badly embarrassed in the 1904 congressional hearings about its continuation and his lying about it, his secretary challenged him, saying, to effect, “either we are or we aren’t, but this crap can’t go on.”

To the president’s credit he cracked down on recalcitrant general authorities, dismissing and excommunicating and disfellowshipping those who would not get on board.

Any attempt to restart the practice would result in a massive schism.

So will a female priesthood (which will happen within 20 years, I think) and homosexual marriage (which will not be accepted in the main body, in my opinion).

One cannot understand the West without understanding Mormonism’s role in settling it, and one cannot understand Mormonism without understanding its role on Mormonism.
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.

How does LDS rectify using the KJV Bible and presumedly Deuteronomy 13:1 with the Book of Mormon? 'Don't add to, or take away from the commandments...' et al? Isn't adding an entire book adding to?
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.

How does LDS rectify using the KJV Bible and presumedly Deuteronomy 13:1 with the Book of Mormon? 'Don't add to, or take away from the commandments...' et al? Isn't adding an entire book adding to?
The Bible tells us there are other Books of God. As for adding all it does is tell the story of those in the new world.
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.

How does LDS rectify using the KJV Bible and presumedly Deuteronomy 13:1 with the Book of Mormon? 'Don't add to, or take away from the commandments...' et al? Isn't adding an entire book adding to?
The Bible tells us there are other Books of God. As for adding all it does is tell the story of those in the new world.

Admittedly I'm not a Mormon expert, but I assume there are 'commandments' in Mormonism not found in a Jewish Tanach.
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.

How does LDS rectify using the KJV Bible and presumedly Deuteronomy 13:1 with the Book of Mormon? 'Don't add to, or take away from the commandments...' et al? Isn't adding an entire book adding to?
The Bible tells us there are other Books of God. As for adding all it does is tell the story of those in the new world.

Admittedly I'm not a Mormon expert, but I assume there are 'commandments' in Mormonism not found in a Jewish Tanach.
Cite for us one of these commandments.
Why did Mormons stop practicing polygamy? I've always been curious about that, but never bothered to ask.
Our leader of the Church is a Prophet of God, that means God can talk to or inspire him through direct action, In 1890 God commanded that the Church obey the laws of the land in which it was a part. Polygamy was forbidden in the US. The Bible states that Jesus said Give unto Ceasar that which is his and give unto God that which is his. This command directly relates to that.

So Mormons only stopped the practice of polygamy because it's against the law? How many profits of God does the Mormon Church have? Joseph Smith died in 1844.
No they stopped it because God commanded it be stopped. Every President of the Church is a Prophet of God.

Is the president of the church elected?

no he is called by prophesy as Aaron was

Then, I'm curious to know, how does the President convince others he was called to be the President?
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.

How does LDS rectify using the KJV Bible and presumedly Deuteronomy 13:1 with the Book of Mormon? 'Don't add to, or take away from the commandments...' et al? Isn't adding an entire book adding to?

same way every other prophet after Moses did. God commanded and they wrote
Our leader of the Church is a Prophet of God, that means God can talk to or inspire him through direct action, In 1890 God commanded that the Church obey the laws of the land in which it was a part. Polygamy was forbidden in the US. The Bible states that Jesus said Give unto Ceasar that which is his and give unto God that which is his. This command directly relates to that.

So Mormons only stopped the practice of polygamy because it's against the law? How many profits of God does the Mormon Church have? Joseph Smith died in 1844.
No they stopped it because God commanded it be stopped. Every President of the Church is a Prophet of God.

Is the president of the church elected?

no he is called by prophesy as Aaron was

Then, I'm curious to know, how does the President convince others he was called to be the President?

I'm curious to know how many President/prophets the Mormon church has? I did a quick search and didn't find any info.

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