Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

In Washington State they are not considered endangered, they are quite abundant, yet the eggs are protected with incredibly harsh laws.....Killing human babies is partially funded in Washington State..
I make these post not because I want people to think like me.....But, because I want people to simply think.
" Freak Farmers Demand Complicity With Their Over Generalized Delusions "

* Self Consumed Over Populated Gluttonous Apex Predator *

In Washington State they are not considered endangered, they are quite abundant, yet the eggs are protected with incredibly harsh laws.....Killing human babies is partially funded in Washington State..
Babies have been born and none funds killing babies .

There is a difference between " without cause " abortion and " with cause " abortion , where " with cause " abortion is optioned due to developmental anomalies that are most often identified in the fetus by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks .

Nearly all " without cause " elective abortions are completed within the first trimester , depending on availability of services .

The abortion anti-choice trope ignores the difference between " without cause " and " with cause " abortion and lie that " abortion on demand " is women seeking " without cause " abortion when they are in fact seeking " with cause " abortion .

Typically , those faced with optioning " with cause " abortion are wanting to deliver a healthy child .

The sanctimonious , sacrosanct , anthropocentric , abortion , anti-choice , trope are blubbering that 90% of INDIVIDUALS are optioning not to carry trisomy pregnancies to term .

Stop feigning compassion for the inchoate !

Stop feigning compassion for fetal deformities without recognizing them !

Stop feigning compassion for families and women you do not have the first clue about or intend to emotionally or financially support !

About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).

Major congenital anomalies affect 2-3% of all pregnancies (1).
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We need less women having LESS babies. It's a win win for the nation. And abortion goes a aym.
That is not the issue in being allowed to choose an abortion.

Keep wearing your blinders, repeating only what your church or leaders want people to believe.

And your premise is totally sickening, to begin with.

Talk about things you actually know about.
Babies arent alive?
A government with the power to pry into a person's body, and dictate what goes on in there - is TOO powerful.
A government that allows a random healthy person to be killed without it being illegal fails its people and ignores the documents that guarantees human rights.
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" Projection Of False Equivalences By Inaccurate Diction Is Not Acceptable "

* Life Continuum With Entropy Disorders Of Natural Gawd *

Babies arent alive?
Babies have been born and are referred to babies because they develop an ability to babble .

A notion of life includes physical states without sufficient sophistication by which to obtain a subjective introspection and are termed inchoate .

Without a sophisticated physical state sufficient for subjective introspection , a premise that cognitive objection of mind is relevant would be false .

Arguments for an onset of sentience and natural viability are rhetorical .

A " with cause " abortion is optioned due to developmental anomalies most often determined by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of development , given the availability of providers services .

By general nature , women do not seek " without cause " abortion after the first trimester given the availability of provider services .

The basis for a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , from #roevwade and us 14th amendment , is consistent with assuring that individuals determine self ownership and self determination for themselves when it comes to " with cause " abortion .

The development of a sophisticated physical state that is capable of sentience is a necessary contingency by which empathy for suffering could be valid .

The onset of sentience and an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth at natural viability are closely concomitant in timeline .

* Towing This Line As Well *

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Where did you get this theory that pro abortion people, which includes many religious and non religious Republicans, do not think that a baby is alive before an abortion?
Wait. So you believe the baby, while in it's mother womb is alive and you're still in support of abortion?
Wait. So you believe the baby, while in it's mother womb is alive and you're still in support of abortion?
So, first of all - you can take your implication, that anyone who doesn't support state regulation of reproduction "supports" abortion, and stuff it up your you asshole.

I think abortion is a tragedy, and a terrible thing to do. But subjecting a woman's body to state inspection and regulation is far worse.
So, first of all - you can take your implication, that anyone who doesn't support state regulation of reproduction "supports" abortion, and stuff it up your you asshole.

I think abortion is a tragedy, and a terrible thing to do. But subjecting a woman's body to state inspection and regulation is far worse.
State inspection and regulation is abortion. Pregnancy is a right, but there is no human right to kill dependent humans. Human rights are specifically to protect the weak and dependent from people who see them as a burden and think that gives them the right to kill them. And you cannot claim to support human rights at all if you defend the notion of elective abortion.

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