Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

Your religious extremism has gotten most of what is left of your brain.

Women and children MUST give birth to ALL children regardless of what their rights are.

You are NOT going to gain any more IQ than what you have by daring people.

Again, YOU DO NOT CARE about the women, the children or the babies. You do not care about their history, their health, or anything else.

YOU are a totally UNCARING person who wants to DICTATE a Religious piece of garbage on others.

And garbage is what you have become.
Where have I said anything about religion? Where have I even said anything about my stance on abortion in this thread?

Do you not understand that abortion is the act of killing babies?

The argument, rationale and position of the left is that you are not a baby until you are born. Until you are born, you are a fetus, even if medically viable outside the womb. And that fetuses therefore have no human rights until born, so, abortion is justified, because basically, young leftist women are pigs and sluts who just want to whore around getting laid, so need a convenient rationale to justify dropping the child when they get knocked up so they can get right back to sleeping around.
The argument, rationale and position of the left is that you are not a baby until you are born. Until you are born, you are a fetus, even if medically viable outside the womb. And that fetuses therefore have no human rights until born, so, abortion is justified,
Let me stop you right there and just tell you to go fuck yourself. No one thinks abortion is "justified". No one "supports" abortion. This is about individual liberty and proper limits to state power.
because basically, young leftist women are pigs and sluts who just want to whore around getting laid, so need a convenient rationale to justify dropping the child when they get knocked up so they can get right back to sleeping around.
Exactly. That, right there, is what you self righteous fucks are actually worked up about. You don't give a single shit about the sanctity of life. You just want to beat up on "loose women".
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Let me stop you right there and just tell you to go fuck yourself. No one thinks abortion is "justified". No one "supports" abortion. This is about individual liberty and proper limits to state power.

There are definitely people who support abortion.
Exactly. That, right there, is what you self righteous fucks are really worked up about. You don't give a single shit about the sanctity of life. You just want to beat up on "loose women".
Still havent answered the question……………….
Will NOT.

You can try to DICTATE what others think, or do or answer all you like.

Not once you will ever help take care of those babies, their health, their needs, the doctors who can help them have a good life (too many doctors have probably already left the State you live in where women and children are not allowed to live their lives in peace ).

Not once you will ever vote for anyone's right to choose anything or have the right to have a healthy productive life, because you do not believe in that.

You are a Religious Extremist DICTATOR, who DEMANDS that every baby be born, regardless of the fact that you do nor really give a darn about any of them. They can all DIE right after birth and you could not care less.

Go rest now, DICTATOR. Let your mind feel the weight of what you really are about.

Babies must be born. Darn their lives after that.
Let me stop you right there and just tell you to go fuck yourself.
Gee and here I was hoping to fuck you.

No one thinks abortion is "justified". No one "supports" abortion.
Must be why democrats are hoping to make abortion rights their #1 campaign issue? I mean, they got nothing else to run on!

This is about individual liberty and proper limits to state power.
What about that individual trusting you and depending on you between your legs whose life was started by you? Where is their individual liberty? And who defines a state's "proper power?" Only those powers not reserved by the state fall under the domain of the fed, moron. And what if the state supports unfettered abortion? Will you still want to reign in their power?

Mind you, I'm not anti-abortion, I concede that the mother has a voice in the matter, as should the father, and the doctor, and whomever advocates for the unborn child. I would HOPE that a mother doesn't murder her baby, but if she is absolutely positively determined to abort, they should do it before 26 weeks. That is more than enough time.

you self righteous fucks
You are the self-righteous fuck. Just read what you write!

You don't give a single shit about the sanctity of life. You just want to beat up on "loose women".
Will NOT.

You can try to DICTATE what others think, or do or answer all you like.

Not once you will ever help take care of those babies, their health, their needs, the doctors who can help them have a good life (too many doctors have probably already left the State you live in where women and children are not allowed to live their lives in peace ).

Not once you will ever vote for anyone's right to choose anything or have the right to have a healthy productive life, because you do not believe in that.

You are a Religious Extremist DICTATOR, who DEMANDS that every baby be born, regardless of the fact that you do nor really give a darn about any of them. They can all DIE right after birth and you could not care less.

Go rest now, DICTATOR. Let your mind feel the weight of what you really are about.

Babies must be born. Darn their lives after that.
No I get it, you don’t want to answer the question. We are all aware of that and the reason why.
No I get it, you don’t want to answer the question. We are all aware of that and the reason why.
I do not answer the way you want me to answer because you are a religious extremist sociopath. LOL

Go ahead and keep demanding that all babies be born because your church and leaders have brainwashed you to believe that it MUST be so.

Keep really NOT giving a Damn about those babies lives and those of their mothers.

Very caring of you.

I do not answer the way you want me to answer because you are a religious extremist sociopath. LOL

Go ahead and keep demanding that all babies be born because your church and leaders have brainwashed you to believe that it MUST be so.

Keep really NOT giving a Damn about those babies lives and those of their mothers.

Very caring of you.

Sure coward
I do not answer the way you want me to answer because you are a religious extremist sociopath. LOL

Go ahead and keep demanding that all babies be born because your church and leaders have brainwashed you to believe that it MUST be so.

Keep really NOT giving a Damn about those babies lives and those of their mothers.

Very caring of you.

Whats my religious affiliation? Post a quote of me even mentioning religion. You’re deflecting because you’re a coward
WTF is that supposed to mean?

Stay out of my body. Keep your government out of my body. Mind your own fucking business
I am not in your body. You confuse your natural biology with the boogey man.
You do not have the right to kill dependent offspring. Elective abortion is a human rights violation.
Sorry, we are obliged to protect the vulnerable and weak from the mentally ill and murderous people who would kill them.
I am in support of a woman and her doctor's CHOICE for what is best for her health wise, which BTW, is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

Never has been your business and never will be your business.

Your view is called DICTATORSHIP, forcing women, and SMALL GIRLS, to go though a pregnancy and deliver a baby you do not give a DARN about after it is born.

So, DICTATORS of the WORLD, GO mind your lives and leave others be.
Human rights offenses are the business of all humanity.
PS most abortions are coerced, and there is zero evidence that abortion cures trauma. In fact, the evidence indicates, over and over, that abortion increases trauma. Giving birth has not been found to have ANY long term negative effect.
Again. Abortion doesn't cure rape. Abortion doesn't cure trauma. Abortion does not cure poverty. Abortion does not cure self loathing or the insane rejection of biology.
Abortion is a human rights violation, and there is no right to kill dependent offspring.
Whats my religious affiliation? Post a quote of me even mentioning religion. You’re deflecting because you’re a coward
Goodby worthless DICTATOR.

Go Dictate your beliefs to those in your family and see what happens.

You are a Laugh a Letter
Human rights offenses are the business of all humanity.
PS most abortions are coerced, and there is zero evidence that abortion cures trauma. In fact, the evidence indicates, over and over, that abortion increases trauma. Giving birth has not been found to have ANY long term negative effect.
Again. Abortion doesn't cure rape. Abortion doesn't cure trauma. Abortion does not cure poverty. Abortion does not cure self loathing or the insane rejection of biology.
Abortion is a human rights violation, and there is no right to kill dependent offspring.
Total ignorance. AGAIN.

Where do any of you live. In caves, under rocks?

Mind your lives !!!!

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