Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

among other options. do you have a problem with comprehension?
I don't tend to have those kinds of problems, it does happen though. In this case it's more a case of you not conveying what you are claiming clearly enough. " among other options" was not included in your original post. I could have inferred ot maybe but it's not as clear as you claim.

Having said that. You do realize how dumb it is to claim a strawman when you aren't clear, while at the same time as a response use a strawman yourself?
I more than answered it. You simply cannot mind other people's lives and think you can tell them what to do with their bodies, pregnancies, etc.


MIND your own body and your own life, since beyond sure you do not give a darn about those women and girl's lives and the lives of the babies who are born AFTERWARDS.

You do not care about their health, their lives, their present and their future.

AM I CLEAR NOW. !!!!!!

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Let me stop you right there and just tell you to go fuck yourself. No one thinks abortion is "justified". No one "supports" abortion. This is about individual liberty and proper limits to state power.

Exactly. That, right there, is what you self righteous fucks are actually worked up about. You don't give a single shit about the sanctity of life. You just want to beat up on "loose women".

but they are the party of family values valuing a smaller less intrusive gov'ment.
I am not in your body. You confuse your natural biology with the boogey man.
You do not have the right to kill dependent offspring. Elective abortion is a human rights violation.
Sorry, we are obliged to protect the vulnerable and weak from the mentally ill and murderous people who would kill them.

blah blah blah.gif
Human rights offenses are the business of all humanity.
PS most abortions are coerced, and there is zero evidence that abortion cures trauma. In fact, the evidence indicates, over and over, that abortion increases trauma. Giving birth has not been found to have ANY long term negative effect.
Again. Abortion doesn't cure rape. Abortion doesn't cure trauma. Abortion does not cure poverty. Abortion does not cure self loathing or the insane rejection of biology.
Abortion is a human rights violation, and there is no right to kill dependent offspring.

Zone1 - A Question For Pro-Choicers
human DNA is alive & only has the potential of developing into a baby.
You know exactly what we are talking abou when we say "alive". So, at what point does the baby in the womb become a being?

BTW you're disagreeing with a question?
Ok. Would you care to make a point?

an acorn has the DNA of an oak tree.

but it is not an oak tree.

only the potential of becoming an oak tree.

damn - you musta played hookey the day critical thinking skills was taught.
So are anti abortion people saying that the instant a human ovum is fertilized that the resulting embryo is a person with all the rights we recognize?

This is a crucial question that needs to be clarified before the argument goes any further.
I don't tend to have those kinds of problems, it does happen though. In this case it's more a case of you not conveying what you are claiming clearly enough. " among other options" was not included in your original post.
Yeah, you do have comprehension problems. This is the post. What do you understand "to include" to mean? Moron.
She has the opportunity to mitigate the risk and discomfort by taking the proper precautions to include abstention.
Once a sweet young lady called me on the telephone and asked, "Are you pro life or pro choice.?"

I answered, "Thank you for answering. I enjoy expressing my opinions. I am not pro choice because I believe that those who are biologically inferior should be sterilized."

At that point my line went dead. There must have been something wring with the connection. I should have called the phone company. I was about to explain why I am not pro life either, and about my enthusiasm for capital punishment.

Actually, I am not in favor of compulsory sterilization. I am in favor of sterilizing people on welfare. This would not be compulsory sterilization. If they refused to be sterilized they would be denied something they have done nothing to earn.
" Sacrosanct Sanctimonious Psychopaths "

* Sickness Of Demands By Weirdo Freak Farmers *

Yep! Sick isn't it?
The sick part is the demented freak farmers , without the slightest responsibility or interest in the quality of life for those faced with " with cause " abortion , running off at their conceited , self involved , mouths about how perfect all pregnancies are .

Nearly all " without cause " abortions occur within the first trimester , given availability of services , whereas " with cause " abortion is optioned due to developmental anomalies that are most often determined in the fetus through ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks .





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" Religious Nut Jobs Ignorant Of Us Constitution "

* Simpletons On The Moron Bandwagon *

The heart that is beating is the first sign of life.
The qurayshism ideologues regard a period referred to as a " quickening " , as a point of " ensoulment " . at 120 days ; however , developmental anomalies of " with cause " abortion are not always identified within 120 days , and for damned sure they are not identified within 6 weeks .

Citizens comprise a state on whose behalf state interests lay .

A citizen and constitutional protections are instantiated at live birth and live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

The constitutional basis of abortion is " When does a state interest being ? " not " When does life begin ? " .

" Female Pickles "

* Warranted Elective Abortion Is Not A Human Wrights Violation *

Human rights offenses are the business of all humanity.
The dictatorial implementations of public policy on abortion , by traitors to principles and constitution of us republic , by conceited arrogance of sanctimonious , sacrosanct , damned dirty apes , are human wrights violations .

* Not Giving A Rapist A Chance For An After Life *
PS most abortions are coerced, and there is zero evidence that abortion cures trauma. In fact, the evidence indicates, over and over, that abortion increases trauma. Giving birth has not been found to have ANY long term negative effect.
Again. Abortion doesn't cure rape. Abortion doesn't cure trauma.
A life to come , an after life , reincarnation , being born again , transmutation of soles , are metaphors with a literal meaning for passing on ones genetic identity through ones offspring , so that another both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .

* Population Gluttony Of Apex Predator Damned Dirty Apes *
Abortion does not cure poverty. Abortion does not cure self loathing or the insane rejection of biology.
Historically , between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have optioned to have 75% of abortions , and more than 50% of those optioning abortion already have children .

The 1986 welfare reform act from the contract with america removed additional stipends for additional children to stop generational welfare ,

* State Interests Versus Personal Volition *
Abortion is a human rights violation, and there is no right to kill dependent offspring.
Let us know when you get a child tax credit for being pregnant .

an acorn has the DNA of an oak tree.
but it is not an oak tree.
only the potential of becoming an oak tree.
damn - you musta played hookey the day critical thinking skills was taught.

So are anti abortion people saying that the instant a human ovum is fertilized that the resulting embryo is a person with all the rights we recognize?

This is a crucial question that needs to be clarified before the argument goes any further.

Yes. Absolutely.

Once conception occurs, it is an undeniable scienticific fact that a new living organism now exists, and that this organism is of the species Homo sapiens.

This is a human being, albeit in a very early stage of development. There is no honest, rational basis on which to claim that it is any more acceptable to intentionally kill this person, than to kill any other innocent human being at any age, at any stage of development.

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