Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

" Theocracies Dictating Necessities For Population Superiority "

* Legal Positivism Admits Perspectivism Of Subjective Norms *

A law exists only because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of its legal pretexts .

Given the myriad of whimsy for normative standards in the laws of nature , what would be an explanation for dictating a lie to woman , that she must not have an abortion , because having abortion would or could cause her eternal damnation in the life to come ?

An after life , a chance for eternal life , the life to come , being born again , a reincarnation , the transmutation of soles , are all metaphors for passing on ones genetic identity , one haploid at a time , so that another , both figuratively and literally as oneself , through a necessary sophisticated state , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded by life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .
Sounds like we live in a theocracy wannabe.
I see the lesser of two evils as the lesser of two evils. That doesn't make it good only better than the other choice.

I don't condemn anyone. I can judge behaviors and actions better than I can judge the person. Judging people is a slippery slope.
Is it good or bad to choose the lesser of two evils?
If you doubt it then you are at risk for experiencing predictable surprises because that's what happens when people normalize their deviance to standards. But putting that aside, you are confusing perception of the standard for the standard. For any given thing there will be a standard that is the highest standard. And it will exist for logical reasons independent of what man wishes it were. So while man is free to select any standard, he is not free from experiencing the consequences of choosing a lesser standard.

Even back when slavery was accepted as the standard , there were people who believed it was wrong and shouldn't be the standard. They believed there was a higher standard. And they were right too. So just because man has changed standards that doesn't negate the reality that standards exist for logical reasons and are independent of what man believes the standard to be.
Slavery is less logical than what? Why?
at conception a new, living, genetically distinct human being has come into existence.
Where did you get this theory that pro abortion people, which includes many religious and non religious Republicans, do not think that a baby is alive before an abortion?

dvng.23.10.09 #267 “Science says at conception a new, living, genetically distinct human being has come into existence.”​

That is a given and so what is Saint Ding’s point I wonder?

Every conception of genetically distinct human beings has a fifty fifty shot at ending up in a landfill or sewage treatment plant or becoming a potential born human being by the 22nd week.

Assigning sanctity of human life to pre-viable fetuses in order to give one’s political views moral superiority over political opposition is absurd and should be considered detrimental to morality and a worthless attribute to civil society.

nf.23.10.11 #346
A better question. When the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. How many people died including men, woman, children , and the unborn.

Was it justifiable ?
A better question. When the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. How many people died including men, woman, children , and the unborn.

Was it justifiable ?
Anything America’s greatest generator did was justified to save the world for American western style liberal democracy. The moral question for our generation is whether we can beat down the Republican Party’s growing threat to surrender western style liberal democracy in the world to Vladimir Putin by withdrawing our support to the democracy the Hitler of our time invaded.
* Killing Without A License *

* Empathy For Suffering Requires Sufficient Capacity For Sentience *

No tax deduction , huh ? Well , better luck next time , not .

You somehow believe yourself privilege to dictate what is human , without an actual standard for hue mammon , and idiotically dictate quality of life and liberty to others who option " WITH CAUSE " abortion due to developmental anomalies.

About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).

Humans usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with two sex chromosomes that determine sex and 44 chromosomes that direct other factors, such as growth and function.
Trisomy (‘three bodies’) means the affected person has three copies of one of the chromosomes instead of two. This means they have 47 chromosomes instead of 46. Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome are the most common forms of trisomy.

The Hominidae (/hɒˈmɪnɪdiː/), whose members are known as the great apes[note 1] or hominids (/ˈhɒmɪnɪdz/), are a taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species in four genera: Pongo (the Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutan); Gorilla (the eastern and western gorilla); Pan (the chimpanzee and the bonobo); and Homo, of which only modern humans (Homo sapiens) remain.[1]
Due to the close genetic relationship between humans and the other great apes, certain animal rights organizations, such as the Great Ape Project, argue that nonhuman great apes are persons and, per the Declaration on Great Apes, should be given basic human rights.

* Dictatorial Freak Farm Psychopaths Disavow Their Own Accountability *



The sanctimonious , sacrosanct , sick fucks of the ABORTION ANTI-CHOICE TROPE are BLUBBERING because 90% of INDIVIDUALS are choosing NOT to carry TRISOMY offspring to term !

Lol...we know what a human is.
You can spew hatred and anti-human rights negative eugenics rhetoric all you like. Elective abortion..and everything else you a human rights violation.
" Self Determination And Self Ownership Without Collective State Determinates "

* Cloistered Twisted Sister Type Cast In Form Follows Function Of Desert Attire *

Get pregnant in a fictional ishmaelism country without being married and see whether being pregnant is a crime .

* Jumping To Legal Statutes Without Valid Entitlement *

Go cry for yearn gawd about mortality .

A subjective altruism from myopia , as ego , is that introspection should exist in perpetuity , throughout eternity .

A presumption of nature is that not every instance of introspection must exist in perpetuity , throughout eternity , to satisfy a subjective altruism .

A success criteria for satisfying a subjective altruism , according to a presumption of nature , is a sophisticated physical state that occurs through genetic procreation , as an emulation for a quality of infinitude , as being and becoming through some transition .

Abortion on demand in the US isn't going to save the poor women victimized and killed in other parts of the country.
Pity you have no sway with all the wealthy women who have abortions because they can afford it, or any woman who does have any amount of money to do it.

I am yet to find where thousands of women are being interned because having any abortion caused them extreme mental illness as this study alleges. And that is the point. One study which is usually worthless when it comes face to face with the facts of how women are Not suffering mental illness from abortions and never have.

So you have nothing but gaslighting and lies.
Your first sentence alludes to your targeting of poor and vulnerable women with the lies that you use to trick them into abortion..lies like "all the rich girls do this" and "you will abuse your baby if you have it" and "if you have the baby you'll never amount to anything" and "you owe it to society to kill your baby" and "it's your duty to kill your baby cuz poverty!"

And what you "find" is irrelevant to the truth and reality. Which is that 1. there is zero evidence that giving birth results in long term mental health issues, 2. there is zero evidence that getting abortions prevents long term mental health issues and 3. there is lots of solid evidence that most abortions are coerced and 4. there is lots of evidence that abortion results in long term mental health issues.
Sorry about your luck, baby killer.
So you have nothing but gaslighting and lies.
Your first sentence alludes to your targeting of poor and vulnerable women with the lies that you use to trick them into abortion..lies like "all the rich girls do this" and "you will abuse your baby if you have it" and "if you have the baby you'll never amount to anything" and "you owe it to society to kill your baby" and "it's your duty to kill your baby cuz poverty!"

And what you "find" is irrelevant to the truth and reality. Which is that 1. there is zero evidence that giving birth results in long term mental health issues, 2. there is zero evidence that getting abortions prevents long term mental health issues and 3. there is lots of solid evidence that most abortions are coerced and 4. there is lots of evidence that abortion results in long term mental health issues.
Sorry about your luck, baby killer.
What a totally sick response.

Not a word made sense.

What a totally sick response.

Not a word made sense.

It wouldn't make sense to you, you're a brainwashed negative eugenics minion. You obviously have no notion of human rights, and operate outside reality.
That doesn't stop you, though, from targeting the vulnerable and desperate with lies meant to shame/frighten them into killing their dependent offspring, does it?
It wouldn't make sense to you, you're a brainwashed negative eugenics minion. You obviously have no notion of human rights, and operate outside reality.
That doesn't stop you, though, from targeting the vulnerable and desperate with lies meant to shame/frighten them into killing their dependent offspring, does it?
You do not give a darn about pregnant women and the health care they need in order to bring a healthy baby.

And then, you play at being this warrior and savior of babies, who by the way are non of your business unless you are planning, with all the other extremists, to start a new country or city with all of those babies while you feed, cloth and educate them into adulthood.

Oh, wait, none of you are going to be doing that.

It is just meddling in other people's lives while you will never, ever take any responsibility for what will happen after the child is born, if it lives, if it has a healthy life, if it has rights, a good education, etc, etc.

You are NUTS !!!!!
You do not give a darn about pregnant women and the health care they need in order to bring a healthy baby.

And then, you play at being this warrior and savior of babies, who by the way are non of your business unless you are planning, with all the other extremists, to start a new country or city with all of those babies while you feed, cloth and educate them into adulthood.

Oh, wait, none of you are going to be doing that.

It is just meddling in other people's lives while you will never, ever take any responsibility for what will happen after the child is born, if it lives, if it has a healthy life, if it has rights, a good education, etc, etc.

You are NUTS !!!!!
Elective abortion is not health care, it's butchery. Most abortions are coerced-we know this. Every reputable study supports this. Abortions lesd to poor mental health outcomes and appear to do NOTHING to alleviate trauma, or poverty, or depression.. and in fact contribute to poor trauma outcomes and depression.
You can shriek hysterically as much as you want- it doesn't change the fact that you are exploiting and lying g to vulnerable women to push a negative eugenics/misogynistic/anti human rights ideology.

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