A question for the anti-choice crowd.

You just don't get it, do you? You're a fucking halfwit who has nothing but insults. I don't bother reading your posts, and will not bother responding, other than to mock you, and remind everyone what a fucktard you are.

Moving on...

Blah blah blah...

So, conjoined twins.

Are they one individual or two?
Two, assuming they do not share a brain.

No fair helping the dullard.
Okay. I stand corrected. You're talking about artificial insemination.

Two problems. First, is abortion a big concern with artificial insemination? I mean, I rather thought that surogates were, like, willing 100% of the time. Second, the embryo would still be relying 100% on the host for all biological functions for, at least the first 11 weeks. Kinda hard to make the case for individuality, when the organism is completely dependent on the host for function.

Please explain to the class how the body inside the mother's body is not an individual.

Start with dna.
I too am against the killing of a pre-born child. If you placed a fertilized egg inside a woman and she carried it full term. The genetics of the baby and the mother would not have anything in common. In other words the mother is no more than the carrier of the baby which makes the child a separate being. The baby is no more part of the mother than the father. Sterilize the mother for abortion to keep her from killing anymore pre-born babies.
They'd have 50% in common, a bit more if it's a boy.
If a fertilized egg was placed in a woman there would be nothing in common. There would only be 50% if she were actually the mother of the egg.
You're comment is absurd, and self-contradictory. You say there would be nothing in common and then admit that at least 50% of the genetic material would be a match with the mothee

So which is it? Would it have no commonality, or would it be at least a 50% match?

By the way, just to you know, science already has a answer to that question...
Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
To start with I did not ask a question. The example I gave you of a fertilized egg being placed in a woman the child would not have any of the carrier's genetic makeup which proves that the preborn child is separate from the carrier mother.
To start with I did not ask a question. The example I gave you of a fertilized egg being placed in a woman the child would not have any of the carrier's genetic makeup which proves that the preborn child is separate from the carrier mother.

I won't pick on your example because I know you meant well but it's really not necessary. They zygote qualified itself as an independent living organism the moment it reproduced another living cell. It doesn't stop being what it already is to be part of something else until some arbitrary line in the sand.

Humans aren't regenerative creatures. If you cut off your leg, you will not grow a new leg and your old leg will never become a new person. So if there is an organism present inside another human being which is human, it has to be another independent living organism. Any argument to the contrary defies biology and this is not subject to opinion.
And that proves that only conservatives are willing to do that? I know many liberals that adopt, too, and are willing to help the poor besides supporting programs that do that.

Geez, now you've listed two people who have adopted and are conservatives....I guess in your mind that settles it, only conservatives adopt. Bwahahaha.

Maybe because you aren't looking in the right places? Many of the so called fundamentalists that push archaic ideas and call themselves Republicans have taken Christianity to a new level....one they've created themselves, just like the Pharisees in Jesus' time. There are many true Christians that don't agree with the archaic rules Republicans are trying to push....and that doesn't make them any less Christian.

And, my point was that it wasn't just "conservatives" that were doing the adopting. Maybe if you had followed the whole conversation instead of just jumping in and offering your sophomoric responses (as if I had said that conservatives "never" adopt) you would have understood that.

Which, if you had read my previous comments you would have understood that I was trying to point that out. Instead, you named a few conservatives that have adopted. Logic is not your strong suit.

Liberals don't care about the poor. If you did to the level you claim, the rest of us wouldn't be forced to fund programs you support. You'd simply provide them what you think they deserve with your money. You do know you can do that without government involvement, don't you?
You seem to be confused. It is not a lack of concern for the poor. It is an equal concern that everyone in this nation who is able do their fair share.

Us liberals pay our taxes without complaint. Those taxes are used for things with which we agree, ideologically, as well as for things with which we do not. Still, we pay our fair share without complaint.

It is only you fake conservatives who constantly bitch, and whine like little children about having to pay your fair share, and have it used for things you don't like.

We, suck it up, buttercup. Pay your fucking taxes, and quit bitching.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Yet you cry babies keep shedding tears that this guy or that guy isn't paying their fair share, which is it child? Are the people following the law paying their fair share or not?

You're delusional. We only complain about the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. You psuedo compassionates want people who have nothing to pay while letting the rich like Trump escape without paying. That's really stupid, but then, conservative logic has never been considered supreme. And, Trumpf must not be following the law, as he got away without paying taxes back in 78 and 79...yet you illogical conservatives want to make him President.

One by one, all that called Trump a con artist, a cancer, a liar and a pariah among other nasty things are now, like good little lemmings falling in step defending him and supporting him. Hypocrites, conservative is thy name.

Trump Paid No Income Tax in 1978, ’79

Well child, like the typical regressive sodomite enabler you're making assumptions that you can't or won't back up, absolutely nothing in your leftwing rag link said he broke any law.
No, he didn't break any laws, but you, a moronic idiot conservative, likes to bitch about the poor people not paying taxes and here you are, like a salivating pig sucking up to the millionaire and giving him a pass.....how pathetic you dumbasses are.

So how about you provide a link where he did, or admit you're full of shit.
I never said he broke any law, asshole, but like the idiot that you are, you missed the whole point ....how come you're not bitching about him not paying taxes when you're so quick to point out that those who don't make any money should still pay taxes? Because you're such a gullible idiot waiting for some of his money to trickle down.

Anyone who files and pay their taxes according to the law is paying their fair share, of course I'm sure you're so committed to big government you wouldn't think of taking a single deduction, right? LMFAO
Of course, I take whatever deductions I am allowed...but con artists like Trump are able to manufacture situations that allow them to take deductions that middle-class people aren't able to, thanks to the Republican party, who provides them with so many tax shelters and is able to do so thanks to gullible idiots like you who they fool into thinking it is in your best interest.

Also as I've stated may times, the one and only reason I'll vote for Trump is I don't want the hildabitch within a thousand miles of a supreme court nomination. In the presidential election I'm admittedly a single issue voter.

So, you're admitting that all that bullshit about caring about jobs, unemployment, the economy and the welfare of the country, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but bullshit. You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President, who takes advantage of hard working people with his fake University and demeans judges with racial slurs because they don't acquiesce to his demands....and who calls Hillary crooked when he is the one that has been bribing an Attorney General and a governor to drop their charges against his fake University, over Hillary, who happens to be more experienced, eloquent, intelligent, and a strong person (still standing in spite of all the bullshit allegations made by your party).

Looks like "crooked Trump" has no business calling anyone else "crooked" except maybe Gregg Abbott and Pam Bondi.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.

Texas Gov. Abbott Received $35,000 Donation from Trump After Dropping Trump University Investigation | RedState
Personally I support anyone in their efforts regardless of party affiliation who can LEGALLY avoid paying taxes. It's not the government's money if it is sheltered legally. If the government has a problem with it, the government can close the loopholes.

As for Trump, how many people does he employ? How many of their taxes are being paid and being matched.
Liberals don't care about the poor. If you did to the level you claim, the rest of us wouldn't be forced to fund programs you support. You'd simply provide them what you think they deserve with your money. You do know you can do that without government involvement, don't you?
You seem to be confused. It is not a lack of concern for the poor. It is an equal concern that everyone in this nation who is able do their fair share.

Us liberals pay our taxes without complaint. Those taxes are used for things with which we agree, ideologically, as well as for things with which we do not. Still, we pay our fair share without complaint.

It is only you fake conservatives who constantly bitch, and whine like little children about having to pay your fair share, and have it used for things you don't like.

We, suck it up, buttercup. Pay your fucking taxes, and quit bitching.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Yet you cry babies keep shedding tears that this guy or that guy isn't paying their fair share, which is it child? Are the people following the law paying their fair share or not?

You're delusional. We only complain about the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. You psuedo compassionates want people who have nothing to pay while letting the rich like Trump escape without paying. That's really stupid, but then, conservative logic has never been considered supreme. And, Trumpf must not be following the law, as he got away without paying taxes back in 78 and 79...yet you illogical conservatives want to make him President.

One by one, all that called Trump a con artist, a cancer, a liar and a pariah among other nasty things are now, like good little lemmings falling in step defending him and supporting him. Hypocrites, conservative is thy name.

Trump Paid No Income Tax in 1978, ’79

Well child, like the typical regressive sodomite enabler you're making assumptions that you can't or won't back up, absolutely nothing in your leftwing rag link said he broke any law.
No, he didn't break any laws, but you, a moronic idiot conservative, likes to bitch about the poor people not paying taxes and here you are, like a salivating pig sucking up to the millionaire and giving him a pass.....how pathetic you dumbasses are.

So how about you provide a link where he did, or admit you're full of shit.
I never said he broke any law, asshole, but like the idiot that you are, you missed the whole point ....how come you're not bitching about him not paying taxes when you're so quick to point out that those who don't make any money should still pay taxes? Because you're such a gullible idiot waiting for some of his money to trickle down.

Anyone who files and pay their taxes according to the law is paying their fair share, of course I'm sure you're so committed to big government you wouldn't think of taking a single deduction, right? LMFAO
Of course, I take whatever deductions I am allowed...but con artists like Trump are able to manufacture situations that allow them to take deductions that middle-class people aren't able to, thanks to the Republican party, who provides them with so many tax shelters and is able to do so thanks to gullible idiots like you who they fool into thinking it is in your best interest.

Also as I've stated may times, the one and only reason I'll vote for Trump is I don't want the hildabitch within a thousand miles of a supreme court nomination. In the presidential election I'm admittedly a single issue voter.

So, you're admitting that all that bullshit about caring about jobs, unemployment, the economy and the welfare of the country, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but bullshit. You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President, who takes advantage of hard working people with his fake University and demeans judges with racial slurs because they don't acquiesce to his demands....and who calls Hillary crooked when he is the one that has been bribing an Attorney General and a governor to drop their charges against his fake University, over Hillary, who happens to be more experienced, eloquent, intelligent, and a strong person (still standing in spite of all the bullshit allegations made by your party).

Looks like "crooked Trump" has no business calling anyone else "crooked" except maybe Gregg Abbott and Pam Bondi.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.

Texas Gov. Abbott Received $35,000 Donation from Trump After Dropping Trump University Investigation | RedState

Fuck off you ignorant bitch.

You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President

Why not, we had one for the last 8 fucking years.

Now feel free to take your largest electric toy and shove it where the sun don't shine. You are dismissed.
Personally I support anyone in their efforts regardless of party affiliation who can LEGALLY avoid paying taxes.
Yes, if everyone played by the same rules, but you can't have rules for some that explicitly favor the rich, and conservative morons like you, don't realize that and allow the rich to have so many tax shelters they end up paying nothing (like Trumpf) and the poor schmucks, like you, have to pay more than he does, while earning less.

It's not the government's money if it is sheltered legally. If the government has a problem with it, the government can close the loopholes.
I can't bellieve that you're that ignorant. Of course it is the government's money.....we are are the government....."We the people"...remember? If you want to live in a country that cares that you don't eat poisoned food, that you have clean water and that your inventions don't get stolen by some rich jerk like Trumpf, you have to have laws created for that, and then you have to have money to enforce those laws. Geez, it's no wonder so many conservatives support Trumpf, they're just plain ignorant.

As for Trump, how many people does he employ? How many of their taxes are being paid and being matched.
Bwahahaha, you're really ignorant. You want Trumpf not to pay taxes because he employs people that pay taxes....you must have a big "S" etched on your forhead....and it's not for "Superman".
You seem to be confused. It is not a lack of concern for the poor. It is an equal concern that everyone in this nation who is able do their fair share.

Us liberals pay our taxes without complaint. Those taxes are used for things with which we agree, ideologically, as well as for things with which we do not. Still, we pay our fair share without complaint.

It is only you fake conservatives who constantly bitch, and whine like little children about having to pay your fair share, and have it used for things you don't like.

We, suck it up, buttercup. Pay your fucking taxes, and quit bitching.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Yet you cry babies keep shedding tears that this guy or that guy isn't paying their fair share, which is it child? Are the people following the law paying their fair share or not?

You're delusional. We only complain about the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. You psuedo compassionates want people who have nothing to pay while letting the rich like Trump escape without paying. That's really stupid, but then, conservative logic has never been considered supreme. And, Trumpf must not be following the law, as he got away without paying taxes back in 78 and 79...yet you illogical conservatives want to make him President.

One by one, all that called Trump a con artist, a cancer, a liar and a pariah among other nasty things are now, like good little lemmings falling in step defending him and supporting him. Hypocrites, conservative is thy name.

Trump Paid No Income Tax in 1978, ’79

Well child, like the typical regressive sodomite enabler you're making assumptions that you can't or won't back up, absolutely nothing in your leftwing rag link said he broke any law.
No, he didn't break any laws, but you, a moronic idiot conservative, likes to bitch about the poor people not paying taxes and here you are, like a salivating pig sucking up to the millionaire and giving him a pass.....how pathetic you dumbasses are.

So how about you provide a link where he did, or admit you're full of shit.
I never said he broke any law, asshole, but like the idiot that you are, you missed the whole point ....how come you're not bitching about him not paying taxes when you're so quick to point out that those who don't make any money should still pay taxes? Because you're such a gullible idiot waiting for some of his money to trickle down.

Anyone who files and pay their taxes according to the law is paying their fair share, of course I'm sure you're so committed to big government you wouldn't think of taking a single deduction, right? LMFAO
Of course, I take whatever deductions I am allowed...but con artists like Trump are able to manufacture situations that allow them to take deductions that middle-class people aren't able to, thanks to the Republican party, who provides them with so many tax shelters and is able to do so thanks to gullible idiots like you who they fool into thinking it is in your best interest.

Also as I've stated may times, the one and only reason I'll vote for Trump is I don't want the hildabitch within a thousand miles of a supreme court nomination. In the presidential election I'm admittedly a single issue voter.

So, you're admitting that all that bullshit about caring about jobs, unemployment, the economy and the welfare of the country, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but bullshit. You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President, who takes advantage of hard working people with his fake University and demeans judges with racial slurs because they don't acquiesce to his demands....and who calls Hillary crooked when he is the one that has been bribing an Attorney General and a governor to drop their charges against his fake University, over Hillary, who happens to be more experienced, eloquent, intelligent, and a strong person (still standing in spite of all the bullshit allegations made by your party).

Looks like "crooked Trump" has no business calling anyone else "crooked" except maybe Gregg Abbott and Pam Bondi.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.

Texas Gov. Abbott Received $35,000 Donation from Trump After Dropping Trump University Investigation | RedState

Fuck off you ignorant bitch.

Bwahahaha.....you can't refute it, can you, you ignorant asshole. Having a meltdown?

You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President

Why not, we had one for the last 8 fucking years.
No, you ignorant asshole.....that was the 8 years before Obama that we had a fucking idiot for President. Even your party admitted that he was an idiot, when they rejected his brother, Jeb. Oh, you probably voted for Jeb, you're so fucking stupid.

Now feel free to take your largest electric toy and shove it where the sun don't shine. You are dismissed.
Is that what you use? Sorry, I don't need toys.....I have the real thing.....and, stupid morons don't have enough power to dismiss me, asshole. Try that on a conservative woman, they're the Stepford Wives' type who let men control every part of their lives.
Personally I support anyone in their efforts regardless of party affiliation who can LEGALLY avoid paying taxes.
Yes, if everyone played by the same rules, but you can't have rules for some that explicitly favor the rich, and conservative morons like you, don't realize that and allow the rich to have so many tax shelters they end up paying nothing (like Trumpf) and the poor schmucks, like you, have to pay more than he does, while earning less.

It's not the government's money if it is sheltered legally. If the government has a problem with it, the government can close the loopholes.

I can't bellieve that you're that ignorant. Of course it is the government's money.....we are are the government....."We the people"...remember?

We "the people" have a right to each our own belongings (including our earnings) and our tax system is for the most part "voluntary."

If you want to live in a country that cares that you don't eat poisoned food, that you have clean water and that your inventions don't get stolen by some rich jerk like Trumpf, you have to have laws created for that, and then you have to have money to enforce those laws.

Annnnnnnd what laws did Trump break again? I thought you said he didn't break any laws.

Geez, it's no wonder so many conservatives support Trumpf, they're just plain ignorant.

I am not a Trump supporter. Far from it. He's just barely the lessor of two evils in this race as far as I am concerned.

As for Trump, how many people does he employ? How many of their taxes are being paid and being matched.

Bwahahaha, you're really ignorant. You want Trumpf not to pay taxes because he employs people that pay taxes....you must have a big "S" etched on your forhead....and it's not for "Superman".

You have never been an employer before. Have you. If you had been an employer, then you would already know that employers pay nearly the same in taxes PER EMPLOYEE that the employees themselves pay.

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) is the federal law that requires you to withhold three separate taxes from the wagesyou pay your employees. FICA is comprised of:

  • a 6.2 percent Social Security tax;
  • a 1.45 percent Medicare tax (the “regular” Medicare tax); and
  • beginning in 2013, a 0.9 percent Medicare surtax when the employee earns over $200,000.
You must withhold these amounts from an employee's wages.

The law also requires you to pay the employer's portion of two of these taxes:
  • a 6.2 percent Social Security tax; and
  • a 1.45 percent Medicare tax (the “regular” Medicare tax).
As you can see, the employer’s portion for the Social security tax and the regular Medicare tax is the same amount that you're required to withhold from your employees' wages.

So tell me again why you believe that Trump is not paying his fair share in taxes.
Yet you cry babies keep shedding tears that this guy or that guy isn't paying their fair share, which is it child? Are the people following the law paying their fair share or not?

You're delusional. We only complain about the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. You psuedo compassionates want people who have nothing to pay while letting the rich like Trump escape without paying. That's really stupid, but then, conservative logic has never been considered supreme. And, Trumpf must not be following the law, as he got away without paying taxes back in 78 and 79...yet you illogical conservatives want to make him President.

One by one, all that called Trump a con artist, a cancer, a liar and a pariah among other nasty things are now, like good little lemmings falling in step defending him and supporting him. Hypocrites, conservative is thy name.

Trump Paid No Income Tax in 1978, ’79

Well child, like the typical regressive sodomite enabler you're making assumptions that you can't or won't back up, absolutely nothing in your leftwing rag link said he broke any law.
No, he didn't break any laws, but you, a moronic idiot conservative, likes to bitch about the poor people not paying taxes and here you are, like a salivating pig sucking up to the millionaire and giving him a pass.....how pathetic you dumbasses are.

So how about you provide a link where he did, or admit you're full of shit.
I never said he broke any law, asshole, but like the idiot that you are, you missed the whole point ....how come you're not bitching about him not paying taxes when you're so quick to point out that those who don't make any money should still pay taxes? Because you're such a gullible idiot waiting for some of his money to trickle down.

Anyone who files and pay their taxes according to the law is paying their fair share, of course I'm sure you're so committed to big government you wouldn't think of taking a single deduction, right? LMFAO
Of course, I take whatever deductions I am allowed...but con artists like Trump are able to manufacture situations that allow them to take deductions that middle-class people aren't able to, thanks to the Republican party, who provides them with so many tax shelters and is able to do so thanks to gullible idiots like you who they fool into thinking it is in your best interest.

Also as I've stated may times, the one and only reason I'll vote for Trump is I don't want the hildabitch within a thousand miles of a supreme court nomination. In the presidential election I'm admittedly a single issue voter.

So, you're admitting that all that bullshit about caring about jobs, unemployment, the economy and the welfare of the country, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but bullshit. You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President, who takes advantage of hard working people with his fake University and demeans judges with racial slurs because they don't acquiesce to his demands....and who calls Hillary crooked when he is the one that has been bribing an Attorney General and a governor to drop their charges against his fake University, over Hillary, who happens to be more experienced, eloquent, intelligent, and a strong person (still standing in spite of all the bullshit allegations made by your party).

Looks like "crooked Trump" has no business calling anyone else "crooked" except maybe Gregg Abbott and Pam Bondi.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.

Texas Gov. Abbott Received $35,000 Donation from Trump After Dropping Trump University Investigation | RedState

Fuck off you ignorant bitch.

Bwahahaha.....you can't refute it, can you, you ignorant asshole. Having a meltdown?

You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President

Why not, we had one for the last 8 fucking years.
No, you ignorant asshole.....that was the 8 years before Obama that we had a fucking idiot for President.

Even your party admitted that he was an idiot, when they rejected his brother, Jeb. Oh, you probably voted for Jeb, you're so fucking stupid.

You are one hysterical, hyper-partisan, illogical little moron, aren't you?
You're delusional. We only complain about the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. You psuedo compassionates want people who have nothing to pay while letting the rich like Trump escape without paying. That's really stupid, but then, conservative logic has never been considered supreme. And, Trumpf must not be following the law, as he got away without paying taxes back in 78 and 79...yet you illogical conservatives want to make him President.

One by one, all that called Trump a con artist, a cancer, a liar and a pariah among other nasty things are now, like good little lemmings falling in step defending him and supporting him. Hypocrites, conservative is thy name.

Trump Paid No Income Tax in 1978, ’79

Well child, like the typical regressive sodomite enabler you're making assumptions that you can't or won't back up, absolutely nothing in your leftwing rag link said he broke any law.
No, he didn't break any laws, but you, a moronic idiot conservative, likes to bitch about the poor people not paying taxes and here you are, like a salivating pig sucking up to the millionaire and giving him a pass.....how pathetic you dumbasses are.

So how about you provide a link where he did, or admit you're full of shit.
I never said he broke any law, asshole, but like the idiot that you are, you missed the whole point ....how come you're not bitching about him not paying taxes when you're so quick to point out that those who don't make any money should still pay taxes? Because you're such a gullible idiot waiting for some of his money to trickle down.

Anyone who files and pay their taxes according to the law is paying their fair share, of course I'm sure you're so committed to big government you wouldn't think of taking a single deduction, right? LMFAO
Of course, I take whatever deductions I am allowed...but con artists like Trump are able to manufacture situations that allow them to take deductions that middle-class people aren't able to, thanks to the Republican party, who provides them with so many tax shelters and is able to do so thanks to gullible idiots like you who they fool into thinking it is in your best interest.

Also as I've stated may times, the one and only reason I'll vote for Trump is I don't want the hildabitch within a thousand miles of a supreme court nomination. In the presidential election I'm admittedly a single issue voter.

So, you're admitting that all that bullshit about caring about jobs, unemployment, the economy and the welfare of the country, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but bullshit. You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President, who takes advantage of hard working people with his fake University and demeans judges with racial slurs because they don't acquiesce to his demands....and who calls Hillary crooked when he is the one that has been bribing an Attorney General and a governor to drop their charges against his fake University, over Hillary, who happens to be more experienced, eloquent, intelligent, and a strong person (still standing in spite of all the bullshit allegations made by your party).

Looks like "crooked Trump" has no business calling anyone else "crooked" except maybe Gregg Abbott and Pam Bondi.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.

Texas Gov. Abbott Received $35,000 Donation from Trump After Dropping Trump University Investigation | RedState

Fuck off you ignorant bitch.

Bwahahaha.....you can't refute it, can you, you ignorant asshole. Having a meltdown?

You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President

Why not, we had one for the last 8 fucking years.
No, you ignorant asshole.....that was the 8 years before Obama that we had a fucking idiot for President.

Even your party admitted that he was an idiot, when they rejected his brother, Jeb. Oh, you probably voted for Jeb, you're so fucking stupid.

You are one hysterical, hyper-partisan, illogical little moron, aren't you?
Oh? What part of her post is not true?
Well child, like the typical regressive sodomite enabler you're making assumptions that you can't or won't back up, absolutely nothing in your leftwing rag link said he broke any law.
No, he didn't break any laws, but you, a moronic idiot conservative, likes to bitch about the poor people not paying taxes and here you are, like a salivating pig sucking up to the millionaire and giving him a pass.....how pathetic you dumbasses are.

So how about you provide a link where he did, or admit you're full of shit.
I never said he broke any law, asshole, but like the idiot that you are, you missed the whole point ....how come you're not bitching about him not paying taxes when you're so quick to point out that those who don't make any money should still pay taxes? Because you're such a gullible idiot waiting for some of his money to trickle down.

Anyone who files and pay their taxes according to the law is paying their fair share, of course I'm sure you're so committed to big government you wouldn't think of taking a single deduction, right? LMFAO
Of course, I take whatever deductions I am allowed...but con artists like Trump are able to manufacture situations that allow them to take deductions that middle-class people aren't able to, thanks to the Republican party, who provides them with so many tax shelters and is able to do so thanks to gullible idiots like you who they fool into thinking it is in your best interest.

Also as I've stated may times, the one and only reason I'll vote for Trump is I don't want the hildabitch within a thousand miles of a supreme court nomination. In the presidential election I'm admittedly a single issue voter.

So, you're admitting that all that bullshit about caring about jobs, unemployment, the economy and the welfare of the country, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but bullshit. You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President, who takes advantage of hard working people with his fake University and demeans judges with racial slurs because they don't acquiesce to his demands....and who calls Hillary crooked when he is the one that has been bribing an Attorney General and a governor to drop their charges against his fake University, over Hillary, who happens to be more experienced, eloquent, intelligent, and a strong person (still standing in spite of all the bullshit allegations made by your party).

Looks like "crooked Trump" has no business calling anyone else "crooked" except maybe Gregg Abbott and Pam Bondi.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.

Texas Gov. Abbott Received $35,000 Donation from Trump After Dropping Trump University Investigation | RedState

Fuck off you ignorant bitch.

Bwahahaha.....you can't refute it, can you, you ignorant asshole. Having a meltdown?

You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President

Why not, we had one for the last 8 fucking years.
No, you ignorant asshole.....that was the 8 years before Obama that we had a fucking idiot for President.

Even your party admitted that he was an idiot, when they rejected his brother, Jeb. Oh, you probably voted for Jeb, you're so fucking stupid.

You are one hysterical, hyper-partisan, illogical little moron, aren't you?
Oh? What part of her post is not true?

Are you logically-challenged as well?
Okay. Now, this is a question specifically directed towards the anti-choice activists. Let us begin with the most common premise of the anti-choice folks: A fetus is a person. Abortion is killing a person without justification. Ergo, abortion is essentially state sanctioned murder. (Now, let us be clear, I Do. NOT agree with this premise, at all. However, it is the premise of nearly every anti-choice advocate. So, to follow this position to its logical conclusion, we are going to allow this premise from the outset.)

So, we have established that a fetus is a person, and abortion is equivalent to murder. Proceeding from that premise, there are actually two people involved in the planning, and executing of said murder - the doctor, and the pregnant woman. Now, the anti-choice advocates have made no secret of their contempt for the doctors who participate in abortions, Oklahoma going so far as to pass a new law criminalizing abortions, and levying heavy penalties against the doctors who participate. However, no one, including Oklahoma, seems interested in punishing, or even acknowledging, the pregnant woman's role in this action. So. What about her? What punishment is reasonable for a woman who contracts a medical professional to murder her unborn child?

Again, the solution is so simple.

Set an agreed upon time that a fetus becomes a human, and if a woman gets an abortion after said time, sans medical necessity, prosecute it just the same as you would any murder.
Okay. Now, this is a question specifically directed towards the anti-choice activists. Let us begin with the most common premise of the anti-choice folks: A fetus is a person. Abortion is killing a person without justification. Ergo, abortion is essentially state sanctioned murder. (Now, let us be clear, I Do. NOT agree with this premise, at all. However, it is the premise of nearly every anti-choice advocate. So, to follow this position to its logical conclusion, we are going to allow this premise from the outset.)

So, we have established that a fetus is a person, and abortion is equivalent to murder. Proceeding from that premise, there are actually two people involved in the planning, and executing of said murder - the doctor, and the pregnant woman. Now, the anti-choice advocates have made no secret of their contempt for the doctors who participate in abortions, Oklahoma going so far as to pass a new law criminalizing abortions, and levying heavy penalties against the doctors who participate. However, no one, including Oklahoma, seems interested in punishing, or even acknowledging, the pregnant woman's role in this action. So. What about her? What punishment is reasonable for a woman who contracts a medical professional to murder her unborn child?

Again, the solution is so simple.

Set an agreed upon time that a fetus becomes a human, and if a woman gets an abortion after said time, sans medical necessity, prosecute it just the same as you would any murder.
Yeah...it's that"…agreed upon time…" that everyone seems to be getting hung up on…

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No, he didn't break any laws, but you, a moronic idiot conservative, likes to bitch about the poor people not paying taxes and here you are, like a salivating pig sucking up to the millionaire and giving him a pass.....how pathetic you dumbasses are.

I never said he broke any law, asshole, but like the idiot that you are, you missed the whole point ....how come you're not bitching about him not paying taxes when you're so quick to point out that those who don't make any money should still pay taxes? Because you're such a gullible idiot waiting for some of his money to trickle down.

Of course, I take whatever deductions I am allowed...but con artists like Trump are able to manufacture situations that allow them to take deductions that middle-class people aren't able to, thanks to the Republican party, who provides them with so many tax shelters and is able to do so thanks to gullible idiots like you who they fool into thinking it is in your best interest.

So, you're admitting that all that bullshit about caring about jobs, unemployment, the economy and the welfare of the country, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but bullshit. You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President, who takes advantage of hard working people with his fake University and demeans judges with racial slurs because they don't acquiesce to his demands....and who calls Hillary crooked when he is the one that has been bribing an Attorney General and a governor to drop their charges against his fake University, over Hillary, who happens to be more experienced, eloquent, intelligent, and a strong person (still standing in spite of all the bullshit allegations made by your party).

Looks like "crooked Trump" has no business calling anyone else "crooked" except maybe Gregg Abbott and Pam Bondi.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.

Texas Gov. Abbott Received $35,000 Donation from Trump After Dropping Trump University Investigation | RedState

Fuck off you ignorant bitch.

Bwahahaha.....you can't refute it, can you, you ignorant asshole. Having a meltdown?

You would rather have a con artist, narcissist, racist liar for President

Why not, we had one for the last 8 fucking years.
No, you ignorant asshole.....that was the 8 years before Obama that we had a fucking idiot for President.

Even your party admitted that he was an idiot, when they rejected his brother, Jeb. Oh, you probably voted for Jeb, you're so fucking stupid.

You are one hysterical, hyper-partisan, illogical little moron, aren't you?
Oh? What part of her post is not true?

Are you logically-challenged as well?
Well you had the opportunity to identify what she got wrong; that you've now chosen invective over evidence twice is crystal clear evidence you can't find anything she got wrong in that post -- you just don't like what she said.

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