A question for those that support Obamacare?

What honestly would you do in this circumstance?

  • Keep your "liked" computer and pay the IRS penalty?

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Buy the new mandated computer--that you don't want or need?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
That's (OP) a piss poor argument against healthcare, assumptions and imaginary creatures are for children or simpletons. Suppose the sky fell or some other ridiculous suppose. I need to do another rant but having just returned from Florida and some of the most rabid Obama haters in the world, I wonder how it is these Obamacare haters and Union haters have the nerve to say anything when most drive Japanese or German vehicles that provide profit to nations that already have Obamacare and strong Unions? Seems if you were truly American you'd have to buy American products and then you'd have the right to whine all the time. Weird how most of the complainers are supporting healthcare and unions, just not in America? Time you jokers woke up and faced a nation that once more because of liberal democrats did the moral thing to do.

Everything that is stated is TRUE. The Obamacare mandates are the reason that 7 million policies in this nation (to-date) have been cancelled--because they don't cover pre-natal--maternity drug or alcohol abuse.

Democrats wisely postponed the employer mandate--which btw--will require the same mandates--because they know that millions more policies will be cancelled in the employer/employee marketplace to meet those same mandates. They cancelled them until 2015 and well after the mid-term election cycle.

There is NOTHING MORAL--about cancelling 7 million "liked" polices (TO-DATE)-after Obama and democrats promised over 40 times that people could keep "their liked policies and doctors." It is estimated if you add in spouses and children that were covered under these plans--that Obamacare has added another 12 to 16 million to the uninsured in this country. Many of these people were sick and undergoing treatment--and I would like to know what you consider MORAL about that?

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

So would YOU buy the new mandated computer or not?

Welcome to your hope and change
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The OP demonstrates the fact that the right is completely clueless as to the issues concerning the ACA.

And confirms the fact that conservative opposition to the ACA is purely partisan, having nothing to do with the merits of the Act whatsoever.

What are the facts about the democrats who are against this debacle, Clay? :eusa_whistle:

You're right--there is no discrimination on cancelled policies as to whether or not one is a Democrat or Republican. There are millions of Democrats that never wanted Obamacare--but got it shoved down their throats anyway--with a run-a-way-filibuster proof Democrat congress, and administration. Not one single Republican voted for Obamacare--the first time in this nations history that a billed passed without a single vote from the minority party. Republicans were even blocked from attending committee hearings on it. And nor did one single Democrat read this 3000 page bill before they signed off on it. Now the pain of not reading the bill first--has come back to a real nightmare.

When Senate Democrats had to opportunity--to keep the promise to millions of being able to "keep their liked policies and doctors"--they voted against that in July of 2010.

Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.
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It's a stupid question designed to illicit a loaded response. Computer's are not comparable to health care.

That's fine because they're not being compared to health care. They're being compared to health insurance. Believe it or not, health care and health insurance aren't the same thing!
While some of you liberals are just fine with Obamacare--did you ever consider this.

Let's go with computers. Let's say you as an individual have your preference to what type of computer you use--processor--speed, etc. Let's say there are millions of people that really don't want a computer--but you like your's and really don't want a new one--and or don't really have the money to buy a new one.

So Obama and democrats decide to write another bill and pass it.

1. MANDATES that everyone in the United States needs to go out and buy a computer. They say that those that already have computers can keep them if they like. There will be no change with people who already have computers--you can keep them--and your liked hardware and software if you choose.

2. A few years later--you find out that you can't keep your "liked" computer--because it doesn't meet the new computer mandates that Obama and democrats signed into law. Instead of your MAC or IBM--you are now required to purchase some off-brand you don't want. This new off brand doesn't meet your expectations as far as to what a good computer should be--and there are lots of new gear on it that you don't want nor need, yet you are required to get it--otherwise you're under the threat of the IRS penalizing you if you don't.

This is exactly what Obamacare is. Everyone, regardless of age, regardless if you have had your kids and want no more, regardless if your married or single, regardless if your male or female are required to be covered--and pay for (pre-natal-maternity-drug and alcohol abuse.) There are no exceptions and there are no choices in coverage. The only choices you have are the price of the policy and how much of a deductible and co-pay you want.

So honestly what would you do, if we were talking computers here, instead of health care?

I think only the wealthy should have computers. Can you add that as an option?

We don't want the poor clogging the internet
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It's a stupid question designed to illicit a loaded response. Computer's are not comparable to health care.

That's fine because they're not being compared to health care. They're being compared to health insurance. Believe it or not, health care and health insurance aren't the same thing!

Oh, my bad. Ofcourse computers can be compared to health insurance easier than computers being compared to health care.
It's a stupid question designed to illicit a loaded response. Computer's are not comparable to health care.

That's fine because they're not being compared to health care. They're being compared to health insurance. Believe it or not, health care and health insurance aren't the same thing!

Oh, my bad. Ofcourse computers can be compared to health insurance easier than computers being compared to health care.

Yep. In as much as they aren't something we need to survive.
I voted "this is a stupid poll."

"Obamacare" is not in itself an insurance policy. Health insurance policies vary by states. In my state we can keep the (very nice) policy that we've had all along.

Given a choice I'd rather see universal health care.

At the cost of your freedom?

I think not.

But then again, neither do you.

It's fucking health insurance, not a concentration camp. Get thee and thy tinfoil hat to the conspiracy boards!
I voted "this is a stupid poll."

"Obamacare" is not in itself an insurance policy. Health insurance policies vary by states. In my state we can keep the (very nice) policy that we've had all along.

Given a choice I'd rather see universal health care.

At the cost of your freedom?

I think not.

But then again, neither do you.

It's fucking health insurance, not a concentration camp. Get thee and thy tinfoil hat to the conspiracy boards!

Would you feel the same of you were being forced to join (and tithe to) a state approved religion?
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While some of you liberals are just fine with Obamacare--did you ever consider this.

Let's go with computers. Let's say you as an individual have your preference to what type of computer you use--processor--speed, etc. Let's say there are millions of people that really don't want a computer--but you like your's and really don't want a new one--and or don't really have the money to buy a new one.

So Obama and democrats decide to write another bill and pass it.

1. MANDATES that everyone in the United States needs to go out and buy a computer. They say that those that already have computers can keep them if they like. There will be no change with people who already have computers--you can keep them--and your liked hardware and software if you choose.

2. A few years later--you find out that you can't keep your "liked" computer--because it doesn't meet the new computer mandates that Obama and democrats signed into law. Instead of your MAC or IBM--you are now required to purchase some off-brand you don't want. This new off brand doesn't meet your expectations as far as to what a good computer should be--and there are lots of new gear on it that you don't want nor need, yet you are required to get it--otherwise you're under the threat of the IRS penalizing you if you don't.

This is exactly what Obamacare is. Everyone, regardless of age, regardless if you have had your kids and want no more, regardless if your married or single, regardless if your male or female are required to be covered--and pay for (pre-natal-maternity-drug and alcohol abuse.) There are no exceptions and there are no choices in coverage. The only choices you have are the price of the policy and how much of a deductible and co-pay you want.

So honestly what would you do, if we were talking computers here, instead of health care?

I think only the wealthy should have computers. Can you add that as an option?

We don't want the poor clogging the internet

What are you talking about--you're here clogging up the internet.
Still no answer from the Obamacare supporters on this thread. Obviously they can't defend it, when the exact same situation is put into being forced into buying a mandated computer--after being told over 40 times by Obama and democrats that they could keep their "liked computers"--LOL

While some of you liberals are just fine with Obamacare--did you ever consider this.

Let's go with computers. Let's say you as an individual have your preference to what type of computer you use--processor--speed, etc. Let's say there are millions of people that really don't want a computer--but you like your's and really don't want a new one--and or don't really have the money to buy a new one.

So Obama and democrats decide to write another bill and pass it.

1. MANDATES that everyone in the United States needs to go out and buy a computer. They say that those that already have computers can keep them if they like. There will be no change with people who already have computers--you can keep them--and your liked hardware and software if you choose.

2. A few years later--you find out that you can't keep your "liked" computer--because it doesn't meet the new computer mandates that Obama and democrats signed into law. Instead of your MAC or IBM--you are now required to purchase some off-brand you don't want. This new off brand doesn't meet your expectations as far as to what a good computer should be--and there are lots of new gear on it that you don't want nor need, yet you are required to get it--otherwise you're under the threat of the IRS penalizing you if you don't.

This is exactly what Obamacare is. Everyone, regardless of age, regardless if you have had your kids and want no more, regardless if your married or single, regardless if your male or female are required to be covered--and pay for (pre-natal-maternity-drug and alcohol abuse.) There are no exceptions and there are no choices in coverage. The only choices you have are the price of the policy and how much of a deductible and co-pay you want.

So honestly what would you do, if we were talking computers here, instead of health care?

I think only the wealthy should have computers. Can you add that as an option?

We don't want the poor clogging the internet

What are you talking about--you're here clogging up the internet.

The Internet should be reserved for those of us who can afford it

A free Internet for the masses is......is........SOCIALISM
Desperation is setting in

No answer?


Let's see......the first amendment bars a state established religion and the SCOTUS has found Obamacare to be constitutional

Sound like you are desperate to me....want to talk?

Yeah. Let's talk about the disturbing similarities between government forcing us to join a state approved religion, and government forcing us to subscribe to state approved insurance corporations. Let's talk about how crony capitalism, backed by coercive state mandates, is every bit as wrong as theocracy. Or you can just ostrich up and pretend you don't see anything.
No answer?


Let's see......the first amendment bars a state established religion and the SCOTUS has found Obamacare to be constitutional

Sound like you are desperate to me....want to talk?

Yeah. Let's talk about the disturbing similarities between government forcing us to join a state approved religion, and government forcing us to subscribe to state approved insurance corporations. Let's talk about how crony capitalism, backed by coercive state mandates, is every bit as wrong as theocracy. Or you can just ostrich up and pretend you don't see anything.

Actually, there are no similarities

A state sponsored religion is unconstitutional and Obamacare was enacted by a constitutionally elected government

Let's see......the first amendment bars a state established religion and the SCOTUS has found Obamacare to be constitutional

Sound like you are desperate to me....want to talk?

Yeah. Let's talk about the disturbing similarities between government forcing us to join a state approved religion, and government forcing us to subscribe to state approved insurance corporations. Let's talk about how crony capitalism, backed by coercive state mandates, is every bit as wrong as theocracy. Or you can just ostrich up and pretend you don't see anything.

Actually, there are no similarities

A state sponsored religion is unconstitutional and Obamacare was enacted by a constitutionally elected government

That's what I figured. Nevermind.

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