A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
Just ask them if a life is being terminated rather than saying abortion watch the lips chap up.

For the record everyone. I could care less if one chooses to abort or not. None of my F business. But you must answer for it somewhere down the road.

yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.
So its kind of a human?.....its life but?...but what?...its a life but it is inconvenient so we should just kill it?.....is a small child less of a human than a grown person?.....the fact is abortion is killing off a life...you may think you have a good reason but its still killing.....
No loss of life? Really? I'm guessing the Down Syndrome baby sees it differently - or might if they were asked. Are there any other handicaps that you think should be killed?

Why don't you ask your fellow murderous pro-lifers, who are gleefully aborting Downs pregnancies?

That is, STFU, hypocrite.

If we kill all of the "defective" ones, we could get to a master race, couldn't we?

It's scary, how much you clearly get off on your Nazi fantasies.

But then, your death cult is now screaming "THE OLD AND FEEBLE MUST DIE FOR THE GLORY OF THE PARTY!". Instead of trying to conceal your uncontrollable eugenics lust, you're letting your eugenics freak flag fly high, and the nation is revolted.

Seriously, don't project your eugenics-based death-lust on to moral people.

Even if not determined by skin color,

Not going to happen, despite your best efforts.

It's not a coincidence that your views on abortion are the same views held by the Nazis. It's not a question of whether you're similar to the Nazis. It's only a question of whether you differ from the Nazis in any significant way. And you don't.
Who the fuck is promoting killing Downs babies you lying sack of shit?

STOP lying already
Who the fuck is promoting killing Downs babies you lying sack of shit?


You lie about that, as a form of devotion to your liege Satan, the Lord of Lies.

We're just letting women make their own decisions. There's nobody telling women "YOU MUST ABORT THAT DOWNS PREGNANCY!".
Who the fuck is promoting killing Downs babies you lying sack of shit?


You lie about that, as a form of devotion to your liege Satan, the Lord of Lies.

We're just letting women make their own decisions. There's nobody telling women "YOU MUST ABORT THAT DOWNS PREGNANCY!".

Go fuck yourself baby murderer.
You fucking lied and got outed you stupid old bitch.

Pro lifers don't support killing Downs babies you lying bitch
And I don't give a shit if mothers die in the act of murdering their children

You're a vicious little psychopath, aren't you?

The other pro-lifers really wish you'd be quiet. Your blood lust is embarrassing them.

Not this one.

I have asked the question many times before. . . why SHOULD anyone care if a child killer manages to injure or kill themself, while in the middle of the act of harming a child?

I don't.

I would rather it not happen, but Karma is sometimes a fitting mother fucker.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
Just ask them if a life is being terminated rather than saying abortion watch the lips chap up.

For the record everyone. I could care less if one chooses to abort or not. None of my F business. But you must answer for it somewhere down the road.

yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.
So its kind of a human?.....its life but?...but what?...its a life but it is inconvenient so we should just kill it?.....is a small child less of a human than a grown person?.....the fact is abortion is killing off a life...you may think you have a good reason but its still killing.....

then don't have an abortion if you are against it. see? easy peasy.

it's not my business nor yours why anybody makes the decision to terminate.

& don't impose your will onto anybody else.
I'm not a woman so I don't think I'll be having an abortion....and I have no intention on imposing anything on you....but I will challenge any argument that suggests to know when a life has value and when one doesn't....or when a life begins......its murder in my opinion and that is going to be up to you to defend one day....
Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

Does it? How many 650,000 annual abortions in America are the result of rape or incest?

How many are for convenience?

it's nobody's business as to the reason.
Only if the same applies to someone who decides to give you a double tap to the back of the head. And it doesn’t. The reality of life is that when you promote killing people; other people are going to scrutinize, ask questions, and criticize. No matter what the law says
i dont think ANYBODY promotes abortion just gives the mother a choose to do so if she wishes
I told everyone that since abortion is legal and none of my damned business, I have to accept it as legal and none of my damned business.

BUT...........When they started talking about fetal parts on the open market, and letting a mother decide to kill the baby at birth if she wishes ,and all that other barbaric and 15th century S. It makes me sick even thinking about it
I could projectile cookies all over the wall.
No loss of life? Really? I'm guessing the Down Syndrome baby sees it differently - or might if they were asked. Are there any other handicaps that you think should be killed?

Why don't you ask your fellow murderous pro-lifers, who are gleefully aborting Downs pregnancies?

That is, STFU, hypocrite.

If we kill all of the "defective" ones, we could get to a master race, couldn't we?

It's scary, how much you clearly get off on your Nazi fantasies.

But then, your death cult is now screaming "THE OLD AND FEEBLE MUST DIE FOR THE GLORY OF THE PARTY!". Instead of trying to conceal your uncontrollable eugenics lust, you're letting your eugenics freak flag fly high, and the nation is revolted.

Seriously, don't project your eugenics-based death-lust on to moral people.

Even if not determined by skin color,

Not going to happen, despite your best efforts.

It's not a coincidence that your views on abortion are the same views held by the Nazis. It's not a question of whether you're similar to the Nazis. It's only a question of whether you differ from the Nazis in any significant way. And you don't.

There are no fellows of mine who are killing Down Syndrome babies. Just like leftists who pretend to not be racists, there are those who pretend to be pro-life until they're not. They're no fellows of mine. Don't point that finger at me. I'm pretty clear on what are my views on the subject.

In typical losing, leftist, baby-killing, fashion, you've accused me of being the eugenicist. You know that's a lie but you're projecting to cover your own baby-killing desires.

It is interesting about the Nazis and Eugenics, isn't it? Planned Parenthood was created by an eugenicist who advocating killing the babies of the less desirable, especially blacks. Planned Parenthood still praises her and acknowledges her as their moral leader.

People who worked with and for Margaret Sanger in the US went to work for Adolf Hitler in Germany and wrote his eugenics laws. The tie between Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and the Nazis is irrefutable - and the purpose was quite clear: prevent the birth of undesirables. That's still the goal. Black Americans have abortions at nearly 3 times the rate of white Americans. That's the goal of Planned Parenthood. That was their goal from the time Planned Parenthood was created: kill black babies. That they kill some white ones along the way is just a convenience for the rich whites but the poor whites aren't viewed any better by Sanger's progeny than are the black babies the were founded to kill.

Hitler was not at all against abortion. Usually he didn't have to resort to it because he killed at will those undesirable to him. He killed handicapped, children, Jews, and millions of others in his gas chambers.. What was illegal was to abort an Aryan baby unless, of course, deformed in anyway. He promoted abortions in the undesirable races, like blacks and Jews.

The Nazis killed those who were deemed disabled by the Hartheim Euthanasia Center. In the early years of the Third Reich, the Nazis would transport patients by buses and allow the engine exhaust gases to pass inside the vehicle. Later, Hitler and his henchmen utilized gas chambers to kill these patients. Historians report that 300,000 Germans were euthanized.

Under eugenics laws, abortions were allowed if Aryan parents could prove that they or the child had a hereditary defect; non-Aryan parents were encouraged to get an abortion to reduce their populations. Although performing an abortion on an Aryan woman became a capital offense in the final year of the Nazis, abortions were still permitted if the fetus was found to be deformed or disabled.

In the sequel to his seminal Mein Kampf, titled Hitler’s Second Book, which went unpublished until 1962, he writes glowingly about Sparta’s early eugenics experiments:

“Sparta must be regarded as the first Völkisch State. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day which preserves the most pathological subject, and indeed at any price, and yet takes the life of a hundred thousand healthy children in consequence of birth control or through abortions, in order subsequently to breed a race of degenerates burdened with illnesses.”

When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
The abortion happened so far along, don't, personalize it. It is, was and will always be so many weeks along.
There will never be a way to stop abortions by making them illegal. They were illegal and women had them anyway. There is no way to stop abortions by instilling in the parties an affection for one another sufficient to base a marriage. Men will not be forced to man up and women will not be forced to mother up to someone they are just not interested in. As someone once said, to really stop abortion it must be made unthinkable. Women have to stand up for themselves and not have them. Find another alternative. Stop taking chances. Stop the monthly gamble. Be diligent with birth control. End the silliness of having sex too soon with men you don't really like. For the truly desperate abortion will be there and at least be understandable.
You're right on the sex and responsibility part but wrong on abortion. Several here are calling me sick and perverted because I remind them just how terrible it is. They want to live with their heads in the sand and pretend to never know about babies chemically burned to death in the womb or ripped, limb from limb, feeling the pain of every step as they're tortured to death.

Abortionists and their supply chain of fetal body parts for sale, along with the producers and the consumers, all need to be aborted by the same processes they use to kill babies.

You have been brainwashed. You are sick in the mind if you want to control women so much.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
i dont think ANYBODY promotes abortion just gives the mother a choose to do so if she wishes

Anybody who promotes allowing the mother to choose to kill her child is pro abortion. Anyone who supports abortion-for-profit Planned Parenthood is pro abortion. Anyone who supports killing babies for fun and profit is pro abortion.

I'm not going to allow you the "pro-choice" euphemism. You support killing babies by burning with chemicals in the womb, ripping their arms and legs from their bodies while they squirm in agony, and chopping their heads off with scissors after they're born.
A Planned Parenthood fan, are you? Abortion and selling the parts of those tiny babies for fun and profit?

God would never tell you to lie like that. There's no "It's okay to lie about liberals" subclause in the Ten Commandments. The voice you're obeying belongs to Satan, the Lord of Lies.

Where did I lie? You're not a supporter of Planned Parenthood? You support the efforts to quit funding them with government money? Or that they're selling body parts illegally?

Neither's a lie. That makes you the liar amongst us.
We're just letting women make their own decisions. There's nobody telling women "YOU MUST ABORT THAT DOWNS PREGNANCY!".
You're certainly telling them that they can and then supporting using taxpayer funds to make sure it's as easy as possible.

What about another woman's child or the rights of another woman's child?

Are those things the business of anybody else?

Only when the law is involved. Abortion is legal and none of your personal business.
The Constitution trumps any and all unconstitutional laws and the 1st Amendment secures everybody's right to speak out against those laws and also to petition the Government for a redress of our grievances.
Cutting to the chase ...

7. An Ovum is a haploid reproductive CELL. True or False?


And it's also an organism, as it can grow and reproduce. All it needs is a sperm cell and other factors. As proof of that, I point to how I can trace my development back to an ovum. That ovum indisputably developed into me, therefore an ovum can grow and develop, therefore it is a human organism.

Can I get you to answer the other questions too, before I respond to this?

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