A question I would like asked of all voters who intend to vote.

I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Biden has to pick his replacement. While he probably will go the whole 4 years, he won't go for the full 8. So he has to pick his Heir Apparent. Biden also has some good people to pick from. So, yes, if he picks a solid running mate, we are going to vote for him. Pick another nightmare and we won't.
Biden isn’t going to pick his running mate. Surely you understand that? Or is your head so fully embedded in the weeds you really don’t see that...
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Thousands of people died so that we all can have the right to vote.

I will never spit on their sacrifice. I have never missed an election since I was old enough to vote in 1978.

I don't give a damn who is running against trump. I will NEVER vote for trump.

I will put our nation first and vote for Biden even though I didn't vote for him in the primary.
Ha Ha Ha . Good one !
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.
I vote on proposed legislation @ the state & county levels. I do not vote for any candidate @ any level of g'ment if they are married to the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP).
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.
I'm voting for Trump because I love the United States of America.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Biden has to pick his replacement. While he probably will go the whole 4 years, he won't go for the full 8. So he has to pick his Heir Apparent. Biden also has some good people to pick from. So, yes, if he picks a solid running mate, we are going to vote for him. Pick another nightmare and we won't.
He can have tea with Hillary for the next four years.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I will vote for the Green Party nominee Howie Hawkins
Smoke some more herb dude. Respect your choice.
LOL Keep dreaming Trumpeteers!
Trump is going down.
I would have preferred a younger person besides Biden, but I'll vote for Biden anyway.
Trump stands for everything America is NOT supposed to stand for.

If you support Trump then I think you have some messed up values.
Trump stand's for the United States of America and our Constitution, not for lawless mob violence like Biden, BLM and Antifa support.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Which means you probably have dementia, just like your boy Trumo. He is getting crazier by the day.
Although President Trump is not my idea of a model president when it comes to style, I have no choice but to vote for him again because that racist "anti-cop movement" lacked the decency to defer its marches (and subsequent anarchy) until we got over this horrendous COVID-19 tragedy that is tearing our country to pieces, economically and socially and politically.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Biden has to pick his replacement. While he probably will go the whole 4 years, he won't go for the full 8. So he has to pick his Heir Apparent. Biden also has some good people to pick from. So, yes, if he picks a solid running mate, we are going to vote for him. Pick another nightmare and we won't.
I hear you Darryl, but I would question his choice for his running mate. he didn't say he was developing a list of strong Democratic leaders whose issues mirror his, he just wants a black woman. Hell, if that is what he wants, go down to the grocery store and pick the first black lady in the check out line! Come on! Just shakin' my head.

kamala would be a very strong choice. And it's down to her and a couple more. She is much stronger than Pence. If that's who he chooses, he gets a person (regardless of gender) who is more qualified than he is and is palpable to the Moderate Dems and Reps. She is also supported by many Liberals. And She is a good Heir Apparent.

You've managed to endorse someone hated even more than Hillary. Good work!
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Thousands of people died so that we all can have the right to vote.

I will never spit on their sacrifice. I have never missed an election since I was old enough to vote in 1978.

I don't give a damn who is running against trump. I will NEVER vote for trump.

I will put our nation first and vote for Biden even though I didn't vote for him in the primary.
Funny how you claim to want to "Make love not war" and President Trump is the first President in decades trying to get us OUT of the wars his predecessors have started, yet you hate him so much that you're willing to elect a criminal moron to replace him.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Biden has to pick his replacement. While he probably will go the whole 4 years, he won't go for the full 8. So he has to pick his Heir Apparent. Biden also has some good people to pick from. So, yes, if he picks a solid running mate, we are going to vote for him. Pick another nightmare and we won't.
I hear you Darryl, but I would question his choice for his running mate. he didn't say he was developing a list of strong Democratic leaders whose issues mirror his, he just wants a black woman. Hell, if that is what he wants, go down to the grocery store and pick the first black lady in the check out line! Come on! Just shakin' my head.

kamala would be a very strong choice. And it's down to her and a couple more. She is much stronger than Pence. If that's who he chooses, he gets a person (regardless of gender) who is more qualified than he is and is palpable to the Moderate Dems and Reps. She is also supported by many Liberals. And She is a good Heir Apparent.
LOL. She's an opportunist who got where she was on her back. Now that's SOME "qualification"!
It wasn't just about Democrats and Hillary; voters who put Trump over the top also included people who would never vote for a Jeb Bush or a Mitt Romney, the GOP being seen as just as nasty and anti-American as the Democrats obviously are, by thier own admissions during their own 'debates'.
LOL Keep dreaming Trumpeteers!
Trump is going down.
I would have preferred a younger person besides Biden, but I'll vote for Biden anyway.
Trump stands for everything America is NOT supposed to stand for.

If you support Trump then I think you have some messed up values.
Messed up values? Your tribe is swinging so far left that a democrat 15 years ago wouldn't recognize
your messed up party today.

And your tribe has swung so far to the right that it has more in common with the John Birch Society. The ideals of the old GOP when it really was the Grand Old Party have long since been lost.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Biden has to pick his replacement. While he probably will go the whole 4 years, he won't go for the full 8. So he has to pick his Heir Apparent. Biden also has some good people to pick from. So, yes, if he picks a solid running mate, we are going to vote for him. Pick another nightmare and we won't.
I hear you Darryl, but I would question his choice for his running mate. he didn't say he was developing a list of strong Democratic leaders whose issues mirror his, he just wants a black woman. Hell, if that is what he wants, go down to the grocery store and pick the first black lady in the check out line! Come on! Just shakin' my head.

kamala would be a very strong choice. And it's down to her and a couple more. She is much stronger than Pence. If that's who he chooses, he gets a person (regardless of gender) who is more qualified than he is and is palpable to the Moderate Dems and Reps. She is also supported by many Liberals. And She is a good Heir Apparent.
LOL. She's an opportunist who got where she was on her back. Now that's SOME "qualification"!

In an OK town, the best mayor they ever had was the Madam of the defunked Whore House. And anyone that think Harris is lose had better not be voting for Rump who has the morals and ethics of an alley cat.
LOL Keep dreaming Trumpeteers!
Trump is going down.
I would have preferred a younger person besides Biden, but I'll vote for Biden anyway.
Trump stands for everything America is NOT supposed to stand for.

If you support Trump then I think you have some messed up values.

Are you predicting a Jow Un Biden win in all 57 states?
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I will vote Trump.

At this point, it does not matter who was running against Trump, because the entire left-wing wing is a race-baiting, America-hating, self-righteous, arrogant bigoted trash.

The only way I won't vote for Trump, is if a Republican is running against him. :)
It wasn't just about Democrats and Hillary; voters who put Trump over the top also included people who would never vote for a Jeb Bush or a Mitt Romney, the GOP being seen as just as nasty and anti-American as the Democrats obviously are, by thier own admissions during their own 'debates'.

And we need to turn the clock back to when the GOP was the Grand Old Party. It's been nigh on almost 70 years since then.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Biden has to pick his replacement. While he probably will go the whole 4 years, he won't go for the full 8. So he has to pick his Heir Apparent. Biden also has some good people to pick from. So, yes, if he picks a solid running mate, we are going to vote for him. Pick another nightmare and we won't.
He can have tea with Hillary for the next four years.

I would say the same for Rump but they don't let inmates drink coffee visitors bring in.

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