A question I would like asked of all voters who intend to vote.

I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I will vote Trump.

At this point, it does not matter who was running against Trump, because the entire left-wing wing is a race-baiting, America-hating, self-righteous, arrogant bigoted trash.

The only way I won't vote for Trump, is if a Republican is running against him. :)

Be aware that some of those Republicans are Democrats.
It really doesn't matter who wins. Not a one of you can figure that out though can you. The one thing no matter who wins must do is get a handle on this virus, which is not "going away". There is no chance of "nothing to see here".
It wasn't just about Democrats and Hillary; voters who put Trump over the top also included people who would never vote for a Jeb Bush or a Mitt Romney, the GOP being seen as just as nasty and anti-American as the Democrats obviously are, by thier own admissions during their own 'debates'.

And we need to turn the clock back to when the GOP was the Grand Old Party. It's been nigh on almost 70 years since then.

Trump is a relative moderate; the GOP never ran moderates, with the exception of Wilkie and Eisenhower.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I will vote Trump.

At this point, it does not matter who was running against Trump, because the entire left-wing wing is a race-baiting, America-hating, self-righteous, arrogant bigoted trash.

The only way I won't vote for Trump, is if a Republican is running against him. :)

Be aware that some of those Republicans are Democrats.

Obviously I would prefer a conservative. But Trump has governed pretty conservatively, so...
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.
I have no intention for voting for either of the sputtering dip shits from the duopoly. I'm not going to forsake my principles so that one these two dumpster fires and their sycophants can open a bottle of bubbly on Election Day. Pass.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Thousands of people died so that we all can have the right to vote.

I will never spit on their sacrifice. I have never missed an election since I was old enough to vote in 1978.

I don't give a damn who is running against trump. I will NEVER vote for trump.

I will put our nation first and vote for Biden even though I didn't vote for him in the primary.
How can you pot our nation first then in the same breathe say you are voting for Biden? If some how Biden won that would be the end of the USA as we know it.
It amazes me Biden is the best the democrats is the best they have to offer.

It's obvious he's suffering from some sort of mental issues. Likely dementia/Alzheimer's but given that his record is horrendous. That Ukraine deal is disturbing

What a sympathetic and kindly post from someone who normally is a snotty shit. Except everything you posted is full on bullshit, propaganda and lies.

Trump is running on HIS record, not Joe Biden’s record. Disease, death and debt And 140,000 dead Americans. The economy crashed, social unrest - and Trump doesn’t have the first clue on how to deal with any of it.

As for mental acuity, Trump can’t even string an entire coherent sentence together.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Thousands of people died so that we all can have the right to vote.

I will never spit on their sacrifice. I have never missed an election since I was old enough to vote in 1978.

I don't give a damn who is running against trump. I will NEVER vote for trump.

I will put our nation first and vote for Biden even though I didn't vote for him in the primary.
How can you pot our nation first then in the same breathe say you are voting for Biden? If some how Biden won that would be the end of the USA as we know it.
I don’t believe that’s true and it borders on paranoia. However if it were true, I’d vote for Biden. Do you really want this shit show to continue?
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Thousands of people died so that we all can have the right to vote.

I will never spit on their sacrifice. I have never missed an election since I was old enough to vote in 1978.

I don't give a damn who is running against trump. I will NEVER vote for trump.

I will put our nation first and vote for Biden even though I didn't vote for him in the primary.
How can you pot our nation first then in the same breathe say you are voting for Biden? If some how Biden won that would be the end of the USA as we know it.

Look out your window. The USA “as you know it” has already ended. Donald Trump has destroyed the nation. It’s not coming to the way it was ever.

You either choose something better than hate, racism and partisanship, or the nation is finished. Trump has shredded the Constitution, cratered the economy, and is allowing a deadly disease to ravage the country.
It wasn't just about Democrats and Hillary; voters who put Trump over the top also included people who would never vote for a Jeb Bush or a Mitt Romney, the GOP being seen as just as nasty and anti-American as the Democrats obviously are, by thier own admissions during their own 'debates'.

And we need to turn the clock back to when the GOP was the Grand Old Party. It's been nigh on almost 70 years since then.

Trump is a relative moderate; the GOP never ran moderates, with the exception of Wilkie and Eisenhower.

And during Ikes time, there wasn't more than about 6 inches different in the Parties except the GOP was much more in tune with the common person and America. Some of the things (the positive ones) that Kennedy and Johnson did were followups to Ikes programs. Things like going to the moon (remember the Mercury Program) and Civil Rights. Ike also ran a pretty good balanced budget once WWII was paid for. Then there were the next 8 drought years and what came out for the Republican Party wasn't even a remnant of the old GOP and it's backslid ever since. Not to leave out the Dems but Truman had a pretty good handle on things even with Korea. There was very little difference in the Dem platform for 1948 and the Rep platform of 1956. America was headed into a Golden Age but then both parties went to hell in a handbasket.
I've been hearing that 'if you vote X it will be the end of America' since I could remember and yet none of these absurdly dramatic predictions come to pass.
It wasn't just about Democrats and Hillary; voters who put Trump over the top also included people who would never vote for a Jeb Bush or a Mitt Romney, the GOP being seen as just as nasty and anti-American as the Democrats obviously are, by thier own admissions during their own 'debates'.

And we need to turn the clock back to when the GOP was the Grand Old Party. It's been nigh on almost 70 years since then.

Trump is a relative moderate; the GOP never ran moderates, with the exception of Wilkie and Eisenhower.

And during Ikes time, there wasn't more than about 6 inches different in the Parties except the GOP was much more in tune with the common person and America. Some of the things (the positive ones) that Kennedy and Johnson did were followups to Ikes programs. Things like going to the moon (remember the Mercury Program) and Civil Rights. Ike also ran a pretty good balanced budget once WWII was paid for. Then there were the next 8 drought years and what came out for the Republican Party wasn't even a remnant of the old GOP and it's backslid ever since. Not to leave out the Dems but Truman had a pretty good handle on things even with Korea. There was very little difference in the Dem platform for 1948 and the Rep platform of 1956. America was headed into a Golden Age but then both parties went to hell in a handbasket.
If you think there are significant differences between the two criminal gangs today, you’re deluding yourself. Both are owned and controlled by the ultra rich. Wake up!
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Thousands of people died so that we all can have the right to vote.

I will never spit on their sacrifice. I have never missed an election since I was old enough to vote in 1978.

I don't give a damn who is running against trump. I will NEVER vote for trump.

I will put our nation first and vote for Biden even though I didn't vote for him in the primary.
How can you pot our nation first then in the same breathe say you are voting for Biden? If some how Biden won that would be the end of the USA as we know it.

Like one person said. Look out the window. The America we were proud of is gone for a lot of reasons, not just Rump. Rump is a symptom not the disease.
I've been hearing that 'if you vote X it will be the end of America' since I could remember and yet none of these absurdly dramatic predictions come to pass.
So true. Every four years we hear this shit. Somehow much of the voting public STILL hasn’t recognized a pattern. WTF. How is this even possible?
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, I'm looking at mayors and Democrats that support destruction of property, violence in the streets, defunding the police and so on.

I'm looking at Democrats in office, that are busy painting words on a the street, rather than now hundreds on hundreds of deaths from crime and violence.

I'm looking at Democrats who tried to pass the "No Ban" act in congress, to prevent travel restrictions to China, and then claim Trump didn't do enough to stop the spread of Corona.

I see Democrats justifying violence in NYC is because people 'need to feed their children', and blaming the police department they just cut.

I'm looking at a left-wing that wants to destroy history, take over sections of cities as "autonomous zones", destroy peoples lives, trample private property, and set a house on fire with children in it, and block fire trucks from putting out the blaze.

Absolutely everything that entire Democrat and left-wing ideology stands for today, is 100% pure unquestioned evil.

Comparing the flaws of Trump, to the evil of the left-wing, is like comparing a puddle on the sidewalk, to the Atlantic ocean, and saying there is more water on the sidewalk.

It is absurd.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, I'm looking at mayors and Democrats that support destruction of property, violence in the streets, defunding the police and so on.

I'm looking at Democrats in office, that are busy painting words on a the street, rather than now hundreds on hundreds of deaths from crime and violence.

I'm looking at Democrats who tried to pass the "No Ban" act in congress, to prevent travel restrictions to China, and then claim Trump didn't do enough to stop the spread of Corona.

I see Democrats justifying violence in NYC is because people 'need to feed their children', and blaming the police department they just cut.

I'm looking at a left-wing that wants to destroy history, take over sections of cities as "autonomous zones", destroy peoples lives, trample private property, and set a house on fire with children in it, and block fire trucks from putting out the blaze.

Absolutely everything that entire Democrat and left-wing ideology stands for today, is 100% pure unquestioned evil.

Comparing the flaws of Trump, to the evil of the left-wing, is like comparing a puddle on the sidewalk, to the Atlantic ocean, and saying there is more water on the sidewalk.

It is absurd.
Trump’s a failure. Just accept it.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, I'm looking at mayors and Democrats that support destruction of property, violence in the streets, defunding the police and so on.

I'm looking at Democrats in office, that are busy painting words on a the street, rather than now hundreds on hundreds of deaths from crime and violence.

I'm looking at Democrats who tried to pass the "No Ban" act in congress, to prevent travel restrictions to China, and then claim Trump didn't do enough to stop the spread of Corona.

I see Democrats justifying violence in NYC is because people 'need to feed their children', and blaming the police department they just cut.

I'm looking at a left-wing that wants to destroy history, take over sections of cities as "autonomous zones", destroy peoples lives, trample private property, and set a house on fire with children in it, and block fire trucks from putting out the blaze.

Absolutely everything that entire Democrat and left-wing ideology stands for today, is 100% pure unquestioned evil.

Comparing the flaws of Trump, to the evil of the left-wing, is like comparing a puddle on the sidewalk, to the Atlantic ocean, and saying there is more water on the sidewalk.

It is absurd.

For a Mod, you certainly are opinionated. And you are showing that you are a Q'Anon subscriber as well.
I've been hearing that 'if you vote X it will be the end of America' since I could remember and yet none of these absurdly dramatic predictions come to pass.
Partisans are so gripped by paranoia and hyperbole that they should be observed for entertainment purposes only. I say "should" because, unfortunately, they control what passes for "political discourse" at the moment.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, I'm looking at mayors and Democrats that support destruction of property, violence in the streets, defunding the police and so on.

I'm looking at Democrats in office, that are busy painting words on a the street, rather than now hundreds on hundreds of deaths from crime and violence.

I'm looking at Democrats who tried to pass the "No Ban" act in congress, to prevent travel restrictions to China, and then claim Trump didn't do enough to stop the spread of Corona.

I see Democrats justifying violence in NYC is because people 'need to feed their children', and blaming the police department they just cut.

I'm looking at a left-wing that wants to destroy history, take over sections of cities as "autonomous zones", destroy peoples lives, trample private property, and set a house on fire with children in it, and block fire trucks from putting out the blaze.

Absolutely everything that entire Democrat and left-wing ideology stands for today, is 100% pure unquestioned evil.

Comparing the flaws of Trump, to the evil of the left-wing, is like comparing a puddle on the sidewalk, to the Atlantic ocean, and saying there is more water on the sidewalk.

It is absurd.
Trump’s a failure. Just accept it.
and Biden has been a failure in government for over 40 years

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