A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

The part i love most is eots gets so frustrated that the rest of the world doesnt see it his way.

the rest of the world ?..you have delusions of grandure if you beleive you represent the rest of the world

He will never get it, no matter how much proof you show him,

you mean big D and his cut and paste or popular mechanics ?

because hes insane of course.

those that dont agree with your illinformed opinion asre ..insane ?

I also find his claim that the steel structure of the twin towers couldnt have softened to be particularly hilarious, especially given the fact that every member of the science community disagrees with him. What an idiot, lol.

this statement has no basis in fact ..I have proven that there are many credible individuals that question 911...ome of whom is Kevin Ryan of underwriters who tested the steel from the wtc...and many top military experts from a wide range pf disiuplines..you just can not deal with that reality
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I have proven that there are many credible individuals that question 911...

No, you havent. The only thing youve done is post garbage from conspiracy websites. You obviously dont understand what real proof is, nor do you have an understanding of the kinds of reliable places where a person would find such proof. You dont get it and you will never get it eots, because you arent a sane person.
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and you have just proved how much in denial you are such a crazy unfounded and irrational conspiracy theory...what a nut case
and this is why i think you are fucking NUTS
THERE WAS NO denial there at all
i dont KNOW if he believes what you do or not and if he does, hes as fucking nuts as you are
what i posted are the FACTS and reality of the internet
ANYONE can make a page and claim all kindas of bullshit

YOUR SO SIMPLY MINDED....this site has been up for years in has been mentioned on national televisin..the participants have repeated the claims in independent film
so if you want tomake such a bizzare conspiracy theory...prove it

case in point, alex jones
as to him being sued, the person suing would need to prove damages, and since he has ZERO credibility and few people would beleive anything that fucked up asshole says, it would be impossible to prove you were actually damaged by him

again a ridiculous statement with no bases in reality...and Again you cant seem to grasp the difference between editorial opinion and giving direct quotes from a person using their service record and image...a child could grasp this reality...

you are a fucking moron if you dont think there are false and spoof pages all over the fucking internet

and your a ignorant fool if you cant determine the difference...which you clearly can not[/QUOTE]
you dumbass, i didnt call it a conspiracy you idiot
you did
alex jones is a fucking LIAR and you are the fucking MORON that believes his and his symps lies
and this is why i think you are fucking NUTS
THERE WAS NO denial there at all
i dont KNOW if he believes what you do or not and if he does, hes as fucking nuts as you are
what i posted are the FACTS and reality of the internet
ANYONE can make a page and claim all kindas of bullshit

YOUR SO SIMPLY MINDED....this site has been up for years in has been mentioned on national televisin..the participants have repeated the claims in independent film
so if you want tomake such a bizzare conspiracy theory...prove it

again a ridiculous statement with no bases in reality...and Again you cant seem to grasp the difference between editorial opinion and giving direct quotes from a person using their service record and image...a child could grasp this reality...

you are a fucking moron if you dont think there are false and spoof pages all over the fucking internet

and your a ignorant fool if you cant determine the difference...which you clearly can not
you dumbass, i didnt call it a conspiracy you idiot
you did

what you speak of by definition is a conspiracy..you are simply not of the intellectual ability to be able to grasp that fact

alex jones is a fucking LIAR and you are the fucking MORON that believes his and his symps lies

Alex Jones ?..the information and statements posted of top level military experts have nothing to do with Alex Jones ..they speak for them self
I have proven that there are many credible individuals that question 911...

No, you havent. The only thing youve done is post garbage from conspiracy websites. You obviously dont understand what real proof is, nor do you have an understanding of the kinds of reliable places where a person would find such proof. You dont get it and you will never get it eots, because you arent a sane person.

so then in your opinion the military personal on the patriots site and most of the signatory's of the petition are insane...or are you a divecon conspiracy theorist that believes the petition the statements the appearances in documentary film are all staged and this total slanderous misrepresentation of top level military personal has gone on unabated for years with out a single action being taken by those who's reputations careers and honored service has been violated ?...now thats some conspiracy theory...any links ?????
I am not sure why you put so much credibility in their statements as some of those peole are not even engineers. Some of them was just pilots.

Here is one paper on why the WTC building collapsed:
-Zdeněk P. Bažant- Engineer Professor at Northwestern

his credentials:
"Engineer Zdeněk P. Bažant is best known as a world leader in scaling research in solid mechanics (1–6). His research focuses on the effect of structure size on structural strength as it relates to the failure behavior of the structure. He also has made outstanding advances in structural stability (7), fracture mechanics (8), the micromechanics of material damage (8–10), concrete creep (11–13), and probabilistic mechanics (6, 8, 14). He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 2002, 1 of only 153 members with such a dual appointment. In his Inaugural Article (1), published in this issue of PNAS, Bažant presents a simple justification of the scaling laws for the fracture of quasibrittle materials such as concrete, rock, fiber composites, and sea ice."
Inaugural Article: Biography of Zdeněk P. Bažant
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Faculty Profile - Zdenek Bazant

"That impact was too much, and no building could possibly withstand such weight, so floor after floor came down in what we call progressive collapse"
Jets hit towers in most vulnerable spots / Killers appear to have known where to strike
-Hassan Astaneh
His Creditentials:
"CEE professor Hassan Astaneh has been teaching at Berkeley since 1986. He has taught classes on the design of steel structures and advanced steel design engineering mechanics-static. He is an expert in the effects of disasters on steel structures and has testified before Congress on how the structural integrity of the World Trade Center reacted to the terrorist attack."
Engineering News, Date

You might have to read the full article to understand the following quote:
""When that part is wiped out, the structure comes down," Irfanoglu said. "We design structures with some extra capacity to cover some uncertainties, but we never anticipate such heavy demand coming from an aircraft impact. If the columns were distributed, maybe, the fire could not take them out so easily."
Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings - USATODAY.com

Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu- Engineering professor at Purdue
Amazing credentials:
Ayhan Irfanoglu - Purdue University

Here is a paper on 9/11 by the 2003 Forensic engineer of the year Paul F. Mlakar:

Here is a paper by the 2002 Forensic engineer of the year:
Gene Corley | World news | The Guardian

Here is proof that they won that award:
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

There you go, the 2002 and 2003 forensic engineer of the year winner believes 9/11 was caused by terrorists.

Those people are the top engineering experts that teach at the best engineering schools in the world. They clearly know what they are talking about.

so this award was not from the president or nasa....

The forensic engineer of the year award is from the American society of engineers. This clearly proves he is one of the top in this field. Their articles showed how the planes caused the fall of the towers and not demolition.

and according to dive con ...he might not even exist !....

Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.

bot seriuosly...he is in no position to say terrorist did it is he...

Why wouldn't he be? From reading his article, it shows that the planes caused the collapsed, not demolition.

he has no expertise in terrorism or Intel or aircraft does he...

I really don't know. How would this be relevant?

and all this proves in light of the experts I have posted is ...experts disagree and a full peer review inquiry under the terms of the petition sited by Edgar Mitchell is essential to determining the facts of 911

Clearly the majority of the engineering experts agree with the true story. There is no question among them. If you take a look at post number 494 of this thread, the vast majority of engineers agree with the true story.
Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.
Eots doesnt have the brain capacity to understand that simple concept
Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.
Eots doesnt have the brain capacity to understand that simple concept

The thing I just cannot see is how anyone can believe it was an inside job if nobody from the WTC buildings saw any proof of demolition. It just cannot add up.
Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.
Eots doesnt have the brain capacity to understand that simple concept

The thing I just cannot see is how anyone can believe it was an inside job if nobody from the WTC buildings saw any proof of demolition. It just cannot add up.
and those with explosive demolition experience have all said that for it to have been done by explosives it would have had far more windows exploding out on the levels where the explosives would have had to have been placed
the whole floor level
thats why on controled demolitions they remove the windows
I am not sure why you put so much credibility in their statements as some of those peole are not even engineers. Some of them was just pilots.

many are engineers none was just pilots but are pilots with engineering digress or directly invoked in NORAD or Air defense and deserving of a great deal of credibility

Here is one paper on why the WTC building collapsed:
-Zdeněk P. Bažant- Engineer Professor at Northwestern

his credentials:
"Engineer Zdeněk P. Bažant is best known as a world leader in scaling research in solid mechanics (1–6). His research focuses on the effect of structure size on structural strength as it relates to the failure behavior of the structure. He also has made outstanding advances in structural stability (7), fracture mechanics (8), the micromechanics of material damage (8–10), concrete creep (11–13), and probabilistic mechanics (6, 8, 14). He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 2002, 1 of only 153 members with such a dual appointment. In his Inaugural Article (1), published in this issue of PNAS, Bažant presents a simple justification of the scaling laws for the fracture of quasibrittle materials such as concrete, rock, fiber composites, and sea ice."
Inaugural Article: Biography of Zdeněk P. Bažant
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Faculty Profile - Zdenek Bazant

"That impact was too much, and no building could possibly withstand such weight, so floor after floor came down in what we call progressive collapse"
Jets hit towers in most vulnerable spots / Killers appear to have known where to strike
-Hassan Astaneh
His Creditentials:
"CEE professor Hassan Astaneh has been teaching at Berkeley since 1986. He has taught classes on the design of steel structures and advanced steel design engineering mechanics-static. He is an expert in the effects of disasters on steel structures and has testified before Congress on how the structural integrity of the World Trade Center reacted to the terrorist attack."
Engineering News, Date

You might have to read the full article to understand the following quote:
""When that part is wiped out, the structure comes down," Irfanoglu said. "We design structures with some extra capacity to cover some uncertainties, but we never anticipate such heavy demand coming from an aircraft impact. If the columns were distributed, maybe, the fire could not take them out so easily."
Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings - USATODAY.com

Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu- Engineering professor at Purdue
Amazing credentials:
Ayhan Irfanoglu - Purdue University

Here is a paper on 9/11 by the 2003 Forensic engineer of the year Paul F. Mlakar:

Here is a paper by the 2002 Forensic engineer of the year:
Gene Corley | World news | The Guardian

Here is proof that they won that award:
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

There you go, the 2002 and 2003 forensic engineer of the year winner believes 9/11 was caused by terrorists.

Those people are the top engineering experts that teach at the best engineering schools in the world. They clearly know what they are talking about.

so this award was not from the president or nasa....

The forensic engineer of the year award is from the American society of engineers. This clearly proves he is one of the top in this field. Their articles showed how the planes caused the fall of the towers and not demolition.

but clearly is not equal to presidential honors or military hall of fame or NASA

Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.

thats absurd the only documentation you provide is from the INTERNET which according to dive con unless its featured on fox or CNN can be fake...many of these individuals also appear in interview in many f the films I have posted...some are high profile enough to be considered public figures

he has no expertise in terrorism or Intel or aircraft does he...

I really don't know. How would this be relevant?

then your really missing the whole picture

and all this proves in light of the experts I have posted is ...experts disagree and a full peer review inquiry under the terms of the petition sited by Edgar Mitchell is essential to determining the facts of 911

Clearly the majority of the engineering experts agree with the true story. There is no question among them. If you take a look at post number 494 of this thread, the vast majority of engineers agree with the true story

that is simply untrue and the majority have often been wrong... regardless without release of all classified evidence media scrutiny ..cross examination ..eyewittness testomony..any paper can only be based on the information made available and are therefore incomplete and inadequate
Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.
Eots doesnt have the brain capacity to understand that simple concept

divcon is clearly living in a dreamland as are you if you believe this web site and statements of such high ranking military personal can exist and remain up for years collect donations and use the images of honored American service men in both print and in films viewed by hundreds of thousands....truly not connected with reality ...beside your anecdotal storys can you provide any example of this,, links please
Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.
Eots doesnt have the brain capacity to understand that simple concept

divcon is clearly living in a dreamland as are you if you believe this web site and statements of such high ranking military personal can exist and remain up for years collect donations and use the images of honored American service men in both print and in films viewed by hundreds of thousands....truly not connected with reality ...beside your anecdotal storys can you provide any example of this,, links please
you are the one not living in reality
of course such a website could exist for YEARS
you are so totally clueless of the realities of the internet
Divecon was obviously stating that your people might not exist because there is no documentation of them beyond the conspirator's website. However, my experts have plenty of documentation.
Eots doesnt have the brain capacity to understand that simple concept

divcon is clearly living in a dreamland as are you if you believe this web site and statements of such high ranking military personal can exist and remain up for years collect donations and use the images of honored American service men in both print and in films viewed by hundreds of thousands....truly not connected with reality ...beside your anecdotal storys can you provide any example of this,, links please
{Eots translation}

Its on the internets, it MUST be true

{fools translation}
they printed it in the newspaper, it MUST be true
Eots doesnt have the brain capacity to understand that simple concept

divcon is clearly living in a dreamland as are you if you believe this web site and statements of such high ranking military personal can exist and remain up for years collect donations and use the images of honored American service men in both print and in films viewed by hundreds of thousands....truly not connected with reality ...beside your anecdotal storys can you provide any example of this,, links please
{Eots translation}

Its on the internets, it MUST be true

{fools translation}
they printed it in the newspaper, it MUST be true

translation ..DIVCON IS IN COMPLETE DENIAL..and needs to make up statements to address rather than address the ones actually made ...a web site and independent film can not attribute statements to top level military personal and falsely use their image.. and honored service .. collect donations ..and submit petitions in their good names unabated...you lunatic
divcon is clearly living in a dreamland as are you if you believe this web site and statements of such high ranking military personal can exist and remain up for years collect donations and use the images of honored American service men in both print and in films viewed by hundreds of thousands....truly not connected with reality ...beside your anecdotal storys can you provide any example of this,, links please
{Eots translation}

Its on the internets, it MUST be true

{fools translation}
they printed it in the newspaper, it MUST be true

translation ..DIVCON IS IN COMPLETE DENIAL..and needs to make up statements to address rather than address the ones actually made ...a web site and independent film can not attribute statements to top level military personal and falsely use their image.. and honored service .. collect donations ..and submit petitions in their good names unabated...you lunatic
you believe the shit you do, and you call ME the lunatic?

too fuckin funny
if you believe the conspiracy you speak of is what is occurring with the Patriots site you are indeed a loon....so do you ?
its not a conspiracy to state that people put up total BULLSHIT on the internet

if you believe the conspiracy you speak of is what is occurring with the Patriots site you are indeed a loon....so do you ?
its not a conspiracy to state that people put up total BULLSHIT on the internet


no but it is indeed a conspiracy to use false statements of top level military personal in print and film with there likeness... submit petitions and collect donations...a huge conspiracy..you should report this if you believe it to be true..it is a criminal act
if you believe the conspiracy you speak of is what is occurring with the Patriots site you are indeed a loon....so do you ?
its not a conspiracy to state that people put up total BULLSHIT on the internet


no but it is indeed a conspiracy to use false statements of top level military personal in print and film with there likeness... submit petitions and collect donations...a huge conspiracy..you should report this if you believe it to be true..it is a criminal act
no, its a fucking JOKE you moron
no one gives those site any credibility
other than maybe the 4.7% of the NUTTERS like you

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