A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

btw, everything on the internets is SOOOOO true

Eotsisgay’s Blog

you do understand the difference don't you ...you weak little fagot ...you did not use my name ,,you did not use my image..you did not attribute quotes directly to me..you have not attempted to collect donations off of this misrepesentation...oh what am I thinking... this is way beyond your understanding....
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btw, everything on the internets is SOOOOO true

Eotsisgay’s Blog

you do understand the difference don't you ...you weak little fagot ...you did not use my name ,,you did not use my image..you did not attribute quotes directly to me..you have not attempted to collect donations off of this misrepesentation...oh what am I thinking... this is way beyond your understanding....

dude, it happens
thats absurd the only documentation you provide is from the INTERNET which according to dive con unless its featured on fox or CNN can be fake...many of these individuals also appear in interview in many f the films I have posted...some are high profile enough to be considered public figures

Eots, heres the thing, im sure youve found that same information in about a thousand different places, so you must be thinking its true, but its a mistake to just assume its true because its so widely spread. A prime example of this is racist websites. They all circulate the exact same stuff around, and this stuff leaks out and gets into other less obvious racist sites. The bottom line is, unless you can find information from legitimate sites to back up what they are saying, you cant assume its true, and often its not.

In your situation, all the information and links you provide, come from liberal or conspiracy websites. If you want to shut people up, you need to show them facts that they cant deny. Thats how you win debates online like this. Find something on CNN.com that backs up what you claim, or maybe something from the New York Times or the Washington Post. If theres any truth to your information, surely you must be able to recognize that the most talented investigative journalists in the world would know about it and cover it.

What a great weapon you would have, if you simply backed up your stories with links to sites people couldnt argue with. Of course, if they do argue with the sites you use, then obviously you arent using what would be considered legitimate sites, in the eyes of the masses.
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thats absurd the only documentation you provide is from the INTERNET which according to dive con unless its featured on fox or CNN can be fake...many of these individuals also appear in interview in many f the films I have posted...some are high profile enough to be considered public figures

Eots, heres the thing, im sure youve found that same information in about a thousand different places, so you must be thinking its true, but its a mistake to just assume its true because its so widely spread. A prime example of this is racist websites. They all circulate the exact same stuff around, and this stuff leaks out and gets into other less obvious racist sites. The bottom line is, unless you can find information from legitimate sites to back up what they are saying, you cant assume its true, and often its not.

In your situation, all the information and links you provide, come from liberal or conspiracy websites. If you want to shut people up, you need to show them facts that they cant deny. Thats how you win debates online like this. Find something on CNN.com that backs up what you claim, or maybe something from the New York Times or the Washington Post. If theres any truth to your information, surely you must be able to recognize that the most talented investigative journalists in the world would know about it and cover it.

What a great weapon you would have, if you simply backed up your stories with links to sites people couldnt argue with. Of course, if they do argue with the sites you use, then obviously you arent using what would be considered legitimate sites, in the eyes of the masses.
whats amazing is he assumes these people are "high profile" yet the ONLY place you can find info for them are on the nutter troofer sites
when he posts a link to someones page thats NOT on a troofer site, it says NOTHING to back up what he said
and as for Ed Mitchell, someone that i KNOW exists, the guy disabled his contact page on his own site
that should say something
someone was obviously, abusing that feature to the point it HAD to be disabled
many are engineers none was just pilots but are pilots with engineering digress or directly invoked in NORAD or Air defense and deserving of a great deal of credibility

From the info that was posted there was at least one individual without any special degrees. I not know how pilots with engineering degrees are more credible in this field than the top engineering professors in the world.

but clearly is not equal to presidential honors or military hall of fame or NASA

Why wouldn't it? How is an armed forces member with presidential honor or in the military hall of fame more credible than the 2002 and 2003 forensic engineer of the year? Nobody would know why the towers fell better than an engineer and as I proved, I have the top engineering professors in the world on my side. Also, the popular mechanics article had people from NASA.

thats absurd the only documentation you provide is from the INTERNET which according to dive con unless its featured on fox or CNN can be fake...many of these individuals also appear in interview in many f the films I have posted...some are high profile enough to be considered public figures

You're right. Info from CNN can be fake. However, wouldn't you think that info from CNN would be more credible than a website? Wouldn't you also admit that it is odd that one some of the people you post are ONLY on the conspiracy websites? When I do a Google search for some of them I can only find information for them on that site. However, if you would do a search for my experts you see their biographies on them, infomation about them on their universities websites, and press releases about them.

then your really missing the whole picture

How am I? I do not know how someone with expertise in terrorism or Intel would the specific on how a building would collapse.

and all this proves in light of the experts I have posted is ...experts disagree and a full peer review inquiry under the terms of the petition sited by Edgar Mitchell is essential to determining the facts of 911

Clearly the majority of the engineering experts agree with the true story. There is no question among them. If you take a look at post number 494 of this thread, the vast majority of engineers agree with the true story

that is simply untrue and the majority have often been wrong... regardless without release of all classified evidence media scrutiny ..cross examination ..eyewittness testomony..any paper can only be based on the information made available and are therefore incomplete and inadequate

First of all, I NEVER found any information stating that Edgar Mitchell wants a new investigation because there might be a chance our govt was behind it. There are MANY reasons why someone would want a new investigation. It doesn't necessarily mean it is b/c he agrees with you. Next, as the demolition expert said If 9/11 was an inside job there would have been miles and miles of cables/cords from the demolition in the debris. People would be easily able to see the explosives at ground zero and yet nobody has found any. He also said that walls would have had to torn down and again nobody has said they saw this either. Also, the WTC buildings had 30 million people visiting it every year and 55,000 employees. However, not just one of these people has came forward with evidence that the place was loaded with explosives. The world record for a controlled demolition took 24 days to plant the explosives and they didn't have to worry about hiding anything. Therefore, it must have taken them months if not years to setup. Again, in this amount of time none of the 30 million visitors or 55,000 employees have came forward with evidence of explosives were planted.
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You guys fail to understand that the major media outlets that you trust are the ones that passed on false information concerning 9-11, or do not always ask the hard questions, or omit valuable information in reporting the news. That is why so many turn to alternative news sources.
A person who sits in front of Murdoch’s Fox News or CNN is simply being brainwashed with propaganda. If a person intends to be informed, he must turn to foreign news broadcasts, to Internet sites, to foreign newspapers available on the Internet, or to alternative newspapers. Independent reporting disappeared when Clinton allowed Murdoch and a small handful of moguls to concentrate the American media in a few corporate hands. That was the end of American reporting.
Journalists disappeared from management positions and were replaced by corporate advertising executives with the goal not to offend any source of advertising revenue, and certainly not to offend the government, which controls the broadcast licenses . Today, reporters write the stories that their masters want to hear, or they are out. And the editors make csure that no uncomfortable information reaches the public. The function of the MSM is to sell products and to brainwash the audience for the government and interest groups. By subscribing to it, you support your own brainwashing.
There are 5 major corporations that control the news we see today, and the heads of those corporations are all in bed with the government, they are the manipulators of public opinion.

" ... the media in the United States effectively represents the interests of corporate America, and ... the media elite are the watchdogs of what constitutes acceptable ideological messages, the parameters of news and information content, and the general use of media resources.
Peter Phillips, Project Censored, 1998
First of all, I NEVER found any information stating that Edgar Mitchell wants a new investigation because there might be a chance our govt was behind it. There are MANY reasons why someone would want a new investigation. It doesn't necessarily mean it is b/c he agrees with you. Next, as the demolition expert said If 9/11 was an inside job there would have been miles and miles of cables/cords from the demolition in the debris. People would be easily able to see the explosives at ground zero and yet nobody has found any. He also said that walls would have had to torn down and again nobody has said they saw this either. Also, the WTC buildings had 30 million people visiting it every year and 55,000 employees. However, not just one of these people has came forward with evidence that the place was loaded with explosives. The world record for a controlled demolition took 24 days to plant the explosives and they didn't have to worry about hiding anything. Therefore, it must have taken them months if not years to setup. Again, in this amount of time none of the 30 million visitors or 55,000 employees have came forward with evidence of explosives were planted.
Dude I tried to explain some of those concerns about the cables/cords.
A letter to Steven Jones cocerning his studies of the dust collected at ground zero-
"....Cutter charges are indeed an important part of the demolition process, but they are not, by far and away, the most abundant explosive charge used in terms of shear volume in a demolition.
The cutter charges you speak of do produce the type of evidence that you have pointed out several times and you have proven, in my opinion, their presence in the demolition of the World Trade Centers.
However, you mentioned in one of your lectures about the iron-rich spheres, that you and others have found many spheres of varying composition. I would like to suggest one possible explanation for that.
Detonating cord.
Your work explaining how the core and exterior columns were moved out of the way of the falling debris by the use of “cutter charges” like Thermite or Thermate has been exceptional. However, in the demolition industry, these types of charges are not used to remove floor mass or concrete firewalls.
That work is accomplished by the detonating cord itself.
This cord, though used as a fuse to ignite the cutter charges and accurately link them together in a controlled demolition, is also a high explosive in and of itself.
“As a timing mechanism, detonation cord detonates at a very reliable rate (about 7000 - 8000 m/s), enabling engineers to control the pattern in which charges are detonated. This is particularly useful for demolitions, when structural elements need to be destroyed in a specific order to control the collapse of a building.” Wiki
“Cordtex” and “Primacord” are the most commonly used detonation cords. Primaline, a heavier yield Primacord, has a hard plastic casing and looks very similar to a heavy gage commercial wiring.
(I remember that one of the witnesses who observed the workers who came in during the weekend of the “power-down” at the World Trade Centers say that he saw many of them moving large spools of what looked like “brightly colored cable”. Primaline, like most commercial explosives, uses bright colors to differentiate between the cords grain loads.)
You see, this is the vehicle they use to break up the vast amounts of concrete flooring systems and turn them virtually into dust and at the same time. Also, these charges (for they are explosive charges themselves) are used simultaneously to break-up the metal floor pans under the concrete as well as the metal trusses that hold them up.
The heavier cord burns extremely hot and they use some of these in commercial demo applications to remove large sections of pipe (which means they will in fact, cut through certain gages of steel).
So here we have a possible avenue of research; since we know that the cutter charges are not used to break up the masses of concrete flooring, and we know that there are different chemical traces in the iron-rich micro-spheres that you have found in the WTC dust, it would seem likely that, as is standard practice in professional demolitions, some other charge was used. I suggest that you look into the residual trace element finger-prints of detonator cords such as Primline.
The presence of this product would go a long way to explain the different compositions of the micro-spheres (the chemical make-up of the Primaline is different than that of the Thermite and Themate cutter charges, and the metals that were affected by these charges would be different than that of the steel columns.)"

http://files.meetup.com/1148/Open Letter to Steve Jones.txt


Why would the demolition expert you got your information from not explain about this detonating cord that is commonly used in the industry?? Your source is not credible.
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thats absurd the only documentation you provide is from the INTERNET which according to dive con unless its featured on fox or CNN can be fake...many of these individuals also appear in interview in many f the films I have posted...some are high profile enough to be considered public figures

Eots, heres the thing, im sure youve found that same information in about a thousand different places, so you must be thinking its true, but its a mistake to just assume its true because its so widely spread. A prime example of this is racist websites. They all circulate the exact same stuff around, and this stuff leaks out and gets into other less obvious racist sites. The bottom line is, unless you can find information from legitimate sites to back up what they are saying, you cant assume its true, and often its not.

if what you are referring to is the men and woman featured on the patriots site ..I have no doubts the statements made ..are their statements ...are you trying to tell me there are racist sites that list top level American military personal and there sworn statements their image ..their likeness being used in documentary film...and submit petitions with these false statements to the government....thats ludacrus...the fact that CNN or foX chooses to lable this Rosie's conspiracy therorys...but refuses to acknowledge these patriots not because its not true ...its because the media is controlled ultimately by a handful of people

In your situation, all the information and links you provide, come from liberal or conspiracy websites. If you want to shut people up, you need to show them facts that they cant deny. Thats how you win debates online like this. Find something on CNN.com that backs up what you claim, or maybe something from the New York Times or the Washington Post. If theres any truth to your information, surely you must be able to recognize that the most talented investigative journalists in the world would know about it and cover it.

they are...they just don't work for Rupert Murrdock...you need to deal with the fact these men and woman are legitimate then ask yourself why your trusted news sources omit them

What a great weapon you would have, if you simply backed up your stories with links to sites peopl
the masses yes....youy see any site that contains the truth for the most part is outside of the controlled media..so any site that contains the information would by virtue of that fact be deemed a conspiracy site...with your logic...you are a slave to corporate mediae couldnt argue with. Of course, if they do argue with the sites you use, then obviously you arent using what would be considered legitimate sites, in the eyes of the masses.[/QUOTE

yes indeed...the masses
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thats absurd the only documentation you provide is from the INTERNET which according to dive con unless its featured on fox or CNN can be fake...many of these individuals also appear in interview in many f the films I have posted...some are high profile enough to be considered public figures

Eots, heres the thing, im sure youve found that same information in about a thousand different places, so you must be thinking its true, but its a mistake to just assume its true because its so widely spread. A prime example of this is racist websites. They all circulate the exact same stuff around, and this stuff leaks out and gets into other less obvious racist sites. The bottom line is, unless you can find information from legitimate sites to back up what they are saying, you cant assume its true, and often its not.

In your situation, all the information and links you provide, come from liberal or conspiracy websites. If you want to shut people up, you need to show them facts that they cant deny. Thats how you win debates online like this. Find something on CNN.com that backs up what you claim, or maybe something from the New York Times or the Washington Post. If theres any truth to your information, surely you must be able to recognize that the most talented investigative journalists in the world would know about it and cover it.

What a great weapon you would have, if you simply backed up your stories with links to sites people couldnt argue with. Of course, if they do argue with the sites you use, then obviously you arent using what would be considered legitimate sites, in the eyes of the masses.
whats amazing is he assumes these people are "high profile" yet the ONLY place you can find info for them are on the nutter troofer sites
when he posts a link to someones page thats NOT on a troofer site, it says NOTHING to back up what he said
and as for Ed Mitchell, someone that i KNOW exists, the guy disabled his contact page on his own site
that should say something
someone was obviously, abusing that feature to the point it HAD to be disabled


ya morons like you...he disables his comment page according to the dive con conspiracy theory because he is aware of the abuse of his image...but takes no action to stop the misrepresentation....ok
Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.
Video 7/11/06: "One of my experiences in the
Army was being in charge of the Army’s Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence during the Cold War. I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon. And I said, ‘The plane does not fit in that hole’. So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?" http://www.und


Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University. [/B]

Video 9/11/04: "A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible. … There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up. … Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible.…

Who gained from 9/11? Who covered up crucial information about 9/11? And who put out the patently false stories about 9/11 in the first place? When you take those three things together, I think the case is pretty clear that it’s highly placed individuals in the administration with all roads passing through Dick Cheney.

I think the very kindest thing that we can say about George W. Bush and all the people in the U.S. Government that have been involved in this massive cover-up, the very kindest thing we can say is that they were aware of impending attacks and let them happen. Now some people will say that’s much too kind, however even that is high treason and conspiracy to commit murder." http://video.go

[ame=http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=thm-Kusrmcw]YouTube - LT. Col. Robert Bowman at American Scholars Symposium pt 1[/ame]

Morgan Reynolds, PhD – Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Labor under George W. Bush 2001 - 2002. Former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis. Professor Emeritus, Economics, Texas A&M University.

Contributing author to 9/11 and American Empire (Vol I) – Intellectuals Speak Out (2006).
Video interview with Alex Jones 6/2/06: "I first began to suspect that 9/11 was in inside job when the Bush-Cheney Administration invaded Iraq. … We can prove that the government’s story is false." http://video.goo

Essay 6/9/05: "It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a scientific debate over the cause(s) of the collapse of the twin towers [each 1300+ feet tall, 110 stories] and building 7. If the official wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I believe it is, then policy based on such erroneous engineering analysis is not likely [to] prove to be sound." http://www.l...

[ame=http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=C4mI4BHRdMQ]YouTube - Morgan Reynolds - Prosecuting the 9/11 Perps - Pt 1[/ame]
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First of all, I NEVER found any information stating that Edgar Mitchell wants a new investigation because there might be a chance our govt was behind it. There are MANY reasons why someone would want a new investigation. It doesn't necessarily mean it is b/c he agrees with you. Next, as the demolition expert said If 9/11 was an inside job there would have been miles and miles of cables/cords from the demolition in the debris. People would be easily able to see the explosives at ground zero and yet nobody has found any. He also said that walls would have had to torn down and again nobody has said they saw this either. Also, the WTC buildings had 30 million people visiting it every year and 55,000 employees. However, not just one of these people has came forward with evidence that the place was loaded with explosives. The world record for a controlled demolition took 24 days to plant the explosives and they didn't have to worry about hiding anything. Therefore, it must have taken them months if not years to setup. Again, in this amount of time none of the 30 million visitors or 55,000 employees have came forward with evidence of explosives were planted.
Dude I tried to explain some of those concerns about the cables/cords.
A letter to Steven Jones cocerning his studies of the dust collected at ground zero-
"....Cutter charges are indeed an important part of the demolition process, but they are not, by far and away, the most abundant explosive charge used in terms of shear volume in a demolition.
The cutter charges you speak of do produce the type of evidence that you have pointed out several times and you have proven, in my opinion, their presence in the demolition of the World Trade Centers.
However, you mentioned in one of your lectures about the iron-rich spheres, that you and others have found many spheres of varying composition. I would like to suggest one possible explanation for that.
Detonating cord.
Your work explaining how the core and exterior columns were moved out of the way of the falling debris by the use of “cutter charges” like Thermite or Thermate has been exceptional. However, in the demolition industry, these types of charges are not used to remove floor mass or concrete firewalls.
That work is accomplished by the detonating cord itself.
This cord, though used as a fuse to ignite the cutter charges and accurately link them together in a controlled demolition, is also a high explosive in and of itself.
“As a timing mechanism, detonation cord detonates at a very reliable rate (about 7000 - 8000 m/s), enabling engineers to control the pattern in which charges are detonated. This is particularly useful for demolitions, when structural elements need to be destroyed in a specific order to control the collapse of a building.” Wiki
“Cordtex” and “Primacord” are the most commonly used detonation cords. Primaline, a heavier yield Primacord, has a hard plastic casing and looks very similar to a heavy gage commercial wiring.
(I remember that one of the witnesses who observed the workers who came in during the weekend of the “power-down” at the World Trade Centers say that he saw many of them moving large spools of what looked like “brightly colored cable”. Primaline, like most commercial explosives, uses bright colors to differentiate between the cords grain loads.)
You see, this is the vehicle they use to break up the vast amounts of concrete flooring systems and turn them virtually into dust and at the same time. Also, these charges (for they are explosive charges themselves) are used simultaneously to break-up the metal floor pans under the concrete as well as the metal trusses that hold them up.
The heavier cord burns extremely hot and they use some of these in commercial demo applications to remove large sections of pipe (which means they will in fact, cut through certain gages of steel).
So here we have a possible avenue of research; since we know that the cutter charges are not used to break up the masses of concrete flooring, and we know that there are different chemical traces in the iron-rich micro-spheres that you have found in the WTC dust, it would seem likely that, as is standard practice in professional demolitions, some other charge was used. I suggest that you look into the residual trace element finger-prints of detonator cords such as Primline.
The presence of this product would go a long way to explain the different compositions of the micro-spheres (the chemical make-up of the Primaline is different than that of the Thermite and Themate cutter charges, and the metals that were affected by these charges would be different than that of the steel columns.)"

http://files.meetup.com/1148/Open Letter to Steve Jones.txt

First of all your article has little to do with what I am asking. This piece shows how he thinks how they brought down the building while leaving open COUNTLESS questions.

Secondly, you are still not answering how they could have planted all this equipment without being noticed or without someone finding it. Wouldn't one of the 30 million visitors that the WTC got years have found some type of evidence of this. Wouldn't one of the 55,000 employees there have proof that this existed in the buidling?

Next, your post isn't an explanation why those cords were not found at the WTC. Here is an exert of an article about the demolition of the J.L. Hudson Building:

"Over 36,000 ft. of detonating cord and 4,512 non-electric delay devices were installed in CDI's implosion initiation system. As the implosion required the detonation of a total of 2,728 lb. of explosives..."
Controlled Demolition, Inc. | Press Release

There you go. 36,000 feet of cord was used on a building MUCH smaller than any of the three world trade center buildings and NOTHING was found in the debris.

In response to that article you posted more questions were brought up,
"Please explain to me how it would even be possible, much less likely, for the “covert demolition teams”, to get uninhibited access to hundreds of these core columns in a highly secure and occupied office building, to install these absolutely massive devices, so that they can attach them, all without anyone noticing.

Also please explain how none of these hundreds, if not thousands, of what would surely be distinctive looking devices, which by their very nature would have to be built to withstand tremendous pressure and temperature, were not found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center, by any of the hundreds of firefighters, police officers, iron workers, FBI agents, and various other investigators who were involved in the cleanup. In fact, why is one of these devices not shown in the photo you are using? They should be attached to that very column. Why would these conspirators use such a complicated device, knowing that it could easily be discovered in the aftermath?"

Screw Loose Change: Follow-up Questions for Steven Jones

Detonating cord: Definition from Answers.com

Why would the demolition expert you got your information from not explain about this detonating cord that is commonly used in the industry??

He never said that this wasn't true. My expert said that the equipment used would have been found to which this has never been refuted.
Your source is not credible.

My expert is Mark Loizeaux.

Here is an exert from an article about him:
"Mark Loizeaux is a demolition expert, and his company, Controlled Demolition Inc. in Phoenix, Md., has taken down more than 7,000 structures around the world by imploding them with explosive charges. But that is only about 15 percent of the company's business. Founded by Loizeaux's father, the company also carries out traditional dismantlings of buildings as well as destroying chemical weapons production facilities, including a current project at Fort Detrick, Md., to demolish the facility that made weapons-grade anthrax."

Survival Guide: Mark Loizeaux, demolition expert -- Washington Technology

To me he sounds like he would know what he is talking about when it comes to demolishing a building.
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you cant seem to deal with the fact eyewitness testimony and evidence has been witheld..and there even military personal that claim direct knowleadge..but will not speak out of the chain of command only to congress in a investigation
You guys fail to understand that the major media outlets that you trust are the ones that passed on false information concerning 9-11, or do not always ask the hard questions, or omit valuable information in reporting the news. That is why so many turn to alternative news sources.
A person who sits in front of Murdoch’s Fox News or CNN is simply being brainwashed with propaganda. If a person intends to be informed, he must turn to foreign news broadcasts, to Internet sites, to foreign newspapers available on the Internet, or to alternative newspapers. Independent reporting disappeared when Clinton allowed Murdoch and a small handful of moguls to concentrate the American media in a few corporate hands. That was the end of American reporting.
Journalists disappeared from management positions and were replaced by corporate advertising executives with the goal not to offend any source of advertising revenue, and certainly not to offend the government, which controls the broadcast licenses . Today, reporters write the stories that their masters want to hear, or they are out. And the editors make csure that no uncomfortable information reaches the public. The function of the MSM is to sell products and to brainwash the audience for the government and interest groups. By subscribing to it, you support your own brainwashing.
There are 5 major corporations that control the news we see today, and the heads of those corporations are all in bed with the government, they are the manipulators of public opinion.

" ... the media in the United States effectively represents the interests of corporate America, and ... the media elite are the watchdogs of what constitutes acceptable ideological messages, the parameters of news and information content, and the general use of media resources.
Peter Phillips, Project Censored, 1998

exactly,great stuff there Mr Jones.btw dont waste your breath on Big D.He ignores evidence and just repeats the same questions over and over again that he asked you before that you already gave him answers to.Most the 9/11 apologists on here like Divecon are just idiots and in denial.BiG D is obviously a dis info agent just probing people to see how much they know,so be smart,dont play his game and respond to him.
it would be very clear to any rational and honest mind... you cant not address my statement and are avoiding it with your mindless responses...

its clear to ANYBODY with a rational and open mind with logic and common sense that explosives brought down the towers and it was an inside job.To believe otherwise is being an idiot cause thats saying that the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer apply anymore.:lol: to defend the official version,thats saying that Sir Issac Newton is an idiot and doesnt know anything at all about science.:lol:
My answer is, you can't.

I think Bush is a good man with good intentions. But I also think he's a dumbass that was too heavily influenced by the people around him ... people whom I would put on the less desirable list.

And I'm sorry for your loss.

the ignorance of people is astonishing.thats the most hysterical thing I have ever heard that Bush is a good man.yeah so was Hitler and Stalin.:lol::lol:
For every Richard Gage (no education or experience in structural or forensic engineering) you bring up I can link to 100's of structural engineers who disagree with his emotion-laced findings, including Gene Corley (BS civil engineering, MS structural engineering, PhD structural engineering, licensed in 18 states and chartered in the UK). :D

oh please do...530+ Engineers and Architects

Engineers and Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report

Patriots Question 9/11 - Engineers and Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report

I cant believe this thread is STILL going on.But since it IS not only that Eots-everybody always ignores you when you point that out about the 500 plus engineers cause their in denial,but Gene Corley has been proven to be a corrupt man as well.I will show that tomorrow.all the stuff you posted on page two alone proves it was an inside job and explosives were used.any person who reads THAT and STILL defends the official version is a complete moron.
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you cant seem to deal with the fact eyewitness testimony and evidence has been witheld

Do you have any evidence that this is true? And even if it is, then with all the video footage that was taken of the debris, the demolition equipment would have been visible in it.

..and there even military personal that claim direct knowleadge..but will not speak out of the chain of command only to congress in a investigation

If they have not spoke out then how do you know that they were informed of it was an inside job?
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the ignorance of people is astonishing.thats the most hysterical thing I have ever heard that Bush is a good man.yeah so was Hitler and Stalin.:lol::lol:

Its astonishing that anyone would compare Bush with Hitler and Stalin.

If your goal is to convince others of your thesis, making such analogies discredits you instantly. So you may want to refrain from doing so.
the other thing I wanted to add on to that great post of Mr Jones is that congress did an investigation into the corrupt activities of the CIA back in the 70's and through the freedom of information act,they discovered that the CIA has plants in major media outlets.their everywhere.The CIA was behind 9/11.their the reason the world is in such a mess and their the reason kennedy was killed.He was trying to get rid of the CIA and thats why they killed him.the news topics they cover are a joke.they were talking about O.J SIMPSON and plastering news about him on the front pages of all the major newspapers for over a year.

That kind of news is a joke and horrible reporting.who gives a crap about O.J simpson or if yoru pro football team won sunday? they consider THAT major news to report on the front pages.THIS is what SHOULD have been covered on the front pages of major newspapers for over a year but never was cause the media doesnt report real news.this below.
The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection

it was inexcusable to NOT report this for a whole year on the fron pages but to report that OJ SIMPSON garbage.

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