A Relevant and Valuable Poll that You Will Never See


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I have just finished reading the umpteenth Op-Ed piece about whether “everyone” should either hate or pity those dunderheads who voted for Donald Trump. It is accepted in America’s “mainstream” that the people who voted for Trump are either horrific bigots, sexists, morons, or militiamen. It is also “common knowledge” that anyone with even a low-three-digit IQ who happened to vote for Trump is now anguished about that “mistake.”

I now propose a national poll – knowing that it will never be taken because of what it would disclose. The poll would ask TWO questions: (I) For whom did you vote in the November 2016 Presidential election? and (II) Do you regret your vote? The poll would be limited as follows:

  • Include every adult American gainfully employed, full-time, in the private sector, who earned at least US$40 thousand in tax year 2015.

  • Include those who are retired and/or disabled, and who prior to retirement/disability were gainfully and well employed in the private sector, as above.

I limit the poll to those employed in the private sector in order to exclude those who rely on government for most or all of their income. All races, genders, ethnicities, etc. would be included. In real terms, the poll would capture the population that, by and large, pays for the Federal Government. Those who, “pay their dues,” so to speak.

I GUARANTEE that this poll would show an OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of them voted for DJT. And essentially none of us regrets our vote, based on the "first 100 days." On the order of 60-70% REAL approval.

I base this on my own experiences and discussions. The people I work with, the people I golf with, the people I bowl with, the people I go to church with, the people in my neighborhood, the retired people who travel on the bus where I volunteer. All OVERWHELMINGLY support Trump (while at the same time recognizing that he is a bit of an ass-hole).

And yet, this is a valid, very valuable poll, that will never, ever, ever be taken. Because the people who commission and conduct polls would be horrified at the result, and what it would say about “America.”

Do you disagree? Specifically how?

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