A Reminder About Harassment and Discussing Mod Actions on the Open Board

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Maybe I’m weird, but I think, for a board to appear unbiased, mods should not troll. This is done by attacking those they personally disagree with, either through snarky comments or outright mockery. If you want to get into the pit and sling mud, respect the board integrity and step down. When mods take blatant sides in discussions, it stifles free expression as those they oppose do not have the same ability to censor.
Thank you. When I have asked mods why something happened I frequently get "I didn't take that action so I don't know". But on those two examples I linked to, I reported both posts. Nothing happened. I waited a day or two and the sent a PM to a mod. No reply. I have been told and have read for many years here that wishing death on a member or their family is a bannable offense. I can think of no excuses for why a reported post was not dealt with. Can you?
Threats made towards forum members is a rules violation. If they are reported and you don't see any action taken, PM me the details and I'll look into it.
So any MOD can post with strong TDS and not be replied to? got it. These special MODS can troll certain posters willy-nilly and not be responded to? Got it.// Rules for the elite.//
That isn't what the announcement states. Re-read it.
Why should mods not post opinions? They shoyldnt be punished for trying to reign in political fights
Here's what I'm gonna say about this. And that's all I'm gonna say about it.

I, for one, will never just lay down and let a maud arbitrarily have their way with me just because they think they can and are comfortable that they will not be held to any meaningful accountability. Ever. It's not in my nature.

I'm not talking about regular forum babble. I'm talking about inappropriate, arbitrary, unjustified maud actions. A maud shouldn't be able to get away with that stuff. There needs to be a legitimate means of accountability.

If pointing out truly malfeasant maud actions is considered ''harassment'' by the given maude who performed an arbitrary, unjustified action when one is directly affected by it, then there's a much bigger issue at play here.

That ''PM a maud'' thing? That is, in my personal view, and speaking from experience, useless and really only serves to keep any malfeasance under wraps, further encouraging and maintaining any arbitrary twisting and interpretation of the rules by a maud in order to implement a root intent. It shields a maud from any expectation of accountability. The rest of the mauds are almost always gonna support the maud's opinion anyway. Assuming they even find out about shenanigans.

So what meaningful choice does one really have left but to blow the whistle on that brand of skulduggery in the middle of the Town Square?

And I'm not talking about deleting posts or moving threads and trivial shit like that. I'm talking about shady stuff like banning people for no legitimately justified reason or purposefully stacking the bot's deck by stalking an end user's posting history in order to initiate an equally unjustified auto ban. That's harassment.

There must be a trusted means to police the police. There must be a trusted means of accountability. The current way doesn't work. Which, I suppose, is the downside of the absence of an active owner/administrator.

Now. To be fair, I'm not insinuating that this is a widespread problem. It certainly isn't. I'm just saying that it only takes one bad apple in the barrel to lead a feller to turn his nose up at the whole barrel. So it's just good practice to have an apple barrel inspector around to check on the barrel once in a while to make sure no rotten apples are left unaddressed, because if they are, then they'll start fermenting in the barrel and then the perception becomes that the whole barrel can't be trusted.

The stuff about starting threads about them? Yeah, I get all of that.
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Threats made towards forum members is a rules violation. If they are reported and you don't see any action taken, PM me the details and I'll look into it.
I just made you aware of them in this thread 41 minutes ago and those posts are still there. Either you didn't bother to look, which would kind of prove my point, or you did look and didn't take any action, which would be worse. 🫤
I try and leave a comment in the threads I move. Sometimes there's so many reports to go thru that there isn't time for it, especially if the thread being moved is from the same person that we have repeatedly moved threads in the past for the same reason. I do know mods put a reason for thread relocations before the action is carried out by the software and most of us add our name to it. Those comments are supposed to be sent to the OP, not sure if they go to every member that has replied in the thread though.
Then what you (mods) are saying is you have the final word in saying something is a conspiracy theory? You think that is fair? All that backs you up are a lying media and a corrupt government. That just is not good enough anymore. Is that hard to understand?
Thank you. When I have asked mods why something happened I frequently get "I didn't take that action so I don't know". But on those two examples I linked to, I reported both posts. Nothing happened. I waited a day or two and the sent a PM to a mod. No reply. I have been told and have read for many years here that wishing death on a member or their family is a bannable offense. I can think of no excuses for why a reported post was not dealt with. Can you?
Out of curiosity, isn’t that “rule” made up by you?

If I were to say “go play in traffic” or “eat shit and die” or simply “drop dead,” do the words make it any more likely that you will meet an untimely demise?

Let’s say Putin was a posting member here. If I once again asked people to join me in praying for his immediate death, would that be a violation of any Board rule?

Follow the rules and the mods will relax some rules... don't follow the rules and the mods would have to tighten up their moderating and some of us could be banned....
follow the rules and the mods will RELAX some rules? How does that make sense. Rules are rules. DO the police relax speeding rules when people start obeying that rule?? Hell no. They lower the speedlimit!! LOLOL Relax the rules: What does that mean precisely.
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I just made you aware of them in this thread 41 minutes ago and those posts are still there. Either you didn't bother to look, which would kind of prove my point, or you did look and didn't take any action, which would be worse. 🫤

and a snitch....smh. disgusting stuff.
Then what you (mods) are saying is you have the final word in saying something is a conspiracy theory? You think that is fair? All that backs you up are a lying media and a corrupt government. That just is not good enough anymore. Is that hard to understand?
I agree. They should at least have Alex Jones, or some guy on the street corner with a maga hat and aluminum foil liner to back them up on those decisions.
someone is upset at a mod and follows that mod into threads they participate in as a member
And what recourse is there to protect a member when a mod follows them into threads?

If mods are above reproach, maybe they shouldn't be allowed to post as "members". It enables certain mods to target posters here, with impunity. It muddies the waters as to who can be criticized and who suddenly becomes beyond criticism. It allows mods to be just a member posting and on a whim becoming a mod with a grudge.
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