A Reminder About Harassment and Discussing Mod Actions on the Open Board

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If someone is upset at a mod and follows that mod into threads they participate in as a member and makes snide comments about mod actions (warnings, deleting replies, etc) given, then that is violating the rules. Not only is it breaking the rule above, but it is also disrupting the thread.
Thank you! It's far past time. I think the biggest problem to face is causing trouble within with each other, due to politics.
In other threads, it is likely “off topic” to discuss moderator actions. That part makes sense. But the “need” for a rule to prohibit commenting on the open board (meaning in the feedback forum) about a mod rule is very petty.

There is no justification for a rule that demands that we keep complaints about a mod ruling private, as you require.

And the way you wrote the OP, Aye, seems to suggest that we cannot criticize a mod for an opinion expressed as a posting member rather than as a mod. I suppose that tipped your hand about the motivation for this thread.
Then that isn't violating the rules mentioned in this announcement. However, if it's brought up that the person is a mod, then all bets are off.

Umm but why? As long as we aren't discussing mod actions does it matter?
Read the opening post and the forum rules. It's as simple as that.
I have better than average reading comprehension, and your opening post is written in a way that certainly sounds as if it is more than just modding activity etc.
Example -
There is also mention that harassment will not be tolerated. This includes any form of harassment aimed at moderators.

The use of "also" in this way is the same as saying "in addition to".
As well as the "ANY" used, which would also indicate "in addition to".

Write more clearly, it is as simple as that.
I try and leave a comment in the threads I move. Sometimes there's so many reports to go thru that there isn't time for it, especially if the thread being moved is from the same person that we have repeatedly moved threads in the past for the same reason. I do know mods put a reason for thread relocations before the action is carried out by the software and most of us add our name to it. Those comments are supposed to be sent to the OP, not sure if they go to every member that has replied in the thread though.
Even when I try to ask in a PM why some action has or has not been taken, like after I have reported a post of someone wishing death on another member or their family, then seeing it still on the board weeks later, does not instill confidence that things are handled fairly or transparently.

I appreciate that you try to explain the actions you take - I'm sure we all do - but that should be policy for all moderators. There are a few here who take an action and then refuse polite requests to say why. What is one to take away from that? Most members, I suspect, chalk it up to bias or a grudge.
I have better than average reading comprehension, and your opening post is written in a way that certainly sounds as if it is more than just modding activity etc.
Example -
The use of "also" in this way is the same as saying "in addition to".
As well as the "ANY" used, which would also indicate "in addition to".

Write more clearly, it is as simple as that.

Exactly as I was REALLY confused from the OP and I thought that meant we couldn't treat mods on here like the regular members when it comes to general message board discussion.
Even when I try to ask in a PM why some action has or has not been taken, like after I have reported a post of someone wishing death on another member or their family, then seeing it still on the board weeks later, does not instill confidence that things are handled fairly or transparently.

I appreciate that you try to explain the actions you take - I'm sure we all do - but that should be policy for all moderators. There are a few here who take an action and then refuse polite requests to say why. What is one to take away from that? Most members, I suspect, chalk it up to bias or a grudge.
Any member of this forum can PM me if they want insight into why any particular mod action was taken. I do reply.
View attachment 895680

If someone is upset at a mod and follows that mod into threads they participate in as a member and makes snide comments about mod actions (warnings, deleting replies, etc) given, then that is violating the rules. Not only is it breaking the rule above, but it is also disrupting the thread.
Ok. Got it. Your site, and you'll do WTF you want to do. I don't see how that is any different than any other part of the internet.
How does one become a mod, and are there any limits on how long one can serve as one? I’ve been a mod on a couple different sites before, and a common problem is often the same as our career politicians: a few tend to occupy the position for ages, sadly addicted in their power over others.
Any member of this forum can PM me if they want insight into why any particular mod action was taken. I do reply.
Thank you. When I have asked mods why something happened I frequently get "I didn't take that action so I don't know". But on those two examples I linked to, I reported both posts. Nothing happened. I waited a day or two and the sent a PM to a mod. No reply. I have been told and have read for many years here that wishing death on a member or their family is a bannable offense. I can think of no excuses for why a reported post was not dealt with. Can you?
So any MOD can post with strong TDS and not be replied to? got it. These special MODS can troll certain posters willy-nilly and not be responded to? Got it.// Rules for the elite.//

That's what I thought too but that's not it. Coyote and Taz are still fair game when it comes to attacking their leftist views.
Thank you. When I have asked mods why something happened I frequently get "I didn't take that action so I don't know". But on those two examples I linked to, I reported both posts. Nothing happened. I waited a day or two and the sent a PM to a mod. No reply. I have been told and have read for many years here that wishing death on a member or their family is a bannable offense. I can think of no excuses for why a reported post was not dealt with. Can you?
Good point. Why isn't there a log of every action taken where even if a mod didn't make that specific action he can look it up to see who did, and why? Hell, even I could quickly set up a database to keep track of all that.
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