A reminder about our Health Care System

As the U.S.struggles to find a HC system that would please everyone, we find that the only ONES who truly benefit are the insurance companies and hospital associations that have screwed us for decades. Bearing in mind that we shell out more tax dollars (quadruple of most other industrialized countries) and still rank 34th in longevity and morbidity, the index below should be a wake-up call to the elected officials in DC who tomorrow will be voting in yet another mostly worthless HC bill. When it comes to the mantra about American "exceptionalism," health care delivery is NOT an issue we should brag about.


What YOU need to be reminded about is that Morbidity and longevity are mostly affected by personal choices.
How come Americans are not flooding Cuba to get healthcare?
Oh yeah, your list is bullshit. Cuban hospitals:

DUMB response..........

Here's an equally skewed factoid

About 440,000 people die in the United States each year as a result of a preventable hospital error.

10 Cities Where You Don’t Want to Get Sick
Where's that mass exodus to get Cuban healthcare?
Oh yeah, airlines cut all flights to Cuba back to minimum levels because no one is going there.

And Mexico enjoys quite a large system of "medical tourism". I used to buy a very expensive drug for the the treatment of Valley fever in dogs. Nizerol. Its prescribed relative to weight and can cost as much as $300-400 a day.

The elderly in Tucson and Green Valley (just south of Tcsn) had clubs, where they would car pool to Nogales, to a very modern pharmacy on Called Obregon, just a couple of blocks into the Mexico side of the border.

US big pharma put an end to that.

Many go to Mexico for dental care that they could not afford in the US. There was a group of dentists from Mexico who had a clinic in Tucson. They would come across the border every day to treat Americans and then go home to Mexico that night.
We here in the US pay for health care that we don't get. I didn't realize just how true this is until I got an ear infection while in Brussels and couldn't fly until it was treated.

It really was an eye opening experience.

For 6+ years, the Rs have been telling us they have a better plan than ObamaCare. We've known all along they were lying and now that's been proven.

More and more trumpkins are realizing they made a terrible mistake. We came so close to being able to save the middle class and catch up to the rest of the world.
Snowflakes like to project the incompetence, partisanship, Washington Establishment 'status quo' mentality of those like Ryan - who were not up for election this past year - onto Trump.

Trump, and many Democrats and Republicans, acknowledge that the collapsing ACA was a POS from the start and that there are better ideas that could be implemented.

Trump is not building the GOP's health care plan. He is not controlling it. Ryan and the Washington Establishment incompetent cowards should have had a solid plan in-hand ready to go. They don't. There are a lot of good ideas from Democrats and Republicans being ignored. It's not trump's doing. I understand the President gets all the credit and all the BLAME (unless he's a Democrat like Obama), but I am smart enough to know that only a partisan would blame Trump for Ryan's / the GOP Congress' ineptitude.
How come Americans are not flooding Cuba to get healthcare?
Oh yeah, your list is bullshit. Cuban hospitals:

DUMB response..........

Here's an equally skewed factoid

About 440,000 people die in the United States each year as a result of a preventable hospital error.

10 Cities Where You Don’t Want to Get Sick
Where's that mass exodus to get Cuban healthcare?
Oh yeah, airlines cut all flights to Cuba back to minimum levels because no one is going there.

And Mexico enjoys quite a large system of "medical tourism". I used to buy a very expensive drug for the the treatment of Valley fever in dogs. Nizerol. Its prescribed relative to weight and can cost as much as $300-400 a day.

The elderly in Tucson and Green Valley (just south of Tcsn) had clubs, where they would car pool to Nogales, to a very modern pharmacy on Called Obregon, just a couple of blocks into the Mexico side of the border.

US big pharma put an end to that.

Many go to Mexico for dental care that they could not afford in the US. There was a group of dentists from Mexico who had a clinic in Tucson. They would come across the border every day to treat Americans and then go home to Mexico that night.
Because you won't get $5M from a Mexican doctor who you think put an extra suture in your wound.........
As the U.S.struggles to find a HC system that would please everyone, we find that the only ONES who truly benefit are the insurance companies and hospital associations that have screwed us for decades. Bearing in mind that we shell out more tax dollars (quadruple of most other industrialized countries) and still rank 34th in longevity and morbidity, the index below should be a wake-up call to the elected officials in DC who tomorrow will be voting in yet another mostly worthless HC bill. When it comes to the mantra about American "exceptionalism," health care delivery is NOT an issue we should brag about.


You provided a study of lifestyles, not healthcare.
Leave it to the hypocrite radical left to promote the idea that "hospital associations have screwed us" when American hospitals perform miracles every day in the greatest Country in the world. I doubt if anyone gets on a plane in the U.S. to travel to Italy to get open heart surgery but suit yourself.
As the U.S.struggles to find a HC system that would please everyone, we find that the only ONES who truly benefit are the insurance companies and hospital associations that have screwed us for decades. Bearing in mind that we shell out more tax dollars (quadruple of most other industrialized countries) and still rank 34th in longevity and morbidity, the index below should be a wake-up call to the elected officials in DC who tomorrow will be voting in yet another mostly worthless HC bill. When it comes to the mantra about American "exceptionalism," health care delivery is NOT an issue we should brag about.

/---- Can we start with Tort Reform to get the lawyers out of the equation?
A hardcore Trump supporter and a grieving father, who stopped making mortgage payments so he could attend Trump rallies, is now soured on him. Reason? Trumpcare bill, which cuts funding for opiod addiction treatment. The man lost his opiod addicted son 3 years ago. He says the bill is a betrayal of everything Trump said on the campaign trail.


Kraig Moss, a supporter of Donald Trump during the campaign, sings a song outside a truck with a Trump painting last year in Iowa. Now, he regrets doing so.
Leave it to the hypocrite radical left to promote the idea that "hospital associations have screwed us" when American hospitals perform miracles every day in the greatest Country in the world. I doubt if anyone gets on a plane in the U.S. to travel to Italy to get open heart surgery but suit yourself.

Actually, they go to Thailand.

And lose the phony adoration of hospitals. It's YOUR candidate who says America is not great. It's YOUR candidate who is a traitor to his own country.
A hardcore Trump supporter and a grieving father, who stopped making mortgage payments so he could attend Trump rallies, is now soured on him. Reason? Trumpcare bill, which cuts funding for opiod addiction treatment. The man lost his opiod addicted son 3 years ago. He says the bill is a betrayal of everything Trump said on the campaign trail.


Kraig Moss, a supporter of Donald Trump during the campaign, sings a song outside a truck with a Trump painting last year in Iowa. Now, he regrets doing so.

If trumpcare is passed, it will kill a lot of people.
As the U.S.struggles to find a HC system that would please everyone, we find that the only ONES who truly benefit are the insurance companies and hospital associations that have screwed us for decades. Bearing in mind that we shell out more tax dollars (quadruple of most other industrialized countries) and still rank 34th in longevity and morbidity, the index below should be a wake-up call to the elected officials in DC who tomorrow will be voting in yet another mostly worthless HC bill. When it comes to the mantra about American "exceptionalism," health care delivery is NOT an issue we should brag about.

/---- Can we start with Tort Reform to get the lawyers out of the equation?


I wish people would ignore what the right says about "tort reform" and get it through their heads that its really a scheme to cheat the little guy out of what is rightfully theirs.

Nothing could be worse for those who are harmed by big business aka the 1%.
I'm not suggesting other countries don't contribute to advancing healthcare, but the US spends 40% of the worldwide total on medical/biomedical R&D, yet we only make up 5% of the population. Other countries benefit disproportionately to our cost of R&D.

Yes, you're correct on the R & D.....A little know fact is that much of that R&D work is also done by NIH…with our tax dollars….However, that research and findings is openly shared with private pharmaceutical who then “claim” that their cost may seem high because of the R & D…which, in reality, they got free from NIH and already paid by us citizens.
With Trumpcare everyone will get a $2500 annual savings, get to keep their plan and doctor they like and healthcare problems will go away.

Unadulterated bullshit.......Remember, Trump "promised" coverage for ALL, for a better HC DELIVERY and for all that, that it would be CHEAPER.

The criteria to judge Trumpcare (and it will be called Trumpcare) is the ABOVE.....anything less than that is FAILURE.....
I don't often agree with Rand Paul.....but he stated a TRUISM about HC insurance providers who....like Wall Street bankers.....have convinced right wingers to "socialize" their possible losses, while "privatizing" their huge profits.
Leave it to the hypocrite radical left to promote the idea that "hospital associations have screwed us" when American hospitals perform miracles every day in the greatest Country in the world. I doubt if anyone gets on a plane in the U.S. to travel to Italy to get open heart surgery but suit yourself.

Medical tourism — where patients struggling to afford or find the right treatment at home head overseas — is booming, with many countries jostling to offer high-quality health care at a good price. In 2013, around 900,000 Americans traveled overseas for treatment, according to Patients Beyond Borders, a provider of medical travel information. And that number looks set to increase: 50 million Americans were either uninsured or under-insured for health care in 2013, according to the U.S.'s Medical Tourism Resource Guide.

Top destinations for health tourism
I'm not suggesting other countries don't contribute to advancing healthcare, but the US spends 40% of the worldwide total on medical/biomedical R&D, yet we only make up 5% of the population. Other countries benefit disproportionately to our cost of R&D.

Yes, you're correct on the R & D.....A little know fact is that much of that R&D work is also done by NIH…with our tax dollars….However, that research and findings is openly shared with private pharmaceutical who then “claim” that their cost may seem high because of the R & D…which, in reality, they got free from NIH and already paid by us citizens.

Hey, you'll never catch me defending the drug dealing pharmaceuticals. They are nearly as bad as the street thug pedaling coke. USA citizens are the most over prescribed users on the planet.
Im with weather. Cuba before US? Give me a fucking break
30 minute flight from Miami to Havana, yet no one is flying to Cuba for healthcare. The list is pure BS because they use equality as their measuring tool rather than the level of healthcare the average person gets. No one getting an antibiotic is much better than if 2% are unable to get an antibiotic in a socialists mind.
Here is the list of criteria used in the rankings.


Where does it say anything about equality?
Im with weather. Cuba before US? Give me a fucking break
30 minute flight from Miami to Havana, yet no one is flying to Cuba for healthcare. The list is pure BS because they use equality as their measuring tool rather than the level of healthcare the average person gets. No one getting an antibiotic is much better than if 2% are unable to get an antibiotic in a socialists mind.
Here is the list of criteria used in the rankings.

View attachment 117923

Where does it say anything about equality?
What other lies are you going to post for us?
Greenhouse factors in a healthcare system ranking. Funnier than what I could have invented.
Im with weather. Cuba before US? Give me a fucking break
30 minute flight from Miami to Havana, yet no one is flying to Cuba for healthcare. The list is pure BS because they use equality as their measuring tool rather than the level of healthcare the average person gets. No one getting an antibiotic is much better than if 2% are unable to get an antibiotic in a socialists mind.
Here is the list of criteria used in the rankings.

View attachment 117923

Where does it say anything about equality?
What other lies are you going to post for us?
Greenhouse factors in a healthcare system ranking. Funnier than what I could have invented.
Where's equality dumbass?

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