A reminder about our Health Care System

As the U.S.struggles to find a HC system that would please everyone, we find that the only ONES who truly benefit are the insurance companies and hospital associations that have screwed us for decades. Bearing in mind that we shell out more tax dollars (quadruple of most other industrialized countries) and still rank 34th in longevity and morbidity, the index below should be a wake-up call to the elected officials in DC who tomorrow will be voting in yet another mostly worthless HC bill. When it comes to the mantra about American "exceptionalism," health care delivery is NOT an issue we should brag about.


you bitched about "mantra about American "exceptionalism,"

Then you why dummy do
YUP! So please move there because there are millions that see the USA as most desirable.

The United States has long been seen as the “land of opportunity”, the home of the American Dream.
With the largest national economy in the world, well-developed infrastructure and high educational and social mobility, it is not hard to see its appeal.
It hosts almost 20% of the world’s migrants, and boasts a huge mix of races, cultures and traditions. Despite government policies clamping down on illegal immigration, it still accepts far more international migrants than anywhere in the world, and the trend looks set to continue.
10 Most Popular Countries For Immigration

Why with all the BAD health are people dying to come here?
Excellent point Naters! There are a few things EVERY country ahead of US on your chart has in common with respect to their healthcare system. Their systems cover a much smaller population, a much less diverse population either geographically or culturally or both. Maybe the US should try to mimic what they are doing and come up with more regional healthcare systems which can more closely address the needs of citizens rather than a "one size fits all". One more interesting consideration, the US provides more research and development with respect to healthcare than any other country in the world, and more than all of Europe combined. In other words, the US pays for medical advances and the rest of the world benefits without any added cost.

I mostly agree.....although Europe and Australia are often reported in the Journals on Medicine for those areas involvement in health related research. For example, European doctors are no longer stressing the "baby-aspirin" preventive regimen for adults, but the US......under pressure from aspirin makers......keep on stressing the use, etc.

OH geez... here is another FACT most people don't consider...
I WANT someone to refute my last two posts please because to date NOT one person has successfully refuted that:
A) there never were 46 million uninsured Americans
B) That $850 billion a year in wasted health care expenses due to lawyers and frivolous lawsuits cause doctors to be "DEFENSIVE"!
Proof? Why don't doctors under Federal contract do "defensive medicine"? They can't be sued under the 1946 Federal Tort ACT!!!
Hey, you'll never catch me defending the drug dealing pharmaceuticals. They are nearly as bad as the street thug pedaling coke. USA citizens are the most over prescribed users on the planet.

How damn true......Just a bout 10 days ago, my doctor prescribed yet another daily [expensive] pill and I was told that i'd have to take it for the rest of my life, and that I should never skip a dose.......and I told the doc, "thanks, then, for making me just as needy and reliant as any drug addict in some seedy part of town......and can I call her my very own "drug pusher."....................She was not amused.
Hey, you'll never catch me defending the drug dealing pharmaceuticals. They are nearly as bad as the street thug pedaling coke. USA citizens are the most over prescribed users on the planet.

How damn true......Just a bout 10 days ago, my doctor prescribed yet another daily [expensive] pill and I was told that i'd have to take it for the rest of my life, and that I should never skip a dose.......and I told the doc, "thanks, then, for making me just as needy and reliant as any drug addict in some seedy part of town......and can I call her my very own "drug pusher."....................She was not amused.

Amen brother.
I WANT someone to refute my last two posts please because to date NOT one person has successfully refuted that:
A) there never were 46 million uninsured Americans
B) That $850 billion a year in wasted health care expenses due to lawyers and frivolous lawsuits cause doctors to be "DEFENSIVE"!
Proof? Why don't doctors under Federal contract do "defensive medicine"? They can't be sued under the 1946 Federal Tort ACT!!!
Can we cut and paste it from a questionable source like you do?
I WANT someone to refute my last two posts please because to date NOT one person has successfully refuted that:
A) there never were 46 million uninsured Americans
B) That $850 billion a year in wasted health care expenses due to lawyers and frivolous lawsuits cause doctors to be "DEFENSIVE"!
Proof? Why don't doctors under Federal contract do "defensive medicine"? They can't be sued under the 1946 Federal Tort ACT!!!

I have an excellent doctor, he is old school. I never see a nurse, he interviews me, he examines me, he even draws my blood. I never see a nurse. He has a saying about modern medical doctors- They ask the patient what is wrong, then they order test, if nothing shows up, they order more test, and if all else fails they examine the patient.
I WANT someone to refute my last two posts please because to date NOT one person has successfully refuted that:
A) there never were 46 million uninsured Americans
B) That $850 billion a year in wasted health care expenses due to lawyers and frivolous lawsuits cause doctors to be "DEFENSIVE"!
Proof? Why don't doctors under Federal contract do "defensive medicine"? They can't be sued under the 1946 Federal Tort ACT!!!
Can we cut and paste it from a questionable source like you do?

How are they questionable? Proof to me there IS NO Federal ACT protecting federal doctors hence no defensive medicine!
Want MORE proof about "defensive Medicine"?
HERE goes!!!

Statistics and opinions vary on the real cost of defensive medicine in the U.S. Politicians debate anywhere from $100 billion to over $500 billion of total healthcare costs can be attributed to defensive medicine.
Is There a Medical Malpractice Crisis in the U.S.?
Health care's six money-wasting problems - Aug. 10, 2009

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