A reminder about the so-called scandals: Who is breaking the law

The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

It is difficult to decide whether the OP is ignorant, deceptive or BOTH. A knowledgeable person would understand that an organization which educates the public regarding a particular issue is a social welfare organization, regardless of whether one agrees with it. An honest person would not bring up racial discrimination when discussing an unrelated topic.

I guess I have to vote for BOTH.

Everybody lies. Democrats lie. Republicans lie. The whole problem is "who cares." Democrats dont care when Democrats lie. Republicans dont care when Republicans lie. At least not most of the time. Just so long as that liar comes out and explains why they lied in the first place. Should we not as a society be asking for an administration, not Democratic or Republican, but an administration that tells us the truth....even if the truth is hard to hear. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
you got that people, move along it's just a "minor blunder" and he knows this IS all because Obama is black..maybe Obama's mother would want to be acknowledged she has some blood in this man? oh that's right, it's WHITE

my gawd, party and Obama over the people of this country,,,how sick
So do you honestly believe Tea Party groups are social welfare organizations?

And you honestly think OFM is a social welfare organization?

Yes, because they really believe in social welfare whereas Tea Party members openly say they don't.

It appears to me you do not know the universal definition of "social welfare".

Social welfare refers to the good for society.

Conservatives, such as myself, believe those thgat are free from government programs live a better, more free and more fulfilling life...and equally believe that the best way to acheive success in life is to avoid governemnt programs.

Now, just becuase you dont believe such is true, does not mean that the intent of the tea party and conservatives overall is not for the advantage of society and all memebers of said society.

Your argument is quite weak.
Why do you fools think that when Obama says,"I didn't know about it" that it's an acceptable excuse. He is either lying or an incompetent FOOL!
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

Helpful hint. While you have your head up your ass, do yourself a favor and check for polyps.

The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.
You shouldn't quit your day job.

You do realize that journalists cannot be prosecuted for reporting classified information. The only people who can are those who breached their oaths and released classified information to any individual not cleared to view that information. In addition, if this Administration is trying to criminalize journalism, then yes, they are violating the law. I realize you left wing radicals don't think of the Constitution as laws, but they are. To violate the Constitution IS breaking the law.

Your weak ass attempt to justify the Executive from having and acting on an enemies list proves you are not a serious thinking at all. To target ones political enemies using the power of government IS A FUCKING CRIME. Understand? In addition, if this was done to hamper voter turn out, then this is voter suppression. Also a fucking CRIME.

Benghazi. If they are willing to frame a person for a movie that no one saw, and no one knew about, to cover up the incompetence of the SecState for the purpose of getting her elected in 16, what else are they lying about and covering up regarding this? Collusion maybe? You cannot say no, because quite frankly, you and no one else knows. This is the problem that liars have. No one can trust them, or believe them.

No one getting hurt on these so-called scandals? Get a grip.
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.
You shouldn't quit your day job.

You do realize that journalists cannot be prosecuted for reporting classified information. The only people who can are those who breached their oaths and released classified information to any individual not cleared to view that information. In addition, if this Administration is trying to criminalize journalism, then yes, they are violating the law. I realize you left wing radicals don't think of the Constitution as laws, but they are. To violate the Constitution IS breaking the law.

Your weak ass attempt to justify the Executive from having and acting on an enemies list proves you are not a serious thinking at all. To target ones political enemies using the power of government IS A FUCKING CRIME. Understand? In addition, if this was done to hamper voter turn out, then this is voter suppression. Also a fucking CRIME.

Benghazi. If they are willing to frame a person for a movie that no one saw, and no one knew about, to cover up the incompetence of the SecState for the purpose of getting her elected in 16, what else are they lying about and covering up regarding this? Collusion maybe? You cannot say no, because quite frankly, you and no one else knows. This is the problem that liars have. No one can trust them, or believe them.

No one getting hurt on these so-called scandals? Get a grip.

What makes me truly sad about what you have said...is that there are so many people, right and left, that are entrenched so deeply in their ignorance, that they will never be able to see reality. Living in the matrix feels so much better...and it has been carefully constructed to make one feel that way.
probably where the OP got his idea for the thread..don't forget people, these are MINOR BLUNDERS..and Kerfluffes..this station should be shunned..
video of this embarrassing man at site


Chris Matthews: Obama Scandals Aren't Scandals - They're ‘Kerfuffles’
By Noel Sheppard | May 28, 2013 | 23:34

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is no longer willing to call the White House troubles involving Benghazi, the Internal Revenue Service, and the leaks investigation "scandals."

No, on Tuesday’s Hardball, the host called them “kerfuffles,” once even correcting himself after accidentally referring to what happened at the IRS as a scandal (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHRIS MATTHEWS: See, my problem with Obama, and it continues, and I don't understand it. You know, the reason he's been in trouble the last four or five weeks, and it’s because of these kerfuffles. They're bad, but they’re not awful. […]

Has the White House learned any lessons from the scandal, the kerfuffle rather, over at the IRS?

For those unfamiliar with the term, Dictionary.com defines "kerfuffle" as "commotion; disorder; agitation."

Is that how you would describe the controversies surrounding what happened at our consulate in Benghazi last year, the IRS targeting conservatives, and the Justice Department's treatment of the Associated Press and Fox News's James Rosen?

all of it here
Read more: Chris Matthews: Obama Scandals Aren't Scandals - They're ?Kerfuffles? | NewsBusters
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

The race card again (still!) Lol! This statement has gotten really tiring and stupid....

And he's only HALF BLACK.
I see that the OP has been sufficiently destroyed by Tiny Dancer and Stephanie that I don't need to waste any ammo on it.

Great job ladies.
there wasn't ONE original thought in that spew..all regurgitated left wing talking points..

and of course we got to hear about his SKIN COLOR..I guess his daddy produced him all by himself, immaculate conception I suppose... I'd feel sorry for his mother if she were still alive, the way they act like she isn't even a person who had a hand in giving LIFE TO THIS MAN..

and all so they can accuse people of hating him because he's BLACK

it's a frekken sickness with his followers..
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.
The real furor over the James Rosen media thing is the fact he was labelled a "co-conspirator" just so the DOJ could get the warrant to tap his phones (and that of his parents) and that it took judge shopping to get it done. The DOJ lied about Rosen to tap his phones. THAT's the scandal.

The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.
The race card! Right out of the gate! How about that!

Hate to break it to ya son, but there are several Dems who are joining the "Right Wingers" side on these scandals.
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

The race card again (still!) Lol! This statement has gotten really tiring and stupid....

And he's only HALF BLACK.

So I guess if he were a white guy, no one would have an issue with the IRS targeting people based on their ideology?

Or the AG intentionally parsing words to mislead congress?

Or the Senior official at the IRS not recalling why he was at the White House 150 times.....150 times more than his predecessor?

Or no one knowing who approved the selling of guns to the enemy of an ally (drug cartels/Mexico)?

Or no one knowing who made the military decisions as it pertained to an attack and murder of an Ambassador and three other Americans?

So...Becuase Obama is black...THAT is why these are issues?

Funny thing.....Nixon was white...but watergate was an issue.

Bush was white, but waterboarding was an issue.

Cheney was white...yet Whitewater was an issue.

Hey....maybe all issues must have the word WATER in it...otherwise it isnt an issue?

Maybe that is it?

Nah...its a racial thing.
And you honestly think OFM is a social welfare organization?

Yes, because they really believe in social welfare whereas Tea Party members openly say they don't.

you are a parrot..and a liar, they have NEVER said that

Tea Party republicans have voted something like 37 times against The Affordable Care Act. That is pretty clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

Karl Rove's Crossroads has openly engaged in efforts to disenfranchise voters. That is also clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

The New Jersey Tea Party Platform states that welfare recipients should be put in prison.

NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Care to retract your statement that Tea party groups NEVER oppose social welfare?
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

So we've got several of the memes here:
1) They all do it.
2) Sept was a long time ago.

All he needs is to blame Boosh for any of this and its the trifecta.

The newest member of the brain dead poster club of USMB.
And you honestly think OFM is a social welfare organization?

Yes, because they really believe in social welfare whereas Tea Party members openly say they don't.

Glad you aren't employed at the IRS.

Look what part of "the IRS has apologized for unfairly targeting conservative groups" don't you understand?

What part of " the Inspector General of the Treasury Department found wrong doing within the IRS over the targeting of conservative groups" don't you get?

They shouldn't apologize for doing their job.
Yes, because they really believe in social welfare whereas Tea Party members openly say they don't.

Glad you aren't employed at the IRS.

Look what part of "the IRS has apologized for unfairly targeting conservative groups" don't you understand?

What part of " the Inspector General of the Treasury Department found wrong doing within the IRS over the targeting of conservative groups" don't you get?

They shouldn't apologize for doing their job.

You're right. They should apologize for breaking the law and be put in jail. Knew you'd understand that.
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.
You shouldn't quit your day job.

You do realize that journalists cannot be prosecuted for reporting classified information. The only people who can are those who breached their oaths and released classified information to any individual not cleared to view that information. In addition, if this Administration is trying to criminalize journalism, then yes, they are violating the law. I realize you left wing radicals don't think of the Constitution as laws, but they are. To violate the Constitution IS breaking the law.

Your weak ass attempt to justify the Executive from having and acting on an enemies list proves you are not a serious thinking at all. To target ones political enemies using the power of government IS A FUCKING CRIME. Understand? In addition, if this was done to hamper voter turn out, then this is voter suppression. Also a fucking CRIME.

Benghazi. If they are willing to frame a person for a movie that no one saw, and no one knew about, to cover up the incompetence of the SecState for the purpose of getting her elected in 16, what else are they lying about and covering up regarding this? Collusion maybe? You cannot say no, because quite frankly, you and no one else knows. This is the problem that liars have. No one can trust them, or believe them.

No one getting hurt on these so-called scandals? Get a grip.

I never wrote that journalists would be prosecuted. Try reading what I wrote again before commenting.

There is no evidence Obama has an enemies list.
The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

NO ! you idiot, i personally hate the son-of-a-bitch because he is ruining this country and wants to wipe his ass on the Constitution, destroy my rights as a patriotic citizen.., see my avatar you fool !! THAT is a huge stumbling block in his way, next is the 5th amdt. etc., etc.

besides.., he is NOT black.., he is a MULATTO

look it up, do a search, he has traitorous WHITE blood in his heart (????)
You gotta admire these democrats sometimes. They keep dancing long after the band has gone home.

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