A reminder about the so-called scandals: Who is breaking the law

Holder lied to congress under oath- that's illegal.

IRS appointees used their power to target groups that they politically disagreed with- that's illegal

Using your power to engage in subterfuge in order to hamper 1st amendment protection is illegal

Turning your back on 4 Americans that led to their death. Lying about what actually transpired. Setting up a fall guy that is now actually still in jail. ...Criminal- yeah, but worse; immoral and unethical behavior unbecoming leaders!

Holder will never go to jail for mispeaking.

It's not clear that what the IRS did is illegal. Major news outlets have frequently written that it's not clear what laws were broken.

Nobody is turning their backs on Americans tht died in Libya. Nothing illegal happened in Libya. You are full of nonsense.
Yes, because they really believe in social welfare whereas Tea Party members openly say they don't.

Glad you aren't employed at the IRS.

Look what part of "the IRS has apologized for unfairly targeting conservative groups" don't you understand?

What part of " the Inspector General of the Treasury Department found wrong doing within the IRS over the targeting of conservative groups" don't you get?

They shouldn't apologize for doing their job.

well too BAD for you they already have APOLIGIZED and ADMITTED targeting people...so you can say they were JUST DONG THEIR JOBS all you want because you got that off some left wing site....but hey, go ahead and keep defending them
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

1. Eric Holder lied about the reasons for the search warrant which is a felony
2. According to the law and the US Constitution you cannot use the government to suppress freedom of speech or attack watch dogs in the media
3. To search for a leak you go after the guilty parties, not the person the secrets were leaked to
4. It doesn't matter if the Tea Party is political because if you applied that standard to every tax-exempt group very few would qualify including Media Matters and the NAACP
5. The lies about Benghazi were designed to cover up their obvious mismanagement of the State Department which puts our nation at risk
Yes, because they really believe in social welfare whereas Tea Party members openly say they don't.

you are a parrot..and a liar, they have NEVER said that

Tea Party republicans have voted something like 37 times against The Affordable Care Act. That is pretty clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

Karl Rove's Crossroads has openly engaged in efforts to disenfranchise voters. That is also clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

The New Jersey Tea Party Platform states that welfare recipients should be put in prison.

NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Care to retract your statement that Tea party groups NEVER oppose social welfare?

You refuse to learn.

Just becuase YOU think a government program is bnest for society, doesnt mean it is best for society and most certainly doesnt mean OTHERS think it is best for society.

Take the ACA.

You think that is best for society. Fair enough.

I can cite reasons why it is NOT best for society.

1) It will cost more for each individual to be insured
2) It will force many people to switch doctors of thier choices
3) It will cost the taxpayer billions

Now...before you come back with "what about the poor"...and "why do you hate poor people"....

Those who were not insured have been using the ER. Great for them? No. Inconvenient? Yes. Did it meet their medical needs at no cost to them? Yes.

Why was that better than the ACA (in my eyes)?

Becuase inconveneince is what prompts people to strive to do better for themselves.

Now...sure...you can disagree with that premise....and I respect that. But it does not mean that my being against the ACA is becuase I hate poor people....

It is becuase I believe it will give people less reason to strive for a better life.

Now...as I showed you how I respect YOUR Sentiments......are you able to respect mine?
Yes, because they really believe in social welfare whereas Tea Party members openly say they don't.

you are a parrot..and a liar, they have NEVER said that

Tea Party republicans have voted something like 37 times against The Affordable Care Act. That is pretty clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

Karl Rove's Crossroads has openly engaged in efforts to disenfranchise voters. That is also clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

The New Jersey Tea Party Platform states that welfare recipients should be put in prison.

NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Care to retract your statement that Tea party groups NEVER oppose social welfare?

GAWKER? and you EXPECT people to take you SERIOUS..
you a real joke posting such garbage
Social welfare programs created Obabble...the curse of th 21st century.

oh for sure, they are all for that as long as it's with OTHER PEOPLE MONIES..

Obama was no different when he was a community agitator.., except now he has his hand's on our money..and bleeding us dry
Glad you aren't employed at the IRS.

Look what part of "the IRS has apologized for unfairly targeting conservative groups" don't you understand?

What part of " the Inspector General of the Treasury Department found wrong doing within the IRS over the targeting of conservative groups" don't you get?

They shouldn't apologize for doing their job.

You're right. They should apologize for breaking the law and be put in jail. Knew you'd understand that.

What law did they break?
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

1. Eric Holder lied about the reasons for the search warrant which is a felony
2. According to the law and the US Constitution you cannot use the government to suppress freedom of speech or attack watch dogs in the media
3. To search for a leak you go after the guilty parties, not the person the secrets were leaked to
4. It doesn't matter if the Tea Party is political because if you applied that standard to every tax-exempt group very few would qualify including Media Matters and the NAACP
5. The lies about Benghazi were designed to cover up their obvious mismanagement of the State Department which puts our nation at risk

1. Holder didn't lie. Holder said no journalists would be prosecuted. The White House confirmned that no journalists would be prosecuted.

2. The Obama administration was not using government to suppress freedom of speech.

3. Not true. To find a leak, it may be necessary to investigate who received the leak. It's perfectly legal to investigate journalists. You do not know what you are talking about.

4. So what and it did not put our nation at risk.
you are a parrot..and a liar, they have NEVER said that

Tea Party republicans have voted something like 37 times against The Affordable Care Act. That is pretty clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

Karl Rove's Crossroads has openly engaged in efforts to disenfranchise voters. That is also clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

The New Jersey Tea Party Platform states that welfare recipients should be put in prison.

NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Care to retract your statement that Tea party groups NEVER oppose social welfare?

You refuse to learn.

Just becuase YOU think a government program is bnest for society, doesnt mean it is best for society and most certainly doesnt mean OTHERS think it is best for society.

Take the ACA.

You think that is best for society. Fair enough.

I can cite reasons why it is NOT best for society.

1) It will cost more for each individual to be insured
2) It will force many people to switch doctors of thier choices
3) It will cost the taxpayer billions

Now...before you come back with "what about the poor"...and "why do you hate poor people"....

Those who were not insured have been using the ER. Great for them? No. Inconvenient? Yes. Did it meet their medical needs at no cost to them? Yes.

Why was that better than the ACA (in my eyes)?

Becuase inconveneince is what prompts people to strive to do better for themselves.

Now...sure...you can disagree with that premise....and I respect that. But it does not mean that my being against the ACA is becuase I hate poor people....

It is becuase I believe it will give people less reason to strive for a better life.

Now...as I showed you how I respect YOUR Sentiments......are you able to respect mine?

You don't know what you are talking about. The Affordable Care Act will not cost more, nor will it force people to change doctors, and it will probably save taxpayers money.

What about putting welfare recipients in prison? Do you think that's in the interests of social welfare? Or what about disenfranchising people?

Here's my point: Tea Party groups openly state their opposition to social welfare. Stephanie falsely claimed they never do. I proved they do.
you are a parrot..and a liar, they have NEVER said that

Tea Party republicans have voted something like 37 times against The Affordable Care Act. That is pretty clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

Karl Rove's Crossroads has openly engaged in efforts to disenfranchise voters. That is also clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

The New Jersey Tea Party Platform states that welfare recipients should be put in prison.

NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Care to retract your statement that Tea party groups NEVER oppose social welfare?

GAWKER? and you EXPECT people to take you SERIOUS..
you a real joke posting such garbage

What I posted was the truth. I used facts to make you look stupid.

I guess you would get frustrated and call facts "garbage."
Tea Party republicans have voted something like 37 times against The Affordable Care Act. That is pretty clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

Karl Rove's Crossroads has openly engaged in efforts to disenfranchise voters. That is also clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

The New Jersey Tea Party Platform states that welfare recipients should be put in prison.

NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Care to retract your statement that Tea party groups NEVER oppose social welfare?

GAWKER? and you EXPECT people to take you SERIOUS..
you a real joke posting such garbage

What I posted was the truth. I used facts to make you look stupid.

I guess you would get frustrated and call facts "garbage."

lol, gawker...facts
I go lmao now..
you really should stop while you're sorta ahead..
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Tea Party republicans have voted something like 37 times against The Affordable Care Act. That is pretty clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

Karl Rove's Crossroads has openly engaged in efforts to disenfranchise voters. That is also clearly openly stating their opposition to Social Welfare.

The New Jersey Tea Party Platform states that welfare recipients should be put in prison.

NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Care to retract your statement that Tea party groups NEVER oppose social welfare?

You refuse to learn.

Just becuase YOU think a government program is bnest for society, doesnt mean it is best for society and most certainly doesnt mean OTHERS think it is best for society.

Take the ACA.

You think that is best for society. Fair enough.

I can cite reasons why it is NOT best for society.

1) It will cost more for each individual to be insured
2) It will force many people to switch doctors of thier choices
3) It will cost the taxpayer billions

Now...before you come back with "what about the poor"...and "why do you hate poor people"....

Those who were not insured have been using the ER. Great for them? No. Inconvenient? Yes. Did it meet their medical needs at no cost to them? Yes.

Why was that better than the ACA (in my eyes)?

Becuase inconveneince is what prompts people to strive to do better for themselves.

Now...sure...you can disagree with that premise....and I respect that. But it does not mean that my being against the ACA is becuase I hate poor people....

It is becuase I believe it will give people less reason to strive for a better life.

Now...as I showed you how I respect YOUR Sentiments......are you able to respect mine?

You don't know what you are talking about. The Affordable Care Act will not cost more, nor will it force people to change doctors, and it will probably save taxpayers money.

Here's my point: Tea Party groups openly state their opposition to social welfare. Stephanie falsely claimed they never do. I proved they do.

so? you know all about the ACA and what will PROBABLY do huh? crystal ball? what NO PROFF..DARN..
so that means we are supposed to agree with your opinion on the Tea party? like the ACA you haven't proven anything..your opinion is just, your oponion
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The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.
It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted.

The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information.

I don't think so, Smile. Their wire taps were not specifically limited to the investigation at hand. Basically they tapped into the central nexus of all communications and gather information about every incoming and outgoing communication

That's big brotherism, amigo., not "letter of the law" investigating

Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Well, look again. And whyile you bear in mind that the PRESS is the only industry singled out in the constitution for SPECIAL hands off consideration

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Like you, I think the IRS scandal is overblown

I do not know who was breaking the law, I doubt you do, either. I'm not sure the law WAS broken.

I think the IRS has the OBLIGATION to carefully vet 501c4s.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.


That's why only right wing cracks still think this issue has legs.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

I was with you until you took that CHEAP SHOT because he is black

Ya just couldn't help yourself could ya?

Ya just had to call them racists.
Clearly it is confusing some as to who broke the law if you are going to blame the victims of an oppressive government.
Clearly it is confusing some as to who broke the law if you are going to blame the victims of an oppressive government.

all of a sudden they don't care about a government abusing their power over people..it's the Tea party, so what the hell
The media frenzy about the so-called Obama administration scandals is confusing many people about which side broke the law.

First, let's look at the AP/Fox News leak story.

It is against the law to leak classified information. It's the Justice Department's responsibility to investigate leaks. Whoever leaked the information broke the law and is subject to being prosecuted. The Obama administration is merely following the letter of the law in seeking to punish people leaking classified information. Seems to me the media is having an hysterical meltdown because some of their sources might rightly go to jail.

Next, let's look at the so called IRS scandal. Everybody knows the Tea Party groups are not social welfare organizations. They don't even believe in social welfare. Seems to me the IRS was taking an efficient shortcut by putting them under more scrutiny. It is against the law to claim to be a tax exempt social welfare group, while spending money on political ads which is what they do. It is the Tea Party groups who were/are breaking the law.

Finally, the so-called Benghazi scandal. The bottom line is this: The Obama administration changed talking points about why the attacks occurred for political purposes. I ask...so what? If it was against the law to lie for political purposes, every politician in America would be in jail. No laws were broken. This minor blunder has been totally overblown.

Frankly, I don't think the American people, as a whole, are going to buy any of this nonsense. The only people who care about this are right wingers who hate Obama because he is black.

Now that's funny. Any Republican pulling this kind of stuff would be called on the carpet right away, but since its a dem, it means nothing.

All depends on the party label. Nothing more.
1. Holder didn't lie. Holder said no journalists would be prosecuted. The White House confirmned that no journalists would be prosecuted.

Actually he lied through his teeth. He claimed to not be involved in the investigation when he signed off on the wire taps. In fact, it's so obvious he lied through his teeth that even the progressive media is turning on him. That's hardly the only lie he's made.

2. The Obama administration was not using government to suppress freedom of speech.

Sure. It's just a coincidence that the IRS was targeting conservative groups & Conservatives who didn't like the President's policies. It's just a coincidence that Republican donors were targetted. It's just a coincidence that the EPA has been targetting conservative donors with fines. It's all a very convenient coincidence.

3. Not true. To find a leak, it may be necessary to investigate who received the leak. It's perfectly legal to investigate journalists. You do not know what you are talking about.

From what I've heard the leak was about either North Korea or Iran and their desires/capabilities to use WMDs. Granted, I was on vacation when the AP story broke and Im still not fully up to date about it. But that so called leak is pretty much standard knowledge for anyone who is paying attention.

4. So what and it did not put our nation at risk

Running weapons to Al qeada affiliates in Libya and Syria very much does put our nation at risk. But what puts us even more at risk are people such as yourself who refuse to look at the evidence but instead defend this President who has more scandals than Grant.

How many times do they have to abuse power before you open your eyes and see it? How many people do they need to target and try to silence before you will admit what they are doing?

Our nation can survive the Obama Presidency. It remains to be seen whether we can survive being a people who will elect Obama to the Presidency.

War is coming because of our foreign policies. And this wont be a small regional one. If we don't change the path we are one, we will see a war that will make WW2 look like a picnic.
Now that's funny. Any Republican pulling this kind of stuff would be called on the carpet right away, but since its a dem, it means nothing.

All depends on the party label. Nothing more.

It's not funny. It's downright scary. I weep for our nation because of the pride of this people.

The left and the right, but especially the left, cannot see what is coming.

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