A Reminder to Left: Why Trump Won


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Here's the whole thing because I really don't want you to hesitate about clicking on a link:

From the Spectator

It happened because you banned super-size sodas. And smoking in parks. And offensive ideas on campus. Because you branded people who oppose gay marriage ‘homophobic’, and people unsure about immigration ‘racist’. Because you treated owning a gun and never having eaten quinoa as signifiers of fascism. Because you thought correcting people’s attitudes was more important than finding them jobs. Because you turned ‘white man’ from a description into an insult. Because you used slurs like ‘denier’ and ‘dangerous’ against anyone who doesn’t share your eco-pieties. Because you treated dissent as hate speech and criticism of Obama as extremism. Because you talked more about gender-neutral toilets than about home repossessions. Because you beatified Caitlyn Jenner. Because you policed people’s language, rubbished their parenting skills, took the piss out of their beliefs. Because you cried when someone mocked the Koran but laughed when they mocked the Bible. Because you said criticising Islam is Islamophobia. Because you kept telling people, ‘You can’t think that, you can’t say that, you can’t do that.’ Because you turned politics from something done by and for people to something done to them, for their own good. Because you treated people like trash. And people don’t like being treated like trash. Trump happened because of you.
The Left’s condescending smears are widely illustrated in social media. Stuart Rothenberg, senior editor at Inside Elections, brought the haterade to the people of West Virginia.

The Dems and their political tools in the media and academia are pretty adept at marginalizing people who don’t fit with their arrogant world view. The only people who support the GOP, the Tea Party, and especially Trump, are ‘dirty ignorant redneck hillbilly inbred crackers’.

Stereotypes are very unPC unless the target is despised by the Left. That usually means white working class people. Minorities, on the other hand, are patronized and exploited for their vote.

Rothenberg’s dismissive sneer at poor whites is an excellent example of why Trump was elected and will likely be reelected.

Another tactic of the Left is to incessantly harp on the wealth of Trump’s family. In spite of setbacks, bankruptcies, and recessions, he made bold business decisions that always helped him bounce back.

They conveniently forget that Dem politicians are not impoverished. Hillary and Bubba’s shady business deals and the corrupt money laundering/pay for political favors Clinton Foundation, have lined their pockets with millions of dollars.

Ten of the wealthiest people in Congress are Dems. The Top 20 Richest People in America (from Forbes Top 100) reveals that a full 60% are actually Democrats.

We elected Trump because we’re sick of the status quo; the swamp needs draining. We want him to do everything he can to reverse the damage Barky and the Dems did to America.

Right now, he’s doing just that.

After 40 years of Dems using accusations of bigotry, sexism, racism, and exploiting minorities, Americans are fed up with the shit. It’s worn thin.

So, to all the tantrum-throwing children and thugs: Hillary (thank god) lost. The only thing for you to do now is jump in front of a train.
I think Dims are most upset that the e-mails were made public, that is, those not bit bleached by Hillary.

The American people knowing the truth is what destroyed her.
the people who don't give a shit what their side does but wants to execute you for jaywalking is what the biggest issue is today. we've lost a sense of justice in an effort to be emotionally correct, supported via the news and like minds patting us on the back saying YEA when attack mode is on.

the need to have 24x7 attack mode on is what is such bullshit anymore.

He gets part of it, but not all of it.

He doesn't realize that Obama was a con man as well, all politicians have to be a bit of con men/women, because they have to promise people things that are not possible to get elected.

He will also be dismissed by the hard left because he is a white dude.
the people who don't give a shit what their side does but wants to execute you for jaywalking is what the biggest issue is today. we've lost a sense of justice in an effort to be emotionally correct, supported via the news and like minds patting us on the back saying YEA when attack mode is on.

the need to have 24x7 attack mode on is what is such bullshit anymore.

My sig at the bottom often can apply to both sides, but currently the left is the "champion" of "we know whats better for you better than you do"
Here's the whole thing because I really don't want you to hesitate about clicking on a link:

From the Spectator

It happened because you banned super-size sodas. And smoking in parks. And offensive ideas on campus. Because you branded people who oppose gay marriage ‘homophobic’, and people unsure about immigration ‘racist’. Because you treated owning a gun and never having eaten quinoa as signifiers of fascism. Because you thought correcting people’s attitudes was more important than finding them jobs. Because you turned ‘white man’ from a description into an insult. Because you used slurs like ‘denier’ and ‘dangerous’ against anyone who doesn’t share your eco-pieties. Because you treated dissent as hate speech and criticism of Obama as extremism. Because you talked more about gender-neutral toilets than about home repossessions. Because you beatified Caitlyn Jenner. Because you policed people’s language, rubbished their parenting skills, took the piss out of their beliefs. Because you cried when someone mocked the Koran but laughed when they mocked the Bible. Because you said criticising Islam is Islamophobia. Because you kept telling people, ‘You can’t think that, you can’t say that, you can’t do that.’ Because you turned politics from something done by and for people to something done to them, for their own good. Because you treated people like trash. And people don’t like being treated like trash. Trump happened because of you.
The Left’s condescending smears are widely illustrated in social media. Stuart Rothenberg, senior editor at Inside Elections, brought the haterade to the people of West Virginia.

The Dems and their political tools in the media and academia are pretty adept at marginalizing people who don’t fit with their arrogant world view. The only people who support the GOP, the Tea Party, and especially Trump, are ‘dirty ignorant redneck hillbilly inbred crackers’.

Stereotypes are very unPC unless the target is despised by the Left. That usually means white working class people. Minorities, on the other hand, are patronized and exploited for their vote.

Rothenberg’s dismissive sneer at poor whites is an excellent example of why Trump was elected and will likely be reelected.

Another tactic of the Left is to incessantly harp on the wealth of Trump’s family. In spite of setbacks, bankruptcies, and recessions, he made bold business decisions that always helped him bounce back.

They conveniently forget that Dem politicians are not impoverished. Hillary and Bubba’s shady business deals and the corrupt money laundering/pay for political favors Clinton Foundation, have lined their pockets with millions of dollars.

Ten of the wealthiest people in Congress are Dems. The Top 20 Richest People in America (from Forbes Top 100) reveals that a full 60% are actually Democrats.

We elected Trump because we’re sick of the status quo; the swamp needs draining. We want him to do everything he can to reverse the damage Barky and the Dems did to America.

Right now, he’s doing just that.

After 40 years of Dems using accusations of bigotry, sexism, racism, and exploiting minorities, Americans are fed up with the shit. It’s worn thin.

So, to all the tantrum-throwing children and thugs: Hillary (thank god) lost. The only thing for you to do now is jump in front of a train.

the leftists keep acting the way they do and

folks like trump will continue to win
i found it rather peculiar that no one has ever asked Hillary,,,"And Mrs. Clinton, How come no one ever showed up at your rallies on their own? and the ones that did had to be bribed?
They would have won the 2016 election had they nominated Webb.
I would have donated and volunteered. But he's a DINO in their minds. He dared to question their religious devotion to Identity Politics.

Do you honestly think the Dems can nominate a center leaning guy, say someone like Cuomo, or do you think they have to double down on the hard left turn?

And if they do double down hard left, does the nominee have to be a minority, a woman, a gay person, or a combination of those?
They would have won the 2016 election had they nominated Webb.
I would have donated and volunteered. But he's a DINO in their minds. He dared to question their religious devotion to Identity Politics.

Do you honestly think the Dems can nominate a center leaning guy, say someone like Cuomo, or do you think they have to double down on the hard left turn?

And if they do double down hard left, does the nominee have to be a minority, a woman, a gay person, or a combination of those?
The Democrats are no more likely to nominate a reasonable guy like Cuomo than the Republicans are to nominate a reasonable guy like Kasich.

Both are persona non grata with these two whacked-out parties.

THAT'S the problem.
Okay, since this is about the 100th (misguided and totally wrong) reminder of why Trump 'won',

maybe we should move on to 100 or so reminders of why now the Republicans are losing elections, one after another.
They would have won the 2016 election had they nominated Webb.
I would have donated and volunteered. But he's a DINO in their minds. He dared to question their religious devotion to Identity Politics.

Do you honestly think the Dems can nominate a center leaning guy, say someone like Cuomo, or do you think they have to double down on the hard left turn?

And if they do double down hard left, does the nominee have to be a minority, a woman, a gay person, or a combination of those?
The Democrats are no more likely to nominate a reasonable guy like Cuomo than the Republicans are to nominate a reasonable guy like Kasich.

Both are persona non grata with these two whacked-out parties.

THAT'S the problem.

You still haven't realized that the Democrats are now the ones WINNING, have you?
They would have won the 2016 election had they nominated Webb.
I would have donated and volunteered. But he's a DINO in their minds. He dared to question their religious devotion to Identity Politics.

Do you honestly think the Dems can nominate a center leaning guy, say someone like Cuomo, or do you think they have to double down on the hard left turn?

And if they do double down hard left, does the nominee have to be a minority, a woman, a gay person, or a combination of those?
The Democrats are no more likely to nominate a reasonable guy like Cuomo than the Republicans are to nominate a reasonable guy like Kasich.

Both are persona non grata with these two whacked-out parties.

THAT'S the problem.

Kasich was way to left for current Republicans. On the other had at least during our nomination process we did run the gamut from Cruz, to guys like Walker and Jindal, all different flavors of right conservatism with hints of libertarianism.

To me Kasich is far more of a RINO than Cuomo is a DINO, Cuomo is an old school democrat from the 80's and 90's, a Bill Clintoinan through and through.

Kasich is just a Democrat who doesn't want to be called one.

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