A Republican's list of good things about Obama

he showed us how really bad a commie can fuck up the country at all levels.

Aw, I'm trying to be nice here! ( :

I don't want a Dem's version of good things he did, since when it comes to Obama they tend to have a vastly different way of defining good than I have.

But I want to try to be something close to bipartisan about it. :)
I hear his golf game has improved...and many foreign banks received American tax payers money that they enjoyed.
He is well spoken, attractive. Appears to be a good father and husband. Can carry a tune. He a normal or underweight BMI. Is engaging and a good smile.
While I disagree with him on policy, I think he passionately believes and cares about people.

*Note: I deliberately did not specify Americans, or America.
He has a nice butt!
His children are beautiful!

aren't they cute ...





Sorry, Belle, no butt shots. :lol:
Speaking of "but"s ...

I haven't added more to the list of good things about Obama yet because at the moment I can't think of anything nice which doesn't have a "but" in it ...

For instance, I appreciate some of what Obama has done in Afghanistan BUT I don't appreciate that he seems to have gone against the advice of military personnel on the ground.

So I haven't added anything.

In some notebook somewhere around my office I know I wrote down a couple of nice things on another occasion when I was feeling in a generous mood. But I don't remember which notebook that was. So I have to save those for another time .....
The very BEST thing about President Obama is that he is destined (I hope and pray)
to be a one term-er.
he showed us how really bad a commie can fuck up the country at all levels.

Aw, I'm trying to be nice here! ( :

I don't want a Dem's version of good things he did, since when it comes to Obama they tend to have a vastly different way of defining good than I have.

But I want to try to be something close to bipartisan about it. :)

He's an ex smoker, sometimes.
He has said that he won't use his newly granted powers to detain US citizens indefinitely without trial.
he showed us how really bad a commie can fuck up the country at all levels.

Aw, I'm trying to be nice here! ( :

I don't want a Dem's version of good things he did, since when it comes to Obama they tend to have a vastly different way of defining good than I have.

But I want to try to be something close to bipartisan about it. :)

He's an ex smoker, sometimes.

And sometimes he just likes to support the American tobacco industry!

I am not a Republican, but I am surprised that no one has mentioned that Obama has lowered taxes for millions of Americans.

I thought Republicans were big on tax cuts and would applaud him for this.

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