A review of Democrat Misinformation

Obama separated a few from the adults, for their protection, while the Orange God of Retribution did it as a policy of revenge on the Migrants as well as a collective message that migrant kids would be taken from their parents and never returned.
And your demented simp has lost 85,000 kids. GO figure.
Pretty sure evolution science will eliminate that from the human genome.

Certainly never getting laid is part of it. I say all trans women must get the bottom surgery before being called a woman.

He doesn't live in the fantasy land that you do.

You're in a lot of trouble being stuck with the racist pedophile and you know it, that's why you're getting even more outrageous with your lies, vermin
All 12 points ARE Fantasy Land. :)
You got nothing. So you make shit up.
It's always fun to see someone try to make a point about disinformation by citing disinformation. It makes me all warm and fussy inside.

Let me start by saying that saying that something is "proven to be completely false" without supporting it whatsoever is what is called begging the question. It's a fallacy.

But hey why prove something when you can simply assert something is true right. I'm sure nobody will notice.

So let's examine some of the points you consider proven.

1.In your first point you conflate not having enough evidence to prove a criminal conspiracy with no evidence existing of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Both are not the same. There's extensive evidence of both the attempt and the actually act of cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia. You can find the evidence in the Mueller report, and the Intel committees report led by Ron Johnson.

2.Here you conflate Twitter, the FBI and the media. And put up a strawman of their positions. So good job, couple of fallacies.

3,4,5. Here again conflating the CDC and the left. And misrepresenting their positions.

6. This is the parsing of words by Trump. Good luck actually pinning anyone down on explaining it.

7. A straight up strawman.

8. I've.done several threads on this. I will just say. If you denounce something with your mouth one second and are the cause and encourage it for months and even now say it wasn't a bad thing it happened. Your sincerity will be questioned

9. Well if you denounce it after several days. When before you equivocated on who are the bad guys . The white supremacists or the people who protest white supremacists one of who got killed. In fact, you guys still demonize those who did. Your sincerity will be questioned.

10. There was massive uncontrolled violence as is proven by the well over a hundred cops who got injured in the process. Just because it eventually was brought under control didn't mean it didn't happen.

11. He did put kids in cages. In fact some of them NEVER saw there parents again.

12. A strawman and a fact. Talking to someone who your son does business with is only being "involved" if you really, really, really want to be intellectually dishonest.... Oh... wait.
Leftards are lying scum.
All 12 points ARE Fantasy Land. :)
You got nothing. So you make shit up.

M'kay, vermin. I don't blame you for being so worried, the racist, arrogant pedophile you're voting for is in a shitload of trouble just as you believe, you're right for once, LOL
Nope. Obama didn't separate migrant families just for crossing the border.
Nobody said Obama did it.... But it happened anyway at the border. It wasn't his policy that doesn't mean it didn't happen. In any case the idea of separation became a thing because it was discovered that well over half of the family units crossing we're not actual family units. They were adults with kidnapped children.
Should Customs just assume on the word of the adult migrants that the minors with them are theirs?
Yeah that's what was happening.... The coyotes and the cartels figured out that nobody needed to prove anything and so they started setting up false families. There's a horrible story about child kidnapping taking place all over Mexico right now just for that purpose. By not requiring proof the US border patrol is actually fostering child kidnapping in Mexico.
Nobody said Obama did it.... But it happened anyway at the border. It wasn't his policy that doesn't mean it didn't happen. In any case the idea of separation became a thing because it was discovered that well over half of the family units crossing we're not actual family units. They were adults with kidnapped children.

Parents getting separated from their children when they commit crimes. The term for that is no duh, of course they are.

Not to mention all the pedos and slavers that weren't the kids parents at all, Democrats are in favor of them holding on to their kids too
Parents getting separated from their children when they commit crimes. The term for that is no duh, of course they are.

Not to mention all the pedos and slavers that weren't the kids parents at all, Democrats are in favor of them holding on to their kids too
Well of course they are It helps promote the PEDO agenda. Let that scum into the country and then give them the power to vote and eventually pedophilia will become legal. No wonder the Democrats are screaming about the border wall.
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Well of course they are It helps promote the PEDO agenda. Let that scum into the country and then give them the power to vote and eventually pedophilia will become legal. No wonder the Democrats are screaming about the border wall.

Democrats believe somehow that if they don't respond to the slave and sex trafficking on the Southern Border then Pedo Joe is off the hook. They aren't, Democrats are the sae party they were in 1860, nothing has changed
It’s important to remember all of the things the Democrat politicians and media said that were completely false, and of which they tried to censor those who questioned their erroneous claims.

Feel free to add, but everything on this list is, and has been proven to be, completely and totally false.

1. Russia and Trump Collusion to win the 2016 election
2. The Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation
3. COVID is curable and if you get the vaccine you are incapable of getting it again
4. Basic Masks work to prevent the spread of COVID
5. Ivermectin is just horse de-wormer
6. Trump said to inject bleach into your body
7. COVID didn’t come from China, and it’s racist to say it did
8. Trump ordered January 6th rioters and didn’t denounce the violence
9. Trump didn’t denounce White Supremacy.
10. There was massive, uncontrolled violence inside the Capitol building and AOC was hiding in her office in danger of her life.
11. Trump put “kids in cages”, and only he had any sort of policy in this manner
12. Hunter Biden had no connection to Ukraine, and Joe Biden has no participation or involvement in Hunters business dealings.

Feel free to add more. I know leftists are going to try to troll and redirect this thread, but this is for Conservatives to review and remember going into election season.

Don’t forget how wrong they were, how much they lied, and how much they acted like authoritarians and tried to censor all of us.
To add to your facts… white supremacy is not a problem in America. It’s not racist to criticize BLM.

Under Joe Biden the economy has gotten worse. Home prices are at an all-time high. They have doubled in price in some cases since Trump’s time in office …, the interest rates have tripled in some cases since Trump time in office.
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To add to your facts… white supremacy is not a problem in America. It’s not racist to criticize BLM.

Under Joe Biden the economy has gotten worse. Home prices are at an all-time high. They have doubled in price in some cases since Trump’s time in office …, the interest rates have tripled in some cases since Trump time in office.
All of that was set in motion before Jan 20, 2021, after the Covid-19 crisis, those things happened. Good old Joe has America leading the worlds comeback despite all.
M'kay, vermin. I don't blame you for being so worried, the racist, arrogant pedophile you're voting for is in a shitload of trouble just as you believe, you're right for once, LOL
You guys sure do spend a lot of time thinking about pedophilia.

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