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A revolt is growing as more people refuse to pay back student loans



You used the term "GOOD GRADES"?

NOLA is correct. You are a child. I do not debate with children. Adults don't use the term "good grades" unless they are talking to children. By the time they are applying to colleges, they talk in terms of GPA...

Never mind.

You just want to go to college for free. Sorry, bro. There aint no such thing as a free lunch.

Earn it.


That's what a GPA is, moron. You just want to be a douchebag. Okay. See ya.

GPA = Grade Point Average. GPA <> Good Grades.


So? How is this relevant to the discussion? Good grades do equal your grade point average, dumbass. In other words, you don't have any argument, so you are going to focus on semantics.
sure...they are the same thing....but those who have already attended college stopped using the term "grades" way back in high school.

It is not the meaning....it is the fact that you used the term. It speaks volumes

A GPA is your grades. The terms are interchangeable. IF you have a low GPA, you have bad grades. If it's high, you have good grades. End of story.

Now, can we get back to the argument. Do you have any links or statistics to back any of your assertions? Post them.
That's she, and you are wrong. READ the links please.

Why Is Tuition So High Three Economists Debate - WSJ

DR. FICHTENBAUM: One of the most important factors driving price at public colleges and universities has been the decline in state support for higher education. Between 1987 and 2012, in real dollars, government support has declined from $8,497 to $5,906 per student.

The second major culprit is rising costs. Critics of higher education often blame faculty salaries for rising costs. However, when measured in constant dollars, salaries for full-time faculty at public institutions have actually declined. What is driving costs is the metastasizing army of administrators with bloated salaries, and our university presidents who are now paid as though they were CEOs running a business—and not a very successful one at that.

There is also the growth in entertainment spending and spending on amenities. Many universities claim that they must compete and therefore have borrowed millions to build luxury dorms, new dining halls and rock-climbing walls. They also spend millions subsidizing intercollegiate athletics.

Whatever... you're not listening. Like I said, I had to forgo the "college experience" and be a commuter, part-time student in order to get my education. I couldn't afford to go off to college, live in a dorm, etc.

But, I got my education... which was the goal.

It can, and is being done all over this country. You're being childish and close-minded.
wow. I really though he may have been an adult.

However, I can not recall an adult EVER using the term "good grades" while discussing requirements for college. GPA and community involvement....never "good grades"...unless they are telling a child "get good grades and you can become anything you want".


He must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...


That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D
Except college costs have risen 360% since 1980.


And guess what workers wages done in that time:


That's right, they have stagnated.

This is an economic crisis for the US. If people are paying $300-700/month to the federal government, that money isn't going to a mortgage, a car payment, or to any other economically stimulating activity.

And if people want to save that money, guess what? That 401K isn't going to be worth anything if the companies are not making any money thus have poor stock performance. Those companies would move operations to countries who have disposable incomes. That means work dries up here in the US, thus perpetuating the problem. Businesses don't care that people are "being responsible" by paying back the federal government, they want to make money. They go where the money is.

We need to properly fund higher education in this country. Its what is best for the future.
Higher education should not be funded at all.
The main reason for the skyrocketing cost of tuition IS federal money pouring into the public colleges.
If so much money was not available for loans, aid and frills, the schools would have an incentive to keep down the cost of their respective education.
Get government OUT of the system and the prices will become competitive,.

For who? The rich? How would anyone be able to have the opportunity for the American dream? Easily accessible student loans are part of the problem but the other is cutting government spending on higher education.
Holy shit....Hey genius.. If the loans were not available, the schools could not charge near the current rates. That's the point....
Look back in the thread....There is one poster who went to U of Texas for $250 per semester.
Long before the federal government stuck it's nose where it doesn't belong...
BTW, with the high cost of advanced education and the almost limitless availability of loans and grants, schools have to be far more selective in their admissions. This actually hurts the marginal but hard working students who have good grades but not outstanding.
Oh, and is there something wrong with earning a degree from a community college?

Yep, I went to the University of Maryland in the 80s. Paid $800 a semester and graduated with $4k in debt, and that was getting little financial help from my parents. I double majored in Math & Computer Science, got my first job in 1988 at $33K and paid it back in less than a year. Government money is flooding colleges, they don't care about keeping costs in check. In typical liberal style, if throwing money at it didn't solve the problem, let's throw more money at it!

Tuition increases match cost of living and inflation. That has nothing to do with people taking out student loans. Student loans are federally GUARANTEED. The colleges get paid no matter what.
Guaranteed....That is the problem. That is the driver of cost.
I addressed every one of your assertions, and well I might add.

You seriously believe that? Wow. Try re-reading the discussion. For example, I have presented twice to you the point that minimum wage doesn't raise wages, it simply prevents those not worth the wage from getting a job. It's a hurdle, not a tide. If you don't know that a couple bucks an hour changes the quality of employee you can hire at the low end then all I can say is you've never hired hourly workers.

You have given zero response to that, you simply repeated your baseless assertion that minimum wages mean the same people will earn more. You have not explained how you know more about that then experienced hiring managers or the field of economics. The economic value of workers is a normal distribution. If you raise the line at the low end of the bell curve of what you can hire, employers move up the distribution curve and hire the better workers available for the higher price.

Suppose you want to toast bread. There is a push button toaster available for $20, it meets your needs. You see a $30 toaster oven that would allow you to bake things in addition to toast. You decide you don't need that, you'll use your regular oven, you don't bake much. It's not worth the extra $10 to you.

Then government comes in and says toasters cannot be sold for less than $30. Now, do you pay $30 for the toaster worth $20? Or do you buy the $30 toaster that also bakes? Which do you think hiring managers do?

So what about addressing the point this ... third ... time. Hint, repeating your baseless assertion that workers need more money isn't addressing my point

Yes, I do. You make a lot of claims that aren't necessarily true. You have not yet backed up anything. Minimum wage has stagnated growth.


What you seem to NOT understand is that, while the economy has grown exponentially, minimum wage has not. It used to be that a person could SURVIVE on a minimum wage job. Not the case anymore.

Your points don't make any sense and are NOT backed by any data. They are nothing but conservative talking points for the rich.
College tuition and the min wage are mutually exclusive.
Higher education should not be funded at all.
The main reason for the skyrocketing cost of tuition IS federal money pouring into the public colleges.
If so much money was not available for loans, aid and frills, the schools would have an incentive to keep down the cost of their respective education.
Get government OUT of the system and the prices will become competitive,.

For who? The rich? How would anyone be able to have the opportunity for the American dream? Easily accessible student loans are part of the problem but the other is cutting government spending on higher education.
Holy shit....Hey genius.. If the loans were not available, the schools could not charge near the current rates. That's the point....
Look back in the thread....There is one poster who went to U of Texas for $250 per semester.
Long before the federal government stuck it's nose where it doesn't belong...
BTW, with the high cost of advanced education and the almost limitless availability of loans and grants, schools have to be far more selective in their admissions. This actually hurts the marginal but hard working students who have good grades but not outstanding.
Oh, and is there something wrong with earning a degree from a community college?

Yep, I went to the University of Maryland in the 80s. Paid $800 a semester and graduated with $4k in debt, and that was getting little financial help from my parents. I double majored in Math & Computer Science, got my first job in 1988 at $33K and paid it back in less than a year. Government money is flooding colleges, they don't care about keeping costs in check. In typical liberal style, if throwing money at it didn't solve the problem, let's throw more money at it!

Tuition increases match cost of living and inflation. That has nothing to do with people taking out student loans. Student loans are federally GUARANTEED. The colleges get paid no matter what.
Guaranteed....That is the problem. That is the driver of cost.

No, it is not. Nowhere is that stated as the driver of costs anywhere. In fact, it states just the OPPOSITE. Now, if you have a link to back up your assertions, I would be happy to look at it. Post it.
Whatever... you're not listening. Like I said, I had to forgo the "college experience" and be a commuter, part-time student in order to get my education. I couldn't afford to go off to college, live in a dorm, etc.

But, I got my education... which was the goal.

It can, and is being done all over this country. You're being childish and close-minded.
wow. I really though he may have been an adult.

However, I can not recall an adult EVER using the term "good grades" while discussing requirements for college. GPA and community involvement....never "good grades"...unless they are telling a child "get good grades and you can become anything you want".


He must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...


That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby and I'll stop treating you as such.
I addressed every one of your assertions, and well I might add.

You seriously believe that? Wow. Try re-reading the discussion. For example, I have presented twice to you the point that minimum wage doesn't raise wages, it simply prevents those not worth the wage from getting a job. It's a hurdle, not a tide. If you don't know that a couple bucks an hour changes the quality of employee you can hire at the low end then all I can say is you've never hired hourly workers.

You have given zero response to that, you simply repeated your baseless assertion that minimum wages mean the same people will earn more. You have not explained how you know more about that then experienced hiring managers or the field of economics. The economic value of workers is a normal distribution. If you raise the line at the low end of the bell curve of what you can hire, employers move up the distribution curve and hire the better workers available for the higher price.

Suppose you want to toast bread. There is a push button toaster available for $20, it meets your needs. You see a $30 toaster oven that would allow you to bake things in addition to toast. You decide you don't need that, you'll use your regular oven, you don't bake much. It's not worth the extra $10 to you.

Then government comes in and says toasters cannot be sold for less than $30. Now, do you pay $30 for the toaster worth $20? Or do you buy the $30 toaster that also bakes? Which do you think hiring managers do?

So what about addressing the point this ... third ... time. Hint, repeating your baseless assertion that workers need more money isn't addressing my point

Yes, I do. You make a lot of claims that aren't necessarily true. You have not yet backed up anything. Minimum wage has stagnated growth.


What you seem to NOT understand is that, while the economy has grown exponentially, minimum wage has not. It used to be that a person could SURVIVE on a minimum wage job. Not the case anymore.

Your points don't make any sense and are NOT backed by any data. They are nothing but conservative talking points for the rich.
College tuition and the min wage are mutually exclusive.

You obviously haven't read any of the links, as that is not true at all.
wow. I really though he may have been an adult.

However, I can not recall an adult EVER using the term "good grades" while discussing requirements for college. GPA and community involvement....never "good grades"...unless they are telling a child "get good grades and you can become anything you want".


He must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...


That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby.

Not in today's day and age it can't. Minimum wage jobs are not keeping up with COL. Not even CLOSE, and tuition costs have exploded exponentially in comparison to everything else. Like I said, you people are old and out of touch with the realities of today's world.
wow. I really though he may have been an adult.

However, I can not recall an adult EVER using the term "good grades" while discussing requirements for college. GPA and community involvement....never "good grades"...unless they are telling a child "get good grades and you can become anything you want".


He must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...


That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby and I'll stop treating you as such.

Start posting links and statistics to prove your assertions instead of your anecdotes from 40 years ago.
For who? The rich? How would anyone be able to have the opportunity for the American dream? Easily accessible student loans are part of the problem but the other is cutting government spending on higher education.
Holy shit....Hey genius.. If the loans were not available, the schools could not charge near the current rates. That's the point....
Look back in the thread....There is one poster who went to U of Texas for $250 per semester.
Long before the federal government stuck it's nose where it doesn't belong...
BTW, with the high cost of advanced education and the almost limitless availability of loans and grants, schools have to be far more selective in their admissions. This actually hurts the marginal but hard working students who have good grades but not outstanding.
Oh, and is there something wrong with earning a degree from a community college?

Yep, I went to the University of Maryland in the 80s. Paid $800 a semester and graduated with $4k in debt, and that was getting little financial help from my parents. I double majored in Math & Computer Science, got my first job in 1988 at $33K and paid it back in less than a year. Government money is flooding colleges, they don't care about keeping costs in check. In typical liberal style, if throwing money at it didn't solve the problem, let's throw more money at it!

Yup, in the 80s. You are old and out of touch with the job market and the way things work nowadays. Your assertions make absolutely NO SENSE.

Explain in detail how loans and grants raise prices instead of just making baseless claims. All loans and grants do is expand the pool of people who are allowed to go to college. Like I said before, GREED.

Not to mention, if our taxes went to pay for college instead of other countries' needs, none of that would be an issue anymore.
Very simple. When money is injected, the money becomes cheap. Holds less value.
Actually the flood of money shrinks the pool of potential students.
You are forgetting one item. Just because one may have the funds to attend a school means nothing.
One must go through the application process. And with their achievements and grades, maybe they will be accepted.
Back in the day before the federal government decided on it's own that colleges were being "unfair" in their admittance policies, students of meager means and good grades along with their other achievements could afford higher education.
With the infusion of federal money, schools have no incentive to control tuition prices.
The market is more closed than it ever was.
Lastly..If you believe a reduction in foreign aid will be transferred to some magic socialist college fund, you're nuts...No such thing will ever happen.
Such a plan would only cause prices to rise even more.
it feeds on itself.
Of course you live in this strange world where nothing should have a cost. It's always other people's money, right?

That's absolutely untrue, as has been proven by other countries which are POORER than the US.
Denial is not a defense.
Like I said..if you think students should not pay for their own education, write a check....
He must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...


That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby.

Not in today's day and age it can't. Minimum wage jobs are not keeping up with COL. Not even CLOSE, and tuition costs have exploded exponentially in comparison to everything else. Like I said, you people are old and out of touch with the realities of today's world.

What? We're old and out of touch? It is you that is out of touch... frankly, I'm pretty successful... and I did it all on my own. No grants, no freebies.

Like I said, you are in for a rough life with the shitty attitude that unfortunately, someone has instilled in you. I hope you grow out of it.
He must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...


That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby and I'll stop treating you as such.

Start posting links and statistics to prove your assertions instead of your anecdotes from 40 years ago.

My link is my life experience... and it wasn't 40 years ago you childish fuck. Jesus... who did this to you?
So . . . tell me smarty pants . . . when the average minimum wage full time job only pays $15,000 per year, how are you going to manage that AND attend college? Explain please.
That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby.

Not in today's day and age it can't. Minimum wage jobs are not keeping up with COL. Not even CLOSE, and tuition costs have exploded exponentially in comparison to everything else. Like I said, you people are old and out of touch with the realities of today's world.

What? We're old and out of touch? It is you that is out of touch... frankly, I'm pretty successful... and I did it all on my own. No grants, no freebies.

Like I said, you are in for a rough life with the shitty attitude that unfortunately, someone has instilled in you. I hope you grow out of it.

That's because you grew up in a different era obviously. Things have changed since the 1950s. Everything is more expensive and more complicated.
That's "SHE." Obviously you could use a better education and a class in reading comprehension. Unless of course, you are calling me a "he" to try to insult me because you have no argument and no statistics or links to back up any of your assertions . . . :D Typical of the loons around here.

Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby and I'll stop treating you as such.

Start posting links and statistics to prove your assertions instead of your anecdotes from 40 years ago.

My link is my life experience... and it wasn't 40 years ago you childish fuck. Jesus... who did this to you?

You're the one resorting to personal attacks because you are wrong and you know it. So, when did you attend school? What decade was this?
So . . . tell me smarty pants . . . when the average minimum wage full time job only pays $15,000 per year, how are you going to manage that AND attend college? Explain please.

So, the bar for you is minimum wage? You know, you can get jobs making more... it can be done, I did it. As I explained, I worked full-time making about $10/hr and went to school 6 - 9 hrs a semester. And, I lived on my own with roommates of course.
Oh, you're a chick... cool. Then:

She must be one of the "participation trophy" kids Adam Carolla warned about...

Now, since you're resorting to personal attacks, it's obvious that you have lost the argument. :D

Then stop behaving like an insolent child... we've pointed out that it can be done, maybe not always the way you want, but it can be done. You don't want to hear that you may have to sacrifice some things to get it done. That isn't in your playbook.. it's your way or no way. Stop acting like such a baby.

Not in today's day and age it can't. Minimum wage jobs are not keeping up with COL. Not even CLOSE, and tuition costs have exploded exponentially in comparison to everything else. Like I said, you people are old and out of touch with the realities of today's world.

What? We're old and out of touch? It is you that is out of touch... frankly, I'm pretty successful... and I did it all on my own. No grants, no freebies.

Like I said, you are in for a rough life with the shitty attitude that unfortunately, someone has instilled in you. I hope you grow out of it.

That's because you grew up in a different era obviously. Things have changed since the 1950s. Everything is more expensive and more complicated.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that... what a copout.

Face it, just throw in the towel.. you haven't got what I takes to go very far in life apparently.
So . . . tell me smarty pants . . . when the average minimum wage full time job only pays $15,000 per year, how are you going to manage that AND attend college? Explain please.

So, the bar for you is minimum wage? You know, you can get jobs making more... it can be done, I did it. As I explained, I worked full-time making about $10/hr and went to school 6 - 9 hrs a semester. And, I lived on my own with roommates of course.

NOT without a secondary education. If you don't have that piece of paper, you cannot get a good paying job.

How The Cost Of College Went From Affordable To Sky-High NPR

If you want to get an earful about paying for college, listen to parents from states where tuition and fees have skyrocketed in the last five years. In Arizona, for example, parents have seen a 77 percent increase in costs. In Georgia, it's 75 percent, and in Washington state, 70 percent.

Even in Oklahoma, where tuition increases have been among the lowest in the nation, parents are dismayed. In Stillwater, Okla., Jeffery Corbett's daughter is attending community college. Corbett, a fundraiser for a nonprofit, says a high school diploma just won't get you very far. And he knows; he doesn't have a college degree.

"I think about it all the time, because I realize [how] it has limited me, by not having that piece of paper," he says.

Balancing College Dreams With The Reality Of Finances

Paying For College: No Easy Answers For Many Families

And that, experts say, is the source of parents' frustration today. A college education seems unaffordable at the worst possible time — when "people are really struggling," says Sandy Baum, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute who has spent much of her career studying trends in college costs.

"The unemployment rate is high. Nobody's wages have gone up in recent years," she adds. "Increases in college tuition at public colleges, particularly in recent years, have really been unacceptable. And there's no question that that is a much higher percentage of median [family] incomes than it used to be."
We have too many college graduates as it is.

Something only a true retard could possibly say.

ROFL! Tell that to all those graduates who have $100,000 in student loans and no job.
And now we come to the actual point of the OP article. Finally.

Those $100,000 loans went to fraudulent businesses that were not providing the education they promised to provide.

Get it now?

Those $100K went to government drones/teacher unions gold plated pensions.

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