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A revolt is growing as more people refuse to pay back student loans

I agree. NO more foreign aid to anyone. They love our money but after getting OUR money they have no problem kicking us in the teeth.

As for college?? No way should the taxpayers pay for someones college educations. You want to go to college get a loan or get off your ass and put yourself through college.

Seeing the way things are right now folks would be better off in a trade school. Electricians and plumbers are always in demand. The hell with college. Go for something thats going to help you in your life.

How many college kids out there can't find a job??

And . . . how many electricians and plumbers do we need? Good Lord.

How many college educated unemployed do we need??

Hey. You want them all to have a free education then whip out your wallet. Your Debit Card and your checkbook. Pay away. I'm sure they will pay you back.


Another big spender using everyone elses money. Figures.

Sorry, but once your tax money is put into the pool, so to speak, it no longer belongs to you. All of that money that we invest in foreign aid could easily pay for college education. How do you think they do it in other countries and why are you against it? Please explain.

So you put in some of your money, then you take a bunch of my money, and bam, now it's our money and you get to decide how to spend it. OK, that makes sense now, thanks for clarifying

I don't take anyone's money, Einstein. So, the bottom line here is that you don't WANT to. Lol. You care more about "your money" than you do about those less fortunate and making America a better and more educated country. Mkay. That's conservatives for you. No surprising.
we understand that education isn't important to the right.... but it should be

Stopped reading here. Look Tootsie, if you want to debate me, debate me, not W. I have no interest in defending someone elses views. Capisce?

I'm not your tootsie, ignoramus.

and if you're incapable of response, that's fine.

I am capable of arguing the Republican's views, I just don't want to. Why don't you argue their point since you are demanding they be represented in our discussion?
I don't take anyone's money, Einstein. So, the bottom line here is that you don't WANT to. Lol. You care more about "your money" than you do about those less fortunate and making America a better and more educated country. Mkay. That's conservatives for you. No surprising.

Yep, I'm a Conservative, Einstein. I'm against the wars in the middle east and don't think our military should be there at all and I'd slash military spending. I think abortion, all drug, prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and other morality laws should be repealed. You know, like all the other "conservatives."


No wonder you can't debate my views, since you can't even figure out what they are. My telling you I'm a libertarian doesn't process, you just have to parrot Democratic politicians, or the best you can remember what they told you about conservatives through your dim fog of stupidity.
And do tell, how is it "broke?"

Um...the point you are arguing? That people are borrowing too much money then can't pay back their loans? Hello ... now you're demanding links for your own arguments?

What is your issue? What is wrong with using tax money that would otherwise be sent overseas to help our own people get an education? Besides your own greed and feeling that you want them to have to "work harder" in order to obtain an education? Don't you think that people who are intelligent enough, have the grades, attendance, etc., but could not otherwise go to college, should be able to? Or do you think that college is only for rich people?

This is a good way to give poor people an opportunity to escape poverty and make something of themselves and, in turn, not have to rely on public assistance which, in the long run, is going to cost taxpayers MUCH more. Good Lord, you really ARE Scrooge.

Face facts, with the cost of living expenses, the cost of college, low paying jobs, poor people are stuck. We need to give them opportunities or they will just end up sucking up "your" precious tax money (which isn't yours anyways). You can't seem to look at the bigger picture. Pathetic really.

Sorry if this ends up being a double post. Having a very difficult time posting today.
I don't take anyone's money, Einstein. So, the bottom line here is that you don't WANT to. Lol. You care more about "your money" than you do about those less fortunate and making America a better and more educated country. Mkay. That's conservatives for you. No surprising.

No wonder you can't debate my views, since you can't even figure out what they are

What views? That you want to make it as difficult as possible or nearly impossible for poor kids, who have earned it with good grades and hard work, to go to college because it's "your money"? Those views? Lol.
I don't take anyone's money, Einstein. So, the bottom line here is that you don't WANT to. Lol. You care more about "your money" than you do about those less fortunate and making America a better and more educated country. Mkay. That's conservatives for you. No surprising.

No wonder you can't debate my views, since you can't even figure out what they are

What views? That you want to make it as difficult as possible or nearly impossible for poor kids, who have earned it with good grades and hard work, to go to college because it's "your money"? Those views? Lol.

Begging the question.

And my not wanting to give them a free college education means i want to make it "ad difficult as possible" for them. That is just stupid, those are my choices? Talk about a false dilemma
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Besides your own greed

I think I should have money I earned. You think you should take it and spend it the way you see fit. Not only do I not want to do that, I think it harms the country and the students because they are not incented to work hard, get useful degrees or demand schools control costs.

My not wanting you to take my money and use it for something I oppose makes me greedy. You wanting to use guns to take my money by force anyway to use it for something I oppose is what makes you not greedy.

This word you keep using, I do not think it means what you think it means...
What is your issue? What is wrong with using tax money that would otherwise be sent overseas to help our own people get an education? Besides your own greed and feeling that you want them to have to "work harder" in order to obtain an education? Don't you think that people who are intelligent enough, have the grades, attendance, etc., but could not otherwise go to college, should be able to? Or do you think that college is only for rich people?
You think one thing is wrong and the other one is right, where actually both are wrong. Federal government should not send our tax money overseas, and federal government should not be involved in financing education.

This is a good way to give poor people an opportunity to escape poverty and make something of themselves and, in turn, not have to rely on public assistance which, in the long run, is going to cost taxpayers MUCH more. Good Lord, you really ARE Scrooge.

What you are asking for is not equal opportunity, but affirmative action.

Face facts, with the cost of living expenses, the cost of college, low paying jobs, poor people are stuck. We need to give them opportunities or they will just end up sucking up "your" precious tax money (which isn't yours anyways). You can't seem to look at the bigger picture. Pathetic really.

Sorry if this ends up being a double post. Having a very difficult time posting today.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Straight out of Communist Manifesto.

First, the government has no obligation to protect people from bad decisions.

But it does have an obligation to protect people from crooks. And it failed.

Forgetting that most of crooks are in government.
That is one of the reasons I stopped voting. But some dipshits vote for someone just because they have the right letter after their name.
Sorry, but so far, all I've read is a bunch of whining and crying. What better way to invest in our kids' futures than to invest in a college education or other job training opportunities? I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would be opposed to such a fantastic idea.

There's a lot you obviously cannot understand... you wasted a lot of money on college, if you indeed did pay a cent toward your education.

You should have gone to work at the U.S. Postal Service... that would have been right up your alley.

Oh really? Why don't you explain your comment please. Or is this just you using insults again because you have NO good argument? :D

I think it is pretty self-explanatory. You're just another kid here whining about free this and free that. It has been explained to you again and again and again that it is completely possible to get a higher education in this country if you want one. Some have to work at it harder than others, such is life.

As my Dad used to say.. "the world doesn't owe you a living".

Again, I'm well established in my career. I've had the same job for 11 years now and I'm 36 years old. My education days are far behind me. So again, you need to stop making assumptions and stick to the topic. Do you have anything intelligent to add to this discussion or just more personal attacks? Perhaps you should leave the discussion if all you know how to do is throw insults.

What degree did you get? How much was your loan and is it all paid back?
"It’s been a month since 15 former students of the failing for-profit giant Corinthian Colleges said they would not pay a dime of their student loans because the school broke the law."
I paid my way...I joined the National Guard, they helped some, and I paid as I went......no student loan debt.....If I can do it others can...or they take a loan and pay it back......

Is that so hard........
I paid my way...I joined the National Guard, they helped some, and I paid as I went......no student loan debt.....If I can do it others can...or they take a loan and pay it back......

Is that so hard........
Now a days the costs of college is far from to high to pay as you go
Government taking over student loans and guaranteeing them has had the same effect as the government backing home loans. A bubble is being created. Once colleges knew the loans were guaranteed, they raised tuition. It's higher than ever now and many students who were given loans probably won't be able to pay them back. Some drop out of school and even those who graduate face a tough job market.

Warren seems to be campaigning already and the ad says 'Down with student loans"... As if she can do anything to convince colleges to lower their tuition. What will happen when the bubble bursts and all those loans don't get paid back?

The liberals love it when banks take a hit. Actually, it will be tax payers footing the bill since the loans are backed by government. Knowing the middle class will take yet another hard hit must really please liberals. The OP loves the idea of people refusing to pay back the loans. Warren will probably promise to wipe the slate clean for students and keep robbing middle class.

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