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A revolt is growing as more people refuse to pay back student loans

We have too many college graduates as it is.

Something only a true retard could possibly say.

ROFL! Tell that to all those graduates who have $100,000 in student loans and no job.
And now we come to the actual point of the OP article. Finally.

Those $100,000 loans went to fraudulent businesses that were not providing the education they promised to provide.

Get it now?

Oh whatever... I couldn't be because a bunch of gullible slackers spent 6 - 8 years getting worthless degrees, right?

You borrowed it, you owe it. PERIOD. Nobody guaranteed you a $100,000 job. Pay your fucking bills.
Allow me to familiarize all of you with what is known as the Smiley Curve of Production:


This represents where the profits are made in the production cycle.

As you can see, the big money is in design phase and the distribution phase.

The design phase is the engineering phase. The invention phase. This is where innovation happens, and innovation happens as the result of higher education.

That is where we are seriously flagging, folks. You know who is kicking ass in this part of the Smiley Curve?


The other end of the Smiley Curve is distribution. The Apple Store. Branding. The sales part of the picture. The branding.

It doesn't take a lot of brains to sell shit, and this is where most of our weight is thrown around these days. Service industry bullshit. That's where we are making our money.

But it isn't the idiot low skilled workforce making that money. It's the owners of the company. You want to make money for yourself, you need to be on the other end of the curve, and that requires an education.

There are factories cranking out laptops by the millions, and at the end of the assembly line they glue on corporate logos. And the logo makes all the difference in how much each laptop will sell for. Pretty crazy.

All because of the Smiley Curve.

But you know what? If someone else starts inventing the new shit, do you think they are going to sell it through US outlets, or will they sell through their own outlets and bring all that cash home?

Yeah. So think about that.

Now look at the middle of the curve. There's no money in manufacturing. That's why a lot of shit is made in China by slaves these days.

But America is still manufacturing more stuff than it ever has. It really is. People who tell you America doesn't make things any more are FULL OF SHIT.

It just takes a lot less PEOPLE to make all that STUFF. The wonders of automation.

Look at the curve. Think about it. A lot.

I do. All the time.

We are going to get whacked because we are slacking off on the Design side of the curve. The innovation and invention side. That's the genesis of everything which is ever created, folks.

So you better start believing we need a LOT more higher education in America.

A lot more.
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The problem I see with a free education is that, if everyone has access to free college education, which is a good idea on paper, it makes the standard rise, and once again you're just an average person. I believe in today's world college education is to make you stand out. Unfortunately education these days is only to get you ready for a job, and little else.
How do you think we maintained our innovative edge against the rest of the world?

Education. That's our edge, and we have eliminated it.

Look at it this way. What if everyone in America was illiterate? We'd all be "just an average person" in that case, too, right?

That's actually where we are headed. A nation of retards. The majority of posts on this forum are evidence.
I used to agree with you, and on a social level, I believe we should be educated, but what's this going to do to the job market? I guess I'm more on the fence about this one
What will it do to the job market? It will create higher paying jobs! It will restore our technological and innovative edge.

The reason we have labor union protectionism is because our workforce is so dumbed down, they are only capable of doing jobs an uneducated Third Worlder could do in a country with little infrastructure. We don't need to keep lava lamp making jobs here, paying them a ridiculous high wage. We need to be creating high tech jobs which DESERVE high wages, and that requires a highly educated workforce.

You see very little unionism in high tech jobs, because those skills are so rare that the workers are compensated accordingly.

If we train our workforce for the jobs of tomorrow, instead of the jobs their fathers did, then we will see more and more high tech jobs. And that would actually be good for labor unions, because as high tech skills become more common in the workforce, then that makes the high tech jobs market an employers market, which means high tech workers will need to start unionizing.

America is losing its technological edge. That is what is going to bring us down, not homosexuals like the uneducated retards have been led to believe.

You would quite literally have to be stupid to be against more education for Americans.

It will do nothing of the sort. Putting a bunch of dim bulbs in college isn't going to create a single job. Do you actually think these losers are going to invent the next iPhone? People of advancing technology are already in college, or they don't even need a college degree, like Steve Jobs.

Invent the new iPhone? It doesn't take much to fit parts together and snap metal on top of it. Most people go into college because they are 'dim bulbs', that's kinda the whole fucking point of education. People of advancing technology? What people? These classes are dropping in population because people can't pay for the classes. Seems mighty unfair to be unable to obtain a certain job just because of your monetary situation.

And what's that about Steve Jobs, the dude that stole his partners work, then copied another companies work just to make his copy famous? Steve Jobs is the exact kind of person we don't want in these fields.

Assembling an iPhone is not the same as inventing it. If jobs assembling iPhones is all you want, no one needs a college diploma for that. College doesn't turn a dim bulb into a genius who can advance our technology. Most of the kids who graduate from high school are barely capable of following simple instructions, let alone programming a computer or designing an integrated circuit. They will all get degrees in education of or sociology because that's all they can handle. In other words, their degrees will be a waste of 4 years and $200,000.
And you were one of those that backed Cliven " don't make me pay for grazing" Bundy.
Hypocrite. Complete through and through.

The question is still pending.... Why do you find it awesome to not pay one's debts?

As for Cliven Bundy, I don't even know who the fuck that is.
Borrowing gobs of money then welching on the loans...well it doesn't surprise me liberals are leading this campaign. I guess I'll have to work even more overtime now to pay their bills, awesome. /sarcasm
Allow me to familiarize all of you with what is known as the Smiley Curve of Production:


This represents where the profits are made in the production cycle.

As you can see, the big money is in design phase and the distribution phase.

The design phase is the engineering phase. The invention phase. This is where innovation happens, and innovation happens as the result of higher education.

That is where we are seriously flagging, folks. You know who is kicking ass in this part of the Smiley Curve?


The other end of the Smiley Curve is distribution. The Apple Store. Branding. The sales part of the picture. The branding.

It doesn't take a lot of brains to sell shit, and this is where most of our weight is thrown around these days. Service industry bullshit. That's where we are making our money.

But it isn't the idiot low skilled workforce making that money. It's the owners of the company. You want to make money for yourself, you need to be on the other end of the curve, and that requires an education.

There are factories cranking out laptops by the millions, and at the end of the assembly line they glue on corporate logos. And the logo makes all the difference in how much each laptop will sell for. Pretty crazy.

All because of the Smiley Curve.

But you know what? If someone else starts inventing the new shit, do you think they are going to sell if through US outlets, or will they sell through their own outlets?

Yeah. So think about that.

Now look at the middle of the curve. There's no money in manufacturing. That's why a lot of shit is made in China by slaves these days.

But America is still manufacturing more stuff than it ever has. It really is. People who tell you America doesn't make things any more are FULL OF SHIT.

It just takes a lot less PEOPLE to make all that STUFF. The wonders of automation.

Look at the curve. Think about it. A lot.

I do. All the time.

We are going to get whacked because we are slacking off on the right side of the curve. The innovation and invention side. That's the genesis of everything which is ever created, folks.

So you better start believing we need a LOT more higher education in America.

A lot more.

I don't think anyone has anything against higher education... what I have a problem with is douchebags spending half their life in college getting advanced degrees in philosophy, film, religious studies, etc. and then getting pissed because they find themselves uniquely qualified for work as a barista.
The business world informed our elected officials what kind of skills need to be taught to our kids for the jobs of tomorrow.

43 states took that advice and created Common Core.

And now there are literal idiots fighting Common Core tooth and nail.

What we are seeing is a downward spiral of retardation.

Before a child even gets to college, they need to be provided the skill set to be able to take on a higher education which prepares them for high tech jobs.

Or they will end up as iPhone assembler drones.
I paid cash for my daughter's college, can i get a refund?

Stop all the government interference and the price of college would become affordable.
The business world informed our elected officials what kind of skills need to be taught to our kids for the jobs of tomorrow.

43 states took that advice and created Common Core.

And now there are literal idiots fighting Common Core tooth and nail.

What we are seeing is a downward spiral of retardation.

Before a child even gets to college, they need to be provided the skill set to be able to take on a higher education which prepares them for high tech jobs.

Or they will end up as iPhone assembler drones.

Everything a child needs to advance to college has been available to them and always was, except one thing, initiative, that they have to supply.
Bush Signs Sweeping Student Loan Bill Into Law, Adding an Asterisk

President Bush signed into law yesterday a student loan bill that will provide more than $20 billion in federal aid to college students and is being likened to the G.I. Bill, which helped millions of World War II veterans attend college.

Here's the crux which applies to this topic:

The law, which received overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress, will slash federal subsidies to private loan companies and increase grants for students.

It will gradually reduce interest rates on federally subsidized loans for low-income students to 3.4 percent over five years. The law will also offer loan forgiveness for those who have held public service jobs for 10 years and will cap payments on federal loans at a certain percentage of a college graduate's income.

Bush saw the problem with these fraudulent "colleges" who were ripping off students. He took away subsidies to private lenders who were aiding and abetting these frauds.

He also saw the problem mentioned in the OP article, and did something about it.

And here we see the usual "Problem? I see no problem!" GOP response to everything:

Everything a child needs to advance to college has been available to them and always was, except one thing, initiative, that they have to supply.

And now, a little dose of something I call REALITY:

Bush Signs Sweeping Student Loan Bill Into Law, Adding an Asterisk

President Bush signed into law yesterday a student loan bill that will provide more than $20 billion in federal aid to college students and is being likened to the G.I. Bill, which helped millions of World War II veterans attend college.

Here's the crux which applies to this topic:

The law, which received overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress, will slash federal subsidies to private loan companies and increase grants for students.

It will gradually reduce interest rates on federally subsidized loans for low-income students to 3.4 percent over five years. The law will also offer loan forgiveness for those who have held public service jobs for 10 years and will cap payments on federal loans at a certain percentage of a college graduate's income.

Bush saw the problem with these fraudulent "colleges" who were ripping off students. He took away subsidies to private lenders who were aiding and abetting these frauds.

He also saw the problem mentioned in the OP article, and did something about it.

you mean an anti-education Republican actually did someything....whow...call the DNC.
I'll tell you what the problem is.

The problem is that these fraudulent crooks conned a bunch of kids out of a shit ton of money, and the crooks aren't in jail.

You idiots instead choose to whine about the victims not paying back the loans and you defend the fuckers who should be in prison.
And here we see the usual "Problem? I see no problem!" GOP response to everything:

Everything a child needs to advance to college has been available to them and always was, except one thing, initiative, that they have to supply.

And now, a little dose of something I call REALITY:


Actually the point I was making is do we need to throw more money at schools because there is something missing as I thought you were implying.

I don't think we should do nothing but we have been doing a whole lot of something for quite sometime and no one is very happy. Maybe going backwards and stop doing the foolish BS we do would be better then to keep trying to invent a square wheel.
I'll tell you what the problem is.

The problem is that these fraudulent crooks conned a bunch of kids out of a shit ton of money, and the crooks aren't in jail.

Well, how do you explain all of us who didn't get conned? I mean seriously, I borrowed some money, but I was judicious about it because I realized I was signing a loan document declaring I would pay it back.

Conned? Bullshit.
Actually the point I was making is do we need to throw more money at schools because there is something missing as I thought you were implying.

I don't think we should do nothing but we have been doing a whole lot of something for quite sometime and no one is very happy. Maybe going backwards and stop doing the foolish BS we do would be better then to keep trying to invent a square wheel.

This is why I support Common Core. Common Core has increased education standards considerably. As schools begin implementing Common Core, they have been sending home notices to parents to expect their kids to start getting much lower grades.

This is also why I support putting the people who operate the fraudulent "colleges" in prison. We shouldn't just be forgiving the loans they stole, we should be punishing the crooks.
I'll tell you what the problem is.

The problem is that these fraudulent crooks conned a bunch of kids out of a shit ton of money, and the crooks aren't in jail.

You idiots instead choose to whine about the victims not paying back the loans and you defend the fuckers who should be in prison.

True the schools and the lenders should be held accountable. But the problem is that everyone paid the same a lot just had to borrow more. Instead trying to come up with more and more money so we can pay kids to go to college how about we try and make colleges more affordable?
I'll tell you what the problem is.

The problem is that these fraudulent crooks conned a bunch of kids out of a shit ton of money, and the crooks aren't in jail.

Well, how do you explain all of us who didn't get conned? I mean seriously, I borrowed some money, but I was judicious about it because I realized I was signing a loan document declaring I would pay it back.

Conned? Bullshit.
Dude. Have you been hanging around and reading this forum at all?

This board is chock full of gullible rubes who believe everything their political manipulators tell them!


I don't get conned by the hacks whose piss these retards drink. Does that exonerate the hacks in any way?


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