A RIOT broke out Friday afternoon in Union Square Park

Let's stop pretending whites don't riot.

You elected a white president that started one.

And now he's asking you guys to riot again.

Nobody said they don't. It's just not nearly as often as you people do.

here comes the pepper spray. looks like its mostly black people. interesting. you say free they are usually there. what dumb thing to do.
It's not the missing playstations, it's the need to riot. The whole country is primed, locked, and loaded.
If Trump can find his balls, he will still have the power to light the fuse.

There are various ploys that can be used to encourage him to go beyond the bounds imposed on him. Triggering a military response could end the stalemate in a minute.

Trump's crowds have been reduced to a point where a counter demonstration on site would be possible and would get the gov's (Biden's) attention.
It's not the missing playstations, it's the need to riot. The whole country is primed, locked, and loaded.
If Trump can find his balls, he will still have the power to light the fuse.

There are various ploys that can be used to encourage him to go beyond the bounds imposed on him. Triggering a military response could end the stalemate in a minute.

Trump's crowds have been reduced to a point where a counter demonstration on site would be possible and would get the gov's (Biden's) attention.
these are not trumps people just a bunch black looking for free be. this has nothing to do with trump.

here comes the pepper spray. looks like its mostly black people. interesting. you say free they are usually there. what dumb thing to do.
Reason 10,468,752 that social media is a cancer on society.

I know post like this are too long for the short attention Democrats. And that’s part of the problem they see a thread title like this and they lose their mind. So it’s a very simple issue. These are all left-wing riots. The worst violence in America is from the left and all the left talks about is Donald Trump and January 6, while totally ignoring or justifying left wing riots like we see above

I had a longer post, but for the far left wing short attention span Democrats, who say “tl dr haha” here you go

In before the racist left-wing response “Oh you hate darkies “ like who uses the word “darkies” drug addicted left wingers do. They’re sitting there eating there. McDonald’s sipping on their Starbucks lattes with the BLM flags. While actually not doing a damn thing for the working class

Nothing but love for my fellow Americans, and we the working class people of this country the middle-class people, black and white oppose this left-wing rioting and attacks on our cities. There’s this great feeling in America. There is a counteraction to this type of left-wing insanity. All across the country people are embracing kindness and love and common sense. Realizing that black and white people are the same and struggle for the black man and White man in poverty is exactly the same …and those multi millionaire celebrities hate it when the working class unites , and we are uniting all over the country.

Peace baby !!!!
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And when it comes to generation z There are those like we see in the video above, influenced by drugs, tick-tock Instagram, and they’re out every day, believing that the police are racist. They throw bottles at police they attack cops. They attack lone individuals. They get on top of cars and stomp them and break windows. They cause chaos. These are very specifically left wing elements left-wing rioting . You simply never see this from Trump. Supporters never. “Oh but January 6 “

Yeah, OK left wingers keep talking about January 6 what event we’re grandparents walked into a building and maybe 10 people got really violent. And guess what nobody died except the innocent Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt ….while otoh there are hundreds of left-wing riots that result in innocent people getting killed, billions of dollars worth of damage entire city shut down. Mass looting mass hysteria

And there are others in generation z who say no, we’re going to follow good influencers who teach us to work out, who teach us to love America. These types of people dress well their pants are not falling down.

Wow, there’s definitely a sort of struggle with generation Z… some of them completely against America this shows us in the polls. The feeling of patriotism is low. A huge portion of generation Z does not care about their community. They don’t feel patriotic.

American patriotism has faced a steep decline among young adults over the last decade, and now sits at a record low.

Why it matters: Pride in national identity is lowest among those 18-34, and illustrates the fracture between young Americans and older generations at a time of deep partisanship in the United States.

That’s a problem we did not have even in 2014. So Democrats my fellow Democrats can either ignore this or they can address it.
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What We Know About the Chaos Caused by a Twitch Star’s Giveaway​

The popular social media streamer Kai Cenat was charged with inciting a riot on Friday after his event in Manhattan’s Union Square Park descended into mayhem.

What set off the mayhem?​

". . Kai Carlo Cenat III and a fellow streamer, Fanum, recently told their millions of followers that they would give away PlayStation 5 consoles at Union Square Park on Friday at 4 p.m.
The police said the streamers had not acquired a permit to hold the huge gathering.
Throngs of young people had formed at the park by 3 p.m., according to the police. But the crowd soon grew “exponentially” and began to spill onto the nearby streets, blocking pedestrians and cars.

Most of those in the crowd were peaceful, but some people were unruly, especially as the scheduled giveaway time passed, the police said.. . ."


How many were arrested?​

"The police said that officers had arrested 65 people, nearly half of whom were juveniles.

Who is Kai Cenat?

Mr. Cenat, 21, is a popular YouTube creator and Twitch streamer from New York City who is known for his high-energy videos and boisterous personality. He is among the most-watched streamers on Twitch, and his fan base is mostly young people. Mr. Cenat’s videos include reactions to songs and trailers, parodies, internet challenges and video game streams.

Rolling Stone named him one of the 20 most influential creators of 2023. . . . "

The police commissioner had his car destroyed

1000 New York City policeman had to be dispatched to help control the situation

You can see in the video above a huge massive crowd. Thousands of people converged on the Union Square causing chaos. They harassed diners, picking up the plates of diners, throwing them at police. You can see in the video above the streamer himself had about 10 people latch onto his car. Even when the car was at a high speed, the people were on the car. One of them fell off the car. Just total chaos and Mayham. Very ugly sight indeed.

Will Joe Biden say anything about this. Will Karine Jean Pierre acknowledge it. ??This is one of the great challenges in our country history right now, confronting the lack of patriotism among the youth and Derek stream disorderly conduct their lack of concern for fellow Americans… this lack of patriotism is motivated by pro blm and left wing politicians who are all about money and power and Who could care less about the working class.

But as the original post says there’s this feeling of unity love, kindness, and compassion among many Americans of different age groups, who are uniting all over the country. We the American people black-and-white will unite for goodness. We will oppose the anti-Americans.

I know post like this are too long for the short attention Democrats. And that’s part of the problem they see a thread title like this and they lose their mind. So it’s a very simple issue. These are all left-wing riots. The worst violence in America is from the left and all the left talks about is Donald Trump and January 6, while totally ignoring or justifying left wing riots like we see above

I had a longer post, but for the far left wing short attention span Democrats, who say “tl dr haha” here you go

In before the racist left-wing response “Oh you hate darkies “ like who uses the word “darkies” drug addicted left wingers do. They’re sitting there eating there. McDonald’s sipping on their Starbucks lattes with the BLM flags. While actually not doing a damn thing for the working class

Nothing but love for my fellow Americans, and we the working class people of this country the middle-class people, black and white oppose this left-wing rioting and attacks on our cities. There’s this great feeling in America. There is a counteraction to this type of left-wing insanity. All across the country people are embracing kindness and love and common sense. Realizing that black and white people are the same and struggle for the black man and White man in poverty is exactly the same …and those multi millionaire celebrities hate it when the working class unites , and we are uniting all over the country.

Peace baby !!!!

The San Diego Zoo ain't got nuthin' on the New York version.
Vegas put the over/under on when the OP was going to play the race card at 20 words....

I bet the under. Did I win?

I know post like this are too long for the short attention Democrats. And that’s part of the problem they see a thread title like this and they lose their mind. So it’s a very simple issue. These are all left-wing riots. The worst violence in America is from the left and all the left talks about is Donald Trump and January 6, while totally ignoring or justifying left wing riots like we see above

I had a longer post, but for the far left wing short attention span Democrats, who say “tl dr haha” here you go

In before the racist left-wing response “Oh you hate darkies “ like who uses the word “darkies” drug addicted left wingers do. They’re sitting there eating there. McDonald’s sipping on their Starbucks lattes with the BLM flags. While actually not doing a damn thing for the working class

Nothing but love for my fellow Americans, and we the working class people of this country the middle-class people, black and white oppose this left-wing rioting and attacks on our cities. There’s this great feeling in America. There is a counteraction to this type of left-wing insanity. All across the country people are embracing kindness and love and common sense. Realizing that black and white people are the same and struggle for the black man and White man in poverty is exactly the same …and those multi millionaire celebrities hate it when the working class unites , and we are uniting all over the country.

Peace baby !!!!

What made this a left wing issue?

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