A road to wealth for Blacks

or when it can hurt someone else (whitey)
To be a victims to shade others around they are specialists you have to watch CNN and everything is there
MSNBC is even worse. Joy Reid show is all about hating whitey
I do not know Joy Reid show here I just pick up shit from CNN and they're against the whites, you have to be blind to not see it, I'm not.I am not saying that you are but the lefties that a other story

Yea, usually if you let people talk, they will expose everything they are about....
We can always talk about what we think forever, but when you have your eyes clouded by blindness, you can not take concrete facts that prove your right.
You say we are racist because we are white, but wait a minute, what are you exactly towards westerners in general you leftists. Come on you are lost in your thoughts and you do not see the reality.

Incorrect. Whites who are racists get called racists. Whites who aren't don't.
According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


The blacks who are here don't seem to share your view. So again you don't want to take responsibility for what whites have done You've just admitted it.
I don't take responsibility for what whites did because the whole white race didn't do those things to blacks, it was SOME white people, and some BLACK people. My ancestors had ZERO to do with any of that.

Since I've never said this is about all whites. You are just making excuses to not take responsibility. You see you bloody tampon, you asked me do blacks take responsibility. Not some blacks. And some blacks did not make racist laws or polices denying some blacks of opportunity. And those laws and policies were not limited to ust some whites, Your ancestors benefitted from these things. But we are well past that excuse.
Blacks sold your family into slavery, to whites, so blacks DO have a responsibility there. As for me or my ancestors, we have nothing to feel bad about, we did nothing. Being alive doesn't make you guilty.

Whites created jim crow segregation nationwide, your family benefitted from that. No one black did that. This happened after slavery was made illegal. So you do have a responsibility. Your sad and pathetic argument only has merit if everything had ended after slavery and all were treated equal. That did not happen rendering your argument into a load of white denial bullshit. Nice try. Find another argument.
Could you repeat that in French, please?
No, I think I was pretty precise but if you want me to be more direct they like to use their color to their advantage when it can help them

or when it can hurt someone else (whitey)
To be a victims to shade others around they are specialists you have to watch CNN and everything is there
MSNBC is even worse. Joy Reid show is all about hating whitey
I do not know Joy Reid show here I just pick up shit from CNN and they're against the whites, you have to be blind to not see it, I'm not.I am not saying that you are but the lefties that a other story

Oh boy we have another foreign white nationalist crying about he hate whitey. OK LaPen. we understand.
One thing is for sure. Anyone who lives with bitterness, anger and unforgiveness is not going to succeed in life. Attitude is extremely important, and a negative attitude often brings about self--fulfilling prophecies, so to speak.

And am I the only one here is sooooooo tired of all the division in this country, including racial division? It's exactly what the powers-that-be want, they purposely pit groups against each other, because their ultimate goal is divide and conquer.

I believe that one of their ways of keeping people down is by keeping them angry, bitter, and with a victim mentality. They know that if people live with that mindset, they will never move forward. It's just another one of their ways of controlling people, continuing to get their votes, and keeping them down. It is very sad when people fall for it.
One thing is for sure. Anyone who lives with bitterness, anger and unforgiveness is not going to succeed in life. Attitude is extremely important, and a negative attitude often brings about self--fulfilling prophecies, so to speak.

And am I the only one here is sooooooo tired of all the division in this country, including racial division? It's exactly what the powers-that-be want, they purposely pit groups against each other, because their ultimate goal is divide and conquer.

I believe that one of their ways of keeping people down is by keeping them angry, bitter, and with a victim mentality. They know that if people live with that mindset, they will never move forward. It's just another one of their ways of controlling people, continuing to get their votes, and keeping them down. It is very sad when people fall for it.

All the clichés and false presumptions on earth do not substitute for recognizing the truth and changing the behavior that actually caused the division.
Now unkotare, if you are prepared, to go all the way... we will write the 1901 Alabama constitution. See, if we take out all the illiterates, we'll get rid of most of the black vote, and its not 14th amendment discrimination the Yankees passed and its constitutional, go farm to farm on whiteness and tell every whiteman he's getting disenfranchised in the vote but it will also stop the black vote, for the team. vote 1901 Alabama constitution. use your vote so you can't vote. success!
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It's pretty simple. Become a black conservative and write a book about back pathologies blaming blacks for the problems they face and telling blacks how racism is in the past. It's how an uneducated homeless black man gained wealth. Jesse Lee Peterson. It made a welfare cheat wealthy. Starr Parker. Now we have a young black woman who got a racial discrimination settlement check preaching to blacks about the victim mentality and she's now on the money train. Candace Owens.

Yep if you are black and want to get paid write something that validates white racist beliefs about blacks and you'll get rich and famous both at the same time. And quickly.

But didn't someone make a comment about profiting and losing ones soul?

Or, they can choose the path that most other rich blacks took to affluence: Become a professional athlete; singer; rapper; actor, etc. Some have even been known to start businesses, become investors, real estate speculators, authors, politicians and doctors and lawyers and such.

Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great.
Are you then going to give away your heritage out of black guilt and create Affirmative Action, “black privilege” studies etc?
"Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great."

hey wait you cant choose our path, history is linear. enslaving was the slaver's job , we had southern hospitality. there were competitive slaves in industries, making no money they could withhold. laws against Writing and reading after nat turner's slave rebellion was in the 1850's and other restrictions, hatian slave rebellion. they didn't own property but then how is every state song in Dixie about the Swanee River shack. hey, America was pretty much the americans that got sent out here and couldn't go back to Britain, until the 1850 german immigrants. not exactly great America. also, what government programs? And whats a black privilege study?
It's pretty simple. Become a black conservative and write a book about back pathologies blaming blacks for the problems they face and telling blacks how racism is in the past. It's how an uneducated homeless black man gained wealth. Jesse Lee Peterson. It made a welfare cheat wealthy. Starr Parker. Now we have a young black woman who got a racial discrimination settlement check preaching to blacks about the victim mentality and she's now on the money train. Candace Owens.

Yep if you are black and want to get paid write something that validates white racist beliefs about blacks and you'll get rich and famous both at the same time. And quickly.

But didn't someone make a comment about profiting and losing ones soul?

Or, they can choose the path that most other rich blacks took to affluence: Become a professional athlete; singer; rapper; actor, etc. Some have even been known to start businesses, become investors, real estate speculators, authors, politicians and doctors and lawyers and such.

Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great.
Are you then going to give away your heritage out of black guilt and create Affirmative Action, “black privilege” studies etc?

Junior, I told you not to try this. What heritage have whites given away? Just keep posting funnies.
"Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great."

hey wait you cant choose our path, history is linear. enslaving was the slaver's job , we had southern hospitality. there were competitive slaves in industries, making no money they could withhold. laws against Writing and reading after nat turner's slave rebellion was in the 1850's and other restrictions, hatian slave rebellion. they didn't own property but then how is every state song in Dixie about the Swanee River shack. hey, America was pretty much the americans that got sent out here and couldn't go back to Britain, until the 1850 german immigrants. not exactly great America. also, what government programs? And whats a black privilege study?

I'm trying to allow these whites in here who want to tell us how we need to be like them how they got what they have.
It's pretty simple. Become a black conservative and write a book about back pathologies blaming blacks for the problems they face and telling blacks how racism is in the past. It's how an uneducated homeless black man gained wealth. Jesse Lee Peterson. It made a welfare cheat wealthy. Starr Parker. Now we have a young black woman who got a racial discrimination settlement check preaching to blacks about the victim mentality and she's now on the money train. Candace Owens.

Yep if you are black and want to get paid write something that validates white racist beliefs about blacks and you'll get rich and famous both at the same time. And quickly.

But didn't someone make a comment about profiting and losing ones soul?

Or, they can choose the path that most other rich blacks took to affluence: Become a professional athlete; singer; rapper; actor, etc. Some have even been known to start businesses, become investors, real estate speculators, authors, politicians and doctors and lawyers and such.

Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great.
Are you then going to give away your heritage out of black guilt and create Affirmative Action, “black privilege” studies etc?

Junior, I told you not to try this. What heritage have whites given away? Just keep posting funnies.
What Western European country hasn’t been demographically appropriated?

Ireland is now being destroyed too, so I doubt you can name one.

Just keep deflecting back to tactics that those of your ilk originally started. You don’t possess half the knowledge that you need to debate me on this issue.
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?
What is so frightening about answering this question that, despite how often it has been quoted, only another question has been offered on your part in response?
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?
What is so frightening about answering this question that, despite how often it has been quoted, only another question has been offered on your part in response?

There are no races, and race has not been considered since the beginning of time. You've been shown that. Just because some people were oppressed in 10,000 BC didn't make it right then nor does it mean we have no right to oppose it now by those doing it. In 10,000 BC people fought until they ended the oppression and in every case in world history this has been so.
It's pretty simple. Become a black conservative and write a book about back pathologies blaming blacks for the problems they face and telling blacks how racism is in the past. It's how an uneducated homeless black man gained wealth. Jesse Lee Peterson. It made a welfare cheat wealthy. Starr Parker. Now we have a young black woman who got a racial discrimination settlement check preaching to blacks about the victim mentality and she's now on the money train. Candace Owens.

Yep if you are black and want to get paid write something that validates white racist beliefs about blacks and you'll get rich and famous both at the same time. And quickly.

But didn't someone make a comment about profiting and losing ones soul?

Or, they can choose the path that most other rich blacks took to affluence: Become a professional athlete; singer; rapper; actor, etc. Some have even been known to start businesses, become investors, real estate speculators, authors, politicians and doctors and lawyers and such.

Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great.
Are you then going to give away your heritage out of black guilt and create Affirmative Action, “black privilege” studies etc?

Junior, I told you not to try this. What heritage have whites given away? Just keep posting funnies.
What Western European country hasn’t been demographically appropriated?

Ireland is now being destroyed too, so I doubt you can name one.

Just keep deflecting back to tactics that those of your ilk originally started. You don’t possess half the knowledge that you need to debate me on this issue.

Look junior there is no western country where what you say is being done.
Or, they can choose the path that most other rich blacks took to affluence: Become a professional athlete; singer; rapper; actor, etc. Some have even been known to start businesses, become investors, real estate speculators, authors, politicians and doctors and lawyers and such.

Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great.
Are you then going to give away your heritage out of black guilt and create Affirmative Action, “black privilege” studies etc?

Junior, I told you not to try this. What heritage have whites given away? Just keep posting funnies.
What Western European country hasn’t been demographically appropriated?

Ireland is now being destroyed too, so I doubt you can name one.

Just keep deflecting back to tactics that those of your ilk originally started. You don’t possess half the knowledge that you need to debate me on this issue.

Look junior there is no western country where what you say is being done.
Every single country in Western Europe is.
I'm trying to allow these whites in here who want to tell us how we need to be like them how they got what they have

Why would you care how people want you to be? Be how you wanna be ... it's a free country.

I'm trying to allow these whites in here who want to tell us how we need to be like them how they got what they have

Why would you care how people want you to be? Be how you wanna be ... it's a free country.


Say that to the white people here.
Maybe we choose the path whites took? Enslaving people, making laws denying them the chance to compete, make it illegal for them to read or own property, make government programs that whites only benefitted from, you know, the things that made America great.
Are you then going to give away your heritage out of black guilt and create Affirmative Action, “black privilege” studies etc?

Junior, I told you not to try this. What heritage have whites given away? Just keep posting funnies.
What Western European country hasn’t been demographically appropriated?

Ireland is now being destroyed too, so I doubt you can name one.

Just keep deflecting back to tactics that those of your ilk originally started. You don’t possess half the knowledge that you need to debate me on this issue.

Look junior there is no western country where what you say is being done.
Every single country in Western Europe is.

No actually they aren't.

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