A Russian cruise ship with 74 people on board has got stuck in the ice near Antarctic

I need to know what you THINK you're seeing in those photos.. Because they have been HIGHLY MISINTERPRETED on purpose by the media.. And NASA enjoyed watching the press misinterpret photos that APPEAR to show that Greenland lost all of it's ice in just 4 days in July of 2012..

IS THAT what's bugging you bunky?? Did you get punked by the AGW propaganda campaign?

That theatre event never happened.. Greenlands ice was largely STILL THERE at the end of July 2012..

hahahahaha, I should have known you would have answered before I could.

I dont think the poster is retarded but his premise is retarded. the surface skin turned to water on a hot day with an inversion. and the media gets to trot out that "97%" figure again! hahahaha. unfortunately dullards get taken in and they just dont think any deeper into the subject. thanks for trying to set him straight.

Absolutely no problems with Delta4 pointing this out.. I had to dig to figure out what I was looking at.. Honestly IanC --- I had never seen those photos before.. Kinda shocking how MAJOR media didn't understand what they were looking at. But then --- I'm certain that NASA STILL enjoys the fact that those images are #1 Google images for Greenland and Ice..

Hard to believe you didn't recall that event. I do. And I don't recall ANY major news outlet failing to describe it clearly and unequivocally as "surface melt".

When you choose to characterize your opponents as "alarmist" you get stuck charging every objective report of the facts as being an attempt to deceive and frighten the public. Trouble is, they ARE just objective reports of the facts. The entire surface of Greenland did melt. Not a common occurrence. The world IS getting warmer. The world's ice is melting. The primary cause is human GHG emissions. Those are the facts. Get used to them cause they aren't going away.
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Now how do you figure the dinosaurs killed by climate change blamed humans? Surely they must have.
Keep in mind that it's the beginning of summer down there. The Chinese ice breaker is stuck and a 3rd ice breaker is on the way.
Keep in mind that it's the beginning of summer down there. The Chinese ice breaker is stuck and a 3rd ice breaker is on the way.

And road closer's in Hawaii due to snow covered roads. :lol: crazy warming spell I have ever seen.
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Can you hear the pitter patter of little tiny feet running to figure out an argument for this happening :lol:

I cannot tell you how it warms the cockles of my heart to see you waste your time on arguments that haven't the value god give a rubber duck.
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I thought the ice was melting? I know the ice hasn't melted their yet. maybe in 500 years or so :lol:

Antarctic Ice Traps Cruise Ship Tourists

Greenland before and after satellite imagery:

greenland ice melt before and after - Google Search

It's melting. Can bury your head in the sand, but that just makes it easier for your to get fuct.


You should invest in some property on the shore. :D
Greenland before and after satellite imagery:

greenland ice melt before and after - Google Search

It's melting. Can bury your head in the sand, but that just makes it easier for your to get fuct.


You should invest in some property on the shore. :D

I guess global warming has frozen your brain or did you have one before global warming froze all the water?

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