A Saudi Professors Speaks the Truth About Israel is Enough for A Fatwa on Her Head


Apr 22, 2007
She speaks the truth! Israeli is a liberal democratic, free, industrialized, rich, capitialistic and the the Arabs are contantly starting from scratch!

Analysis: Arab daily pr... JPost - Features - Insights & Features
Dr. Amal al-Hazzani, an assistant professor at King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, wrote an article about a week ago titled “The Israel we do not know ” – and received a flood of hate mail. She went on to write another article, published Thursday, responding to the harsh reaction.

A look at the two articles, as well as the public response, is telling of where the acceptable boundaries in Arab culture lie when it comes to discussion of Israel.

In the first article, Hazzani analyzed the results of the Israeli elections, noting that the focus had been on internal issues and that politicians had acted with devotion and sincerity to promote the interests of the people as a whole.

This has not been the case in Arab countries since the Arab Spring, she said. There, Arab politicians focus on “their affiliation to a certain group” and “heap insults upon Israel from their luxurious hotel rooms. However, they are still unaware as to where, why and how these feelings of hatred towards Israel came about.”

She lamented that Israel’s neighboring Arab states “are ignorant of the Hebrew language,” noting that in Syria and Lebanon, people preferred to study French rather than the language of the country threatening their national security.

Arab youth know nothing about Israel, she said, claiming that a “generation that harbors dreams and expectations different to those cherished by a leader like Netanyahu” had emerged there.

She called attempts by some analysts to compare young Israelis’ social protests with the Arab Spring protests “ridiculous.” The Arabs struggled against undemocratic “regimes that were light years away from their citizens,” she said, whereas Israel is “truly democratic” and the protests there were over living standards, not “starting from scratch as in the Arab Spring states.”

She argued that not all Israelis supported the oppression of the Palestinians, and implied that Arabs were not aware of this, partly because their intelligentsia did not talk about it.

By contrast, she said, there are many opportunities to study Arabic in Israel, and Israelis are fully fluent and absorbed in Arab culture, its strengths and weaknesses. This helps explain why Israelis have become so successful and powerful, she stated.

The article was not entirely positive vis-à-vis Israel, as it still spoke of an “oppressive occupying state,” among other things. But the aspects of Israel that it did portray in a positive light were apparently too much for some readers.

Hazzani’s second article opens by describing the flood of hate mail she received from people who accused him of “calling for a normalization of relations, promoting the Hebrew language, and glorifying Israeli liberalism.”

“This response was to be expected because I breached a taboo,” she says, but this “outrage will not change the reality. Israel will remain as it is; a small state but stronger than the rest of the Arab world.”

She goes on to defend herself by asserting that she was only trying to say Arabs had to understand their enemy.

Hazzani says Arabs fear that learning about Israel will somehow mean they are recognizing its legitimacy, but that is not necessarily so. This attitude permeates Arab media, which is scared to deal with issues relating to culture, economics, and even some political issues when it comes to Israel, for the fear that it “promotes Zionism,” she says.

During the latest wars in Gaza and Lebanon, she notes, Arab TV stations generally refused to invite a guest representing the Israeli side. “Only Al-Arabiya dared to buck the trend, and it was not long before some branded it as Zionist for choosing to do so.”

The Arabs, she concludes, “have been preoccupied with [rage] and blind hatred since 1967. During this time, Israel has managed to build eight public universities and 200 museums that receive nearly 4 million tourists a year. It has also become a rival to the US in the programming and software industry.”

This episode illustrates that Arabic discourse is still bound by a cultural enmity that refuses to let go of the traditional Arab narrative of the conflict, despite some gestures from time to time.
The left has put up a false and hateful argument for the islamists since 9/11, and they are losing it. People have had enough time to witness what Islam is and make up their own minds.
So she received some criticism, which is normal for journalists and you make it sound worse and say someone ordered a fatwa on her. Quit throwing that word around, not true at all. And she did make some good points, but I don't see what you're on up about.
I wouldn't call them 'her' people yet Sunni. Once the royal family has a revolution against them then the people of Saudi Arabia will express what they really want, also support of Palestinians in every situation. That's when we can say we are united, the Arabs still have a long way to go. But we're going steadily on that path.
Ghook thinks this loony woman is great because she praises Israel.

But when the two jews Norman Finkelstein and Chomsky state the truth about Israel's fascism and apartheid racism.

Ghook blasts them as crazy and not "real" jews......... :cuckoo:
Can any lunatic over there declare a fatwa? What kind of religion endorses assassination anyways?

Fatwas aren't assasination calls bigot, go inform yourself and its not like we couldn't tell you're a Islam hater by looking at several of your previous posts.
Fatwas aren't assasination calls bigot, go inform yourself and its not like we couldn't tell you're a Islam hater by looking at several of your previous posts.

So why do you love Islam?
What's not to love about Islam??.......... :cool:

a fatwa is an EDICT usually declared by an islamic cleric . The word
became known in the USA when the AYATOILETS of Iran issue a
DEATH FARTWAH upon Salman Rushdie---muslim born in India and citizen of england
beause he wrote a book. I know the word FARTWAH from those issued in 1971
by west pakistani muslim clerics in which a FARTWAH OF TAKFIR was declared
upon east pakistanis---This fartwah legalized the rape of East pakistani women by the
west pakistani army---thus an estimated 1/4 million girls were LEGALLY RAPED by
the east pakistani army by shariah law. The rape of the hindu girls was already legal--
but the TAKFIR FARTWAH rendered the rape of muslim girls legal too.

Way back in sometime in the 1950s the AL AZHAR UNIVERSITY koranic
scholars issued a FARTWAH declaring the killing of any Israeli ---of any age or
gender by a muslim IS LEGAL-----this bit of filth was surpassed in the past 20 years
when the SUNNI world was issued yet another FARTWAH rendering the killing of any
jew of any age of gender by a muslim LEGAL under shariah law. Shaykh Abdel Rahman who bombed the world trade center in 1993 ---killing about 7 americans
and injuring hundreds is a HIGHLY ESTEEMED scholar of AL AZHAR ---he is the filthy
pig who is so idolized for his murder of americans in Egypt that President Morsi --
who, himself, is a jihadist dog-----demands the release of the murdering pig-----

As to islam----my own husband was born in a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----as his mother
escaped the same disgusting law which made ENSLAVEMENT of tens of thousands of
sudanese christian children LEGAL----to wit THE DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW. Since I
have relatives born in shariah shit holes------I can easily discuss with you that which is
wrong with the filth of islam

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