A Senate Majority Leader Worthy of the Title


VIP Member
May 14, 2015
Recently a reporter asked Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell what he thought about the fact that so many of his fellow Senate Republicans are running for president. His response: If they want a real challenge, they should try running the Senate.

We understand the sentiment. Having had the majority-leader job ourselves, we well know the frustrations of trying to unite a conference of willful and independent operators, all of whom feel the constant tug of their home-state interests and their own ambitions.

All of which is why we have both been impressed with Sen. McConnell’s leadership in these first months of the 114th Congress, perhaps best illustrated by the current bipartisan effort to give the president trade-promotion authority, also known as fast-track, in support of American jobs and exports. Tuesday’s 60-37 vote to break a filibuster clears the way for TPA to be signed by President Obama after a final Senate vote. "

A Senate Majority Leader Worthy of the Title - WSJ

Huh......McConnell and Boehner are the reasons many Repubs may stay home, go figure.
That is a two part question. First republicans will stay home because they voted for candidates who explicitly promised to do certain things if they got elected, the voters worked hard to get them elected, when they got in office they forgot their promises. So basically they lied like Obama. Why should voters support republican candidates that are democratic lite?

Secondly, why do you only hear crickets from the mainstream media when it comes to talking about the accomplishments of the republican congress and even its bipartisanship.every day that goes by shows what a despicable, obstructionist, vile, and unamerican senate leader Harry Reid was. He single ha deadly stopped legislative progress in America at obamas request. I thin there were more than 200 bills passed by the house and sent to Harry Reid where he sent them to legislative purgatory. But you won't hear any truth if it reflects poorly on dems. Oh yeah and McConnell refused to use the nuclear option as Harry did. At least he respects the institution.

Coming from the Wall Street journal, the mouthpiece of the chamber of commerce, I am not surprised. That's like the mob wondering why their top hit man doesn't get more respect.

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