A senior Iranian official on Wednesday warned of an impending “third world war” that will be sparked

I love how these little right wing, war-mongering bitches, always feel the need to create an enemy where there isn't one. Then they spew out all this bullshit propaganda trying make everybody believe we have a new great satan.

The Iranian leader said there would be a WWIII if the US and NATO don't stop creating terrorists, by making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations.

Awwww how cute, big mouth with the low IQ is now defending Iran's terroristic Islamic supreme "leader for life." Hilarious.
I love how these little right wing, war-mongering bitches, always feel the need to create an enemy where there isn't one. Then they spew out all this bullshit propaganda trying make everybody believe we have a new great satan.

The Iranian leader said there would be a WWIII if the US and NATO don't stop creating terrorists, by making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations.
Iran said it will finance terrorists who attack America regardless of what we do.

Iran will not abide by this so called agreement, and the Europeans will not "snap back" any of the sanctions. The money from this deal will start flowing into Europe which desperately needs it, and then Iran will secretly restart its nuke program. Iran has been caught with its hands in the cookie jar several times before. It simply cannot be trusted and doesn't take the West seriously. This deal I believe is most likely a fate accompli because Obama insulted the American people and congress by taking it to the UN first.
I love how these little right wing, war-mongering bitches, always feel the need to create an enemy where there isn't one. Then they spew out all this bullshit propaganda trying make everybody believe we have a new great satan.

The Iranian leader said there would be a WWIII if the US and NATO don't stop creating terrorists, by making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations.
Iran said it will finance terrorists who attack America regardless of what we do.

Iran will not abide by this so called agreement, and the Europeans will not "snap back" any of the sanctions. The money from this deal will start flowing into Europe which desperately needs it, and then Iran will secretly restart its nuke program. Iran has been caught with its hands in the cookie jar several times before. It simply cannot be trusted and doesn't take the West seriously. This deal I believe is most likely a fate accompli because Obama insulted the American people and congress by taking it to the UN first.
The IAEA started with Iran in 2002, the US Congress passed the agreement between the UN(IAEA) and Iran at that time, this last round is to clarify irans nuclear capability..The secret part of the deal was that Iran had to disclose it's military and non military nuclear intelligence...
I love how these little right wing, war-mongering bitches, always feel the need to create an enemy where there isn't one. Then they spew out all this bullshit propaganda trying make everybody believe we have a new great satan.

The Iranian leader said there would be a WWIII if the US and NATO don't stop creating terrorists, by making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations.
Iran said it will finance terrorists who attack America regardless of what we do.

Iran will not abide by this so called agreement, and the Europeans will not "snap back" any of the sanctions. The money from this deal will start flowing into Europe which desperately needs it, and then Iran will secretly restart its nuke program. Iran has been caught with its hands in the cookie jar several times before. It simply cannot be trusted and doesn't take the West seriously. This deal I believe is most likely a fate accompli because Obama insulted the American people and congress by taking it to the UN first.
The IAEA started with Iran in 2002, the US Congress passed the agreement between the UN(IAEA) and Iran at that time, this last round is to clarify irans nuclear capability..The secret part of the deal was that Iran had to disclose it's military and non military nuclear intelligence...

No thanks to the ineffective "monitoring" and so called hyped "Western intelligence services" Iran was caught at least TWICE lying to the IAEA and international community about clandestine nuclear sites that had not been disclosed before. They were exposed by Iranian dissidents and defectors.

Why can the Iranians be trusted now? They can't, they will figure out a way to move ahead with their program as they have before.
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for the record-------I predicted an Iranian onslaught against SAUDI ARABIA-----way
back----like two years ago------and---wait and see---I was right-------Iran is gathering all of the Shiite shit in the world------in order to create an
army to attack the sunnis of Saudi Arabia----it is
going to be very bloody. The sunnis weakened themselves by kissing the stinking ass of Osama and letting ISIS happen. The attack against Saudi Arabia will attract lots of the shit of the world----NOT ONLY Shiite shit------some sunni and ---odds and ends like "alawite" shit will join up. It seems to be to be up in the air as to what faction TURKEY will join-----but that Baathist shit of Egypt and the rest of the levant coud very well be willing to join up with the Hezbollah dogs for this really exciting JIHAD
No thanks to the ineffective "monitoring" and so called hyped "Western intelligence services" Iran was caught at least TWICE lying to the IAEA and international community about clandestine nuclear sites that had not been disclosed before. They were exposed by Iranian dissidents and defectors.

Why can the Iranians be trusted now? They can't, they will figure out a way to move ahead with their program as they have before.
Do you know how the IAEA found out about those sites?

Iran disclosed them.
No thanks to the ineffective "monitoring" and so called hyped "Western intelligence services" Iran was caught at least TWICE lying to the IAEA and international community about clandestine nuclear sites that had not been disclosed before. They were exposed by Iranian dissidents and defectors.

Why can the Iranians be trusted now? They can't, they will figure out a way to move ahead with their program as they have before.
Do you know how the IAEA found out about those sites?

Iran disclosed them.
It says in your quote dissidents and defectors exposed them, not Iran.
They did too in the op.
No, they did not.

He did say this...

"Rafsanjani went on to demand that the United States and other Western countries “stop their support for the terrorist groups” in the region."
Did you not click the link?
A senior Iranian official on Wednesday warned of an impending “third world war” that will be sparked by terrorists, according to regional reports.

I love how these little right wing, war-mongering bitches, always feel the need to create an enemy where there isn't one. Then they spew out all this bullshit propaganda trying make everybody believe we have a new great satan.

The Iranian leader said there would be a WWIII if the US and NATO don't stop creating terrorists, by making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations.

Iran isn't our enemy?? Tell that to all the American families who lost thier sons and daughters in Iraq because of Iran.
No thanks to the ineffective "monitoring" and so called hyped "Western intelligence services" Iran was caught at least TWICE lying to the IAEA and international community about clandestine nuclear sites that had not been disclosed before. They were exposed by Iranian dissidents and defectors.

Why can the Iranians be trusted now? They can't, they will figure out a way to move ahead with their program as they have before.
Do you know how the IAEA found out about those sites?

Iran disclosed them.

Bzzzzzz...WRONG AGAIN, big mouth with the low IQ:

Iran dissidents reveals secret nuclear site

The exiled National Council of Resistance of Iran on Tuesday claimed to expose a secret nuclear facility in a Tehran suburb. The revelation comes as both the US and Iran signal that they are making progress in talks aimed at reaching an international accord on Iran’s nuclear program.
Washington — New revelations from an Iranian opposition group about what it claims is a secret nuclear facility could raise fresh questions about Iran’s credibility at a make-or-break moment in the international nuclear negotiations the Christian Science Monitor reports.
The exiled National Council of Resistance of Iran, which has uncovered a number of clandestine sites in Iran over a dozen years of nuclear sleuthing, on Tuesday claimed to expose a secret facility in a Tehran suburb where it says nuclear research and uranium enrichment are taking place in violation of international agreements.
The revelation comes as both the United States and Iran signal that they are making progress in talks aimed at reaching an international accord on Iran’s nuclear program by a March 31 deadline.
The report also comes a week after the United Nations ’ nuclear watchdog agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said Iran continued to stonewall on providing information on past nuclear weaponization activity.
“What we know is that [uranium] enrichment has been going on here, as has research and development, and it’s continuing as we speak,” says Alireza Jafarzadeh, deputy director of the National Council ( NCRI ) Washington office. “It’s the task of the United States and the [international community] to force an inspection” of the site.
Mr. Jafarzadeh, who was behind the bombshell revelation of Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment site and the Arak plutonium facility in 2002, says the group shared its information with US officials in the White House and at the State Department before holding a press conference Tuesday.
The dossier of information contains satellite photos of a 62-acre site in a northern Tehran suburb with extensive military facilities and residential buildings. Photos of heavily reinforced doorways in a series of underground work sites and other information about the site were provided by informants inside the regime and, in particular, in key ministries responsible for Iran’s nuclear program, the group says.
According to Jafarzadeh, the information was also shared with some key members of Congress – some of whom have been at loggerheads with President Obama over his administration’s diplomatic effort with Tehran.
At a congressional hearing Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said the administration has a guiding policy in the international nuclear talks – that “Iran will not get a nuclear weapon” – and he said opposition to a deal is coming from parties that have no idea what an accord would include or what it would require of Iran.
But details have begun to leak out of an agreement that would strictly limit – and open up to thorough inspection – Iran’s nuclear activities for the coming decade. After what would essentially be a period of verified good behavior, restrictions would gradually be lifted on Iran’s uranium enrichment program.
At the NCRI press conference, the group’s US representative, Soona Samsami, said the latest revelations are further evidence that the international nuclear talks are “misguided” because the Iranian regime is not a reliable negotiating partner.
Did you not click the link?
Why would you ask that, when the very post you're responding to, contains a quote from that link?

A senior Iranian official on Wednesday warned of an impending “third world war” that will be sparked by terrorists, according to regional reports.
That's right. Sparked by terrorists, created and supported by the US and NATO.
You keep this up I'll tell everyone how your mouth got so big.

Exiled dissidents claim Iran building new nuclear site Reuters
Analysts say these dissidents, don't have the most credible track record for being honest.

"...a mixed track record and a clear political agenda."

So, you're in bed with terrorists?

"The U.S. State Department has designated the MEK a terrorist organization for assassinating U.S. officials inside Iran during the 1970s."

BTW, here's what US officials said about your big "disclosure"...

"This facility has been under construction for years, and we've known about it for years," said the U.S. official.

This doesn't say anything about "how" it was discovered.

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