A serious question, serious replies only

Trump made more money charging the secret service to protect him, than the job paid.

Trump made more money charging the secret service to protect him, than the job paid.

You're spreading disinformation.

The House Oversight Committee showed that his properties charged more than $1.4 million to agents protecting him and his family.

Trump Hotels Charged Secret Service Exorbitant Rates, House Inquiry Finds

But he also donated his entire $1.6 million salary back to the U.S. government.


And he did not profit while in the White House. When Trump ran for president in 2016, his net worth sat at $4.5 billion. That number declined steadily during his time in office, all the way down to $2.1 billion in 2020. His wealth rose marginally, to $2.4 billion, in 2021, his first year out of office.
And Trump continues to refuse to accept his election loss and continues to lie about a ‘stolen’ election.

Trump alone is responsible for the warranted opposition voters have for Trump.

Even worse than Trump’s childish refusal to accept he lost an election was his refusal to transition to Joe Biden

We were down to 2500 troops in Afghanistan and the withdrawal was in progress. Trump refused to discuss plans for the withdrawal, agreements with Taliban, strength of the Afghan forces

COVID vaccine had just come out and Trump refused to sit down with Biden and discuss plans to distribute it, organization or what was being done

Those are just two of the hundreds of issues that Trump would not transition
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
Let me tell you I used to be adamantly against Mr. Trump in 2016 I voted for Hillary Clinton. One thing that might have turned off a lot of people was trumps language …like when Trump said “ I think Islam hates us “ well that was in part why I voted against him in 2016. But then he redeemed himself the first country he visited as potus was Saudi Arabia….Trump brought together Israel and a number of the Muslim majority countries like Bahrain. That is something worthy of a Nobel peace prize.

What I also liked about Trump was our economy was much better during his presidency that’s just a fact. Just look at the gas prices which of course drives our economy.

I don’t think Trump is racist. And his 2016 presidential terms showed me this whereas before his presidential term I might have thought he had some issues with bigotry. And so to your point there remains many Americans who believe Mr. Trump is a bigot they have not seen perhaps what others have seen. They have not forgiven Mr. Trump for his past controversial remarks. And there could be some hypocrisy here because we know that other politicians Democrat or Republican have had many controversies. For example Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky. And the Democratic strategist Al Sharpton has a controversial history. He has a main spot though and a left-wing news outlet he gets millions of dollars.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
Energy independence doesn't mean we import petroleum products and during Trump, we imported petroleum and petroleum products from other nations.
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I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
The left media and his personality.
Unfortunately, Trump was (and still is) his own worse enemy in combating the left narrative they have built for him. He plays right into it.
The perfect example is Jim Acosta.
The sole reason CNN placed Acosta in the White House was to keep Trump off message and policy, and instead make him look angry and buffonish in the eyes of the left and undecided. He did that job flawlessly. And sure enough every freaking time Trump appeared to talk about something real and meaningful - in came Acosta getting Trump flustered and defending his endless ego.
Energy independence doesn't mean we import petroleum products and during Trump, we imported petroleum and petroleum products from pother nations.

So do you have a point or something? Gasoline still never went for $5, $6, or even $7 per gallon while Trump was President. Nor did we have any of these things...

• Gasoline that rose 3 times the price it was in 2018, depending on location

• Ending US Keystone XL pipeline while waiving sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline

• The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel

• Draining our own Strategic Oil Reserve to the lowest level since 1984

• Having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil

• Inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019

• A recession

• The average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of purchasing power

• The DOW dropping 6,700 points in only a year

• The stock market losing $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars

• 30 year fixed mortgages rising by 4.43% in only two years, to 7.75%

• Home prices soaring 43% in only two years and housing sales slumping

• Median asking rent prices rising 79.7% in only two years

• Grocery prices increasing by 13.5% in only two years

• The price of electricity rising by 15.8% in only two years

• Hefty tax increases on the lower and middle class

• 84,000 new IRS agents arming and training to be home invaders

• Use of DOJ and FBI to harass political opponents

• A broken election system corrupt with fraud, sometimes taking months to count

• Conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property

• Supply line disruptions, backorders, items out of stock or unavailable

• Sporadic shortages on grocery store shelves

• Food-processing plants mysteriously burning down

• Continuing monumental trade deficit with China

• More COVID deaths than in 2020

• Massive job losses from vaccine mandates

• An exponentially-spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs

• Fentanyl seizures up 745 percent

• 120% increase in opioid deaths in just two years

• 4.9 million illegals crossing US border within only two years

• 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and disappeared into American communities

• Record numbers of illegals dying while crossing the border

• Border Patrol arrests 98 who were on the terror watch list in 2022, 3X the last 5 years combined

• A dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives

• $7.12 billion worth of US military equipment and weaponry left to the Taliban

• Hundreds of US citizens and Afghans left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal

• People falling out of the wheel wells of aircraft leaving Afghanistan

• A weakened US military that's more concerned with "political correctness" than creating soldiers

• Record low enlistment numbers

• A revitalized Russian oil industry, despite US sanctions

• A war in Ukraine that has cost the US billions of dollars and killed thousands

• Increased possibility of nuclear war with Russia

• Iran expanding their nuclear enrichment program

• China becoming energy and militarily dominant

• A senile, angry, and incompetent president who falls off of a bicycle, falls up stairs, insults
half the people in America, labels people as "terrorists", divides the country, and tries to incite
a civil war.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
When he said we need to build a wall, it was taken as racism by many. The media pounced and attacked him from there on in. He fought back. Many white supremacists (0.01% of his base) liked his message and while 99.9% of his voters are normal Americans, media portrayed the 0.01% as the 99.9% and shamed those who supported him.

You ll note that the haters will say that his policies weren’t awful but they didn’t like his personality.
Let me tell you I used to be adamantly against Mr. Trump in 2016 I voted for Hillary Clinton. One thing that might have turned off a lot of people was trumps language …like when Trump said “ I think Islam hates us “ well that was in part why I voted against him in 2016. But then he redeemed himself the first country he visited as potus was Saudi Arabia….Trump brought together Israel and a number of the Muslim majority countries like Bahrain. That is something worthy of a Nobel peace prize.

What I also liked about Trump was our economy was much better during his presidency that’s just a fact. Just look at the gas prices which of course drives our economy.

I don’t think Trump is racist. And his 2016 presidential terms showed me this whereas before his presidential term I might have thought he had some issues with bigotry. And so to your point there remains many Americans who believe Mr. Trump is a bigot they have not seen perhaps what others have seen. They have not forgiven Mr. Trump for his past controversial remarks. And there could be some hypocrisy here because we know that other politicians Democrat or Republican have had many controversies. For example Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky. And the Democratic strategist Al Sharpton has a controversial history. He has a main spot though and a left-wing news outlet he gets millions of dollars.
Excellent post, sir.
First take out 2 and 5 for being false, and add:
Telling over 30,000 lies
Making our soldiers who he called losers and suckers
pay for the wall instead of Mexico
And totally botching the response to COVID, claiming it would go away by itself
first of all 2 and 5 are not false

can you list just 5 documented lies? leave out sarcasm and northeast cultural insults

the losers and suckers was an attempt at humor, maybe not a good one, but not a serious comment

mexico did pay for the wall indirectly by having to deal with the thousands of migrants that the wall stopped from entering our country

vaccines in record time, ventilators in record time, PPE and other medical devices in record time and sent to other countries, hospital ships and temporary hospitals set up in record time (not used by dem governors for political reasons that harmed their own people)

and covid did go away on its own, even senile joe said it was gone. viruses come and go, it has always been that way. the overaction to covid was just plain stupid and destroyed the world economy to save China's.
When he said we need to build a wall, it was taken as racism by many. The media pounced and attacked him from there on in. He fought back. Many white supremacists (0.01% of his base) liked his message and while 99.9% of his voters are normal Americans, media portrayed the 0.01% as the 99.9% and shamed those who supported him.

You ll note that the haters will say that his policies weren’t awful but they didn’t like his personality.
yes, we have become a cult of personality, and that will destroy this great nation, if it hasn't already.
All of them. Even most republicans know to keep up the appearance of being a dedicated public servant. Trump never even tried to make the case that he might put his ego on the back burner for the sake of the American people.
Pacifism, bowing before your enemy, tolerating what you know is either 'half-assed' or just wrong will not overcome what is wrong with America and will not defeat its enemies.

Trump knew / knows this and was direct and forceful, he was not there to be anyone's buddy, he wasn't there to spare 'your' feelings by sugar-coating shit.

As my friend says, he is 'not afraid to call an ugly baby ugly'.

Case in point, McConnell is a half-assed, Middle-Of-The-Road, Play-Along-To-Get-Along, appeasing cuck. He doesn't want to fight for Americans / America because he really doesn't believe in that mission / goal. He wants to appease both sides, don't rock the boat, keep the general status quo, not be targeted by the Democrats, and KEEP HIS CUSHY, HIGH-PAYING/PERKS JOB.

We have a saying for that in the military:

'Lead, Follow, or GTFO of the way.'

If you are not committed to fighting and winning, WHY ARE YOU HERE? You're useless!
- McConnell is useless.

Trump says the quiet part out loud....and it offends some people. 'Waaaaa!' Again, he's not there to make sure everyone likes him - that's not why he was elected.

He also put the Liberal Far Left Fake News Media who had crossed way over the line with personal/ partisan disrespect / attacks and journalistic malpractice in check. He did not allow himself to be used as a punching bag. He punched back, exposed them for their lies and propaganda, and rhey freaked because they had enjoyed the ability to do all of it until then without being challenged.... That was friggin' awesome!

Major left-wing LYING media actually won Pulitzer prizes - the highest award for journalistic integrity and reporting - despite being proven to have COMPLETELY FAILED by those standards ... and every word Trump said abiyt them, every accusation against them was TRUE ... .ut his mean tweets and brutal honesty exposed them, shamed them, caused them to lose credibility, trust, and viewers (MONEY).... 'Orange man bad...' LOL!

Trump wasn't / isn't always right and goes too far from time to time, but tbat is part of that cocky, 'alpha male', no backing down attitude / style.

(Notice how I have NOT said I support him or this style - I think he has no self-control and goes too far at times. All the assholes out there who like to try to speak FOR me pay close attention.

I do think a large measure of his style / attitude is required to deal with / xefeat piticians who have their own or other interests above what is best for country / constituents, what is required to face / defeat proven criminally partisan, self-serving, seditious, treasonous, radical failed policy / agenda-driven Marxist / Socialist leftists / liberals.

If you are offended by my comments, no longer feel we can be 'BFF's, or just simply disagree, I can live with that. This is one of the things that make America great!)
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Pacifism, bowing before your enemy, tolerating what you know is either 'half-assed' or just wrong will not overcome what is wrong with America and will not defeat its enemies.

Trump knew / knows this and was direct and forceful,he was not there to be anyone's buddy, he wasn't there to spare 'your' feelings by sugar-coating shit.

As my friend says, he is 'not afraid to call an ugly baby ugly'.

Case in point, McConnell is a half-assed, Middle-Of-The-Road, Play-Along-To-Get-Along, appeasing cuck. He doesn't want to fight for Americans / America because he realky doesn't believe in that mission / goal. He wants to appease both sides, don't rock the boat, keep the general status quo.

We have a saying for that in the military:

'Lead, Follow, or GTFO of the way.'

If you are not committed to fighting and winning, WHY ARE YOU HERE? You're useless!
- McConnell is useless.

Trump says the quiet part out loud....and it offends some people. 'Waaaaa!' Again, he's not there to make sure everyone likes him - that's not why he was elected.

He also put the Liberal Far Left Fake News Media who had crossed way over the line with personal/ partisan disrespect and journalisticmalpractice in check. He did not allow himself to be used as a punching bag. He punched back, exposed them for their lies and propaganda, and rhey freaked because they had enjoyed the ability to do all of it until then without being challenged.... That was friggin' awesome!

Trump wasn't / isn't always right and goes too far from time to time, but tbat is part of that cocky, 'alpha male', no backing down attitude / style.

(Notice how I have NOT said I support him or this style - I think he has no self-control and goes too far at times. All the assholes out there who like to try to speak FOR me pay close attention.

I do think a large measure of his style / attitude is required to deal with / xefeat piticians who have their own or other interests above what is best for country / constituents, what is required to face / defeat proven criminally partisan, self-serving, seditious, treasonous, radical failed policy / agenda-driven Marxist / Socialist leftists / liberals.

If you are offended by my comments, no longer feel we can be 'BFF's, or just simply disagree, I can live with that. This is one of the things that make America great!
thanks, liberal heads just imploded.
Pacifism, bowing before your enemy, tolerating what you know is either 'half-assed' or just wrong will not overcome what is wrong with America and will not defeat its enemies.

Trump knew / knows this and was direct and forceful,he was not there to be anyone's buddy, he wasn't there to spare 'your' feelings by sugar-coating shit.

As my friend says, he is 'not afraid to call an ugly baby ugly'.

Case in point, McConnell is a half-assed, Middle-Of-The-Road, Play-Along-To-Get-Along, appeasing cuck. He doesn't want to fight for Americans / America because he realky doesn't believe in that mission / goal. He wants to appease both sides, don't rock the boat, keep the general status quo.

We have a saying for that in the military:

'Lead, Follow, or GTFO of the way.'

If you are not committed to fighting and winning, WHY ARE YOU HERE? You're useless!
- McConnell is useless.

Trump says the quiet part out loud....and it offends some people. 'Waaaaa!' Again, he's not there to make sure everyone likes him - that's not why he was elected.

He also put the Liberal Far Left Fake News Media who had crossed way over the line with personal/ partisan disrespect and journalisticmalpractice in check. He did not allow himself to be used as a punching bag. He punched back, exposed them for their lies and propaganda, and rhey freaked because they had enjoyed the ability to do all of it until then without being challenged.... That was friggin' awesome!

Trump wasn't / isn't always right and goes too far from time to time, but tbat is part of that cocky, 'alpha male', no backing down attitude / style.

(Notice how I have NOT said I support him or this style - I think he has no self-control and goes too far at times. All the assholes out there who like to try to speak FOR me pay close attention.

I do think a large measure of his style / attitude is required to deal with / xefeat piticians who have their own or other interests above what is best for country / constituents, what is required to face / defeat proven criminally partisan, self-serving, seditious, treasonous, radical failed policy / agenda-driven Marxist / Socialist leftists / liberals.

If you are offended by my comments, no longer feel we can be 'BFF's, or just simply disagree, I can live with that. This is one of the things that make America great!
You could have just said you will worship this man unconditionally no matter what and saved yourself an awful lot of typing. Despite your lengthy attempt at justification you should know that I'll never understand wanting to be led.
Trump is an outsider. He doesn't fit the stereotype of a DC bureaucrat. And being wealthy, he can't be compromised or bought..

The statist government-loving left will go out of their way to disprove this.
If you're the Derp State, another way of saying it is "Trump is a loose cannon".
To me Trump is a New York liberal, we used him to mess with the democrats, and just like any toy, you put it away
You didn't use him, Smiley.

He rescued your sorry ass from Hitlery Clinton, and he was the only one who could do it. You know this and you should be grateful to him.

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