A serious question, serious replies only

Bottom line so far. Liberals hate Trump because the media and the DNC told them to.
The fake news liberal media can not afford to have a President stand against them, expose them, destroy their credibility, force them to lose viewers ...money!

If they allow 1 President to do so, soon every one of them might demand respect, honesty, integrity, and factual, non-partisan reporting.

Good grief - can't have that now, can we?!

I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
  1. The democrats hate Trump because he called them out and the media for all their lies, crimes, cover-ups and fake news.
  2. Women hate Trump because he is a braggart and ridicules or speaks cruely towards his opponents. (Most of them also never really consider the major policies and needs of this nation, only how he comes off.)
  3. The republicans in D.C. hate Trump because he’s a big showman who takes credit for everything and is an outsider of the grand old party. IOW, these republicans are egotistical scumbags who put their own personal concerns and careers ahead of the nation. They would not even give him money for the wall his first two years in office.
  4. The media hates Trump because he is going against everything they want to do with this nation. Because he is not into their “wokeness,” their perverse sexual ways, their love for liberals, etc., etc.
  5. Trump was the best president this nation has had in the past 100 years. I doubt he can overcome his negatives, I doubt anyone on either side of the aisle will allow it. Therefore, I hope he does not run.
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Marener said:
The salary is irrelevant. It’s the fact that he saw the government as his personal company that served him and not country.'

True - Hunter made money, Joe's brother made money, Joe has made money....

(We are talking about the Biden's, right?)
You didn't use him, Smiley.

He rescued your sorry ass from Hitlery Clinton, and he was the only one who could do it. You know this and you should be grateful to him.
And a No, yes we used him twinkle toes ,good God not everyone is as stupid as you, I always have ulterior motives, my entire life has been based around manipulation, no one really knows what I am after unless it's to late
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
I’ve been asking since day one
  1. The democrats hate Trump because he called them out and the media for all their lies, crimes, cover-ups and fake news.
  2. Women hate Trump because he is a braggart and ridicules or speaks cruely towards his opponents. (Most of them also never really consider the major policies and needs of this nation, only how he comes off.)
  3. The republicans in D.C. hate Trump because he’s a big showman who takes credit for everything and is an outsider of the grand old party. IOW, these republicans are egotistical scumbags who put their own personal concerns and careers ahead of the nation. They would not even give him money for the wall his first two years in office.
  4. The media hates Trump because he is going against everything they want to do with this nation. Because he is not into their “wokeness,” their perverse sexual ways, their love for liberals, etc., etc.
  5. Trump was the best president this nation has had in the past 100 years. I doubt he can overcome his negatives, I doubt anyone on either side of the aisle will allow it. Therefore, I hope he does not run.
lies, crimes, cover-ups and fake news.

Because he is not into their “wokeness,”
True, no argument from me, save for how many pols can can we say that about Jeh....~S~
Hate? I just think it made the U.S. look really bad in having a president with the mental mentality of a 12 year old.
Not an honest response. You know darn well there are many millions of Americans who absolutely HATE Donald Trump. And that HATRED began coincidentally after the 2016 election. Many of the Trump haters are on this message board and many more have prominent positions on Television, social media and as businessleaders.
You could have just said you will worship this man unconditionally no matter what and saved yourself an awful lot of typing. Despite your lengthy attempt at justification you should know that I'll never understand wanting to be led.
Yet another ad hominem.
It's the platform, loser.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

We disagree on that, but that's OK. Notice that not one lefty has weighed in on this. Really not surprising since none of them can say what it is that they are for.
1). Fuck Hilary
2). He was given 100's of Millions, hardly self made. Bankrupt. Is so-called RICH because he is TOTALLY compromised by Foreign money. We ALL should hate that.
3). No Comment
5). Great
6). Kim said nice things about trump.
7). He divided the Country like no other. Childish. Expected.
8). Neither did Obama, neither has Biden.
9). Doing his Job. Other POTUS's have done the same.
10). BFD, is MM was married to biden, you'd say she's UGLY. Childish.
11). He's a con man, cheat, liar, vile human, needs to have people say nice things about him, narcissist. Con Man is the biggest thing. He has cheated his entire life, and NOW he's claiming everyone is cheating against him. That's why I can't stand this POS trump. #1 Reason, Lying, Cheating, Con Man.
1). Fuck Hilary
2). He was given 100's of Millions, hardly self made. Bankrupt. Is so-called RICH because he is TOTALLY compromised by Foreign money. We ALL should hate that.
3). No Comment
5). Great
6). Kim said nice things about trump.
7). He divided the Country like no other. Childish. Expected.
8). Neither did Obama, neither has Biden.
9). Doing his Job. Other POTUS's have done the same.
10). BFD, is MM was married to biden, you'd say she's UGLY. Childish.
11). He's a con man, cheat, liar, vile human, needs to have people say nice things about him, narcissist. Con Man is the biggest thing. He has cheated his entire life, and NOW he's claiming everyone is cheating against him. That's why I can't stand this POS trump. #1 Reason, Lying, Cheating, Con Man.
Feel better, Spoiled Brat LibTard?
Didn't think so.
Drive through a slum, you psedo-intellectual, useless piece of shit.

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